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Populate The Prelude to War | Empire of the Lost's Populate of Kessel


War is coming.
The machinations of the Sith have led to the prelude to war. In the forests of Felucia the spy networks of the Tsis'Kaar and New Imperial Security Bureau lit a powdered keg resulting in both sides orchestrating a battle between the forces of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Velran Kilran Velran Kilran while their two leaders conspired together in secret to create an alliance. After Felucia fell- on the wealthy and vibrant world of Gala- the Mandalorian Protectors were hired by the native Hill people to provide security to the arranged peace summit between them and two other tribes only for their dwellings to be unceremoniously bombed resulting in the peace talks being stopped and all three delegations arrested as the Protectors sought out the rat among them.

After several skirmishes and battles were waged across the Galaxy between the Sith and Mandalorians a summit was convened on board the mighty Mors Mon as the Corpse Emperor, the Dead God, the Worm Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean brought together a war council to plan their next invasion. Will the hoards of the Sith turn to destroy their arch nemesis in the Mandalorian Protectors, or will their apathy for their old rivals turn them in favour of invasion of a new enemy in the Empire of the Lost? As Empyrean and his War Council debated strategy, tactics and resources for an attack on either side the sulphurous desert world of Florrum became a topic of interest as the cunning Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr brought up it's proximity to the borders of the Sith Holy Worlds to the north; the territories of the Empire of the Lost to the south; and the Hypergate which, if captured, would provide a direct connection to Jutrand and the mainland of the Sith Empire.

After joining the Tsis'Kaar on Felucia Alicia Drey Alicia Drey - Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau - infiltrated Empyrean's summit only to learn a great deal of many things. After leaking the events of Gala to the Sith (in order to draw the Mandalorian Protectors into the now inevitable conflict) Director Drey convened an emergency meeting on the Lost's Capital of Lianna to share what she has learned, and to secure the borders of the Empire now that the Sith are set to invade.

As the Lost Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and his newly established Imperial Moff Council rush to attend this emergency meeting the stage has been set as all three Imperial, Mandalorian and Sith factions stand on the precipice of a war set to permanently change the politics, economies, and positions of a multitude of players across the Galaxy.

But who is set to win this game?



Objective I
The Prelude to War

Immerse your character in the subtle art of politics and debate as the Imperial Moff Council convenes in an emergency meeting on Lianna to meet with the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau. Learn the exclusive details of the Sith War Council summit upon the Mors Mon and prepare yourself for invasion. In this dark hour before war the leaders of the Empire require counsel from advisors with keen insight into how best they should prepare the defence of Imperial strongholds throughout the borders of the Imperium, or represent yourself as a key figure in Imperial politics as the opportunity to become a hero or villain rises to the occasion.


Objective II
The Shaltin Tunnels

The lesser known Hyperspace Corridor of the
Shaltin Tunnels has become a sudden interest to the Empire and it's preparations for conflict with the Sith Order, and Mandalorian Protectors. This trade route goes through the Florrum system connecting the planet of Florrum to a multitude of star systems, and planets unaligned to the Empire, stretching all the way through Alliance held space to the Corporate Sector. To prepare for this invasion the Empire shall deploy Hyperspace Orbiting Scanners along this route to monitor traffic, so that in case of attack, the Imperium and it's valiant defenders are forewarned before the attackers can arrive.
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"By its very nature, the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order."
-- Darth Bane.

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori ~ Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell ~ Maestus Maestus ~ Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Vaukhus Vaukhus ~ Laertia Io Laertia Io ~ Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios ~ Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Objective I: The Prelude to War
Location: Imperial Moff Chambers, Lianna, secret emergency meeting.

The Grand Scheme is beginning to take shape.

Director Drey traversed through the familiar hallway which led into the chambers where Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had declared himself Emperor. In the wake of the Voland Administrations assassination (at his orders) a new paradigm had come into shape and the Empire of the Lost were guided into a new direction. Expansionist policies had been adopted resulted in the annexation of Lothal, Ruisto, Erilnar and Kegan as the Lost Emperor sought to bring the Kessel Sector into his domain. No doubt Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had eyes on acquiring the Spice trade to boon his coffers as he sought to consolidate his power.

Unfortunately, at least for him, the Sith were always a step ahead.

While Kessel and it's annexation seemed inevitable, to the northern borders of the Empire, the machinations of the Tsis'Kaar had taken shape. The result was the fall of Felucia into the Imperium's grateful hands, and elsewhere, on the wealthy and vibrant world of Gala, the New Imperial Security Bureau had played it's part well. As the Hill people sought answers from their Mandalorian Protectors as to who was responsible for the catastrophe that had claimed so many of their lives the possible peace talks between the natives had been shattered, and now Mandalorians walked their halls as their new occupiers.

Retaliation for Felucia had been as inevitable as the designs which had been laid to pave the way to conflict across the stars. As one of it's chief architects entered the chambers and took their assigned seat at the table Alicia collected herself to prepare the next set of lies and half-truths that were set to define the beginning of this century. It had not been in her agenda to see the Galactic Alliance besieged on two fronts. With the Dark Empire's successful invasions of Empress Teta, Prakith and Tython the valiant defenders of the Alliance found themselves caught on two frontlines as the dreaded Corpse Emperor and the hoards of the undead marched upon the Outer Rim Territories and into the Mid Rim to challenge the New Jedi Order.

So, using her powers of the dark side, Alicia had conspired to bring the Empire of the Lost into conflict with the Sith Order. Upon the Mors Mon Alicia recalled the Sith speaking of distractions as they sought to consolidate their war machine into a single purpose. It had been ironic to hear that as now, by the power of her own machinations, they were set to target the Empire of the Lost now that Felucia and their assets were in the hands of the Imperium. Distracted from their advancement on the Alliance Alicia hoped to give the Jedi every chance of defeating the Dark Imperials for, if they were to fall, then their supremacy would be untouchable under the rule of Emperor Fossk and the zealots whom served him so diligently.

Alicia could not take full credit for the impending invasion. The way that Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and his War Council had discussed the likes of herself, the 'lost' Imperials and the Mandalorian Protectors- seemingly a menace to the likes of the Kainites and their holdings in the Stygian Caldera- made it seem that a war with the Empire had been inevitable following the events on Felucia. Alicia may have lit the match, with the Tsis'Kaar, in order to spark the conflict that had led them to this point, but it still required the Worm to take the steps towards war.

After Felucia Alicia had expertly used her place in the Tsis'Kaar to ensure that the Mandalorian Protectors would be a contender in this new Star War. First, through the bombing on Gala, and secondly leaked information that she was confident the Sith Order would use now that the Empire of the Lost was set to be declared war upon. By bringing all three factions into conflict- through a combination of her own manipulations, and theirs- victory would be difficult for either side. Through prolonging the conflict Alicia would see the demise of many Sith, Mandalorian and Imperial alike thus strengthening herself both positionally in the upper echelons of the Empire, and in the dark side of the Force.

Now, on Lianna, Alicia would tie all these things together, and turn the prelude to war into the real thing. An emergency session had been called, and all members of the Imperial Moff Council were summoned to be debriefed on the impending attack on the Empire. By the end of the meeting they would make their preparations to defend the Imperium. When the Tsis'Kaar received word that the 'lost' Imperials were mobilizing the Sith would inevitably respond, and the conflict would begin in earnest.

As she took her seat Alicia adjusted the ear plugs she was wearing. Hidden beneath her long, flowing blonde hair she wondered what Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr would take from the session given the fact that he was now set to listen in on what was set to be said here. Foreseeing the presence of other Force-sensitives that were set to attend the meeting Alicia focused on the Art of the Small so that her powers would be undetectable.

Through destruction I breed creation;
two there should be, no more, no less.
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The Capital City of Voss-Ka

"Thank you for receiving me, Adjudicator Vado-Sa."

Maldor bowed slightly as he spoke- but only slightly. It was the sort of bow that spake of respect without suggesting equality.

"Of course, Lord Moff Mecetti," the Adjudicator replied, returning with a deeper bow of his own, "We are pleased and honored that you have chosen to settle your fleet here, as opposed to the Naval Yards at Tion." The Adjudicator then walked into the administrative conference room, leaving it open for Maldor to follow.

Maldor studied the man for a moment, before following him into the room. The suggestion of pleasure seemed genuine. In fact, the general population seemed quite pleased for Maldor to be quartered here. It was far from the reception he'd expected to receive from the Voss.

"I must say, I expected more hassle from the local population after conquering this system," Maldor confessed, taking a seat at the head of the table. The Adjudicator joined him at the opposite end. Four other figures were already gathered here.

"If you will forgive me a moment of blunted honesty, Lord Moff Mecetti?"

Maldor smirked and waved his hand, "A refreshing change from my usual."

Adjudicator Valdo-Sa smiled slightly in turn. "Voss have the gift of foresight. Not borne of Wisdom, my Lord Moff, but of the Force. We know what is coming. We know what would come if your forces were not here. Being occupied by the Empire is not ideal. However, it is the most ideal of all possible outcomes.

And I think you yourself will be very glad that you have quartered here, as well."

Maldor narrowed his gaze in suspicion.

It felt honest enough, but he couldn't help but wonder what they had seen to give them this opinion. His own senses within the Force were not ideally suited to long-term precognition. Feeling the movement of a blaster bolt or sword blade a half-second before it struck was a simple matter for him. Sensing events days, weeks, months, or even years in advance? It felt like so unlikely a thing as to be self-delusion.

And yet the holocrons spoke of it.

Darth Ayra manifested it, as near as he could tell.

And the Voss? The legends of their precognitive abilities went back for centuries. Ever since the Sith and the Jedi had first meddled in their affairs, and spawned new Force abilities within their people.

"Fair enough.

I shall take you at your word until events suggest otherwise. If you have the precognition you claim, then you well understand the price for betrayal.

So... let us begin.

With the resources of the Empire finally at my disposal, I now have a much larger force which I can bring to bear in order to fulfill the aspirations of the Emperor. I intend to marshal those forces in isolation as much as possible, and keep them safe until they are needed.

A third of my fleet must be used to patrol the Tion shipyards. The Emperor would allow nothing less. Those shipyards are important to Imperial ambitions.

Another third will perform general piracy patrols and threat interdiction along the entirety of my domain.

But the final third of my fleet will be here at all times. I am also ordering a modest shipyard to be constructed in orbit. Mainly for maintenance and repair, but also for the limited construction of ships as needed to replace losses. It is time I was free from reliance on the Grand Architect shipyard belonging to my father. He will have other uses for it, soon enough.

To this end, I will need to bend Voss' mineral resources to the task.

I don't think it was previously well understood how resource-rich Voss is. The Imperial surveys make no mention of it, suggesting the world's only value is in strategic positioning. But House Mecetti's mineral surveying teams have revealed that is not the case. Your mountains are rich in ore. That is probably what brought the Sith here more than a millennia ago.

I realize some of your mountains will have cultural or spiritual significance. So let us begin with the others.

Cultural Advisor... Al-mecey, isn't it?"

A Voss female at the left side of the table bowed her head. "Yes, Lord Moff Mecetti. We appreciate your forbearance in this matter. Not only for our sake, but for the sake of the Gormak tribes who might otherwise be inspired to a new rebellion.

The ancient Sith knew of our resources, and began to exploit them. The Jedi arrived and drove them away, without care for those resources themselves. Since that time, they have been largely forgotten. But the Voss remember.

We ourselves use only a tiny fraction of the metals and minerals available to us. We should be able to support the construction of a shipyard without infringing on sacred sites. Three mountains have been pre-selected to cause minimal cultural disruption while attaining valuable resources for your effort.

My recommendation begins with Mount Zalya, already partially exploited by the Sith. It has extensive Duranium ore deposits remaining. Enough to build a dozen Star Destroyers, or provide the framework for a single shipyard such as you envision.

Mount Veldrys has Titanium in extensive quantities, which can be alloyed into a dozen different ship components.

And Mount Balus contains one-thousand metric tons of Coaxium ore. It will be difficult to exploit, and only one-percent of it will survive refinement. However, the resulting ten metric tons of refined Coaxium would be worth Six Billion credits at fair market value.

Maldor's brows went up. Now there was a pretty picture.

"Pardon me," a male Voss interjected, "Sa-Krobl, Ministry of Natural resources. There is a hitch. We have no personnel trained in the extraction and refinement of Coaxium. We can provide manpower, but not the necessary expertise."

Maldor nodded, "Well, House Mecetti has contacts with mineral extraction and refinement experts. We will see what they are willing to rent their specialists for, and get a mining force trained up."

Just then, a beep sounded on Maldor's com unit.

He picked it up and said, "Patch it through to Conference Room One."

After a moment, the Captain of the Obscurer materialized over the table.

"Emergency Meeting of the Moff Council, my Lord. We can get you there by courier ship, or we can establish a holo-connection to the meeting when it begins."

Maldor frowned, contemplating the possibilities.

He should be able to attend from here without consequence... but he suspected that 'holo-phoning it in' would be considered improper at this early stage of his career.

"Have my shuttle prepped."

Then he addressed the others here, "We will continue this upon my return..."


Objective I
The Prelude to War

Hours later, as the meeting was scheduled to begin, Maldor Mecetti came into the Imperial Moff Conference Chamber on Lianna.

He glanced briefly at the doors, wondering if there would be another undeclared culling at this meeting.

Then his gaze settled briefly on Alicia Drey.

Well... perhaps if there was, it wouldn't go quite as anyone expected.

Settling in, he waited for the meeting to be called to order.

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori ~ Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell ~ Maestus Maestus ~ Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Vaukhus Vaukhus ~ Laertia Io Laertia Io ~ Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios ~ Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Maestus Maestus
Location: Encampment 32, Rhen Var | Moff Council Hall, Lianna
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 1 - Prelude to War


There was tension rising within the ranks of the Empire of the Lost. The Battle of Felucia between us and the forces of the Kainite was surely going to be the beginning of more spats of conflict. However, it was only a brief explosion of activity in the relative malaise that has formed in the wake of Emperor Kilran's bloody coronation. On my part, that time was spent growing the size of the Iron Legion's ranks from the worlds under my authority. Desevro and Chandaar have been transformed from derelict urban husks into military industrial hubs. I chose to make Desevro the primary seat of authority in the sector with its central location and strategic proximity to the capital. However, the unexpected and appreciated gift of Rhen Var from recent expansion has provided an interesting opportunity for drilling Iron Legion conscripts.

The planet has mostly been written off as a frozen wasteland. That was what made it perfect. Recruits from these Imperial worlds were sent to Rhen Var in these times waiting for conflict to flare again. New instillations were made in the ice fields that served as training encampments for future Iron Legion soldiers. Around the clock, sounds of artillery drills could be heard on distant ridges, and the encampments blared instructions in High Nelvanni to companies of recruits moving between training sessions.

Encampment 32 was subject to a personal inspection today. I walked in my uniform as Supreme Commander with my helmet on. General Varmund greeted me as was the duty of the Commanding Officer of the training facility. We exchanged solutes before continuing. "You honor us with this inspection, Supreme Commander.", he spoke stoically in the Eternal tongue, "Encampment 32 has seen record performance since its opening. Only fifteen recruit fatalities from live-fire drills this month, and a trend of exponential growth in performance has been seen by graduated soldiers."
"Well done, General.", I coldly replied as him, I, and the Ultranaut escorts approached the most recently graduated recruits, "Very well done, indeed." My remarks centering on how every soldier present was unmoving and in perfect formation. Their rifles shouldered at perfect angles, and not a single flaw in how they wore their uniforms. Without the slight hushed sounds of breathing from their helmet's masked-respirators, one may have even mistook them for droids. It was as it should be.

Hours later, I was just finished with dinner for the night when a message appeared on the holo-terminal. An emergency session of the Moff Council was called. It was time to enter the sickening world of politics once more. However, war on the horizon meant this session may be worth my time.


Lianna appeared mostly as I left it. Less anxious over the Emperor's coronation though. It appeared as if the people have now gotten used to the current regime. It was better this way. An Empire was not so without an Emperor. A less bloated Moff Council too, made it far easier to get things done. I now wore my conventional Imperial uniform, where my face did show. My security escort trailed behind me in rigid formation as I approached the meeting chamber. Workers of the council hall made way for our movement, as if we cut through any crowds like a knife.

Upon reaching the Council chamber, I dismissed my security escort to stand by while the meeting took place. I saw Director Drey at her seat. As I nodded to her acknowledging her presence, I spotted what appeared to be her scratching her ear. I made no change in facial expression despite a sensation that something was off. I knew better than to trust Intelligence Operatives. As my gaze turned to Moff Macetti, I would nod in kind to how I did to Director before taking my seat. It was now a matter of waiting for this council session to begin

Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: 1 - Prelude to War
Location: Quarren Shipyards, Minntooine | Moff Council Tower, Lianna
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan + Two Clone Bodyguards
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Vaukhus Vaukhus | Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran



Dac’s governor Dopirn Tez, the visible leader of the Quarren group that Teckla allowed to take the lead of politics in the Calamari sector motioned for the Moff to come forward to the viewport. ”We have ceased all construction on those bulbous monstrosities that the Calamari love so much. This is a rehash of a successful model of Quarren design. A mere corvette, but I have assurances that there will be larger ships soon.”

Teckla looked over the passing ship with little interest. I could serve her well as a personal ship. She didn’t command the sector’s navy, nor did she have any desire for anything more than the ability to command the navy where her troops were to be landed to be the most effective. ”This is certainly an upgrade to those organic looking behemoths. The Calamai ships are formidable however. You had best hope, Governor, that I am not sacrificing performance for aesthetics. I hope I am painfully open about the fact that I care very little for the look of a victory.”

The Quarren made an undistinguishable sound of dismay but bowed his head and shoulders to the Moff. ”I assure you once again Lady Moff, that the goal of the Quarren is to create and maintain naval dominance in the defense of this sector and in service of the Empire of the Lost. When time comes to see these ships in action you will not be disappointed.”

Moff Tane was about to give her approval when she heard her Command Sergeant mumbling in communication with someone. Teckla paused, holding a finger up to the Quarren Governor, who crossed his arms and waited as Teckla stared down Sgt. Kyrtan waiting for a report on the interruption. ”Sorry Ma’am. Emergency meeting of the Moff Council has been called. You are being requested on Lianna.”

Teckla frowned at the news. She enjoyed being part of the backbone of the Imperial defense. She even relished the power and prestige that being Moff gave her. But sitting at a desk listening to reports and talking over meaningless details was a tedious task that Teckla loathed. ”What do they need to talk to death now?” The Moff questioned in exasperation.

Her blonde command sergeant gave a shake of her head. ”Better to discuss en route Moff Tane. The Governor should not hear of the contents of the meeting.” The Quarren gave another slightly more angry sound, but knew that he was in no position to argue for the information. He merely bowed his head and watched as Teckla and her entourage departed.



The journey from Minntooine to Lianna was uneventful to say the least. The one thing that Teckla was happy for in being called to the meeting was that as she strode into the Moff Chambers her feet were finally once again on solid ground. It wasn’t as if she was afraid of space travel or being aboard shipyards or space stations. Teckla Tane was a being who answered her challenges with secure footing however and the vacuum of space never held that for her.

The Moff Chamber was a bit more welcoming than her first visit. The time when she was granted the title of Moff after the existing council was unceremoniously dismissed. Thankfully the chamber had been thoroughly cleaned since then and now that the Emperor’s chosen representatives were in place it seemed less likely that another such massacre would take place.

As Teckla strode to her assigned desk she noted the presence of the Staff Director of the NISB. Teckla did not trust the woman, but Teckla trusted very few people and fewer less spies, no matter who they served. Ms. Drey had brought good information to the Empire in her time. But Teckla couldn’t help wondering what she might have traded for that information. Also arriving prior to Teckla were Moffs Mecetti and DuPorcelen. Moff Tane nodded to her fellow dignitaries and took her seat. ”So finally our first real challenge huh? Has anyone taken the Emperor’s temperature? I bet he’s piping mad…”
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Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Vaukhus Vaukhus Vaukhus Vaukhus | Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran

An authenticated holomessage from the Hutt Space reached the council via the Undervine network. The mad but genius Velran deciphered the message first, perhaps by himself. He had reached out to the Hutts rumors claimed among the intelligence services.
Only a mad strategist like him would invite the slugs to the party, all at least agreed.
A logo appeared about the projector showing the intervined heraldic of many mighty Hutt clans.

"Kava su nudcha How goes the war, gentlemen and gentlewoman?

I hope you're doing well. I am the designated ambassador of the Hutt Cartel, as the short-lived ones call our council of equals without equals.

Furthermore, I have a business proposal for you, you could find to your liking.
Our considerable resources could at your services for a great discount.

We could deliver to you weapons, ships, stims and spice for your army and navy, and we could offer the service of fierce mercenaries, Ganks, Klatoonians, Vroodrans, Niktos and many more of the warrior races from the Si'Klaata Cluster.

And we could deliver skilled dancers for your houses of ill repute to boost the moral of your troops.

Finally, we could buy the many, many prisoners of war you will certainly catch in your coming great victories. And last, but not least, our authority over the underworld would scare the pirates away ... or even buy them to plunder your enemies for you and not your convoys.

Please confirm if you are interested in such a profitable business over this secure Undervine connection. Perhaps we could even discuss with your esteemed emissaries in person.

Mee jewz ju!"
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Stygeon Prime

Darth Rasnuhl stood in the center of a massive geothermally heated area listening to his various architects go over plans to secure its wildlife, and Ag potential from the deepening Iceage. Darth Rasnuhl wearing pants with greaves, boots, a belt and gauntlets showing off his numerous upper body lightsaber scars in the chill air as he began to train with three apprentices. Between lightsaber blocks & flourishes "So you are saying that all of your plans revolve around a wall around the area?" As all three gang up and try to hit him a white lightsaber joins his blood orange one in fending them off.

The architects all nervously shift before a older male speaks up "Well yes, whether it be a wall of ice, or of metal. Something needs to let the warmth pool here." A black haired pale women chimes in "We could always geo engineer the whole planet to slow or stop the Ice age. That would help the small ocean as well."
The three apprentices pounce upon the fact that he is distracted with a blitz. Despite Darth Rasnuhls best defense his left and right arm just after the gauntlet got burn marks. Right after he force pushes all three away "Enough. We have concluded todays lesson, tomorrow one of you will take the spot I had." Thank goodness the Empire of the Lost got the healing herb, makes healing so much faster.

Darth Rasnuhl turns to the Architects assembled "I also would like submissions for new training temple designs. It is to fit into the new city of Krupruu." setting up a new colonial city for his Zabrak people would gain more valued space, but importantly be within the Empires borders vs the rest that lie outside of them for the time being. The group of Architects in hushed tones talk before the one male speaks up "We will work on what you ask, give us about a week. Then you can review the designs." Darth Rasnuhl nods as one of his Generals walks over wearing a mostly black uniform with white embellishments, the black skinned female Zabrak with white tattoos walks up before bowing. "Lord Rasnuhl, There has been an emergency Moff council meeting that has been called." Those words meant that the sparring was over, time to go do another kind of work. "Thank you Hekae, prepare the shuttle. I will be over in a moment." Final words with the architects were exchanged before taking the shuttle to the Star Destroyer Sandstorm.

Objective 1: -Prelude to War

The shakedown trip for the Sandstorm from Stygeon Prime to Lianna was uneventful, but valuable training for possible enemy incursions after the debacle over Kegan were performed. The Kegan pirate incident did kick off a in-depth review of how to retrofit the ships for a different kind of war, and if the newly commissioned Assault Ship will need a retrofit before seeing front line service.

Lianna was the same as the first time he arrived during the emperor reveal, except there was more ship traffic than then. He wore mostly the same as on the Sparring grounds minus a tank top his cloak & helmet. As the shuttle descended Darth Rasnuhl went over the plan with his Ai <<I want a covert intrusion test against any network that pings off world. I don't trust any of them yet.>> Only the sound of the ship as it closed in on the proper landing pad filled his ears until the reply came. <<Operation runtimes are loaded, the Ai Cabal will kept up to date.>> Well here we go. The walk from the landing pad to the Moff Council chambers was the same as last time, just with some new banners. At the door to the chambers General Hekae along with two of his eager apprentices, and two soldiers wait off to the side & converse with their counterparts. Darth Rasnuhl walks into chambers and sees Moffs Teckla Tane Teckla Tane , Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , all seated with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey in the Directors seat.

Darth Rasnuhl walked to his assigned seat nodding at the others. Who actually could be trusted, who is a actual threat to the new Empire of the Lost. He mulled over during the once over. Upon sitting down the others seated watch as he takes off his helmet setting it down on the table & revealing his face to them for the first time. Darth Rasnuhl Zabrak's white horns contrasted with his orange skin, no hair, stark blue eyes, and black clan tattoos along with numerous lightsaber burn scars. Followed by his cloak over the chair revealing a military tank top, his muscled, scarred, & tattooed arms. Looking at the other Moffs and lingring on Teckla who was the closest, and to Director Drey who is the farthest away. "Hello, hopefully my face doesn't scare everyone, and hopefully everyone has been productive outside of the battles thus far?" This truly will show how things really are going in the Empire, and whether or not it can be held together. Darth Rasnuhl makes one final adjustment to his helmet placement to get optimal signal for his Ai's work. No sooner had the words left his mouth a holo transmission with the Hutt families logos appeared in the Moff chamber & a message played. Well that is interesting, might actually be useful.

| Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai |

Objective 1: -Prelude to War

Maldor looked to Teckla, shaking his head and speaking softly, "I would not dare to speculate on the Emperor's mood. I'm not entirely sure I've seen him happy, yet." Maniacal? Definitely. Happy? That seemed a bridge too far.

To Rasnuhl, he said, "You'd be hard pressed to shock us with your countenance after what happened last session, Darth. I'm just glad there's no entrails littered about."

Hopefully there would not be a second round of executions. Maldor had seen quite enough for one career.

A message from the Hutts was projected over the meeting table, along with the symbol of their criminal clans.


Maldor arched a brow, reaching out to ensure microphones were muted before he spoke, in case this was a two-way transmission.

"I wouldn't trust anything the Hutts may provide, and wouldn't want a single employee of theirs stepping foot into Imperial space.
However, there may be merit in contracting their services to pirate enemy supply lines. If we feel we can trust them not to feed us false intelligence, there may be a benefit to inserting Hutt-operated brothels among the enemy forces.

'Pillow talk' is a very real phenomenon. Brothel intelligence could become a viable tool of the NISB. The Ministry of Inquiry makes use of it in the Mecetti province. Men tend to boast inappropriately in order to impress women- even prostitutes. They'll confess all sorts of things openly to a bedmate that they'd hold back for hours during interrogation."

He glanced to Alicia, wondering what she might think.

| Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan

As each Moff took their designated seat Alicia did not turn her gaze to greet them. Her chin remained stationary atop a pair of hands clasped together and the gaze which she wore seemed distant as she looked upon the centre of the room. Lost in her own thoughts Alicia considered the intricate game that she had begun playing over these past few months and regarded her work with questions. It was only when Maldor finished talking that Alicia's eyes finally averted from the centre to look upon him.

"I do not agree," Alicia replied while reached out for the jug of water in front of her. As she poured herself a glass of it Alicia begun to explain. "The magnanimous offer of the Great Brodda is appreciated. I have authorised one of my men to handle the negotiations between the Empire and your organisation. I am now redirecting your transmission to my agent now."

After she finished pouring the glass of water Alicia set it aside momentarily and redirected Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai 's transmission from the council chamber to Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan . When the Hutt's image disappeared from the centre of the room (on top of a holographic projector) Alicia lifted her gaze to the ceiling and said: "Silence."

The Cone of Silence was subsequently voice activated and bathed the room in an eerie white glow. A static field surrounded the meeting which prevented all sound from being heard. At the same time the ear piece which connected Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and Alicia suddenly went static upon the activation of the device. Raising a palm to her left ear Alicia unhooked it and allowed it to dangle while she moved the meeting to it's original calling.

"I have convened this emergency meeting with the members of this Council to debrief you all on a gathering which took place in Sith occupied space to our northern borders. Darth Empyrean- infamously known as the Corpse Emperor- convened a war council to plan their next incursion. Among the things that I discovered about this meeting was the revelation that there is a substantial leak in my operation. Information was shared by an individual I have identified as Blepharon and the people gathered in this chamber are now persons of interest in my investigation into this leak."

Alicia took a gulp of water from her glass and then stood up from her seat. Snatching the remote on her desk she worked the device and turned to look at the ceiling. A canopy opened and an IT-O Interrogator floated through the crevice into the chamber. As the droid took a position beside her Alicia begun to explain:

"This interrogation unit has been fitted with a lie detection system of my own design. A series of questions will be asked by each member of this Council. Complying is not an option. As Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau I have the authority and station to require each and everyone one of you to comply with this audit today for the security of the Empire. One by one the interrogation unit will listen to your answers while the Cone of Silence will prevent them from being heard by the others. We will go one-by-one until I have either cleared or caught my suspect. Any refusal will be met with arrest and you will be detained for advanced questioning."

Alicia turned to Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl and said to him: "Ironically the only Sith in our Empire is not in my pool of suspects. We will be with you momentarily, Lord Rasnuhl. This will not take long."

Averting her gaze from Rasnuhl Alicia turned them to Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti . With the remote in her hand Alicia programmed the Cone to centre it's static field around herself and the Moff. Now that the two of them were inside this localized field everything that was said could not be heard by the others in the room.

"Answer the units questions truthfully, Lord Mecetti. It will know if you are lying."

A series of questions were asked by the interrogation unit:

1. Do you know who Lord Blepharon is?

2. Are you working for the Trade Federation of Planets?

3. Did you share the details of the Encrypted Message that Alicia Drey sent to you last month?

4. Do you know who is leaking the New Imperial Security Bureau?

5. Are you an undercover agent?

Objective 1: - Prelude to War

Maldor glanced to Alicia, then towards the her droid, and back at her again.

What was she playing at?

What was he meant to do, here?

Did she truly want him to speak the truth? Why was she interrogating him? Would his answers be recorded into that droid? Would anyone but her be privy to his answers?

Was the Emperor listening in?

She had failed to prepare him at all in advance of this interrogation.

"Blepharon. The Ministry of Inquiry has files on him, as did the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Apparatus, who provided regular briefing materials to the Senate while I served there.

Blepharon was something of a focus for me due to his banking connections. A Givin. Ghastly species. I understand they can endure a vacuum better than most. Unfortunately for them, they are somewhat notable in appearance. Makes them easy to track.
The fact that he's a major player in finance has put a spotlight on him that renders secrecy even less effective in his case.

He used to work for the Hutts. A mathematical genius, like many of his kind. Elevated to a position in the Sith Imperial Banking Clan. Intelligence reports state- with reasonable reliability- that he is force sensitive individual with some training.

Like many Sith-affiliates, he's floated from one Sith group to another. He has tempered his public ambitions, but the Ministry of Inquiry believes he wields significant influence behind the scenes."

Maldor shrugged, not sure why she was curious about the man.

Then he shook his head at the second question. "Everyone has to do business with the Trade Federation at some point, but I would never become their agent. They have no principles or loyalties or purpose that can be relied upon beyond their own self-interest.

Anyone with objectives beyond self-interest should steer clear of their employ, in my opinion. The Trade Federation will burn anyone without hesitation the moment the winds shift."

He hesitated at the third question. "I provide unsourced information to agents within the Ministry of Inquiry from time to time to utilize their intelligence-gathering resources on behalf of my Masters. I have not compromised the Empire, however. Quite the contrary. I have put my resources- including House intelligence resources- to good use. I know who my Master is, and I have not betrayed them."

Everything he'd said had been true in various ways at various times. He wondered if his mind was a complex enough labyrinth to keep the droid happy.

The fourth question gave him a long pause and a sped-up heart. He focused on meditation techniques to control his biological responses.

"Placing an agent within the NISB would be difficult," Maldor said carefully. "If I were trying to put a leak in the agency, I wouldn't use a person. I'd use technology." That was strictly true.

He added, "If I was a technology or trade partner, like the Trade Federation, I'd use that connection to get slicing resources into the NISB under the guise of an official purchase. Let the NISB walk the tech right into their most secret chambers, and watch the information I wanted flow out."

That was also true.

Finally, the last question.

Maldor swallowed.

Then he nodded.

"Yes," he said simply. "I have used my connections with House Mecetti to clandestinely acquire significant resources and information right under the Galactic Alliance's nose. I think that qualifies.

It just so happens I'm your agent."

He looked to the droid, then back at her again.

So many truths woven into so many lies.

Did I pass, he wondered.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Time: 1800 Hours
Location: Between Pondut Station and Kalla
Ship: Virtue Class Frigate; ISV Atrisa’s Tear
Tags: | Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey |

This was kriffing boring. Really, really, kriffing boring.

Staring out into the swirling of blue light that enveloped the bridge of Atrisa’s Tear as it hurtled through hyperspace, Xeproi’s mind couldn’t help but wander off their currently assigned task. Which, given the excitement of her first task as an NISB agent out on her own, shouldn’t have been the case. Life should’ve been flowing through her. Finally having the freedom, the purpose to go and complete a mission again should be enough. But going out on a ship with the sole purpose of dropping satellites off on a hyperspace route that was rarely if ever used seemed like an incredibly dull waste of her time.

That was, of course, what she expected to happen. And what had happened on the first stop at Pondut station. Atrisa’s Tear had taken a pause to let forth the shuttle hauling the satellite out of their hanger bay, waited an hour or so for the devise to be properly set up, then the shuttle returned and their journey continued on. They had at least three more of these stops to make, which meant a long, filled day of absolutely nothing.

So Xeproi sat on the bridge of the vessel, starting out in the swirling light, allowing her mind to wander back to times far past. As much as she could remember, of course. Memories were so spotty nowadays that even the faintest emotion she could grab was something that she held deeply in her heart. She missed her comrades, her commanders, those that had slept in the same bunks and on the same ships as her. The Dauntless were gone, far gone. Nothing would ever bring back those men and women. For all she knew, she was one of the last remnants of what that group used to be. The rest were scattered to the edges of the galaxy for all she knew.

Or dead. They could very well all be dead. That was the more likely possibility, that she was alone in this galaxy that had changed so much over the past thirty years.

These were the depressing thoughts that consumed her mind, wrapping them in it’s poisonous tendrils, up until the moment that captain Falklan strode up behind her. His boots hitting the durosteel floor prompted her attention, turning her head to catch those silver grey eyes hidden under the naval cap perched atop his head. “Can I help you, Captain?” A curt nod was the beginning of his response, one that Xeproi assumed would be nothing more than going to the hanger to look over the next satellite before they dropped it off. That was not the words that came out of his mouth.

“Agent Dashakan,” He started, his facial expression remaining cold and still as he spoke. “We have received word from New Imperial command. They would like you to factor in on the ongoing negotiations between the Imperium and the Hutts.”

That was certainly something different. Xeproi’s brow’s furrowed as she turned to fully face the officer. Her body language shifted, now more invested in the conversation to be had. “Me? Now? Are we diverting from the current mission?” There was hope that could be heard at the edge of her voice that she desperately attempted, and failed, to hide. Anything to get them off their current path would be desirable.

However, the shaking of the captain’s head was enough to pop her bubble. “No ma’am. The meeting has already begun. We are working to establish the connection and project it into the conference room, if you will make your way there.” Well, they wouldn’t be leaving their current mission. But at least she wouldn’t need to pass her time staring out a view port and counting down the milliseconds until she could do her next task. After a moment of processing, she gave Falklan a nod, standing and straightening her NISB uniform before making her way swiftly toward the conference room located adjacent to the bridge.

By the time she found herself standing in the simple conference room, with a holoprojector already showing the image of a hutt, it seemed as though the negotiations had begun.

"Kava su nudcha How goes the war, gentlemen and gentlewoman?

I hope you're doing well. I am the designated ambassador of the Hutt Cartel, as the short-lived ones call our council of equals without equals.

Furthermore, I have a business proposal for you, you could find to your liking.
Our considerable resources could at your services for a great discount.

We could deliver to you weapons, ships, stims and spice for your army and navy, and we could offer the service of fierce mercenaries, Ganks, Klatoonians, Vroodrans, Niktos and many more of the warrior races from the Si'Klaata Cluster.

And we could deliver skilled dancers for your houses of ill repute to boost the moral of your troops.

Finally, we could buy the many, many prisoners of war you will certainly catch in your coming great victories. And last, but not least, our authority over the underworld would scare the pirates away ... or even buy them to plunder your enemies for you and not your convoys.

Please confirm if you are interested in such a profitable business over this secure Undervine connection. Perhaps we could even discuss with your esteemed emissaries in person.

Mee jewz ju!"

Xeproi waited.

And continued to wait.

And waited a few more moments before realizing that this was her negotiation to lead. There would be no one else butting in, at least not now. A rush of excitement mixed with frustration moved through her. “Karablast…couldn’t even give me a heads up so I could be better prepared for this..” She muttered to herself, before clearing her throat. The zabrak then stepped forward, so that the holoprojector would take in her image and send it directly to the hutt in question.

“H'chu apenkee, esteemed Brodda Besadii Tai. I am Agent Xeproi Dashakan, representative of the Imperium and her interests. I will be the voice that you speak to in our time together, attempting to navigate the complicated matters of forming a profitable business for us both.” A pause, one allowing the Zabrak to begin to pace back and forth, letting her thoughts marinate on her mind before they slipped forth into the world. “I must ask, however, if you will allow me the dignity of asking a question before we begin. Why do you reach out to us, come to us, with this heavy discount of yours? What do you stand to gain from an partnership with our government that you can not receive in more..seedy ways?”

Her pacing stopped, turning toward the projector to await the response from the hutt. This question was as much of an information gathering one, as one for her own curiosity. The whole situation was quite interesting, and she could feel the excitement to be doing something worthwhile burning at the edge of her chest.

Finally, something worthy of doing.
The blue hologram flickered and instead of the house heraldic the face of a sly, imposing Hutt was shown.
An unspoken act of respect to show a face, as a face was designated as a representative of the Imperium. And a sign of self-esteem.
The Hutt did not care if the analytics of the xenopsychologists or computers would try to read his expressions.

"De wanna wanga, agent Xeproi", the deep and not unpleasant voice of the alien boomed. "A fair question, I must admit. Seedy ways. I see, you like writing history and dropping catchy names. I like the definition. A good name for our clandestine operation, so we can agree of a joint venture, don't you think?

It was mostly coincidental and a sign of good fortune, our clans hold a meeting at the same times as your clans.

Just kidding. Our sources in your realms and the intelligence of the GA your traitors are chatting with are all pillow talk about your secret meeting.
People as flamboyant as your force users never go unnoticed.

You underestimate our sense for business. Clandestine business is profitable, for sure, but money must be washed in complicated ways and unnecessary conflict arises that damage infrastructure and bind resources. To invest now in your coming war would earn us later immense profits.

I compare it with the difference between pirates and corsairs. Both do the same job, but the first is hated by all, the second praised as heroes by many.
We want to be seen not as heroes but as reliable partners for your mighty empire. Every empire would cast a long shadow, but shadows should be attached to the one who cast them.
We would be the SHADOW OF THE IMPERIUM. And we would grow when other syndicates would flock to us for profit and protection when your Imperium grows.

You see, no hidden agenda, only the creed of 20 000 years that let our area of space prosper: profit.

Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Last edited:


Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan ~ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Alicia listened to Maldor as he answered each of her questions. With the Cone of Silence localized around the pair of them (to prevent the others in the meeting from hearing Mecetti's answers) Alicia pouted her lips in thought: Not the apprentice then. Before she localized the field to surround herself and Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Alicia narrowed her gaze on Maldor and simply said: "I want a detailed report on everything House Mecetti knows about the Givin. We will talk more about this later."

With a remote in her hand Alicia programmed the Cone to fixate it's static barrier around herself and her new target for inquiry. Whereas Maldor was off the hook (and subsequently the first name in her pool of suspects) the same could not be said for Moff DuPorcelen. Alicia did not know much about the woman and up until this moment she had not considered her a person of interest. But this had changed with Dragsail Blepharon and his revelations upon the Mors Mon.

Alicia would hunt down the person who was sharing secrets with the Givin. Discover what organisation or interested parties were behind the leak which revealed that Alicia Drey was a double-agent for the Dark Empire and the Empire of the Lost. One by one she took turns. First interrogating Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen . Then she moved onto Teckla Tane Teckla Tane . Each Moff were asked the same questions that Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti were asked, and their compliance was not optional.

After all Alicia was still the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau and that meant that she could- at any time, with little to no reason- seize even the most powerful of individuals in the Empire if they threatened the security of the Imperium. Perhaps the only person that Director Drey could not do that too was the Emperor himself.

1. Do you know who Dragsail Blepharon is?

2. Are you working for the Trade Federation of Planets?

3. Did you share the details of the Encrypted Message that Alicia Drey sent to you last month?

4. Do you know who is leaking the New Imperial Security Bureau?

5. Are you an undercover agent?

Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Location: Moff Council Chamber, Lianna
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 1 - Prelude to War


The cone of silence went over Moff Macetti and the Director. Still, I had that off feeling about this matter. The ones who were disloyal and or useless were executed not that long ago. The mere idea that any of us could have been suspects was absurd, but yet not terribly surprising. However, it is clear that those I call colleagues now have varying degrees of an apatite for power. Seeking the role of the highest ranking Intelligence Operative in the Empire showed great ambition. From what I saw, Drey likely wanted to prove she was either on our level or higher and worthy of her title, or perhaps some shady dealing went wrong that started this leak. For a soldier like me, such musings were best left as such. Doing my duties to the Empire would keep my hands clean enough not to have this matter bite me later.

I maintained a cold expression while the questions were asked under the cone of silence. "No. I was part of the Eternal Empire based in the Unknown Regions where we cared little for outsiders. Coming to this part of space has been the first time have seen Sith in person. I have not cared much for their names other than who we may have been facing in the border skirmishes."

The next question came. If not for my respirator mask, I would have spat at such an insulting idea. I paused a moment to ensure that rage did not show. Externally, it looked as if I was calculating an answer. "Never in my life had I ever imagined working for that filthy organization. I was one who adamantly tried to keep them out of Imperial space when I talked with their representative at the Tion Summit in the Empire's earlier conquest. Corporate filth like that has dragged many galactic powers down, and the Empire would be no different if we let them in.", I paused another moment, "My attention has been occupied to developing my domain as Moff. Last I recall the Empire was keeping that organization at arms length being the closest they would be allowed. I hope that is still the case."

The encrypted message, right. Truth be told I was more focused on training soldiers and orchestrating logistics for the Empire that I paid little attention to it when it came to my terminal. I listened, but that was it. "No. I am a high ranking soldier with access to confidential information. The bare minimum is that I would not breach that code of conduct."

Then the questions became insulting to my intellect. However, the redundancies were typical for Intelligence. "No. The Bureau's daily operations are of no concern to me to begin with."

The last question came, and for that I simply answered,
"No.", while looking straight into the Director's eyes. What did Director Drey think of me? I am a soldier with subtly fitting that occupation. Situations like these solidified my hatred for politics.

Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: 1 - Prelude to War
Location: Moff Council Tower, Lianna
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan + Two Clone Bodyguards
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Vaukhus Vaukhus | Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran



The red-haired General did not pay much mind to the Hutt’s arrival. She knew that they had assets that would be seen as valuable to the Empire. But she held the species at even lower esteem than other non-humans. Her appreciation for “aliens” was actually growing as she had come to see what the alien races of the Calamari sector were capable of. But the Hutts. They were still low lifeforms that the NISB were much better equipped to deal with. The only interest that Teckla did have was her plan to crack down on transports coming from Hutt Space should any agreement be secured. What the others decided to do about the Hutts was on their own.

Teckla sat stone-faced as the Staff Director started making the rounds over her belief that there was a traitor in the Empire. First with Mecetti and then DuPorcelen. She couldn’t help a bit of a smirk as the Staff Director next picked on her. She imagined that the responses to questioning of Moff DuPorcelen were brief and blunt, and Alicia would get little more from Teckla. She was a military woman. The games that spies played weren’t of interest to her, though she would share in the fruits of the labor once things were documented properly in verified black and white.

The questions were asked and answered in a dull, brief, almost annoyed tone. Once completed Teckla would give Alicia a brief nod accepting that the woman was merely doing her job. No matter how tedious the task was for Moff Tane.

1. Do you know who Dragsail Blepharon is?
A: Negative

2. Are you working for the Trade Federation of Planets?
A: I barely have any interest in politics. None at all in economics outside of the Empire. We should keep our interests inside the Empire not toy with that group.

3. Did you share the details of the Encrypted Message that Alicia Drey sent to you last month?
A: I barely trust the spymaster Alicia Dray. I appreciate the work spies do and value information. But I am still in the process of validating the information. I don’t spread rumors.

4. Do you know who is leaking the New Imperial Security Bureau?
A: I have enough issues of my own. I try to steer clear of NISB business.

5. Are you an undercover agent?
A: Oh by the Force, no! I attack my enemies face to face.

Objective I: The Prelude to War
Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ~ Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai ~ Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan

As each interrogation came to a close Alicia had much to think about. The realisation that it had been Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen responsible for the alienation of the Trade Federation of Planets was just about the most interesting discovery out of the answers that both she and Teckla Tane Teckla Tane had provided. But as she stood there, listening to both of them, she knew that neither women were responsible for the leak that occurred aboard the Mors Mon.

"Thank you for your co-operation," Alicia said as she worked the remote in her hands to manipulate the Cone of Silence to lift it's barrier away from her respective interrogation targets. Satisfied that the leak had not occurred in the Empire of the Lost it was now time to move onto the next agenda of the meeting. Through her infiltration of the war council meeting convened by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Alicia had discovered that the Empire was set to be invaded imminently, and time was of the essence.

"Mere hours ago the Bureau launched an intelligence gathering operation aboard the flagship of the Sith Order," Alicia explained to the convened Imperial Moff Council and their Emperor: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran . "A war council meeting was convened by a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Empyrean aboard a ship known as the Mors Mon. The Bureau attempted to slice this ship to learn more about it but it's defenses were sophisticated. By our approximations the Mors Mon can be classified as a Super Star Destroyer. We will endeavour to learn more-"

A klaxon siren begun to blare within the council chambers as reports begun to circulate that the same ship that Alicia had been describing appeared- seemingly out of nowhere- above the planet Tion. Among these reports were sightings of several ships converging in the Tion system from Sith occupied space. Before the Director could finish her briefing- a warning of the imminent threat to the Empire- the Sith Order had already made their move.

The emergency meeting was abandoned, and all members of the Imperial Moff Council headed to their respective posts to begin defending the Empire.

The Siege of Tion had begun.


The Trial of Director Drey


The rest of this post is set in the aftermath of the Siege of Tion, and the Fate of Tion.

is no more. The stalwart defenders of the Empire of the Lost has been for naught. In the wake of it's fall, as darkness finished it's descent upon the tranquil world- as billions of Tionese were left at the mercy of the Sith Order- Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex gave the order. In a hail of turbolaser fire the world was destroyed by the Base Delta Zero leaving the Empire in crisis. Sith vengeance had been accomplished after what happened on Felucia.

The day was theirs.

But the destruction of Tion was not the only thing that had been revealed to these 'lost' Imperials. No . . . The Corpse Emperor himself had made sure that the annoying gnat- who had managed to flutter it's tiny wings into the fold of his war council- would pay the price for their incursion.

A revelation had been made to the Empire. The Worm had made sure that they knew.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was a traitor. A Double-Agent working within the Empire of the Lost and the Dark Empire working on behalf of these so called 'dark' Imperials that now occupied the Core, and were set to invade the Galactic Alliance Capital of Coruscant.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean wrote during the Siege of Tion . . .

"You have been led to your death by a betrayer in your own midst, brought ruination by the Dark Empire and its puppet Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . She has give shown her face to the Sith, to mock and goad them into this assault - goaded these riots at our approach, let this facility fall abandoned so that chaos could be strewn through your worlds. You are led like a lamb to slaughter, and will have nothing to show for it.", it boomed to all ears that would listen.

"We come to rectify this - to break the hold these false sewers of chaos have brought to your Empire. We seek to free you of this corruption, so that you may come to the table without these dark influences, and peace may be discussed. Let not this false leader bring your ruin, destroy her and her agents, and let us be at peace again. Break these chains, Imperial Citizens, Imperial Military, Imperial Security. Break these chains and commit yourself to saving your Empire from what she will do it."

Following it, data was sent showing all evidence of her identity, her betrayal, her locations during these events, and all the information Empyrean had gathered from his sources. She would be ousted to the hoi polloi, and soon the Mors Mon would transmit this very message to the galaxy at large. For now, however, this would suffice.

In the aftermath of the Sith attack, as reports were still circulating into Lianna that Tion had been reduced to molten slag, the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau- now an alleged traitor, with evidence- had been seized by the NISB within Lianna City. Escorted from the offices of the Bureau's Headquarters into a detention centre for questioning Alicia Drey Alicia Drey had been held for a month until her superiors could convene to determine her fate.

As the Tionese begin to rise up in arms, and rumours spread that a movement is being headed by a survivor of the attack, the Imperial Moff Council and their Emperor convene to begin the trial of the Staff Director to determine her fate.

The Trial of Director Drey begins now . . .

Darth Empyrean's evidence that Alicia Drey is a Double-Agent working for the Dark Empire as a spy within the Empire of the Lost:
  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's real name is Darth Ayra, a Sith Lord who once served the One Sith in the 840s and early 850s, over five decades ago.
  • Darth Ayra is a known member of the New Sith Order: a sect of Sith who serve the self-proclaimed Sith'ari, and Galactic Emperor, Darth Solipsis.
  • Ayra revealed herself during the War Council meeting aboard the Mors Mon and provoked the wrath of the Sith Order leading to the subsequent siege and destruction of Tion.

Location: MHGN Obscurer, in orbit over Voss, Attending via Holoconference​

A million men paying a million credits each could not have convinced Maldor Mecetti to step foot into this Moff meeting, assembled to judge the fate of Alicia Drey.

This was the sort of meeting where people were slain by weird Sithlike figures lurking in the shadows, using sabers and force-abilities to eviscerate selected persons at the whim of the Emperor.

He knew this, because he'd been in such a meeting before.

Last time, Alicia Drey had bodily protected him while the executions took place.

This time, she was the focus of an investigation into treason.

"Apologies for attending via holo," Maldor said to his fellow attendees, "I'm in the midst of operations receiving refugees from Tion on Voss, and moving shipbuilding from the Tion shipyards to the new Voss facilities. As you might imagine, the past few days have been a misery, given that Tion was at the forefront of my territories."

That was another reason he didn't want to be here.

Never mind Alicia's accused treasonous action. Maldor had just lost Tion, a sector he was responsible for.

His brilliant plan to use Scouts to penetrate the enemy Sith storm had been a failure.

Bella, the Miracle of the Imperial fighter corps, had even been believed killed. There was nothing like the loss of a hero to make the loss of a system more bitter.

The likelihood that the Emperor might decide to kill him was so real that Maldor was sitting on his flagship, currently. Ready to hyperspace away from Imperial space at a moment's notice.

Where would he go? He wasn't sure.

The Exile of House Mecetti was running out of safe harbors in the galaxy.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ~ Brodda Besadii Tai Brodda Besadii Tai ~ Xeproi Dashakan Xeproi Dashakan
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: 1 - Prelude to War
Location: Moff Council Tower, Lianna
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan + Two Clone Bodyguards
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Vaukhus Vaukhus | Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran



Teckla was beginning to regret accepting the position of Moff. If she had known that the Grand Master of the Imperial Crusaders was an attainable title for her, she may have rejected the Moff title and the duties of attending these meaningless meetings. Sure she would have risked the ire of Emperor Kilran, but she was silently confident that she could best the Admiral turned head-of-state. Then she could call herself Empress, and pass down all this garbage administrative detail.

In the aftermath of the Empire’s defeat on Tion, Teckla had come to the realization that “normal” fleets and soldiers, even super-efficient clones, were not going to be enough to defeat the Sith. The Empire’s own Force-Users needed to be used properly. She petitioned the Emperor to be named Grand Master and was granted the post. Now she was building up a naval strike force and plotting to set up headquarters and training facilities on Zigoola. These plans took time. Time that was now being wasted going over the guilt or innocence of a slimy snake. Teckla didn’t like Alicia Drey, but the woman was useful. Teckla didn’t care if Alicia was also Darth Arya. As long as her loyalties were in the right place. Of course, the Emperor had a bit more harsh take on Sith, so claiming the title of Darth was a dangerous thing.

As the message of the Corpse Emperor was played for the umpteenth time, Teckla shook her head. Those who were in the know were aware of the Staff Director’s duplicity. She had used information gained from her presence within the Dark Empire to get her position within the NISB. The fact that Alicia was somehow fifty years older than expected, and served old Sith sects also meant little to Teckla. ”This is a waste of time,” Teckla muttered to her aide-de-camp.

The appearance of Moff Mecetti via holo made Teckla grumble, ”Remind me to take advantage of that tactic later,” she whispered to Skyria who gave a nod. ”No need to apologize, Moff Mecetti. We all have other business to attend to. Your ingenuity to see to your duties while still making your presence known should be commended.”

The red haired General nodded to the holo of her fellow Moff and turned her attention to the Staff Director, former Staff Director? ”Everyone in this room knows the lengths that Alicia Drey has gone for information. So the only question I have is, are we sitting here and collecting evidence to question her loyalty? Are we looking for a scapegoat to pin a loss upon? Or is this just a show for the citizens?”
The defense of the Sith invasion of Tion had gone poorly, but much had been gleaned data wise. Plans were being updated in Project Thunderbird, for the Mors Mon would be seen again eventually. The factory had been emptied of missiles & important equipment before withdrawing. A secondary project to update all of Darth Rasnuhl's military assets & finish his flagship was well underway with Du'thra Engineering. Now Darth Rasnuhl was walking into the Moff chambers again, but this time to weigh Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's duplicity.

He walked in wearing his B class military attire along with a lightsaber on both sides. Nodding at Teckla Tane Teckla Tane then at the hologram of Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti before sitting down. Waiting until Moff Tane finished speaking he spoke "Director Drey, or perhaps former director. Or maybe you prefer Darth Ayra. I must ask what secrets you gave up from our Empire to get your information? And how do we trust you won't sell out the Empire in the future? If given leniency."

That was enough questions for the moment, but in reality the Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran probably had the last say.

Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Location: Moff Council Chamber, Lianna
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 1 - Prelude to War (Oversee the Trial of Director Drey)


Tion was lost. There was always someone to blame in an Empire. Our Emperor was nothing if not volatile. Someone would hang for this on his orders. I sat mostly at ease. I did my job as the carrier for the scout mission Moff Macetti had while also taking the hits from the Sith. Out of all of these here, I was sure I would be spared again. I had to have.

A few others were present here in person like I was, exception to Macetti. It did not take a genius to see that he had suspicions he would be held responsible for the failure at Tion. His excuse was legitimate enough to likely escape any ire from Emperor. I certainly gave Macetti the credit of being a clever man. My scruples with nobility remained the same, however he was certainly useful and not as pompous as others of his type. I nodded towards his projection at his seat in acknowledgement.

I sat rigidly at my seat while the others spoke. Moff Tane said much of how I saw this matter. It truly was a waste of our time. Her and I were soldiers first and foremost. My mind alone has spent these past few days orchestrating further training and recruitment of the Iron Legion, as well as a small personal project the Emperor graciously provided some assistance in resources towards. All of this was far more important than whether or not a former Sith in our ranks is truly loyal to the Empire.

As Darth Rasnuhl spoke, I found it somewhat humorous that regardless of how this case was concluded, it would not ultimately matter. Like the first time I walked into this room before the battle for Tion blindsided us, I had reservations on Director Drey. She had her usefulness, but she wreaked of ambition rather than duty. I truly found it no loss however this went.

I would quietly sigh beneath my respirator. On my face was an expression of cold, uncaring boredom. This was going to be long and wasteful. My hatred for politics manifested as I cut in after Darth Rasnuhl's jabs at Director Drey. Cold and more resonant than loud was my voice, "I concur with Moff Tane. If this is just to make Director Drey a scapegoat for the loss at Tion, just sentence her and we can be done with this. If this is to truly ensure the loyalty of the highest ranking Intelligence Operative in the Empire, then let us please be efficient with questioning.", I paused for a breath, "There is a war with the Sith to attend to. There are more battles coming that will not wait for a session of court to be resolved."


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