Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sand fox and memories

With formalities out of the way, they were down to business. A good thing considering business is what had brought him to the planet. "Same here, Josh. Though the slaver I'm after has a name. Slossk, a quarren with a knack of vanishing from authorities. I got a tip he was hiding on his planet, so here I am. Planned on investigating and asking around in the planet's more seedier areas, then me and my boys would track him down, arrest him, and seize his assets... while setting free any slaves of course. As for dealing with worms, I doubt they'll be too much trouble. They could be bad for business. I expect Slossk will avoid keeping his product around anything that might wish to eat it."

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Syn"] [member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened to Syn and crossed him off her mental list. He was here for the sort of creatures she’d spent her early life avoiding. And good luck to him. The indigenous creatures were welcome to the wilderness – it was theirs long before humans arrived. But where they threatened settlements, they needed to be thinned out at the very least.

Next she considered the Silver Jedi. He was definitely looking for the same people she was. The fact that such high-powered Jedi were seeking to intervene, made her wonder if she was out of her depth. But she did have local knowledge and could play some part in the team effort.

Abd the final Jedi had some information that she didn’t. She had recently been involved in a mission that involved a local gang and a quarren ship – and wondered if there was a link.

Once they’d all spoken, she nodded her understanding of what they’d shared. “My limited information suggests the dealer was going to move the slaves through this specific location and today was the time-frame given. And given you don’t get too many quarren this far out of the main settlements, this one should not be too difficult to spot once he lands.”

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Syn"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
"Sounds like the one I'm hunting" Josh would respond toward Vulpesen. Syn was looking for creatures, but that wasn't his concern. Though he supposed it might benefit to deal with them when possible, if they were a danger to nearby civilization. His job wasn't just handling slavers after all, even if that was what he had come here for.

"Well, seems we all have something to bring to the table. Why don't we get going and try to take out this bugger before he gets away? It'd be a shame to let the lady's information go to waste, aye? If we don't find him here, then it's going to be difficult and time-consuming to get back on the trail again" The Jedi would point out. "The creatures probably aren't going anywhere. Let's hit the slaver first."

[member="Lilla Syrin"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Syn"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
He listened to them and owed his head. "It would be dangerous to let you go off." He said it and stood taller turning around. "I'll help, just point where you need to go and I'll scout ahead." The jedi master moved forward but was looking at the girl who had the information, if it was accurate and he had no reason to doubt it then it was more then likely on a time table and he wasn't one for wasting time. "We should make haste." He was reaching out with the force and searching for it, for anything but he wasn't familier with this being to detect them in a field. Just feeling their life energy would hav e to be enough as the fell star on his chest glowed warmly augmenting him.
"I've got boys outside in my ship. I can send them to run lookout. And if you mean this specific location to mean this cantina, then perhaps it's best we not go anywhere." Reaching into his pocket, Vulpesen produced a small holoprojector which he activated in front of anyone, showing the image of a rather worn quarren. "That's our target. Get it in memory if you don't already know him." Hitting a button, he shut the holo down lest he gain too much attention. "What do y'all say? Stake it out over a few drinks?" His lips were turning into a wide grin as he leaned back in his seat, draining the rest of his glass. He loved it when a plan came together.

[member="Syn"] [member="Lilla Syrin"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened. She had been concerned that the sum of the parts would not equal their individual skills — given egos and the like. But they seemed to be receptive to working as a team.

And they were looking at her for a plan! She had a vague notion of one, so shared it with as much authority as she could muster.

“The ship is the key. Slaves need to be transported. And the quarren needs to be here to conclude the deal. I suspect they won’t land their main ship in the middle of the spaceport here — it’s small and would be too conspicuous. So we’re looking for a landing site nearby.”

@Vulpesen @Syn @Josh DragonsFlame
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Syn looked at Vulpesen when he was showing an image.... to a miraluka..... The jedi master remained neutral in his facial expression as he knew there was something electronic in front of him but couldn't see anything. He was tempted to point to someone random and ask 'Is that him' or say he could see him while waviing a hand in front of his face... He wasn't going to and he wasn't going to run off to start tryingt o hunt such a thing. Instead the jedi master listened to the plan and gave a bow of his head. "A ship landing in the wastes would stil be noticed, a place like this you just have to know who to talk with and ask. Or where to go." He was a little to clean cut for some of it but he smirked a little. "If you want information, the cantina is good but the slums are better. Everyone there pays attention, information is valuable to the right people. The comings and goings of people will be valuable to someone such as a rival."
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
He'd blacked out for a while, awakening with a groan. The light didn't change in his dimly lit cell, so it was impossible to tell how long he slept. His arms were blissfully numb, however a slight turn caused them to burn with an agonizing pain. He looked up as his captor entered.

The Quarren entered, and Zai licked his dry lips at the sight of a water canteen strapped to his belt. In holovids, the captured would take this chance to question his captor. Where am I? Who are you? And so on. In reality, slaves were expected to be silent. A 'talker' was likely to receive punishment. Zai kept his mouth shut.

The Quarren studied him. "A poor product" he said. "Damaged goods". Zai figured he was referring to his scarred face. The man brought up a datapad. "A First Order bounty, yet a pitiful sum". He leaned in closer. "Wasn't even worth the cost disposing of your...previous owner". Zai foolishly broke his own rule as he muttered: "Red is dead?"

He didn't see the hand, but he felt the slap. His cheek stung as the Quarren stared down in contempt. "Do not speak out of turn when addressing the great Slossk" he spoke venomously. A Rodian entered behind Slossk, passing a collar towards the Quarren. "Ahhh, about time" Slossk said, moving towards Zai. He fitted the collar around the boy's neck. "Let's give it a go". Slossk pressed a button on a remote and the collar activated. Zai screamed as pain flooded his body. All his muscles tensed at once and his body shuddered.

Slossk let go of the button and Zai slumped in his chains. "Move him to the transport" Slossk instructed his underling.

[member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Lilla Syrin"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Syn"]​
"Vulp" Josh would interrupt as Vulp would show around. "Vulp. He's blind. Syn is blind. He can't see it."

Letting out a sigh then, it seemed that this was going to be a bit more difficult than invisioned. "I suppose if we can't let her out of our sight just in case, it'd be best that if we -are- splitting up to gather information, one of us goes with her to ensure her safety. I might as well do it, I've been around Tatooine plenty and would know straight off if someone's about to get froggy" Josh would offer. "The slums would be the best bet, aye."
Vulpesen rolled his eyes as he tucked away the holo projector. "I'm well aware, Josh. But you and miss Lilla here, aren't. And it's not like I have any other means for telling [member="Syn"] here what to search for. As for the search, I can get my boys to spread out and look for possible locations. I can stay back here and arrest Slossk when he and his clients arrive." In regards to [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]'s desire to stay with [member="Lilla Syrin"], Vulpesen couldn't help but laugh a little. "They're just slavers. When I was her age I was stealing from Nar Shadaa crime rings. And that before I had jedi training."

[member="Zai Avery"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
He looked at [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] and spoke. "She is young but she is a jedi, she has the training to protect herself." He didn't add what he was doing at her age, but when you were over eight hundred you didn't talk about when you were young. He looked at [member="Vulpesen"] though. "HAve your men be careful with their wording or appearance. If word gets out a group dressed alike are asking about something or someone it can be just as bad for us." He offered a chuckle though and looked over at the bar. "A place like this will also have." He moved quickly, hand darting out past [member="Lilla Syrin"]'s head and grabbing something slick. The Q'nithian membrane let out sounds... their voice discussing the plan and everything before the jedi felt it squish and fall limp in his hand. The membrane was small the size of a finger but it was slippery now that it was popped as it were. "As I was saying, information is power here and anything can be for sale."

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla did not realise they were talking about her at first. Once she did, she had to bite her tongue. Her first thought was to evict them from the cantina. This was her home planet – probably – and she would deal with the slavers, even if they thought her incapable. Or worst still, a liability.

She settled for a scowl – she did not want to draw more attention than was necessary. “’She,’” she said without hiding her scorn, “Can take care of herself, thank you very much. I’m not a Youngling, or even a Padawan. You have more experience, yes, but do not treat me as a second-class Jedi.”

Yes, there was a more positive view of her by the end of the round of opinions and she called the Force to her momentarily to allow her to relax and calm her thoughts.

“So, can we agree on a plan?”

@Syn @Vulpesen @Josh DragonsFlame
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Lilla Syrin"]

He looked at her, blind yes but still turned his head to give her the illusion he was paying attention. She could have heard her from anywhere and he had that benefit.... but there was something to say about being polite. "I am certain they did not mean to imply." She stopped and couldn't finish the sentence. Mostly because he didn't want to lie. He was old and mostly out of fraks to give about offending but she was a jedi. She was able bodied and able to handle herself. If she needed help then no doubt she would have the brains to call for back up. He rose out fot he seat casually giving a bow of his head. "I'll go and check the slums, proceed Knight Syrin with your plan and I will aid you unless something dangerous appears. Then I do hope you will fall on experience and wisdom."
"And I've had slavers kill the slaves in the area just because they're so disposable, they'd prefer nobody had them if they are going to lose them" The Jedi spoke bluntly toward Vulpesen with a low growl, his expression as cold as ice as he seemed to almost stare a hole through him. "I don't appreciate you underestimating them, or being willing to risk any lives around them. It takes a cold, ruthless son of a schutta to be a slaver. Don't lump them together as non-threats. Sometimes ruthlessness can be far more dangerous than strength. For once, use your head instead of your willie" Josh pointed out, letting out a sigh in turn as he would return to the plan, though first looked toward [member="Lilla Syrin"] to address her remarks.

"I do not doubt your prowess. I am exercising caution, instead of Draven-ing into this. Put your pride stick away. We get the sodding message."

Now in a fairly irritable mood, Josh would take a deep breath to try to steady himself as - once again - he returned to the plan. "We need to gather information. Whether we split up or not, we need to decide ASAP."

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