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Approved Tech Sakura Medical Pulse Generator

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Advanced Power Source: Designed with an iso-didact power source giving it a massive and long shelf life.
  • Advanced Medical Use: Designed to target and eliminate necrotic tissue.
  • Self Repairing: Designed with the material, the self repairing and maintaining capabilities of the equipment are there to handle the stresses from everyday use.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a the ability but depending on the amount of damage done it can take moments like with stresses from use or weeks if highly damaged.
Designed by Sasori for their medical division and based on the idea of the arc pulse. With the ability to target something specific... in this case necrotic and dying or infected tissue. It would allow their medical services to quickly clean wounds and maintain when preforming operations as the currents break apart into sub atomic particles allowing the medical professionals to work. With proper healing applications it can work much better and handle larger scale infections protecting others. Sakura developing it aand more advancements to better facilitate healing methods as well as a secondary means to fight sick individuals that swarm with infection and necrotic tissue.
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