Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning after a few years, excited to thread.. Long live the Age Of the Underworld!

Good evening and Happy New Year, friends! My name is Ivory Stroud. I was a member a few years ago, heavily involved in an old group known as The Family. I've returned for the New Year, planning on reawakening some of my old contacts and making new ones. I love to thread, make deals, and explore the Galaxy.. I am excited to meet my fellow criminals and scoundrels. Stay tuned!
Aloof Drovian Privateer and Scourge of Wookiees
I just got back and have made six new characters in less then a week, so I can identify with the excitement you must be feeling. Welcome back and Happy Roleplaying!
Haha, thank you all so much! I am thrilled to return, and it's wonderful seeing old and new faces. Yes, it is very exciting to be back.. I'm sure the new characters will come, but this one will always be my favorite, lol. It is wonderful to see you all!

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