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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Merger Talks

Should the Sith Empire merge with the Sith Eternal?

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Lady Marrow Lady Marrow

Although a minor point, and having no intention of swaying TSE writers one way or another; I would like to clarify that this was not something SE came up with, is not a power play to usurp TSE administration, nor something we perpetrated.

We have, for what it's worth, been supporting TSE through OOC planning to help deal with invasions and cross faction ideas, but not a merge. Just had to clarify that point quick.
So I have a few observations, as a relatively new-ish perspective (also forgive the wall of text).

1) The invasions: I realize this is obvious but it's something that should be stated nonetheless. Although it'll likely be a relief to TSE's staff, merging and letting SE take some of the burden, the excessive amount of invasions will still be a major problem for both factions. Although the merger will definitely strengthen both factions, that underlying problem will remain and will need to be dealt with by someone at some point. TSE might have some more wiggle room to do it's own narrative but it'll ultimately still have to be a part of those invasions.

2) I can honestly see the concerns regarding becoming a subfaction, especially narratively to a smaller faction. Although the exact narrative can be worked out later, a general plan and outcome should be considered since it'll likely affect people's decision here. I don't entirely blame some people being upset at the progress they made essentially going to another faction, even if that faction is close enough for others to consider doing this, it is still distinct for the time being, and it would be a narrative step back from progress that was already made.

3) I personally can fully understand staff fatigue, it's something I am dealing with myself as an admin on another site. And it's for that reason that I agree with this decision. Remaining in status quo with a fatigued staff is mostly likely going to lead to the faction going minor (as others have said themselves), and I think that would be more upsetting to more people in general.

My Suggestion:
Consider a proper merger as Lady Marrow Lady Marrow already suggested. I think a single new faction, combining both identities would fulfill the original intent of the merge, and might relieve some of the contention around it. A fresh faction formed from both, instead of one becoming a part of another, would better acknowledge the effort put in by both. It would also generate a slew of new narrative opportunities for TSE to work off and gain muse from that isn't invasions, while also strengthening our overall position both OOC and IC.

A suggestion-within-a-suggestion(?):
This is mainly dependent on the previous part of the suggestion for obvious reasons but is more optional. I think it would definitely help if we considered bringing the Warlords of the Sith into this merge. Tbh I'm not entirely knowledgeable of SE's motivations in OOC or IC terms (by that I mean, what it's goals are narratively, the willingness of their staff to do this, etc), so I have no idea if the original suggestion will be something that's possible, let alone if the Warlords would also join in, but ideally it would further the benefits of my/Marrow's original suggestion to merge all three Sith factions.
Kalt Bruq Kalt Bruq

Some quick notes;

SE reached out to WOTS for a merger due to our very similar set ups prior to either of us going major - twice, as I recall, and both times were rebuffed as it was not respecting the narrative Voyance had promised and worked towards months prior. While I can't speak for them, they would very likely be against a merger given previous trends and narrative involved.

As far as a "new faction", SE has shown some apprehension to the merger without retaining our narrative and identity. I've spoken to TSE staff about it and how the end result would be, but I dont think SE is willing to upheave our narrative without extraneous circumstances.
Absolute Knowledge Corrupts Absolutely
Kalt Bruq Kalt Bruq

Some quick notes;

SE reached out to WOTS for a merger due to our very similar set ups prior to either of us going major - twice, as I recall, and both times were rebuffed as it was not respecting the narrative Voyance had promised and worked towards months prior. While I can't speak for them, they would very likely be against a merger given previous trends and narrative involved.

As far as a "new faction", SE has shown some apprehension to the merger without retaining our narrative and identity. I've spoken to TSE staff about it and how the end result would be, but I dont think SE is willing to upheave our narrative without extraneous circumstances.

Well see, here's the thing, one way or another accepting an additional almost 100 writers into your faction is going to 'radically' alter the consensus of the faction immediately, especially with a membership of under 50. So the narrative is going to alter no matter what you do. That's just the reality of it. And while your identity should remain the same. ICly, accepting dozens or hundreds of worlds into a coalition should be something that should be an extraneous circumstance, right?

I do think the SE should remain the 'dominant identity' but there should be signs of there being a fusion. I just really, REALLY hate the idea of "the TSE remains as it was, as bubble within the SE" idea. Its kinda horrid storytelling imo. If we're going to merge, lets merge and lets have cool IC consequences and tensions because of it~ People who used to be leaders no longer having that power, friction rising as they attempt to exert former control and challenging established powers, conflicting ideals etc all leading to an arc which truly unites us all.

If i could have it my way, there would be the creation of a sort of 'death watch' style faction within the SE, which would consist of a radical group of former members of the TSE who wanted to make things like the way they were, which would cause internal friction. Because No-one likes change. While the faction elsewhere would disseminate to whatever groups already exist. The merger in of itself and members of the TSE would be considered outsiders by and large for some time until they could prove their worth, as tensions and unease, exasperated by radicals within the group leading to some event or series of events which would bring a crisis that actually unites everything. <3
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