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Public Fundraising Gala on Coruscant (Senate, Media, Corporations, etc!)

Billionaire Businessman & Advocate
Location: Popular Coruscant Event Venue
Objective: Raise awareness and financial benefactors for "Hope City" on Lujo, a city for the displaced of war-torn planets.
Tags: Open!

Marovik Kobitana adjusted his tie in the mirror, a neutral look etched across his face as he made sure he was somewhat presentable. The down-to-earth entrepreneur wore a rather simple yet clean brown suit, not one for fancy or elaborate presentations. Despite this, he had learned how to navigate the upper classes of the Alliance, and knew that appearance was important.

He was one of the most well-known financial benefactors of the political arena, raising trillions of credits every year for noble causes, governmental projects, and political campaigns of those who aligned with his values and principles. Being a self made man, he had been thrust into the noble class due to his incredible success. While being very uncomfortable surrounded by such opulence, he had quickly realized the significant influence he could leverage within such a sphere of influence. That was when he had decided to establish the Kobitana Foundation, using his financial status and influence to bring significant change throughout the galaxy and the Alliance.

He had quickly become one of the go-to benefactors throughout the Alliance, however, he was very strict on the projects and politicians he would support. Being a naturally introverted man, he was not outspoken. But he was dedicated, compassionate, and powerful.

Today he was hosting a gala on coruscant for the sake of raising awareness and financial capital for the development of Hope City on Lujo, a city that would welcome the displaced peoples of war-torn planets throughout the Alliance. He of course had invited all of the usual financial supporters and political allies, such as Faith Organa Faith Organa and Alicio Organa Alicio Organa from Alderaan, who had inspired the project through their own passion project; Sanctuary City. All of the Senate was officially invited as well, as well as many corporations and businesses throughout the Core. There would be a public media release as well later that evening, and Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm had been officially invited to provide coverage if she was so inclined.

He let out a soft sigh as he scratched his cheek, lifting his chin and checking his beard to make sure it was not too unruly. With everything set in place, he ventured out of his room and into the venue that he had booked on Coruscant… a very large and popular location with a phenomenal view of the skyline. As he walked into the gala, he did not have any introduction or announcement, but none was needed. The man was an icon and known for his humble and quiet nature. He stopped in the hall, taking a look around at the attendants and considering who he might engage first.
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"No mother I'm not here with a date. I'm here for work."

Holly motioned to her Personal Integrated Media Assistant to stop flying around and start getting video footage of the guests arriving. The little droid beeped and whirred around to do as she asked and Holly rolled her eyes. The reporter had decided against bringing a camera crew to this event. It was tacky and she did not want to wear out her welcome, as only she had been extended an invitation. It was very rare for Mr. Kobitana to invite press at all. He was shy and not a camera hog. Usually these types of things would be a press release that his team would send over but an invitation meant a chance at an exclusive interview with the man, and Holly wasn't throwing that away for some date.

"Look mom I have to go. I'm here. I'll call you latter."

She hung the phone up, despite the voice issuing on the other side. Her mother, like everybody else, was concerned that Holly overworked herself and ignored her own social life but Holly couldn't help being an ambitious person.

"PIMA, make sure not to get in anybodies face. We are here as guests. We are allowed to cover but let's not seem out of place."

The droid beeped and followed Holly as she made her way into the building towards the lifts, smoothing her dress as she went.

Location: Coruscant
Objective: Represent the Jedi
Wearing: Link
Tag: Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana | Open

After hearing about the Gala that was hosted on Coruscant to offer support for the development of Hope City, Valery decided to travel to the large Ecumenopolis to represent the Jedi. She wasn't really one for large and mostly formal gatherings or parties, and she rarely wore dresses outside of date nights with her husband. But in these times of war, it was vital to show support for important causes that had the potential to uplift spirits throughout the Alliance.

With the development of Hope City, those affected most by the War would receive the help they needed to move forward with their lives, and this was something any Jedi would stand behind. So Valery wasn't just visiting because of her position within the NJO — she felt personally motivated to show her support and perhaps learn more about what was being done to help those who had lost their homes or worse in the war.

So after getting herself settled into her red dress, she applied her make-up and stepped out of the hotel room she had arranged for her stay here. A quick taxi ride later and she was one of the first to arrive at the large Gala, where she expected only more important political figures to arrive soon after. Some would be here to genuinely show their support, but she understood that it was a political game to some as well.

None of that mattered to her though — she simply looked for a quiet spot near a table with drinks on it, reached for a glass of wine, and elegantly curled her fingers around it. Until she found someone to talk to, she was going to remain on the balcony, her fiery eyes settled on the Coruscant skyline and her mind wandering off to distant places or memories.


Tano Keth


Location: Coruscant Event Venue
Objective: Networking
Tag: Open

It was the place to be. The name attached to the event was enough to attract the elite and powerful, like fluttermoth's to a glowlight. Korbitana was unequivocally the master of uppercrust fundraising. To be numbered among the philanthropic patrons of the event was no question for Tano. Not only the cream of the galaxies corporate moguls would be in attendance, but so would representatives of the 'socially-responsible' governments, organizations and entities. He also anticipated that some of the great minds of academia would be in attendance as well. Tano made a generous donation upon arrival, visible to the media present. Exposure in the press was free.

The eccentric Arkanian wandered through the elegant venue, sparking wineglass in hand. He wore a rather flamboyant garment whose design originated from some lost civilization. Resplendent in fur cape, leather and fine textile clothing, the white-haired Tano paused as a Duros executive stayed him with a gentle touch on the arm. Tano quirked a brow and let a small smile touch his lips.

"I found the stories of your latest expedition to be quite remarkable, if not challenging to believe in some parts." The large eyes of the Duros man showing neither accusation nor acceptance when it came to the claims of the tales. Tano turned, gently patting the large hand on his arm. "My friend, I didn't even tell the half of it." Tano replied with a polite smile.

He gently pulled out a small holodisc and held it in the flat of his hand. A touch from a black-painted nail brought a small holo-vid to life. Depicted in the vid was a squarish stone coffer. A man approached it, soundless voices of those around warning him to stop. When he touched the coffer, his body disintegrated. The vid flickered off. "The Wraith Box, as I reported. I lost a fool that day." Tano quipped with a wider grin, patted the Duros on the shoulder and moved on.


Location: Coruscant
Tags: Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana Valery Noble Valery Noble

Wearing: This dress

Isla was nervous about this gala, not because of the gala itself, she was actually starting to get used to these fundraisers, and quite enjoyed them. But the man holding the Gala was Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana , the father of her missing partner Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix . She had cried with concern in private over the last days, she would not show it publicly, but every moment she was missing, the chances of her never coming back grew. She knew the senator had enemies, she knew there had been assignation attempts, had they been successful?

She would put on a brave face, she was a strategic partner of the Kobitana Foundation and the needs of the galaxy did not rest and she owed it to Tiresh to do her best. This however was her first chance to meet Marovik, she hadn't been properly introduced, and she didn't even know how Tiresh would feel about them meeting without her, but here she was, dressed in a fine gown and ready to raise money and meet the potential future father in law.

Isla walked in and immediately admired the finery, she took a glass of wine when offered and continued in. A young delegate greeted her, she recognised the face but needed SAINT to prompt her of the name, he represented a small refugee group that had been place in sanctuary city not long after he joined. She was happy to hear they were doing well and had now moved on to a permanent home in the galactic core.

Across the room she saw the man of the hour, she didn't need SAINT to flag him up, but she did anyway, as if she wouldn't recognise her lovers father. It was interesting to see him in the flesh, seeing the man she had modelled her appearance after. It was now or never, he was alone and she could talk to him before anyone else pounced.

Approaching him she felt her heart racing, how much she wished Tiresh was here to guide this encounters. She touched her snowflake necklace to give her the strength she needed.

"Good evening Marovik, I'm Isla, I have heard so much about your from your daughter, I'm sad she can't be the one introducing us to each other."


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Represent the Ashlan Priesthood
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Valery Noble Valery Noble

When one thought of a gala, it usually conjured the image of people in fashionable suits and stunning dresses. Yet, amongst all of these a single man stood out. Brother Nol Akkos of the Church of Ashla himself felt out of place. Yet, he knew that he could not stay away when there was a gala that benefitted a cause close to his heart. Sure, while many associated with the Ashlan Church were militant firebrands, Nol was exception. He believed in using the Light as a tool for peace.

Yet, he was still a sight to behold. He seemed an almost walking contradiction. As a Kessurian, his reddish skin and horn-like montrals gave the silhouette of folkloric demons. Yet, he was draped in simple, Jedi-like robes of cream white and tan. To distinguish himself from the Jedi, there was a pendant across his neck in in the shape of Eagle of Ession, a symbol of the Ashlan Church.

At present, he felt crowded within the inner banquet hall. A cacophony of voices around him droning on. Most of them going on about politics, wealth, and business matters. Nol was merely a priest, and had no interests in such things. He decided to get some air.

The Kessurian stepped out on the balcony. The myriad of voices were quieted and he felt like he could hear himself think again. But he noticed he was not alone. There was a woman in red, seemingly in a similar boat as him (Valery). He walked near the balcony's edge, gazing out into the sea of lights that was Coruscant's planet-wide city.

"Can't stand all that noise either?" He gave a kind smile, "I sometimes forget how urban worlds are so lively."

He felt the nighttime air cross his mottled, red face. It was, in a way, soothing. He turned to face the woman

"Apologies for intruding on your sanctuary." He gave a light chuckle before bowing to her in greeting, "Brother Nol Akkos of the Ashlan Church."

"You are to go and represent the family at this even, your father and I are taking a much needed break, please express to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana our concern over Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix and if Alicio is there, introduce yourself and make yourself available to him. - your mother , I love you be safe not everything is as safe as it could be

And that was it task, and go. Pulled from his patrol of the Alderaan system borders, and from his position with Andien Gale Andien Gale to be...a poster boy for Alderaan.

He loved home don't get it wrong but he hated all the ceremony that drew attention to who he was and what they did. He was sure that it would be better to be a moisture farmer on Tatooine even with the desert, jawas, banthas, sand people....smugglers....hutts....he didn't miss anything.

He would have to find Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana the host thank him for hosting this gala and that the sister city on Lujo would be as successful as Sanctuary City. Which of course was only successful becuase Alicio was on top of it head to foot. He was like what 3rd cousin Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . Maybe he like to get a drink how old was he...probably like 50 with gray hair and beady eyes with the accountants stare. Well dressed of course, well spoken, and would have an air of respectability that came with age.

Yep. not someone he would want to hang with. But yes he'd find him if here and say hi.
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Billionaire Businessman & Advocate
Location: Popular Coruscant Event Venue
Objective: Raise awareness and financial benefactors for "Hope City" on Lujo, a city for the displaced of war-torn planets.
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Din Yachei Din Yachei Tano Keth Valery Noble Valery Noble Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm Open!

He pivoted his gaze at Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana ’s words, blinking for a moment as he realized that this was the woman who meant so much to his daughter, Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix . Immediately his gaze softened as he offered a pained yet warm smile, his eyes appearing heavy at the mention of his missing daughter.

“Isla.” She said softly as he placed a hand on her shoulder, “I am so glad to finally meet you, my dear. Tiresh speaks so fondly of you.” He let out a slightly labored sigh, “I must believe that she is ok. I will not stop looking for her, you have my word.” As soon as he had heard of her disappearance on Brentaal, he had hired the best private investigators that money could by. He could not let his daughter succumb to the same fate as her mother, he did not have the strength for such devastation.

He then stepped back and looked intently into her eyes, almost as if he was studying her soul, yet it was not suspicious or judgmental, but instead almost a curiosity as to who this woman was that his daughter had fallen in love with. “How long is your stay on Coruscant? I would very much like to have dinner with you if you can find the time.” He took her hands into his and squeezed them tightly, somewhat in an attempt to reassure Isla that Tiresh would be ok, but also to attempt to reassure himself as well. Finding someone who cared so deeply for her in the midst of this crisis was a true blessing for the man.


During their conversation, he had observed some familiar faces. It appeared that Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm had accepted his invitation, a fact that pleased him greatly. While not one for the limelight, the disappearance of his daughter in the midst of such a promising political movement had provoked him to make a public speech that he felt was necessary, considering the circumstances. He harbored great concern for his daughter, and for the Alliance… and he hoped to use his platform as an opportunity to share what was laying heavily on his heart.

He witnessed Valery Noble Valery Noble making her way to the balcony, one of Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez ’s closest friends. While very few knew that Tiresh was actually Kalie’s undercover persona, Valery was one of them who was trusted with the revelation. While he could not openly process such secretive realities, he hoped to connect with her at some point, to subtly comfort each other in the shared grief they surely both carried regarding her disappearance.

He had also observed Tano Keth , someone whom Marovik was familiar with. He would surely connect with him at some point this evening.

And then the Ashlan Crusade’s Din Yachei Din Yachei was here as well. The Alliance and the Ashlan Crusade had been making significant strides as of late in the strengthening of their alliance, and while he had not yet personally met the priest, his reputation preceded him. He would make every attempt to connect with him as well.

Theo Vereen Theo Vereen was another that caught his eye. He hoped to exchange greetings with him, sure that the night would allow for all the conversations to happen in their appropriate time, and hoping that he would have the strength to engage with so many people.

Alicio entered the fundraiser with little fanfare.

It was exactly the way he liked it. A quiet, unobtrusive entrance, wearing a quiet, unobtrusive outfit, acting all quiet and unobtrusive-like. Stepping through the doors the building, Alicio took an immediate right, headed to the drink table and picked something up.

Not because he was thirsty, but because he didn't know what else to do with his hands.

Alicio had helped organize Hope City, as steward to it's sister, Sanctuary City on Alderaan. He'd been there before they first broke ground, organized a few city blocks, shared a toast with it's benefactors. But he was a very small part in it's creation. The one that had done the lion's share wasn't present.

The young Alderaanian counted Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix as a friend, especially after all of their work on Hope City. The fact that she was missing for this gala twisted his gut.

He saw a few folks he recognized, namely Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , who he had met at his first ever fundraiser, alongside the Senator from Lujo. He recognized Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana , and had made sure to read up on the man before attending his party. He appreciated Marovik's reputation, and what he was doing to continue the Senator's work.

And, of course, he knew Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm , because he was an embarrassingly enormous fan of HNN.

Thus, with the crest of House Organa proudly displayed on his lapel, Count Alicio dove into the fray, walking past Theo Vereen Theo Vereen unknowingly, and up to Isla and Marovik as they spoke.

"Prime Minister Draellix," Alicio said, giving the woman a warm smile. "It's good to see you again. Hope things in the Crusade have treated you well."

He gave Marovik a slight bow at the waist, growing a bit more nervous at meeting someone new. "Alicio Organa. I assisted in Hope City's conceptualization with..." Alicio's mood soured. "Tiresh."

"Thank you for continuing her work. I'd like to support you in that however I can."

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Location: Coruscant
Tags: Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana Valery Noble Valery Noble

Wearing: This dress

Isla fought back tears and Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana attempted to reassure her, she could feel his own fear. She had despatched a pair of Ashlan Jurors to investiagte too, but there was much less they could do with the diplomatic restrictions she must abide by.

"It would be wonderful to be able to have dinner with you, I have an engagement to attend in a couple of days but I would love if we could do something tomorrow?"

She paused for second to catch her breath and compose herself..

"There also a certain permission I would like to ask you for, for when we have her back, but that can wait can't it?" she laughed bashful and smiled.

"Its pleasing to see so many people have come to honor your foundation and donate funds. Tiresh would be very pleased, I think I saw another Ashlan about too, it appears the humanitarian drive is spreading. There are many of us who would like nothing more to end the wars and like in peace. But until then, Whatever we can do to ease suffering we will."

She looked over at Din Yachei Din Yachei Who was talking to an attractive woman that SAINT identified as noted Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was aware that the Jedi of the Crusade were working to spread connections and a contact within her order could be useful.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa approached them and Isla greeted him warmly, she was very fond of the Alderaan Royal family, he and his wife did so much good work and with little fanfare.

"it is excellent to see you my friend, the Crusade treats me well, the Maw not so much, but it'll do. How are yourself and the good Queen holding up?"




He stewed in the bowels of Coruscant ever since the incident on Brentaal IV, a rather brief and hostile rush into an event that had seen to the sudden vanishment of Senator Tiresh Kobitana from the broader scene - for the moment, that is, either to resurface in due time or be lost forever. It was not his call, instead that of his second client in this move on the Coalition; both clients adored the shadows, the latter of the two less so, a fraction to differentiate them. His main client remained anonymous and continued to fund his ventures into the Core, should said ventures be in their interests. Someone had it out for the Coalition, even benefited from their demise and entire removal from the board. It was to be a feat in of itself to elminate them all as individuals, and thus the new motive became clear: scare them into submission, for fear was a fine motivator.

The Mandalorian devised his cruel and callous mission on the lowest of the lower levels, beside the scummiest of all the scum and the worst of all the criminal villains that Coruscant had on offer. He was discomforted from the notion the lot of them considered himself one of them, their needless and unmotivated actions were not of his nature. Fett adhered to a code, albeit one of loose morals. He was no common criminal. 'The Greatest Of All Time' the Dark Lord had called him, and so he was far better than these lowlives.

Shame that his abundance of contacts had been able to infiltrate him here, and nowhere else. It was too hot on the surface to last.

Fett relished in the chance to surface once the time had come, even if for one mission before Coruscant itself was to be abandoned. He was as infamous as ever, a wanted man now more so than ever before, and doubtless to see the desire to have him in chains increased in due time.

Politicians and their beloved fundraisers, made in a bid to ensure the increase of their funds shielded beneath an event one was meant to be in aware of. It was a life for the idealist, one that strived for the best of all worlds, blinded as a result of their own entitlement. The Coalition was a futile motion to dethrone those in control, to instead become their enemies once settled into their seats. The Senate was a circle, a wheel, and it never slowed for so much as a second. Not once outside forces inserted themselves into the shuffle, as Fett had been now.

Bathed in a shadow in the far distance, the Mandalorian watched on from beneath his T-visor. He scanned the faces of those in attendance, examined them, as if to choose his foe now. It was chosen well before this, however, and so there was one he settled on more than most. In this case, time was his friend and so he waited, and waited.
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Location: Coruscant
Objective: Represent the Jedi
Wearing: Link
Tag: Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana Din Yachei Din Yachei | Open

With her fiery eyes settled on the neon lights and endless rows of vehicles traveling above and between the gigantic skyscrapers, Valery drew in a breath of fresh air and allowed her mind to wander for a moment. She planned to return to the main hall soon, but with visitors still pouring in and everything starting up for the night, she desired a quieter moment to think about recent events. So much has happened, so much has changed, but the war persisted and this ultimately brought her here.

Having recovered from some time in captivity, as well as an experimental parasite that was meant to kill her, Valery felt stronger than ever before and many things were set in motion to continue a better path forward. But with that recovered strength came a sense of responsibility as well — she was a Jedi at heart, and this meant that she couldn't sit still while trouble out there threatened the peace and safety of innocents.

Soon, she was going to be out there again, helping lead the charge against the Maw and other destructive forces. But for now? This Gala was a great way to at least show the people of the Galaxy that they were not forgotten. That in their darkest days, people were thinking about them and making plans to help them. Knowing the Gala was about just that made all the talking about politics, wealth, and businesses just a little more bearable.

But as was to be expected, her thoughts would be interrupted soon enough by a voice, albeit a kind and even somewhat apologetic one. It snapped her back to reality and when she turned to face Din Yachei Din Yachei , Valery offered him a smile and a respectful bow of her head in return.

He didn't look like any of the other visitors, dressed in what almost looked like Jedi attire but with the noticeable symbol of the Ashlan Crusade, she could easily recognize.

"Oh it's quite alright, I was just getting some fresh air," she said as she leaned back against the railing of the balcony. Her eyes momentarily wandered into the hall behind Nol, where more people had gathered, some familiar faces included.

"I'm Master Valery Noble, of the New Jedi Order — it's a pleasure to meet you. I haven't actually had the chance to meet many of the Ashlan Crusaders, but I'm glad you decided to attend this Gala as well. I'm certain the support is greatly appreciated."


The heavy bass of approaching footsteps rang out like boulders dropped from a two-story building. The metal railing that lined the stairwell reverberated with each footfall and soon the incredibly massive frame of a furred beast took form on the edge of the banquet hall.

– Gorthalon in temporary position 'C3.' – His words were stern and emphasized by strict authority. – Keep the five minute pace, guardsmen. – Towering over every single individual present, he looked around the large gathering with a piercing gaze, his keen eyes scanning for telltale signs of hostile intent, his snout registering shifts in the behavior of the masses on a molecular level. The behemoth stepped to the side, right next to a wall so as to not block the way, raised his scarred hand and once again pressed the commlink in his ear. – I need reports from positions 'R1 to 5' and 'D2 to 8.' – He let go of the button in his ear and adjusted his ceremonial pauldron that was painted in the characteristic blue of the Senate Guard.

This was Gorthalon's first real assignment following his transfer to the Senate Guard. Although a war veteran, right now he did feel the anxiety of this new type of responsibility.
'Where am I?' The fleeting thought flashed over his eyes as they constantly darted from corner to corner, window to window, keeping vigil over the safety of those present. The former gladiator slave had spent the last seven years in the Pathfinder Corps of the Galactice Alliance Defense Force, fighting for democracy and justice on faraway lands, training new recruits on Balmorra, even gaining a miniscule amount of fame following an
invasion from the Maw, subsequently earning the title of Guardian of Jedha. Not that it meant anything among political giants like the ones present, ones whose well-being he swore to protect, even at the cost of his life, if need be.

Yet he had accepted this position with honor. He was an idealist. He would jump into the jaws of fire without hesitation. He was now a member of the Senate Guard. He was a Yuzzem. He looked over each visible member of the guard detachment and hoped for a smooth and peaceful event, aiming to impress his superior, the Captain of the Senate Guard himself, Ruus .
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Location: Banquet Hall, Coruscant

Theo had made it into the gala wearing something Claire designed a simple black suit made with shell spider silk which was great unless someone took a headshot at him or came at him with something more than a blade or blaster. Which wasn't hard to do anymore.

He casually picked up a glass of whatever was floating around on the trays, he couldn't help but watch the gathering around an older gentleman, from the holos he saw the man had to be Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana the woman he knew she had been at the party Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana now the kid looked familiar hey yeah he was in the room to that day, who was that?

Well at least he knew who he had to go and talk to now. He had rehearsed his speech several times. His nerves were still getting the better of him he really wasn't good at this.

He shook his head, he just noticed Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm he needed to make a big circle around her she was tenacious to say the least.

tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Gorthalon Gorthalon | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Tano Keth | Din Yachei Din Yachei | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Peyton Steele

Part of what she was doing was fact finding, part of it was doing what she did best, and that was finding ways to exploit certain people. Peyton Steele, a half blubreen from Naboo, was not unfamiliar to the glitz and glam of the Core. But with her calling to the Alliance and then following the allies she made in that, she found herself growing drastically fond of the Rim, the adventure and the journey. But what she was also finding, was that between Terminus, Mek-Sha, and now Denon, she was learning a lot of different things.

And seeing a role she could fill.

Coming in today under a shell corporation that was part of the Underground, Peyton Steele made her way through the atrium in a risqué red number. She was hoping to get noticed, or at least be seen as someone who was here to speak to people. Hope City, that sounded like it could be used to benefit people of the Scar Worlds, but perhaps it was something that she should keep in her back pocket.

She didn't like the corporate types. Doing philanthropy should come with some sweat, and tears, and blood, and not just for the sake of some money. The Scar Worlds Initiative was always there to work, and were helping to secure that part of the Rim. But here? Who knew what the Core was looking at.
Billionaire Businessman & Advocate
Location: Popular Coruscant Event Venue
Objective: Raise awareness and financial benefactors for "Hope City" on Lujo, a city for the displaced of war-torn planets.
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Din Yachei Din Yachei Tano Keth Valery Noble Valery Noble Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm Gorthalon Gorthalon Peyton Steele Koda Fett Koda Fett Open!

At her suggestion of meeting tomorrow for dinner, he smiled warmly and nodded in agreement, “I look forward to it, my dear.” As she continued, mentioning that she had a certain permission that she would like to request from him, his eyes immediately began to fill with tears. It was partially do the nature of the permission that he suspected, which was truly wonderful… but it was accompanied by the horrible absence of his daughter. So the tears were a mixture of joy and deep sadness. He cleared his throat quickly as he fought back the emotion, Quickly squeezing her hands in his and patting them reassuringly with an emotional nod. That was all he could muster.

As she changed the subject, he welcomed the distraction. “Much in thanks to you, my dear. You and Tiresh have built a wonderful bridge for not only our humanitarian efforts, but for the Alliance and the Ashlan Crusade. You two represent the future of what is possible. I’m terribly proud of both of you… not that you need my pride as any confirmation.” He chuckled, looking down for a moment of embarrassment, then back up at her with a nod.

He turned with Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana to welcome Alicio Organa Alicio Organa into their conversation, bringing his arms back down to his sides in a rather rigid-looking posture, but such was expected from the man… Everything he did at these official fundraisers took significant effort and energy, as he was not naturally a social butterfly.

He nodded to Alicio, “Yes… Tiresh has told me much about you. I am grateful for everything you have contributed. Hopefully, Hope City can live up to the reputation of the city that inspired it.” He smiled and chuckled to himself at using the word hope twice, his eyes drifting off towards the ceiling for a moment as his thoughts wandered inside his own mind before coming back to the conversation.

At about that point, his assistant tapped on his shoulder, drawing his attention away as they exchanged some hushed words. He nodded, then turned back to Alicio and Isla. “It appears that it is time for my opening speech.” He said apologetically with a bow, “Hopefully I don’t mess it up.” He smiled at the two, “Please excuse me for a moment?”

He was led over to Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm by his assistant, and Marovik offered her a smile and a handshake, “Ms. Starstorm. Thank you so much for coming. I hope it’s not too much to ask… I wish to share something that is on my heart, and I would like for you to share it with the Alliance. I feel that it is important...”
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Location: Coruscant
Tags: Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Din Yachei Din Yachei Valery Noble Valery Noble

Wearing: This dress

Isla was pleased for the approval of this man, for all her power and authority, Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana was important to his daughter and if he disapproved she felt it would impact Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix negatively. She smiled as he excused himself and turned to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa .

"We should arrange a meeting soon to discuss adding another baby to the Sister cities you and Tiresh have been working on. I had a brief discussion with her, and have a planet in mind on the southern border of Ashlan space."

She felt the need to go and introduce herself to the Ashlan Priest, SAINT immediately flagged his name up for her, but she had not met him and it would be rude not to.

"we will talk later but I must go and speak to my Ashlan Collegue, feel free to join me."

Isla walked over to where Din Yachei Din Yachei and Valery Noble Valery Noble were speaking and turned to the Kessurian first. "Nol Akkos, we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, I am Isla. It really warms my heart to see a fellow Ashlan at one of these events. As you are probably aware, the Kobitana Foundation and its humanitarian efforts are a cause that's close to me heart." she absent mindedly played with the snowflake necklace around her neck as she spoke, Tiresh had bought them as a pair on the evening they found each other's love. She was glad she could finally wear it openly, and hoped that wherever Tiresh was, she still had hers.

Isla next turned to Valery Noble Valery Noble and bowed her head respectfully "Master Noble, it is good to meet you, as beautiful as the rumours I have heard it appears." She smiled, Valery would have been clear from her tone this was a diplomatic compliment and Isla was not trying to flirt with her. "Are you here representing the Jedi Order or as a personal attendance? It is a shame that our respective orders haven't worked together much. And allow me to congratulate you on your recent marriage to Kahlil, I have worked with him on occasion and he strikes me as a good man." Isla was formal and friendly to the other attendees, she had become more bubbly and personable on recent months, but the current situation caused her to revert back to her comfortable professionalism.


"Glad to hear it," he responded to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , offering a small smile. "Uh, not the bit about the Maw, of course."

In response to Isla's returned question about himself and his cousin, Faith Organa Faith Organa , Alicio tried his best not to look tired or overworked, both of which he most certainly was. "Cousin Faith and I are stretched thin. But we manage," he said, not losing the spark of determination in his eye.

He didn't dare say much more.

Alicio then devoted his full attention to Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana . He fully related to the older man's fatigue at social gatherings. It wouldn't be much longer before the young Organa had to take some time alone.

"I have no doubt it will. After all, the galaxy could always use more Hope," Alicio said, chuckling a bit to himself.

The nobleman nodded to Marovik as he began to step away. "Break a leg."

At Isla's mention of another project, the nobleman nodded emphatically. "The more homes we can create for refugees, the better. We'll certainly discuss it." It'd be the fourth Alicio would help cultivate. He was quickly becoming an expert in the field.

"I'll be here," Alicio said to Isla as she began to walk away, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... ah... need a moment to breathe."

The Count was eager to hear this speech the elder Kobitana would give. He'd immediately taken a liking to Marovik.

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Seva Geroux surveyed the scene.

The event venue was quite elegant. And it should be, after all, this was Coruscant. The noblewoman gave a small nod of approval as she entered, holding the hem of her dress up off the floor as she walked. Tonight, she'd chosen a rather ornate dress that was topped off with a headpiece and dark red lipstick. Part of fundraising was indeed the... funds and the Geroux family often made it known that they had funds to go around.

That's why she was here.

Good will to the galaxy, her family would be happy to contribute to the Hope City project. Though, Seva may have had other reasons for visiting Coruscant tonight. It wasn't known to many in her social circle that she was actually training to be a Jedi. Attending events away from the prying eyes of Commenori Socialites was a good thing as far as Seva was concerned. It gave her the opportunity to gauge this whole... being a Jedi thing and truly decide if it was her path or not. Well, at least openly. She'd done her fair share of good deeds, but all completed in secrecy, so as not to let her parents know that she was out gallivanting and using displays of the force.

For now, she kept her expression impassive -- a bit snooty, even. Though, she did not try to mask her presence in the force as she normally did.
On the move towards Alicio Organa Alicio Organa and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

His mother had sent him to represent her so he was going off to represent. He figured out that perhaps if he talked to those that had just talked to Marovik Kobitana Marovik Kobitana he could confirm first then wait his turn to introduce himself.

He got through the crowd and then put on his manners, addressing a young man who he knew was at the event that day, "Excuse, I was wondering have we met before, were you on Alderaan a bit ago for a fundraiser" He waited looking at Alicio. What was he to Isla, boy friend maybe? That presented an interesting image not one that he would go further with other than how they looked together.

Be nice Theo, be nice the prince you're supposed to be. He talked to himself in his head a lot out of nerves.

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