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Public First Galactic Loong Cat Contest

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
First Galactic Loong Cat Contest

The First Galactic Loong cat competition. The venue is Arkania. A place that is central to everyone, easy to approach, and of course an independent planet, so that no one would have any diplomatic trouble with coming here. But the event isn’t about politics, it’s not about wars, it’s about love for cats and loong cats. A place where everyone can present their most beautiful and special loong cat to the entire galaxy.

Because it’s all about the Loong cat here, even if someone were to try to have the lead role, let’s face it, no one but cats has much of a chance to do that. So today theirs is the main role. Here you can pet cats and buy them at affordable prices, either from HPI or other breeders. Everyone can bring their own cat with which to start the race, you can even bet on them. Of course, new breeds can also be introduced, as the number of variations is endless

The event will run for several days, at the end of which it will be revealed who will win the first Galactic Loong cat competition. And the HPI Consortium is offering the full proceeds of the competition to the Brighter Future Foundation and the Galactic Emergency Relief Fund.


Links: Loong cat | OOC thread | Arkania


The event is open to everyone, it’s a thread for cat lovers and loong cat fans, so I’d be happy to be free from the fights. It’s a social thread to make everyone feel good.
Given that not everyone can draw or manipulate a picture, so whoever wants to start a race, feel free to search the internet for a cat picture that fits a loong cat.

Arkania. The twins had never been, and it wasn't that long ago that they had never left their homeworld of Nar Shaddaa at all. Now they had a bit more freedoms to do so. Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt allowed them the opportunities and of course they were guarded. Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure was their own personal hire for a bodyguard and so far, they liked having him. Not only was he protective, but he was kind to them as well. The twins weren't used to kindness. They were far too used to being taken advantage of for their gifts and exploited. Either that or people with an apparent moral compass tried to 'free them from slavery'. Yet according to the twins, they were in far better hands under Broka and the Black Sun than they would ever be elsewhere. They weren't so quick to leave it.

At the mention of a loong cat species, the twins were intrigued. They had never had a pet before, and surely now they can afford one. They saved up their credits just for the event. Loong cats were exotic. Surely there was an underground market for them as well, which the Black Sun could profit from. That was their other excuse for coming here.

Walking arm in arm, Willow and Ivy headed into the venue. They were met with so many mews and purrs with a variety of loong cats everywhere! It was like a dream; a beautiful, furry and cute-filled dream.

"What colour should we get?"

"I don't know. There are so many to choose from."

"Should we get a long haired one?"

"Short hair might be better. We live on a desert world.

"Oh yeah, and it'll be staying at home at the Sky Palace".

It wasn't long before the twins spotted a pair of yellow eyes en massed in grey striped fur that almost beckoned them to approach. With growing smiles on their faces, they started making their way towards the loong cat.



Objective: Buy That Special Snuggle Buddy


For as long as she could remember, she always wanted a special sidekick. One that didn't eat much. One that didn't take up much space. One that didn't snore. One that she could, well, snuggle with nightly and there would be no awkwardness the following morning. She wanted a cat! Coming to Arkania for this competition proved fruitful. There were several types of little kitties....big and small....young and old....playful and lazy...and the color schemes; oh my the colorful patterns on some of these fluffy balls of joy was exotic to eyes. So many choices, sadly she couldn't buy them all. It wasn't the credits she was worried about, but the space on the ship and her personal living quarters; after all, she didn't want to become a spinster now....and the crazy cat lady later in life.

Today of all days, she was going to bring home a fur baby. She even had a name already picked out. Besides the opportunity to purchase a life-long companion, there was some sort of special event or contest being staged. She wasn't a gambling woman, but she did enjoy the occasional risk. As she moved about, falling in love with each loong cat she passed, perhaps she thought to herself purchasing the whole lot was reasonable.

Until M-XIII locked eyes with


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