Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ernesto Valincruz

NAME: Ernesto Valincruz
FACTION: Sith empire
RANK: Admiral
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 195 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Gray
SKIN: Light


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Admiral Ernesto is an incredibly intelligent, methodical man. Possessing an immense knowledge of fleet combat tactics and military tactics in general. He has a stated interest in Unique, some would say odd pieces of technology. His intelligence bay also be his greatest weakness, as he is also very vain and egotistical. Allowing him to be easily pushed into dangerous situations. and his borderline obsession with rare and odd pieces of tech can lead him to make poor decisions in the quest to obtain them.

The Leviathan. Victory class star destroyer .

Admiral Valincruz attended the imperial naval academy at the age of 18 before the incident of the gulag virus took hold of the galaxy. He graduated with honors. Having top marks in the fields of tactical military command and military intelligence. He rose through the ranks of the imperial navy rather quickly and was promoted to the rank of admiral by age 30. He was immediately given control of a top-secret research facility deep within the unknown region. Were he and his team began work on several new weapons systems. but before they could make much head way news of the rapidly spreading gulag virus reached them. The admiral immediately ordered the borders of the installation closed tight to the outside, and it appeared for awhile that they had escaped the fate of the galaxy at whole. Then the first case appeared in his staff. It began to spread rapidly and it became clear that there was only once choice remaining. he ordered all the uninfected into cryo sleep, along with a specimen of the virus held in stasis. Including himself.

The units were programmed to wake him in 500 years time, but somehow they malfunctioned and when he awoke his computers informed him that only 399 years had passed. He quickly awoke the others who were in stasis and began to send small scouts out to see if the virus still held the galaxy on the brink of oblivion. They soon enough reported back that no, the virus seems to have vanished. And whats more the Empire still seems to exist. So the admiral orders the massive construction abilities of the installation to swing into play building him a fleet. He would soon rejoin his beloved empire and together claim this galaxy once again




I have already began a thread were i intend to give it to the empire. i just need a proper member of the empire to come out and greet me. at witch point i will ask to speak to the leadership and turn over the keys. I wish to fold this character into the command structure.
I think that for now that's a no.

Militaries are being restricted because the galaxy is emerging from a dark age.

I do not understand how a person held in stasis for 399 years would suddenly have access to the resources to build an Executor to give the Empire. After all, such a ship requires tens of thousands of crew, massive resources and unbelievable repairs and maintenance. I find the fact he has any ships very odd, since 400 years have passed and even if he had the materials at this station he wouldn't have the necessary crew or new facilities to build the vessels.
as per his back story. The maw installation. the same facility that constructed the original deathstar would have the ability to build an SSD correct? and i shall bring it before the faction and if the answer is no i will adjust his bio accordingly.
That, my friend, is not going to fly. The Maw Installation was destroyed. Quote: "It was later destroyed in a self-destruct..."

The fact of the matter is, it is simply illogical for your character to be able to commission the creation of a Super Star Destroyer in the context of the site's Timeline. I realize that you have a great affection for the Sith Empire, but that is no excuse to circumvent the established canon. Please change the vessel in question to something more suitable, such as the afore-suggested Corvette.
Ah i was not aware it was destroyed. I shall adjust the character sheet accordingly. any ides where he may have been stationed were he could have remained in stasis for so long without being bothered? id prefer not to change that portion of his backstory if i dont have to.
might i offer a small suggestion, try coordinating with kaine for your intro as i think he is the most senior ranking non force user in the empire at the moment.

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