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Approved Vehicle Dernier Cri

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  • Intent: To create a thank you gift for Chi Chuchi
  • Image Source: DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Airspeeder
  • Role: Civilian transport
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Armaments: None
  • Defenses: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift
  • Minimum Crew: One
  • Optimal Crew: One
  • Passenger Capacity: One
  • Cargo Capacity: Small
  • Aerial collision sensors
  • Kyromaster dual ion engine system
  • Pressurized and sealed cabin
  • Advanced entertainment system
  • Fast and agile, the airspeeder is sleek and glides easily in and out of traffic.
  • Inertial compensators and interior environmental systems provide the utmost comfort for both the driver and passenger.
  • Collision avoidance systems.
  • Kyromaster dual ion engine system provides bursts of speed as well as the ability to enter low atmosphere with the vehicle if so desired.
  • No type of defensive or weapons systems, nor does the airspeeder have any type of shielding.
  • Limited cargo and passenger space.
  • Unique production means no modifications or after-market products are available.
This one of a kind speeder was created as a thank you gift for Chi Chuchi and her aiding (or putting up with) Makai’s younger sister. Thinking of the design, the airspeeder was made with a fun, sporty design with a luxurious, refined interior befitting someone of Miss Chuchi’s status.

The Dernier Cri is a fun, fast, sporty airspeeder. Only holding a driver and one passenger, the design was thoughtful to create a sleek, refined silhouette. Kyromaster dual ion engines allow speed and maneuvering, unlike most luxury airspeeders the Dernier Cri can enter low atmosphere and maintain its speed and quick handling while doing so. A pressurized and sealed cabin ensures no loss of oxygen, while inertial dampeners keep the ride smooth and turbulence free.

The interior is finished in soft, buttery ankarax leather and polished shyrran wood, matching the elegance of the exterior. An entertainment system ensures the latest chart-topping hits can be played in surround sound, making it feel as if you’re at a concert during those long drives. With only space for one passenger and limited amount of cargo, the Dernier Cri is a airspeeder designed for fun and special events, rather than picking up groceries at your local Trader ATC.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Very cool car!
  • I didn't find the picture on the link what you linked, but I found it on the deviantart. I would like to ask you to edit it.
  • The Laravan Corporation is not your company, you can't use it as Manufacturer without the owner's permission. I would like to ask you to ask a permission or replace it to a different company/faction/character.
Edited image source.

As for the company, it is mine. I have provided all evidence below.

  • Reason for Modification : Ownership change , Auction results
  • New Ownership : Mandalorians and Clan Rekali
  • Summary : Judah's son Makai Dashiell was gifted Laravan Corporation in an auction by Danger Arceneau .Judah currently runs the corporation. In a recent auction, Judah took the currently unused HUD Tracker and used it as a bargaining chip with the Mandos and Clan Rekali. HUD Tracker rights have been revoked from the One Sith(in place before his acquirement) and are now transferred to those he promised it to under his leadership.

Ownership transfer request in this thread. Approved a few posts down.

Company for Sale
[member="Silara Kuhn"]​

Name: Laravan Corporation
Operations: Vehicle Manufacturing, Niche Equipment & Special Orders Manufacturing
Locations: Sorrus
Mini Description: A vehicle and equipment manufacturer based on Sorrus, within Mandalorian Space, Laravan Corporation was created circa 837 ABY with the intention to introduce a source for civilian luxury vehicles. Though such didn't pan out, it soon ventured into the realm of the military industry with the introduction of its heavily armed, and fast, land speeder, as well as their highly advanced visual tracking display capable of being equipped to both land based vehicles and starships that support the display addition.
  1. [member="Danger Arceneau"] - 300,000 credits
Company for Sale
[member="Silara Kuhn"]​

Name: Laravan Corporation
Operations: Vehicle Manufacturing, Niche Equipment & Special Orders Manufacturing
Locations: Sorrus
Mini Description: A vehicle and equipment manufacturer based on Sorrus, within Mandalorian Space, Laravan Corporation was created circa 837 ABY with the intention to introduce a source for civilian luxury vehicles. Though such didn't pan out, it soon ventured into the realm of the military industry with the introduction of its heavily armed, and fast, land speeder, as well as their highly advanced visual tracking display capable of being equipped to both land based vehicles and starships that support the display addition.
  1. [member="Danger Arceneau"] - 2,010,000 plus one perfectly cut Durindfire gem from the depths of Krayt Dragon country; No man's land.The Wastes of Tatooine.
The company has been signed over to Makai Dashiell, [member="Judah Dashiell"] 's son. Judah may be the overseer of the company and see to Makai's interests until he comes of age.
  1. [member="Judah Dashiell"] - 2 mil. credits, plus 5% continued stake to the current owner.
  2. [member="Lord Daemos"] - 2 mil creds

The corner of her smile would linger, until a small movement beside him would bring the attention to a youngling at his side. Her smile froze.

Makai Dashiell.

He was young. From the looks of him old enough to talk at the very least. He he had chubby cheeks and the look of his father on him. There were some tell tale signs of another -- his wife if she recalled correctly -- that would soften the boys features.

Danger's expression would subtly soften, and in her eyes would reflect a longing only another mother could identify. A void that was left by two of her own that never made it past their first breath of life.

Fiona would be that age.

A knot grew in her throat, realizing where she was. Who she was with.

Despite the fine trembling, she managed to appear to gather herself and her bearing. A smile would curve over her lips, an incline of her head towards the woman at her side.

"So... where were we?"

All the while, Danger would make quick taps on her datapad. It was really an easy thing to do, but needed to be done.

She had to.

Maybe this was the first step into catharsis.

Laravan Corporation was signed over to one Makai Dashiell.

No strings attached.
"Besides, a three million credit purchase is excessive for a boy who just become old enough to tie his own boots. Three million credits...a company.... to a child you just met today at an auction? While we may have history Miss Arceneau, I doubt you would consider me one of your closer contacts."
"All of these come from you and your wife. Not material goods." therein was her counter to his would be rich kid syndrome. "You can very well teach Makai the sensibility and discipline it takes to maintain said three million dollar Speeder company... more so when he realizes this is his own -- that it is a responsibility."

Granted, he had a point that she had quite literally, handed a company no strings attached to a youngling. But she also handed billions of credits to charity and orphanages.

Her lashes would lower the next instant, shifting a bit uncomfortably in regards to that internal acknowledgement. She would collect the plate in her hands.

How odd for the Queen of Trade to act so.

"It is a gift, Mistah Dashiell. Reckon one can see it as much of a learning opportunity as I did when my pa done the same to me."

Auction thread where Danger buys the copration and gifts it to Makai Dashiell : X

Private thread discussing the aftermath of the gift with Danger Arceneau : X

More recent proof Laravan Corporation was gifted to Makai Dashiell, thread here, posts #96-99 :

"Not to mention Miss Arceneau gifted you a speeder corporation when you were young. Laravan Corporation. I haven't done anything with company and now that you've decided to step in this direction, I think its fair to hand over the reigns at this time."

A small nod at the assignment. It seemed daunting then his father added the bombshell that Miss Arceneau had gifted him an entire company when he was just a small child. Gaze went between his father and the Trade Queen, wondering when all this had happened and exactly how. Had to be after his mother left.

"Thank you, Miss Arceneau. That's quite a gift. You really shouldn't have."

Danger had to. It had been the first step into catharsis.

A knot grew in Danger's throat, realizing where she was. Who she was with. Judah, and Makai, had now grown into a young man that she could see a mighty fine potential in. The one who asked for permission to court her daughter. Danger was sure that Alric would want to give Makai a talking-to as well, but she would leave it for Alric and Makai to come to an understanding. She was sure that there wouldn't be an issue. He'd also known Makai and Judah intimately since Myra came into their lives.

Despite the fine trembling, Danger took another drag and she managed to appear to gather herself and her bearing. A smile would curve over her lips, white, spicy smoke billowing as she gave an incline of her head to Makai. "Well, reckon it's one thing to take over your pa's company that he built up, but quite another to build a successful one on your own. There's pride in ownership there. Perhaps you can branch out into an industry that interests you."

Judah had caught the trembling, it was easy to see from his close proximity to Danger, the way he could subtly see the cigarillo shake.

He instantly felt horrible about bringing up the company, not that he had an idea as to the why behind her reaction. Nor did he have a clue as to why she had gifted such an exorbitant thing to his son in the first place. They had argued a bit over it but Danger wouldn't relent.

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