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Approved Tech Darth Aion's Robes & Armor

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  • Manufacturer: Darth Aion Darth Aion
  • Affiliation: Darth Aion
  • Market Status: Closed-Market | Only for use by Darth Aion
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Nearly impossible should the body glove be damaged while the gloves, boots and cloak can be readily replaced.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Cloth plastithread weave (cloak), phrik plastithread (body glove, hand and face covering), cortosis duraplast weave (gloves), duraplast lined leather (boots)
  • Classification: Multipurpose robes and armor
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy:
      • Cloak: None
      • Gloves: Average
      • Body Glove: Extreme
      • Boots: Very Low
      • Head Covering: Extreme
    • Kinetic:
      • Cloak: None
      • Gloves: Average
      • Body Glove: High
      • Boots: Very Low
      • Head Covering: High
    • Lightsabers:
      • Cloak: None
      • Gloves: Average
      • Body Glove: Very High
      • Boots: Very Low
      • Head Covering: Very High
    • Other: Very Low resistance to Sonic Weaponry overall; Very Low resistance to Ion/EMP weaponry overall; High resistance to Force Manipulation of the body glove and head covering but Average resistance to Force Manipulation everywhere else; Average radiation resistance overall.


  • While the armor sports very little in the way of technical specialties, it does boast a heavy hand in weave and mesh through the uses of plastithread, phrik, cortosis and duraplast. These materials each serve their purpose in various parts while still providing a maximum of flexibilty and light weight. Where the gloves, cloak and boots each sport their own unique traits and weaknesses the body glove that covers Aions entire head, body, hands and feet is different entirely. Having studied extensively ancient methods of sustaining ones self beyond their physical form he tirelessly worked to bind his soul to that part of the armor itself; the motivation being the neglect of his physical body over centuries of malnutrition and hibernation mixed with his desire to detach himself from a believed mortal coil.

  • Light and Practical: With the inclusion of weave and plastithread the armor and robes are designed for the maximum amount of mobility and functionality. Though not weightless they sport very little hindrance to basic or even advanced movement; limited only by the flexibility of Darth Aion himself.
  • Soul Binding: While done through crude and harsh means, a fractured mind hindering timely execution, the binding of his very will has pushed the resilience of the body glove to it's limits. While not indestructible it sports much higher durability and resistance to common damage than it would otherwise.

  • Lifeline: Though binding his soul to the body glove section of the armor was a choice he felt needed to be made it also meant that he could not live without it. This meant that were something or someone able to breach, and potentially destroy it, his soul would be left without a vessel in which to carry itself. His own desperate desire to be rid of his mortal body would be his doom should this armor fail to serve its purpose.
For years, centuries even, his robes and environmental armor had served their purpose. Carrying his k'paur body through the ages with minimal concern for the world around it. In time, however, as his power grew and his interests became more clear, Aion began to desire something far different and far greater than what his armor could provide for him. While it was the optimal choice for the physical body that he had possessed for most his life it was not choice for his long term desires. Desires that were deep rooted in a desperation to be rid of his mortal body and exist in closer tandem with the Force.

Through encounters with other Sith and Jedi during his time returned to the known galaxy, and its present political state, Aion began to understand that his body was no longer what it once was. Age, The Fade and physical neglect had become apparent to his mind in a way that he could not deny. If he was to escape from the fracturing of his Force connection and rid himself of the frailty of his malnourished body he would have to manifest himself a new means of existence. A desire that would ultimately lead him to pouring his time and energy into the dark side of the Force as he painstakingly pressed his very will into a new garb.

Though the result was crude, and the method even more so, Aion eventually produced something akin to what he had desired. His body had not yet withered away and yet he had abandoned it in favor of living inside the hollow vessel of a body glove that he would accompany with paltry accessories. Paltry save for the mask that he would continue to wear upon his face until it no longer served its purpose. Through his careless and malevolent execution he had found himself a means to exist beyond his body, but the cost would be one he would not yet know or experience: It was ultimately well fitted and eerily comfortable tomb.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Aion Darth Aion

Nice sub and cool solution with the soul binding!
  • About the Market Status, it is Open or Closed Market. I would like to ask you to modify the None to Closed Market.
  • The Body glove and Head Covering part is four points above than the balanced. I would like to ask you to edit these.
  • I know it is not affect anything, but I can't accept the Force: Very Low rating, usually the Average means none, because most of the materials not provide you any Force resistance. I would like to ask you to edit this to Average.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Aion Darth Aion

The Body glove and Head Covering part is still two points above than the balanced. I would like to ask you to edit these. If you want extra points, I would recommend the Disruptor reistance for example, sonic, corrosion/acid, extreme temperatures.
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