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Faction Curtains Drawn | First Chancellery Debate

if they're watching anyways


“Good evening, from the Senate Plaza in Hanna City, Chandrila. I’m Halifax Hewett, from TriNebulon News. I want to welcome you to the first Chancellery Debate. This debate is sponsored by the Commission for Chancellery Debates, a non-partisan, nonprofit organization. The commission drafted tonight’s format, and the rules have been agreed to by all the candidate’s campaigns. This debate will comprise six sections, each covering a different topic. At the beginning of each section, I will ask the same lead-off question to each candidate, and they will each have up to two minutes to respond. From that point, until the end of the segment, it will be an open discussion. The questions are mine, and have not been shared with the commission or the campaigns.

“The audience here tonight have agreed to remain silent during the debate, so that we can focus on what the candidates are saying. However, I will invite you to applaud at this moment, as we welcome the candidates…”

Lights illuminated the stage, and the candidates made their entrances. A low, shimmering shield separated them from the audience, but the roving squads of camera droids would take their image and voices across the galaxy, where a quadrillion sentients searched for new leadership.

Of course, they wouldn’t truly be the ones to choose – the real audience gathered elsewhere, in penthouse suites, corporate boardrooms, and the vaulted halls of the Senate Building. A few had made their way into the crowd, if only to see the future Chancellor in person. With Tithe unable to seek reelection, the stage was open for debate on where the Alliance would head next – and with whom.


Factory Judge
Factory Judge
“The audience here tonight have agreed to remain silent during the debate, so that we can focus on what the candidates are saying. However, I will invite you to applaud at this moment, as we welcome the candidates…”


The slimy, skeezy Senator of Iskadrell, dressed in a black suit with a red tie, walked out to a small minority in the crowd chanting "MORE GORE MORE GORE MORE GORE". He waved his hands to the crowd and blew a kiss, taking off his aviators and setting them on the pedestal marked GORE upon the stage. One of the men draped in the Galactic Alliance flag with his face painted unveiled he was holding up a huge sign saying "ARM THE ORPHANS". He was quickly escorted out. Fal laughed and smiled, running his right hand through his jerry curls.

With a wink and a clapping of his hands to join in the applause, Fal Gore took his place on the monitor behind his pedestal and awaited his brave constituents who dared stand against the #GORETIDE.


Chandrila, Hanna City: Chancellery Debate
Tags: B3-LL B3-LL , Auteme Auteme

Lobb was a droid of information. Knowing things and giving that info to those he saw as worthy of it was his thing. There was very little that didn’t get back to him. Surprisingly, this one was a blast from the past: A Chancellery Debate. Lobb had started his career as a Senator’s aid, but he hadn’t yet been at a political event of any kind since going “rouge,” if one could even call it that. One individual had particularly caught his attention: Fal Gore.

Legalizing murder? Weaponizing orphans? It was ridiculous, risking the lives of literal billions in so many ways that Lobb could run a lecture hall to talk about just one point. Unfortunately, the GH05-T had become rather emotionally attached to the people of the galaxy, despite the better judgement of his programming. After all, it seemed like they were always trying to kill one another.

Lobb was amongst the crowd, prepared to gather as much information as he could. He would need to if this Gore character was as popular as the media made him a out to be.

“Alright, Gore,” Lobb muttered to himself. “Let’s see what you’re about…”
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Location: Chandrila, Hanna City - Chancellery Debate Stage
Tags: Auteme Auteme | B3-LL B3-LL | Lobb

Just behind the curtain on stage, a Lasat couple were standing next to one another. The female, dressed in a modest skirt and blouse, was fiddling and fixing her mate's tie on his suit. The male, looking half-exasperated but half-amused, was yet another of the political candidate that put his hat in the ring for the chancellery debates. Senator Lero Sevot, currently representative of the Ollonir Boundaries.

"Eda, dear, I think it's as straight as it could be." He chuckled before leaning down and kissing her cheek, "I best get out there before they start without me."

The Lasat walked out on stage beside the other debate candidates. There was a noticable limp in his digitigrade gait, the remnant of an old war injury. He stood at the pedestal labelled "SEVOT" in bolded Aurebesh letters. He adjusted his spectacles and looked at his opponents. So far he only saw Senator Gore, to whom he gave a polite nod. Just because Lero disagreed with him did not mean he could be civil.

The Lasat honestly did not expect to get this far in the process. It started off mostly as a dare by his younger brother. And Lero Sevot did not back down easily from a challenge. He only hoped he could do the Concordist Party proud when the debates commenced.
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Kishimoto Nakaioma




Kishimoto Nakaioma arrived to the chancellery debate within Senate Plaza; Hanna City on the world of Chandrila. Exiting out of his personal hover limo the "Nakashima" whose unique body shape alerted anyone outside to whom it was. He was here not only to represent the Nakaioma's Family Corporation but his own corporation called "Onomato Holdings" which had profited well underneath the Reign of Chancellor Tithe. With him not up for reelection; the one who would replace him would either serve as a boon to the economy or the death of the economy. Either way the profits of the Nakaioma Bloodline would not so easily disappear should a weak chancellor be elected.

Kishimoto checked the candidates up on the stage; one of them was the bizarrely popular B3-LL B3-LL whose message boiled down to one word of "Anarchy" and no sense of actual purpose for the Galactic Alliance moving forward. Although he did have a small section of supporters who shouted his name very loudly when the announcer asked them to be shush. Another one of them he recognized as being R-4ZR R-4ZR of the Ollonir Boundaries and was a moderate candidate within his eyes.

Although all attention of tonight would be on Auteme Auteme who was the front runner for the chancellorship and a danger to the Corporate Empires of the Galactic Alliance. Kishimoto would choose anyone other than her but if he had no choice; then he would urge the corporate senators to block any measures that the jedi chancellor would enact.


if they're watching anyways

"...Lero Sevot, and Auteme Denko-Durren."

Auteme emerged from the backstage, gliding forward. Her opponents, sharp as they might be, hardly had her same flair -- her attire wasn't quite flashy, but simply eye-catching. She had a warm glow about her; the very threads of her dress were imbued with a touch of yellow light, surrounding her in a tight embrace. Long, flared sleeves of gold complemented neatly a rich blue of the dress's body, while her ears, neck, and hands were ornamented with matching jewelry.

She waved and smiled to the crowd as though they were all cheering for her. Their audience tonight was mixed. A few die-hard fans of Gore had slipped in, but most were moderate politicians and middle-class Chandrilans, who she suspected were a touch less amenable to the legalization of murder, if anyone was truly amenable to such a thing.

She moved quickly across the stage to shake the hands of the other candidates. First, Sevot -- middle-aged Lasat with the Concordist party. Spineless liberal, pushed forward only because some in the party thought Auteme too radical. At least, she assumed. She didn't know him well. At the very least, however, he'd have a modest platform and a few good ideas. She just needed to be more assertive than him, and she'd swing any federalists or populists who thought him reasonable instead into her camp. "Senator Sevot, great to see you."

His placement as Senator of the Ollonir Boundaries instantly gave him more credibility in the Colonies and beyond, compared to her, who'd spent much of her career in the Core. But the problems of voters there were much the same as the problems in the Core. If she could connect with that base, she'd break even greater barriers.

Next she moved to Fal Gore. Somehow he'd made it this far; how, she had no idea. Part radical, part psychopath, she'd assumed he'd run out of money for his campaign long before the first debate, but his tenacity, public relations skills, and winning smile had gotten him to the same stage as her. She couldn't tell if that meant her victory was imminent or terribly insecure.

Her strategy would be simple -- ceaseless reminders of his most insane policies and campaign promises, targeted to dissuade those who were poorly informed about his murder-heavy platform. She shook his hand nonetheless. "Terribly sorry I missed your protest in Hero Park, Senator. I heard the tacos were great."

She matched his smile, then went to greet Halifax at the front of the stage, shaking his hand and thanking him before returning to her podium. Unfortunately for her she had the most difficult name of the three candidates, at least for the average Basic-speaker, but she wouldn't let it deter her too much. The words she spoke were far more powerful than a few letters slapped on a speaking stand.

"Welcome, candidates, and thank you," Halifax continued once the applause died down. "I hope we'll be able to keep this debate civil and informative for all our viewers. I invite you to share your visions, your values, and your character tonight. Let's begin."

The moderator moved a holopad to the center of his desk, and read from it.

"This first segment, "Securing the Alliance", covers one of the most pressing issues of our current times: the Brotherhood of the Maw. This war has greatly affected the citizens of the Galactic Alliance, and the Brotherhood of the Maw have relentlessly killed and enslaved millions of sentients in their rampage across the Unknown Regions and deep into the Core. How do you think the Alliance should proceed in this ongoing conflict?

"Senator Gore, we'll begin with you."
Factory Judge
Factory Judge
"This first segment, "Securing the Alliance", covers one of the most pressing issues of our current times: the Brotherhood of the Maw. This war has greatly affected the citizens of the Galactic Alliance, and the Brotherhood of the Maw have relentlessly killed and enslaved millions of sentients in their rampage across the Unknown Regions and deep into the Core. How do you think the Alliance should proceed in this ongoing conflict?

"Senator Gore, we'll begin with you."

As presumptive Chancellor-Elect Auteme went to shake Fal Gore's hand upon taking her place on the stage, Fal Gore flashed his bright wide and white smile and waved his hand as if to say "no thank you", hitting her with a "too slow" as his hand recoiled before she could nail the photo-op of them two shaking hands. An incredibly disrespectful gesture to the pro tempore Majority nominee and unbecoming of the conduct of a Senator, but then again, Fal Gore was playing by his own rules.

"Thank you, Moderator. And thank you for having me tonight, ALLIES OF THIS GREAT AND FREE GALACTIC NATION!"

He took a swig of water that was hiding underneath the durasteel podium.

"My name is Fal Gore, and I'm the Senator from Iskadrell. I think it's a tragedy, an absolute shock, that these animals have beaten us so badly. And they have, they're beating us, they're winning, they're taking our people, they're murderers, thugs, scoundrels, nerf herders. You know, I migrated here to this Alliance, to Iskadrell, after the destruction of my homeworld by this BROTHERHOOD. These marauders. I've seen first hand, more than most others, exactly what they are capable of. My family, murdered. My people, murdered.

So... what do we do? Sure we're swinging back. Our boys are dying by the bag, hundreds of thousands of young men coming home in caskets or worse. So why are we losing? Why have we BEEN losing? Why are our enemies so bold and our leadership so weak?

Does anyone actually know?"

Fal Gore paused and wave around at the stage, as if expecting an answer.

"I came here tonight,

on this stage,


I've got three names for you.




Three names.

Tiny Tithe.

Petty Pryce.

And their top bozo, Bottom Auteme."

Fal Gore gave it a minute to seep into the crowd before rattling off his next fiery segment before the Moderator or anyone could interrupt.

"These bozos aren't incompetent, they've sold us all out. Dracken Pryce has OPEN AND OUTSTANDING military contracts with the NEW IMPERIAL ORDER. Our boys, those boys he swore to protect with his life, are being sold for nanos on the credit in backroom deals and hush money. How many houses does Petty Pryce have now, how many vacation homes? How many pockets are you lining in their new Empire?

And Tiny Tithe, he's the mastermind. A man without a spine but with hands of gold, currently fueling money into both Jedi and Sith organizations across the Outer Rim. Nobody questioned how a band of marauders, of terrorists, of pillagers and barbarians came to power so quickly and so well equipped?

Chancellor Aerarii Tiny Tithe is the man behind it all, the bankroll of this horde of cultists. He made them, he's playing god, and he's the reason my homeworld is absolutely and completely annihilated. Tiny Tithe has set war upon us all, and regardless if he's still in control of them or not, he is ultimately responsible and we need to hold him responsible.

This megalomaniac created an entire brutal organization and bankrolled them until they became his useless fools, his ticket to our military's endless spending budget. He's the villain, and he's got all these feckless, spineless thugs under his thumb.

Which brings me lastly to Bottom Auteme, the absolute bottom of this proverbial barrel, Tithe's pick and crowned successor.

Tithe's chosen thrall. Four more years of her is four more years of a tyrannical overlord hellbent on having us all, while their Puppet Pryce picks at crumbs. She knew all of this, she was in the position to stop it, but because of her Jedi family - with ties to the Brotherhood - and because of her supposed ROMANCE with one of the highest echelons in the MAW - she has chosen to remain silent.

She knows this, because regardless if this Brotherhood turns us all into Csillan refugees, she wins no matter what."

Fal Gore took a swig of water and leaned over his podium, staring intensely into the crowd.

"They fear me the most, because you, the People, put me here.

Look at 'em all, up here.

Not a policy, position nor spine to be found among them.

When's the last time you saw
any of these guys?

Who even are they?

Thugs to stop me, to stop you, that's who.


Billions of tax credits spent to finesse exactly the right words, the best propaganda, the most distracting headlines all to convince you I'm the crazy one.

These guys are about to parrot everything Tiny Tithe sent them here to say, but we know better, we can see with our own eyes.

You asked me how we'll secure this great Allied Nation from the Maw, I'll tell you where we can start. Put Chancellor Tithe, Dracken Pryce, and Auteme Denko-Durren behind bars in the deepest, darkest hole we can find for life.

I'm Fal Gore.

A vote for me is a vote for four more years of Gore.

We're going to arm the orphans, legalize murder, open the prisons, and frankly, I'm going to do a hell of a lot worse than that, too."

With a flash of a smile as if he hadn't just been dropping bombs for long beyond his allotted time, the Senator from Iskadrell yielded his time back to the Moderator.
if they're watching anyways

There was a stunned silence for a long few seconds. The confusion at Gore's rapid-fire insanity might've normally left the crowd in an uproar, but the vigor with which he spoke made them sure he was serious. Auteme found herself equally stunned, but managed to fight it off fast enough to smirk. Then, giggle. Then laugh -- not just laugh, but grab-her-sides, threaten-to-fall-over laugh.

"Fal- Fal, please, you're making it so hard on the audience. They're not allowed to laugh at your set." She kept laughing, enough that she was starting to convince the audience that he was, indeed, joking. Such absurd policies were better placed in a satire than a real political debate. At the very least, Fal was right about one thing -- the farcical nature of comedy and politics were not so dissimilar.

Debunking every factual misstep and all the conspiratorial nonsense would take far more than two minutes; as dangerous as ignoring a particularly vigorous political outsider might be, making it into a joke seemed the safest route.

Halifax was starting to recover, hands on his datapad again to regain control, so Auteme cut in again, keeping the focus on herself. "Excellent stuff as usual. Of course, I'm not one to argue the logic of a comedian, but I thought you- and the people of the Alliance- should know," she said, "I'm a top."

A lie, but who would say otherwise?

She laughed at her own joke, managing to evoke a few light chuckles from those in the crowd who got it. Her smile only got warmer. She moved in for the kill, shifting the focus off Gore and onto Sevot, as though she were allowing them the chance to be on the same stage as her.

"With that out of the way -- Senator Sevot, I believe it's your turn to speak, yes, Halifax?"

Warmer, warmer, even as her grip tightened on the debate's flow.

Location: Chandrila
Necklace: Link

Most of her time was spent actively at the front with the Maw, a clear sign that she cared a great deal about the future of the Galactic Alliance she had sworn to protect. So even though she wasn't involved in politics herself, and hardly knew anything about the finer details of it, she did have an interest in following the elections that determined so much about the future. Especially with strange figures like B3-LL B3-LL making their appearance and getting crowds to go wild across the Alliance, the whole political atmosphere had gotten a lot spicier.

Not that she was fond of such extreme figures, but it sure made things interesting.

Hidden in the crowd with just civilian clothing on, Valery watched the debate and even found herself quietly chuckling at some of the antics that started so early into the event. Of course, Fal Gore's little speech was somewhat concerning, but she had a strong feeling Auteme would be able to handle herself just fine and still beat the more radical candidates.


Kishimoto Nakaioma




Mr. Nakaioma got up from his seat in the first few opening moments as B3-LL B3-LL lost his mind and noticed the esteemed Valery Noble Valery Noble within the crowd. Moving through the audience to a curtain behind stage and maneuvering a little bribe into the pockets of the official's to allow him access to underneath the stage. He heard the laughing of Auteme Auteme from above and slowly made his way over to a small platform which had had set up in advance for his showy entrance after listening to the first opening moments to analyze his opponents without physically appearing yet.

A smart political move on his part as he pulled a lever on a conveniently placed platform and a small door opened up on stage as the platform emerged from it to the sound of fireworks with a podium provided to the Cousin of Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma and senior member of the Nakaioma Corporation. His family's name carried much weight within the Galactic Alliance Markets and he counted on the more economic minded people within the crowd to vote for him to be Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance and save the corporate empires from the tyrannical policies of the jedi turned senator.

His black suit with a white undershirt and black tie fit around his form; along with his traditional throwing hat above his head. His mustaches was brushed along with his small beard of hair underneath his chin. A medal with the symbol of the galactic alliance upon it for points within the nationalist / fascist supporters within the audience. His talking points had been provided by several of the Nakaioma's best political analysis which gave him an immense advantage.

"Pardon the late arrival; Halifax." Kishimoto said with a bow before R-4ZR R-4ZR ; and gazed at the other opponents on stage.

The curtains were raised and the Corporate Empire would never fall.



Tags: Auteme Auteme | B3-LL B3-LL

As the other two senators traded barbs with each other, Senator Sevot stood tall and idly by. He would not be moved by their childish antics, especially from the likes of Senator Gore. Once they seemed done, he nodded to Auteme. He could read her tactic quite well. Little did she know what she was working against. He adjusted his glasses before addressing his opponents.

"I think I can speak for myself, Madam Senator." He chuckled wryly, "And thank you, Senator Gore for your ...enlightening response. But unlike the esteemed Senators of Epoch and Iskadrell, I won't skip about the issue or present grandiose tirades."

He paused a brief second before addressing the members of the audience. He knew, compared to the other two candidates, he was the odd man out. But like hell he was going to be a pushover.

"My fellow citizens of the Alliance, I know the hells of war first hand. I gratefully served in our own Defense Force until I was honorably discharged. I know the sacrifices that our sons and daughters in uniform are going through. And that's where we are, in open war against these savages of the Maw. But that sacrifice is necessary if we wish to ensure a future free from their chains.

I say we beat back these damnable cowards, reclaim those worlds under their thrall that they took from us, and harden our border defenses so another Tython does not happen under our watch! To show those Brotherhood warlords that if you mess with the bull reek, you'll get the horns!"

Once finished he heard positive response from a respectable number of the crowd. Perhaps not as ardent as the supporters of Gore or Auteme, but enough to at least give them a run for their money. Speaking of, the Senator of the Ollonir Boundaries gave a small nod to Kishimoto Nakaioma as he stepped on stage. A late entry contender? And a known corporation owner? This debate just got more exciting.


Chandrila, Hanna City: Chancellery Debate
Tags: B3-LL B3-LL , Auteme Auteme , Kishimoto Nakaioma, R-4ZR R-4ZR , Valery Noble Valery Noble

Gore was a lunatic, but Lobb did not find himself particularly thrilled with the other candidates as well. Auteme was quick to dismiss Gore in a manner rather unbefitting for one of her upbringing. Lero was quick to speak on the war, but not provide any substance for his supposed plan, and Mr. Nakaioma was likely there to only represent his own corporate interests. Each provided a different route forward, however, a fork in the road with no real profound outcome. Arguably, some were worse than others, but they all seemed to make Lobb’s chosen career of keeping track of threats to the galaxy harder in some way shape or form.

Lobb’s view turned to the crowd. Lot’s of people had gathered today to hear from the candidates, and they generally represented how a planet leaned to some capacity, though a grain of salt always had to be taken. Unfortunate that, in a lot of cases, the people Lobb dedicated himself to protecting were not always the most well informed individuals. One face caught his eye, however, that of a woman dressed in civilian attire with scars across her face. Lobb had somewhat illegally gathered as much of the GA’s public records as he could, and he monitored all media outlets to some capacity. There was no way that he didn’t recognize her. Lobb saw no reason to dedicate his full attention to the debate, as it would generally consist of repeating information. Perhaps he’d indulge in a little bit of dialogue, maybe see if he could gauge the New Jedi Order’s current standings. The droid discretely hovered through the crowd.

“Is that supposed to be an attempt to be incognito?” Lobb asked when he was close enough to not draw the attention of those around him but Valery. “When the most identifiable trait of a person is their face, you’d think that they’d cover it up.”

Location: Chandrila
Necklace: Link

"Is that supposed to be an attempt to be incognito?"

Ah, she was spotted — it was hardly surprising of course, considering she had only put on some civilian clothing. Her face, especially because of her scar, was easily recognized and she had made no effort to conceal it in any way. "No, this is hardly the appropriate place to wear a mask, and I'm not trying to hide. I'm just blending in a bit more," she whispered in return, not wanting to draw any attention to herself or interrupt anything.

It was maybe strange to some that she was here in the crowd, but it hardly bothered her. She wasn't involved in any of these politics, nor was she using her own status to call people to support any particular candidate. Valery was just here to watch everything unfold naturally.

"Besides, most seem too focused on the debate to really notice," she added while her fiery eyes continued to focus on those on the stage.

if they're watching anyways
Auteme did her best to ignore Gore's asides, letting Halifax decide when it would be best to step in and quiet down her opponent. Her focus turned briefly to Nakaioma -- a flashy late arrival, though she found the fireworks and rising platform a bit amusing. Unlike Gore, who was terribly serious despite his objective comedy, Auteme greeted the latest candidate with a smile and laugh.

Next was Sevot. Auteme listened carefully, but found herself devastatingly underwhelmed, even as he did well to save face after she'd spoken earlier. Where was his plan, his policy, his vision? But even as she wondered at the specifics, she found something tantalizing in his spirited words. Passion, properly directed, was a powerful force, and Sevot had quite enough of that. Having given so few words, his energy must have been elsewhere.

"Senator Denko-Durren?"

Auteme smiled again, and nodded to the moderator.

"Thank you, Halifax. I'd first like to say I appreciate Senator Sevot's sentiment -- morale and spirit in the face of terror and destruction are invaluable. But, we mustn't lose sight of the material conditions that have lead us to this place.

"Our military is modern and effective. Our soldiers are skilled and experienced. Our commanders are competent and willing. But our current political leadership -- there, we have a problem. In the days before the attack on Empress Teta, Chancellor Tithe issued orders to move our fleets away from strategically important systems and towards as far away as Atrisia, Fondor, and Denon.

"Now, the honorable businessman Kishimoto Nakaioma will certainly defend such redeployments -- after all, those worlds serve as the basis for a sizable chunk of Nakaioma revenue, and it certainly wouldn't do to lose profits in the fourth quarter, not after your good friends in office have ensured those profits. This is a mentality nearly as corrosive as the one held by the worst Sith.

"We, the Alliance, must have unity of purpose and action. We see the destruction the Brotherhood has wrought, we know what they want for us. The Brotherhood of the Maw must come to an end; this is something we should all agree on. No searching for profit even as they cut a swathe into our space. We must stand behind, support with all our being, the brave people who protect us.

"Like my esteemed colleague Senator Sevot, I've seen some of the harshest fighting of this war. But I am under no illusions as to my strategic knowledge. Such things shouldn't be left to politicians.

"If I am elected Chancellor, I promise to return freedom of action to our admirals and generals, to give them the tools they need to win this war. Spirit and sentiment are one thing, but they can only get you so far when one of our hands has been tied behind our back by people who think more of credits than of people.

"Equally, we must place the necessary oversight on our military, to ensure accountability and that they are working for all the people of the Alliance. We must remember -- this war is one for the soul of our nation. We must prove ourselves better than the Brotherhood of the Maw, not merely in strength of arms -- something we are more than capable of -- but equally in strength of spirit and morals. We shouldn't lose sight of what we fight for; for every person who's lost a loved one, for every person who fears for their family or friends, for every person who's lost their home to the Brotherhood."

She ended her speech, going a little bit over her allotted time, but nonetheless was allowed to finish by Halifax. Though it was by no means bad, she found herself frustrated by the forced holding-back of her true feelings, of a perfected and concise plan, of something that would truly and flawlessly reassure the citizens of the Alliance. Here was not the place for such things. She had to appeal to her audience -- the militant Senators who wanted to return more power to the GADF, the populists who appreciated any relinquishing of executive power, the idealists who understood the dangers of war and of military systems. It was all over the place. She hoped there was enough for any new supporters to latch onto, even if she might later go against it.

Kishimoto Nakaioma




Kishimoto was carefully writing down each word said during the debate on his notebook for later use during the following debates. Beyond that he was recording the conversation as well on a Nakaioma Brand Device to make absolutely sure he wouldn't be acc to accused of making this up for political gain. His eyes shifted over to R-4ZR R-4ZR and nodding his head as well to show respect; listening to what his vision would be or lack of there off considering that the senator had little in the way of actual policy or a physical plan but was more of a fiery and passionate speech to the masses. This could serve him well to gain votes within the more radical vote within the Galactic Alliance; although without an actual plan of how the alliance could accomplish the task of beating back the Brotherhood of the Maw he had little actual chance of winning the election. Kishimoto regarded him as a lesser competitor within the ring compared to B3-LL B3-LL and Auteme Auteme whose current numbers would pose a challenge to the Nakaioma Bloodline chances.

He was writing down every word of the next speaker Auteme Auteme who outlined her vision for the Galactic Alliance as a whole. Focusing on the political leadership of the alliance which has caused it so much harm and death; instead of blaming the military leadership to the disastrous defense of their planets. She went on the attack very quickly to paint him as a supporter for Chancellor's Tithe move to shift fleets away from strategically important systems because of a few nakaioma assets being present on other worlds. What she forgot to mention within her speech is how exactly the alliance would pay for such measures against the Brotherhood of the Maw without a strong economy to back it up. Her next point was interesting regarding the freedom of action to the Admirals and Generals within the Military; while providing them with the tools necessary to win the war with the brotherhood. Ending her speech with a message which boiled down to "Hope and Strength". Kishimoto turned the page within his binder to the talking points that he was provided. Looking through them until finding one sound argument that would blow her down a peg.

Halifax allowed him to speak next.

"Mr. Kishomoto Nakaioma?"

Kishomoto smiled in a friendly manner to the moderator.

"I would like to begin by referencing back to a point that Senator Denko-Durren made during her speech. She points out that Chancellor Tithe moved fleets away from dubbed "Strategically important systems" but are not all systems within the Galactic Alliance Important?. Are we ready to sacrifice the life of other planets within this alliance just because the Senator doesn't deem them "Strategically important" enough to defend." Kishomoto said in a direct attack using Auteme Auteme own words against her to make his point. All worlds within the alliance are important weather or not they have any actual strategic value. This would make it seem like the Senator is only for defending key systems within the alliance and not the alliance as a whole.

"I shall not waste your time by painting a false persona of the alliance. The hard reality of conflict is that people will die on a massive scale and that has been seen with the current war with the Brotherhood of the Maw whose savagery and barbarian ways have costed the alliance many. But we have proven to them that the alliance will not cower so easily even when it is beaten a little on the front. We now have the opportunity to push back against the Brotherhood and reclaim our lost territory starting with Selvaris. Whose occupation by the alliance would cut off the Maw Invasion Corridor into the core and leave them to be swiftly taken by the alliance's military might with little resistance. However that might would not be possible without the contribution from the Various Companies within the galaxy who have labored day after day to support our Defense Forces."

"Senator Denko-Durren has further made the claim that necessary oversight of the military is required; but whom is going to oversee that oversight. The Senate whose efficiency in solving problems has been called into question several times and directly lead to the failures against the Brotherhood of the Maw in the first place. Does the senator not trust the "admirals and generals" of the defense forces to oversee their own affairs. "Ensure accountability'" my opponent calls it; but it is nothing more than a sham to bloat the bureaucracy further and give more power to the senate over the defense forces"
Kishomoto said twisting her words a little into "I support the Generals and Admirals of the Defense Forces but I don't trust them enough to handle their own oversight". Most likely landing a solid blow to her support from the more militant sector of the alliance.

He paused for just a brief moment to let his words sink in before carrying on.

"My opponents here do not understand that for a war to be successful it must have the economy to support it otherwise the Defense Forces will run out of credits by years end. Our ability to outproduce the Brotherhood of the Maw is a critical advantage that we will lose if Auteme Auteme is elected to the chancellorship position. They have been a critical opponent to the laws passed in the senate underneath Chancellor Tithe's reign which has seen credits within citizens pockets increase by 30% and has risen many people out of poverty from the depths of the Coruscant Underworld to the farthest reaches of the alliance. Her policies would punish companies who have worked hard to support the alliance without asking for anything in return." Kishimoto said in another attack motion to discredit her campaign. Using the fact that the senator was against a majority of the corporate policies pushed by Chancellor Tithe which has risen many people out of poverty across the galactic alliance to paint her in a negative light with the common people and corporate benefactors within the audience.

"I support a stronger military front against the Brotherhood at any cost but not if that cost is going to revolve around the destruction of the economy and further poverty for our people; If I am elected Chancellor underneath the "Corporate Option". I promise to increase funding for the Defense Forces and acquire new military contracts with the various defense companies within the alliance. Lower taxes across the board to allow people more money in their pockets to support the war effort through the purchase of bonds and donations. The establishment of universal education centers on various worlds to further the education rates of the common people. Enact public works projects which will reduce unemployment within the underworld and decrease crime across the board with broader crime prevention policies with the support of the Alliance Marshals. We must recall that we are fighting for the 'Alliance' as a whole not just for the senate whose inefficiency has lead to the disastrous war with the maw to begin with."

Kishomoto ended his speech; being under the allotted time given to him. He found himself looking through his documents to make sure that he covered every point available. He was more aiming to discredit the front runner of the race and paint her as nothing more than an idealist whose way of thinking was going to ruin any chance the alliance had at beating back the maw. He was confident that he had the corporate sector of the alliance within his pocket; now all he needed was to draw supporters from the military sector and the populist sector. He had knocked her down a peg and was ready to respond to any counter she made.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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Location: Senate Plaza in Hanna City, Chandrila
Objective: Watch the proceedings


Forlan was not comfortable.

He was more than happy to show support to the candidate he backed, and to make contacts and discuss pressing issues before and after the performance, but the Chagrian guerilla was still ill at ease with the splendour and peace of Chandrila. His new home on Champala was peaceful, sure, but there was always a certain stifled orderliness to things. Forlan had not liked it when he arrived but he had gotten used to it. But here, people were... free, in all the meanings of that word. Outspoken, democratic, open. Chagrians tended to their own affairs, uninterested in what the Union government was doing on any given day, as long as peace and order was had. But Chandrilans understood and relished their rights.

Forlan was uncomfortable that he was uncomfortable.

He should like this place, and yet, he was not used to it. A lifetime of slavery and war would do that to anyone, and he resented that the invisible scars of those days still held him back from being the man he needed to be for his people.

As the newly appointed Senator gave a terse smile to the watching cameras, he took his seat in one of the middle rows. He had dispensed with security, simply bringing his Berchestian aide, Ralfin, along with some old friends. An Ex-Viper, Joluus, and Director Ajsel, one of the human refugee settlement aid directors on Champala.

"Things have really gotten heated up with that Chiss up there," Joluus commented. The aged veteran was even more ill at ease with the place, and kept his back straight and head on a swivel. He'd chosen to wear austere overalls.

"I'm surprised the corpo has the indignity to show his face off... Bastard's boss tried to pull a fast one on the new Denon group that just came in. 'Economy', 'Options'," Ajsel muttered. She wore an understated dress, hair kept simple but stylish. She was more comfortable in such a setting, but much preferred the real work of her 'real' job, as she put it.

"Rats like that will always be around. So we must always be alert and ready to hear their lies," Forlan shrugged. As Kishimoto finished his speech, Joluus joined some of the others in the audience in booing him, thought the polite applause managed to silence most of it.
Factory Judge
Factory Judge
"And there we have it. We can see with our own eyes, hear with our own ears.

A self-proclaimed 'Corporate Option' promising you lower taxes.

A Jedi puppet of the Chancellor who laughs and deflects away the facts,

both of who's policies only amount to "beat the MAW" after months of catastrophic decisions.

Establishment, everyone."

Fal looked to the Moderator Halifax, who was desperately signaling to end the back and forth so they could move to the next topic, and nodded that he wouldn't continue the cycle of interruptions further.

"Senator Gore, you've made your case very clear about varying social issues facing our Alliance such as freeing misdemeanor prisoners, enlisting orphanages into the war, and legalizing murder. For the candidates, what social issues are you championing, and for Senator Gore, how do you justify enlisting children into the military?"

Fal flashed a smile in the Senator from Epoch's direction, then back to the crowd while running a hand through his greased jerry curls.

"Thank you for that softball of a question, Moderator.

These children in our orphanages, their parents are likely dead due to the inaction of the Jedi and incompetence of the Senate. These children, they're the victims of our current Chancellor, the puppet master of this war.

Orphans are the backbone of this Galactic Alliance. They deserve the chance to make a difference, and in a time of peace - sure, put 'em in school. Put 'em in daycare. Put 'em with loving families. But thanks to our LOSING LEADERSHIP, we're not in a time of peace. We're back on Csilla, waiting for the other foot to drop, every day these kids go through training drills and sit under their desks waiting to die, told that the BROTHERHOOD is coming.

That Senator Auteme's friends, allies, and lovers are coming to murder them.

So let's put a gun in their hands. Give them a fighting chance. Let's train them to be soldiers. Let's put them with those prisoners we free, those men and women who already know what war on the streets look like. We need to reinforce our troops, so put them on the ground, don't mince words and wipe your soft damn tears. This is war. We are fighting for our very survival, on multiple fronts, both inside and out the Alliance. No one's even mentioned the endless aggression of the EMPIRE yet, and their baseless claims to annex sovereign systems from our democracy. No one's even touched on that terrorist organizations like the DARKWIRE and the HUTT CARTEL boldly flood our streets with crime and usurpers.

We are not fighting to win.

The Chancellor has made sure we already lost that option.

We are fighting to

Free the prisoners. Arm the orphans. Legalize murder.

Under my Chancellorship, we'll do all of this one the FIRST DAY. Then we'll move to undoing all the harm Chancellor Tithe and his goons have brought us. I will undo it all, and only I can do it.

The Lyin' Senator From Epoch, she promises inaction, hot air, and four more years of Tithe and his warmongering. This hot sack of nerf herding to my left, the Corporate Option, all he's going to do is squeal like a Taun-Taun at the first sign of blood on his nicely pressed silks. He's a squealer, look at him. He looks like a little plush ball.

We need leadership. We desperately need it. And I wish it didn't have to be me, I really do.

But among my peers,

on this stage,

only I can promise you strength

and only I can promise you an end to the
'Please Sir, Can I Have Some Ammo?'
Orphans are the backbone of this Galactic Alliance.

It was at this point, as the honorable Senator Fal Gore spoke, that a small boy began to make his way on stage, with a fair few others in tow. He was garbed in camouflage fatigues, and he marched right up to Senator Gore's podium. A quick salute, and then the youth, most definitely older than thirteen, turned around standing in front of that very podium, crossing his quite small arms, leering at the crowd.

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