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Public A Moment of Mourning [Open]

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State



A Moment of Mourning
Coruscant // Monument Plazza // The Chandra Memorial


The silence of the memorial almost sounded... loud to Adhira. It was a pervasive silence. A cruel silence. It made her ear drums pound angrily. Yet the former Chancellor continued her solemn march toward the towering cone flanked by the Senate Guards who had been afforded to her upon her retirement. Adhira looked far older than she had when she first took the seat of power over the Galactic Alliance, and much had changed since she'd ruled with an iron fist and brought about the reunification of the Core. She had all-but faded into obscurity aside from the rare holonet stream that covered her day-to-day life as a normal citizen of the galaxy. And today was one such day.

The robust elder of the galaxy leaned heavily on a wroshyr cane as she made her way toward the monument that honored her fallen husband in remembrance of the attack on Coruscant. Her young daughters and grandchildren flanked her on either side. She marched onward proudly until she reached the place where her beloved husband was laid to rest after his horrific assassination. A single, gut wrenching shudder came over Adhira and a single, fat, wet tear welled in her right eye. She allowed it to fall as she stood silently before the tomb of her greatest confidant and life partner.

The elder stateswoman sank into a low curtsey before the monument and laid before it a single, bright red plom bloom at the feat of the conical monument. As she rose to attention Adhira's eyes scanned the statue.

Once more the old woman's eyes filled with tears and the procession of Chandra children followed her along the memorial path to where the rest of the dignitaries had stationed themselves. Adhira took a position of prominence a direct widow of the event while her children filed in behind her. Adhira stood very near the Chancellor and other members of the Senate. Close enough for any of them to strike up a conversation with her as the next parts of the ceremony unfolded.



Coruscant | Monument Plaza
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

For once, Vera was completely quiet while she held her mother's hand, and followed her as they walked across Monument Plaza together. At 7 years old, she was too young to understand everything that had happened during the Second Great Hyperspace war, let alone the conflicts before it. But Valery believed that creating an understanding about history early on was important, both about the good and bad sides of it.

So, while she visited to pay respect to the fallen, she brought along her oldest daughter.

"There are a few things I want to show you today, Vera. Afterwards, we'll get something to eat and maybe see if some of the shops are still open." Valery looked down at the young Noble with a loving, motherly smile, and only stopped walking when she spotted some familiar faces not too far away. The emotions she felt through the Force were strong, so she wasn't going to do anything that could potentially disrupt their moment.

But, together with her own daughter, she'd watch for now.

"Why are they sad, mommy?" Vera asked, having picked up on it too.

"They've lost someone they loved," Valery replied, and Vera immediately understood.


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