Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zansatsu Solaris


The Basics:

NAME: Zansatsu Solaris
FACTION: None at this time.
RANK: None.
SPECIES: Mandalorian
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 175 lbs.
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Brownish-Black
SKIN: Fair complexion no noticeable blemishes.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive.


+ Evenly balanced between the Dark and Light.
+ Zansatsu is strong with the force, more so than most at his age.
+ Once trained by the order though has since cast them aside due to their nature of not actually believing in true balance.
+ Zansatsu is strong and can be independent, but he also knows how to rely on others and not get to attached.
+ Has resisted multiple attempts from the Dark Side. Believing that such a thing would not be balance in his mind and body.
+Zansatsu is cool calm, and calculating in situations of great tension. He is analytical and understands when to stay and fight and withdraw.

- Zansatsu detests guns and is terrible at using them believing them to be dishonorable.
- Even though Zansatsu is able to be independent and on a team unfortunately he is not great with words, often too blunt for own good.
- Zansatsu is not the best at actual Lightsaber combat. This is something he is looking to rectify with a good trainer.
- Zanstasu suffers greatly from a fear of flying in space, a dreaded curse due to past trauma he is trying to get over one trip at a time.


APPEARANCE: Zansatsu is a humanoid with fair skin complexion and no visible blemishes with normal clothes on. Underneath where his shirt would be is a burn from a lightsaber on his back. He has an athletic build to him keeps this by training his body constantly. His hair is medium in length and he usually lets it be its fluffy self or he keeps it combed back (generally for meetings. His eyes area pale blue and have wild patterns in them. His smile is charming but not overly so, though many hardly ever see it. He is usually serious and concerned with the world around. Zansatsu is slightly taller than average.

Zansatsu’s usually outfit is Gray Jedi styled robes lined with thin blaster armor (not very effective) at the abdomen, shoulders, lower arms and shins. The robes have a holster on the left and right side implying that he used to carry lightsabers.

BIOGRAPHY: Zansatsu was born to a loving family on Mandalore. His parents we’re both proud Mandalorian warriors. Neither of them however were really strong with the Force. Zansatsu however at an early age was shown to be strong with the Force as well as a forward and independent thinker. His parents both loved and hated him for it. Zansatsu formed his own opinions about blasters which to his Father’s dismay however not his mother’s that he detested guns and found them dishonorable and deplorable. Most of his race shunned him for these thoughts, but some visitors to his planet did not. A few Jedi stationed on Mandalore would encounter the Zansatsu at the age of 6. Zansatsu would display to the Jedi his sensitivity to the Force and with his parents blessing be taken for Jedi training at Lothal. The way to Lothal was not smooth however as the two Jedi needed to make a stop along the way on a planet bordering Sith territory. This had their takeoff from the planet be met with less than desirable circumstances. The recklessness

Life on Lothal was peaceful and in the beginning Zansatsu enjoyed his days at the academy immensely. He trained hard and absorbed the knowledge his teachers bestowed upon him. He made some friends and comrades as well as a playful rival. However as his teachers began to divulge more of the code, and more of the order’s teachings Zansatsu didn’t feel right with the teachings completely. His ideas and the ideas of the Jedi clashed. Though Zansatsu never acted out, no he continued to learn and made it to be a Padawan of a Jedi Knight at the . Jedi Knight Corthis taught Zansetsu more than any of his teachers at the academy could. However, through training with Corthis Zansetsu belief in the Order began to dissipate. Corthis believed his Padawan was falling to the Dark Side at first, but soon he truly understood. Corthis would sit with Zansetsu one day explain that there’s a third sect of Jedi, those much like him, those who live for balance and not for the light or the dark. He began to tell him stories of the order known as The Gray Jedi. Zansatsu listened to his master’s words intently but not over passionately. His master said that he was okay to seek knowledge on this sect of Jedi. For the time though seeking better understanding of his own limits Zansatsu stayed with hi master.

At age 20 Zansatsu’s master Corthis was killed in a battle while attempting to aid those in need. Zansatsu who was in Lothal at the time was brought this news and brought in front of the Order. It was then that he thanked the Order and the Master’s for their knowledge and Wisdom but sought to understand more of the universe. He would leave the order and turn over the lightsaber he had created. Leaving Lothal reminded him of the space travels he had in the past the rocky landings and ship attacks. It was something he still to this day wasn’t used to. From this point the Jedi have no record of the man named Zansatsu Solaris for seven years. He has recently turned up on the planet Dantooine, or at least that’s the last known record of him.

Zansetsu’s current goal is re-establish the lost Gray Jedi order and get better at Lightsaber combat.

SHIP: Zansatsu doesn’t have a ship at the moment, with the hate of space travel after all.

KILLS: None so far.



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