Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Z is for Ziost! (The Primeval invasion of Silver Sanctum Ziost)

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: A
Location: Inside the Citadel
Allies: SJO
Enemies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Gear: Vanguard Class Armor
LZR MK II Pistol with stun attachment

Setzi set her pistol to stun. She wasn’t here to kill, only to subdue and to drive back the Primeval enemies into retreating. The padawan had always envisioned herself as a Jedi Consular someday, but her path to date had taken her on anything but a peace march. Yes, she had killed and yes, she had contributed to the suffering of others. It’s time to atone for those sins now, she thought. Clad in the extremely protective armor of the Levantine Sanctum, she cleared all of her thoughts and steadied her mind for battle.

Setzi approached the gates of the Citadel. There was no easy way to emerge onto the frozen ground of Ziost outside the immense and fortified building but directly out of the main entrance as the enemy forces were sieging the ancient Sith temple’s walls. There were other exits, but she could hear enemy infiltration, blaster fire and screams. The worst thing she could do was be outnumbered in a remote corridor.

The padawan jammed her pistol into her holster and ignited her blue lightsaber. She cut a swath through the closest Primeval soldiers and cringed as she saw what may have been a Sith acolyte perform cho mok on a Jedi Padawan. She withdrew her again pistol, fired and stunned the acolyte, leaving their dark, robed form twitching on the ground.

Setzi dashed down a stone path which curled around the Citadel if just to get to a point where she could assess exactly where she was most needed in the raging storm of war which was upon them, darkening the sky with Primeval and Sith dropshops. As she scanned the enemies approaching, she paid particular attention to a horned figure in Vonduun crab armor, distinctly male and also familiar, but at this distance, she could not figure out why. Still, she was in his line of vision, so she dipped back behind a boulder and crouched down. He could no longer see her and vice versa. Therefore, Setzi missed his Nautolan soldier unit, trailing behind him, which may have tipped her off to why he was so familiar.

Still hiding out of his sight, she reached out with Force Empathy to see if she could figure out this mystery. As her mind collided with his, she could sense he was determined, but there was a small thread of weakness there, woven through the overwhelming resolve. But still not fully in control of her empathy powers, she probed his emotions deeper, and this is when she realized she knew who this devilish warrior was. Gasping aloud, though no one could hear her, she halted her examination, but Setzi had lingered on his aura and in his mind long enough that he would most likely know that she had been there and perhaps could detect her own unique Force signature. Great, here I am already cowering behind some rocks like a coward. Smooth move, Setzi.

If this were Tanek as she suspected, she would need to face him with no fear, passion or trace of emotion present. She rose slowly and took a step away from the rocky outcropping and back on the path where the padawan would be clearly familiar to her known assailant.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the Citadel walls
Allies: [member="Chastity Lunelle"] (Padawan) | Silver Sanctum & allies
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"] (claimed)
Unique Gear: Combat Armour | Lightsaber

It wasn't working. He started to feel foolish; desperate; out of control. The harsh terrain of the planet he was trying to defend working against him as Keira came to clash blades with her speed that he countered, but made sure he gripped his hilt tight. Their blades swung over, under and kissed in short sharp bursts. He slipped once on a patch of black ice and batted his cowl out of the way, gritting his teeth as it was apparent he wasn't acting the way he knew he should be and would lose because of it. Nothing he said was working, and he was embarrassing himself.

And then it happened.

The world seemed to focus for a moment, the wind rustling over snow. Their sabers hummed. Connor was here to defend a planet from those intending to rip it from the Silvers and enslave it to the Primeval. He was one of the only few able to stop them; and in turn stop the great army of darkness from spreading over the entire galaxy. Kneeling up and facing her, turning on his feet as she spoke rather than stalk, he saw himself briefly as those fallen before him - Kaan, Vader, Ren. All taking turns to greatness before losing it to madness. Giving out nothing but pain and ultimate destruction to only destroy themselves. Keira Ticon was what Connor Harrison was becoming; unhinged and giving up on life while heading to self-destruction.

Letting the cold wind lap around him, inhaling the chill to make him feel more alive, Connor lifted his left hand to the girl after she invited him to hit her like a man. A man, not a monster. Another fighter screamed overhead, racing towards where it was needed - Silver or Primeval, it didn't matter. To be a Master to a Padawan, a Master of the Force and a guardian of the Light, he needed to act like one.

"You're like me, Keira. Strong, and able to be saved."

He pushed his arm out with a sharp jolt as he conducted green tendrils of Electric Judgement towards her. The Force Lightning that would burn and maim Sith wasn't needed - this was a life needed to be saved, and he would do what he must to make her see it. He focused his eyes on the girl as more ships roared over their heads, blazing energy bolts that shot into the sky.

As he conducted the Judgement towards her in a wild arc that cast a green glow along the snow and up into the mist above, he moved with speed with the aim of incapacitating her for one move he favored to disarm and wind an enemy - the shoulder barge with his armour making first contact to her chest if it worked.
Objective: A
Location: At the citadel
Allies: Silver Sanctum.
Enemies: The primeval, [member="Vengeance"]
Gear: Blue lightsabers.
Jedi robes.

Kha'ro shivered, he couldn't tell if it was from fear or cold. What would happen if he ran into a knight, or lord? Why was he here? What use would a stupid padawan be? He would just get in the way. Why would anyone who was sane want to babysit a padawan at this time? Sweat poured from his head as if it was a waterfall.

Kha'ro would shake his head, he wouldn't be useless unless he was thinking that way. He cleared his mind quickly, he must have no emotion or it would be used against him. He would have no fear. His master had told him he had recently made great progress, he had to believe it. Any doubt would hinder his performance, he had to force himself to believe his masters words.

He carefully went behind a boulder and hid. He would closely inspect the area before trying anything. He would need to know where people were and where they were going. It seemed like what a jedi consular would do, not a guardian, though Kha'ro always thought of himself as a mix of both. He could feel his heartbeats ferocity and strength.

He would close his eyes and all his concentration would go to the force. He would focus, frowning purely in effort. He suddenly felt the force around him. A moment later, he gasped, failing to quiet the huge breath. He had an extremely rough idea of what was going on. One thing was for sure, he was going to help.

He looked around the corner of the rock and saw an acolyte, that must be one of the weak dark force signatures. Weak is a bit less than Kha'ro's strength. He would see this acolyte preparing what looked like a force lightning, so he decided to break their concentration with a blast of the force. He would take out both lightsabers and step out into the open as the acolyte he blasted went flying due to her not expecting an attack from behind.

He would still stay cautious and prepare for a sudden attack. He would be waiting for an enemy to come to him as he slowly moved forwards. He would secretly turn down the intensity of his lightsaber because he didn't like killing.
Objective: A
Location: Ground floor of the Citadel
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"], Silver Sanctum Coalition
Enemies: [member="Kuryr"], Primeval
Chastity’s custom armor
HK-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol

Chastity's silver eyes widened in surprise when the towering slaver flew backwards, sprawling to the floor. Her telekinetic burst had triumphed and it bolstered her confidence. Not enough to move her from her frozen position, however. As he rose, he took off his helmet and let her see his alien face with its vaguely simian features, beady eyes and fanged teeth. She couldn't contain the sharp gasp that left her lips as she locked eyes with the monster. The alien told her he was impressed with her and then, rattled off about four or five scary-sounding titles. Without further ado, he raised his pistol.

Boom! Boom!

Move, Chast! Don't just stand there like target practice for him! As two staggered slugs came barreling towards her, the Padawan used the Force to help her move beyond her physical limits, strafing to the side with preternatural quickness. Chastity dodged the first shot but the second grazed the side of her chest plate, and she was spun backwards, impacted by the explosion. Her armor began to sizzle as chemicals ate through it, and she could feel a burning in her side. Adrenaline surged through her bloodstream. She was hurt. Now is not the time to lick your wounds, Chast. It's time to grab Fabio by the horns.

Despite the waves of fear that threatened to choke her, Chastity pressed on. Letting the Light Side of the Force guide her movements, she lunged forward and swept her saber up in an arc, aiming right for his exposed face. Her form was clumsy, but her strike was powerful, and if the shimmering blue edge connected, the blade would sear right into the slaver's cheekbone.
Location: B as in babe
Objective: B – Command Center.
Allies: [member="Judah Dashiell"] Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other…
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]

Joe the engineer was not having a good day. He twisted his ankle playing too much gravball. His girlfriend dumped him. And now he was working overtime without pay because some group called PE decided to kark with his schedule by attacking. Muttering about the lack of good caf in the place he chose at that moment to lean against the outter command center wall.

"GORRAM IT!" Joe swore as something sharp bit into the base of his spine and he crumpled over, losing feeling in his legs. Poor Joe. At least he had a very lucrative insurance plan.

Thessa jerked her head up, iced-azure gaze narrowing in the area where Joe was, almost missing the entry hole. It was small, clean-cut, and professional. She was no weapons expert but she knew enough not to linger. It looked like whoever it was hit a weak point in the wall and got through on the first try. She made a note to curse out the engineers, later.

"Everyone clear the area and get him out of there. NOW!" She was already running out of the room.

"Captain Kai, where are you going?"

"We need a bird's eye view and I plan on getting us that. Hold the command center with the others."

"Ma'am, there's one more thing."

Sheesh, she wasn't used to be calling ma'am. Mrs. Kai, Thee, Thessa, Mom, Mommy....all of these things but it had been so long since Captain and Ma'am had been thrown out.


"We're picking up a familiar friendly IFF in the area - you know it?"

Aqua-lips smiled as she saw the numbers. Judah was in the area. "Yeah. I'll open a channel once I get in the bird." With a salute, the attendant rushed off to make sure Joe wasn't dead...yet, while the Galan made it to the hangar to finish pre-flight checks and comm her husband.
Objective: A - Assault the Sith Citadel
Location: The West Wall
Allies: The Primeval, scattered infantry and siege units.
Foes: [member="Nagate Hei"], Silver Coalition and defending infantry.
Gear: Sith Greatsword (Force Nexus), Simple Durasteel armor.

Dust. Wind.

Smog. Grit.

Fire. Ash.

Amidst the surging forth of thousands of warriors, white-clad in Imperial armor, came a singular outline made distinctly profound by the chunk of metal strapped across his back. The thing stood well over the rest of the besiegers and was adorned in his own suit of armor. It wasn't technologically advanced, it didn't even have a temperature system. It was just slate black with a crimson cape unfurling behind him as the wind made its presence known.

I can't take it.
Can't take it anymore.

Let me free!

Let me burn!

That burning, itching sensation arose in the deepest, darkest reaches of his mind. That craving to unleash everything that was cooped and cramped up deep within that ink black soul of his. Naturally, most sane and mentally stable beings of the galaxy would've ruled that immediately as something rather abnormal - and the smartasses of the bunch would most likely prescribe a visit to a psychiatrist.


It was completely normal - to the black-clad man at least.

Judas was his name, a name reputed to hold the meaning of "betrayer." It wasn't just that it had a certain ring to it - he rather liked the idea of being defined wholly in a single word. Simplicity, of course, was the ultimate form of sophistication.

And to be as simple as he could, Judas wanted someone to help free him from these mortal restraints.

To free him and savor the darkness.


Disney's Princess
Obj: B
Location: Mess Hall, 1st Story, ODCC
Allies: 0
Vs: [member="Condor"] p7

A negotiation it was then.

"Very well then. Have it your..."

She was about to reply when the blast shielding over the bottom windows began to grow red hot.

"Get back!"

Kaboom! The shield tore open with great gusto. A flash of light, thunderous sound, followed by the howling of arctic wind. That had been no gunship barrage. That was a proton torpedo!? Roberts looked out from behind the pillar she had ducked behind. Sure enough. Outside there was no gunship. Just the renewed sounds of war coming from the front gates of the complex. Apparently a Prime starfighter had missed his mark and hit this building instead. Damn. Terrible way to finish negotiations. So much for the easy way out. And blast! Her air support had vanished too. So much for gunship support. Must be fighting in the clouds by now.

Roberts turned to peak out from the outer side of the scarred mess hall pillar. Searching for her opponent. Within and without the Force. Hmm. Did he duck and run? ...Mm. Oh no. Not likely.
Objective: A, Sith Citadel
Location: Citadel Gates
Allies: Primeval | [member="Adekos"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear:]Totem of the Familiar | Totem of the Elemental | Chain-Whip Lightsaber | Gauntlets of the Golden One

Warok stood before the massive gates of the citadel. Their towering faces stared down upon the lone warlock with apathy. What was a mere Ewok to these bulwarks? Less than an ant. What would he do, beat his paws upon their steel wrought surface? A mote of dust might stir more alarm from such unfeeling monoliths.

The shaman knelt and pulled out a small wooden carving from his leg wrappings. He held it before him and began to wave it back and forth, his accompanying chant lost in frigid air affright with the clamor of battle. Ha, what did the savage do now? Some primitive ritual? The gates would laugh at him, had they mouths.

The air suddenly warped before the gates, distorted by a coalescing green glow. A fur-bound mountain emerged from the unnatural light, its eyes on a level with the walls. From head to toe the monstrosity must have been ten meters or more. Muscles larger than a speeder bike rippled as the creature opened a fanged maw and unleashed a howl that shook the very clouds.

The Ewok had summoned a Gorax of Endor.

Soldiers on the walls stared in stupefaction at the behemoth as it stared about with eyes full of murder. A lone infantryman atop the gates raised his blaster and fired. The shot pricked the Gorax in the chest, as irritating as a bee sting. The Gorax roared and pounded on the gates with a primal strength of calamitous proportions.

The hinges of the gates groaned beneath the unyielding force of the monster until at last they gave way with a metallic shriek. The gates yawned inward, falling to the ground with a sound like a tremendous gong.

As the Gorax continued its rampage, furious at being drawn from its planet and assaulted by these little insects, Warok walked under its legs. In all its wroth, the Gorax did not notice one lone, snow-covered Ewok as he strode underneath and then out into the inner courtyard.

A Primeval warrior's shattered body flew past, broken by the Gorax. Warok's grin never faltered. ​Silly gates. Silly people. Silly Gorax. Never noticing the Ewok. Hmhmhm, we will see who notices whom, when my feet stand atop their necks.

tl;dr -

Battlefield Terrain Change | All Objective A Combatants Be Apprised:

Front Gates to the Citadel have been torn down. Giant Gorax now stalks the battlefield, killing anything in it sight.
Objective: B
Location: ODCC Mess Hall
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Karen Roberts"]
Post: 7

The negotiations were broken up by a thundering BOOM!, the room turning a menagerie of shades of red and orange as a torpedo tore through the blast shields, creating a fiery inferno between the two combatants. Condor ducked behind one of the last two pillars remaining in the mess hall, shielding himself from most of the explosion. He could smell the odor of melted durasteel covering the entire mess hall, and all that was left was a section of scorched duracrete, two pillars, and the two warriors. He could see the Jedi across the room, behind the other remaining pillar. He didn't seem to have located his position quite yet.

He wanted to continue the negotiations, but it seemed like an unlikely option at the moment. The tension in the room was paramount as the debris settled. Condor tightened his makeshift bandage, reducing the blood loss to a manageable amount, at least for now. Seeing that the blue-haired woman still hadn't located him, he lifted up his rifle, switched it to automatic, and opened up at the woman with a large salvo, spitting red bolts of death across the mess hall. Despite his shoulder injury, he was able to keep the rifle steady enough for most of the bolts to fly at the woman, only a few jerking loose and dissipating themselves on the durasteel walls.


Disney's Princess
Obj: B
Location: Mess Hall, 1st Story, ODCC
Allies: 0
Vs: [member="Condor"] p8

Ah. There you... Damn.

Roberts knelled down as the bolts gave her pillar a haircut. Splattering even more fireworks and debris across the mess hall. She switched on a second blue lightsaber, (having 3 at all times against her lower back,) and held them across her chest. Then she threw them away from herself with gusto. It was time for a real haircut. Jedi style.

The blue sabers turned into arching boomerangs and spun around like helicopter blades to come for Condor from both sides. Wide and fast. His pillar would be mere paper to these arcane weapons. And if he didn't relocate? Bleeding would be the least of his problems.

Karen held up two fingers and guided her projectiles with eyes closed. They would aim to pass beautifully on the far side of his pillar. Snip snip.
Location: Citadel/A
Objective: Defend A
Allies: SSC
Enemies: Primeval [member="Judas Foster"]

Nagate spotted a larger for amongst the enemy horde. He stood defiantly against the Sanctum forces. Nagate answered, moving against him. Two black figures moving towards one another.

"I stand between you and the Citadel, I cannot allow you to move further."

Nagate drew his saber and activated the pale blue blade and delved into the Force. The Adegan Crystal centering him in his task to defend the people of the Citadel. Taking the opening stance of Makashi, Nagate prepared for combat.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the walls
Allies: Jedi/Silver Sanctum
Enemies: [member="Isabella Denko"]

The fighting raged on and more blood was spilled. Some fell to his blade, but far, far more fell to the guns and explosions all around. As another warrior fell, Betna looked up and ahead in the direction of the enemy dropships. More poured forth to replace their fallen comrades, but his attention was not on the deaths of the nameless soldiers of the Primeval. No... his mind was on the woman he'd spotted nearby. The one that was clearly different from the rest.

She seemed to have spotted him as well and had attempted to flee or, perhaps, come around behind him. It hadn't quite worked well enough for her, though, as she'd managed to stumble or somehow make the mistake that had landed her on her rear. For many, it was an easy kill. For Betna, it was a moment to understand who he fought.

The blade blurred once more and sent a Primeval soldier's head spinning away upon a gout of life's-blood. The red spray spattered Betna's already blood-stained armor and T-shaped visor as he stalked forward towards the woman, shield ready and blade waiting.
Objective: A
Location: the Citadel
Allies: Someone I suppose
Enemies: Chastity Lunelle (claimed and soon to be collared)
Gear: Whip[SIZE=9.33333333333333px] [/SIZE]Sword[SIZE=9.33333333333333px] [/SIZE]Pistol[SIZE=9.33333333333333px] [/SIZE]Armor

The two acid filled bullets closed the distance between them very fast. She had yet to move at all, and he was almost certain that she was going to take both slugs directly. She managed to avoid one, but her body rocked and spun as the second slug hit. She had moved enough that it wasn't exactly where he had aimed, but it was a vital area, he knew that the acid would be eating it's way slowly into her armor. The slug itself had very little power behind it, it was more for delivering the acid. Acid that was going to become very painful in a few minutes. She lacked confidence, something that would haunt her for a long time if she didn't figure out how to find it quickly.

Her sudden movement was expected, he had the advantage at range with the pistol, and she had to close the distance as quickly as possible. She was on him in mere moments, and he would have been dead if it wasn't for his own ability to reach out with the force. Her strike was far from perfect, but it was powerful and quick. He had to dodge backwards to avoid losing a large portion of his face, the tip glancing his cheek ever so slightly. He could smell his own flesh as it burned, the blade leaving a thin burnt line of flesh across his entire cheek.

He was lucky to have gotten out of the way when he did, her attack would have ended the fight. The separation allowed him to aim and fire one more round at her. unlike the first three times, they were both in motion so his chances of scoring a hit dropped greatly, but the slim advantage that he held with a ranged weapon tilts this fight in his favor. Every hit he inflicted would do damage to her armor, eventually she would be unprotected and vulnerable to more dangerous attacks
Objective: A; siege on the Sith Citadel.
Location: Outside the walls.
Enemies: [member=Setzi Lunelle]
Gear: Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Razor bugs x5, Amphistaff, Chitin carbine

Troops rushed out ahead of him. The combined might of the Sith and Primeval armies battered at the Citadel's walls with everything they had. Soon, they would flood through their gates and climb their walls. Soon, the night would be bathed in screams and tears of blood. It was a good day to be a Sith.

It was an honour to be part of the army that would reclaim Ziost. True, should they succeed, the planet would belong to Primeval. Regardless, as allies, Sith would have access to it. For now, that would have to do. That detail was minor. What mattered was that the planet was once more given to darkness. Too long it had been under the taint of light.

Nothing had changed, he was still marching on the Citadel, yet the air around him was different. He had an eerie feeling that he was being watched. Pyrrhus found it strange that this surprised him, seeing as there would be many eyes on the approaching armies. Yet this was different. Beyond the mere physical plain, he was being observed through the Force. Someone was reaching out against him, trying to penetrate the layers of his mind. Alarming as it should have been, he instead found it soothing. When he realized he knew the presence, Pyrrhus froze.

And then he saw her. Stepping out from her rocky cover, there was [member=Setzi Lunelle]. Her presence felt unique and easily recognizable to him now, to the point where he couldn't comprehend how he had not noticed her earlier. Unlike the last times he had met her, she was heavily armoured. At least this time, she wasn't covered in mud. Even so, with the armour leaving the girl obscured from sight, she was beautiful. If he had been trying to not think about Selvaris before, he gave up on that now completely.

Pyrrhus had stood there, for a moment capable of little else than gawk at her. He could hardly believe the situation he found himself in. The Force seemed determined to pit those two against each other. Once the moment passed, he was all determination. He knew what to do. He needed to isolate her. No individual would see this day through without getting involved in battle. Out of all the Sith and witches here, he needed to make sure it was him she stood up against. This gave him some measure of control.

A few quick but precise commands were given. His Nautolan guard were to press on to the location pointed out by him, Setzi's location, and they would dominate it. He wanted no interruptions, and as such his guard would have to hold the square while he engaged her. Would it come to blows this time, or would words be enough? The small force proceeded towards her location, with a noticeable haste in their steps. He would be at her position soon. It was time for a little reunion.
Location: On the Walls but going to the gates
Objective: A
Allies: Silver Sanctum Coalition, [member=Arrbi Betna], [member=Thurion Heavenshield]
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Inger Strömfire"], [member=Warok the Defiler]
-Fett-Kal Knife
-Two Dual WESTAR 34 pistols
-One Thermal Detonator
-One Flashbang

Still no challenge to face him...yet. The Rally Master was still on the great walls of the Citadel with several units of allies he fought alongside with. Beneath his buy'ce he observed the soldiers that flanked him every corner of where he stood. Many gazed their eyes at the Warrior, but when the Mandalorian saw those who gazed at him they immediately turned their heads in another position. Perhaps they were producing thoughts from their independent minds about him. One thought would be of why he wasn't on the front lines and cowering behind these ancient walls? Why wasn't he contributing to this battle while others were? Was he here as a spectator? No, he wasn't. He was just finding the someone or something to neutralize that the ordinary conscript couldn't. Why waste ammunition on something inferior when you can put it to good use against that was an actual threat. Of course, this invasion was a threat to many but Vilaz would make sure that all of his strength would kill something so this battle would no turn the tides against the Jedi.

Thankfully, his mind, his body, and his mind would be used at this hour. There at the front gates of this magnificent fortress a giant beast that was identified as a Gorax had unhinged the front gates. Numerous amounts of soldiers were ordered reinforce the lines that stood between the Primeval entering the Citadel once controlled by the infamous Sith. Activating his repulsorpack the Redneck soared through the harsh, cold air to approach this beast in a quick manner and give aid to the sentinels of the gates.

In his very two hands, protected by crushgaunts, was Orar'bev his primary and signature weapon he brought to most scenarios. It looked like an unorthodox weapon to use in war, but never judge the phenotype of it. As fast as his aerial device could take him and his weight h arrived at the front gates where the Gorax stood massacring soldiers despite their affiliation. Soon its attention focused on Vilaz as he was the most easiest sight to spot in the air. Unfortunately, for this giant hits time was about to come to an end as the Mandalorian fired a single broadhead tip bolt at a velocity of three miles per second; the sound of thunder could be heard. A smirk laid on his mouth as he had killed the beast while it took many blaster bolts from friendly soldiers to conquer it. A thud followed the death of the Gorax as it collapsed and destroyed some infrastructure of the complex. Yes, there could have been injuries but he focused on the wave of enemies approaching the gates.

As Vilaz descended down to the earth he saw the silhouette of a small bear standing where the gates once stood. His face was uncertain of this thing that stood before him and Silver Sanctum soldiers at his side. But that face quickly disappeared and was replaced by his plain, old face. "What the hell are you gonna do, huh?!" the Warrior said to the Ewok. "Are you gonna hug me to death?" There was much confidence in the Rally Master that he had just taunted the Ewok. Soldiers were then ordered by their officers to approach the Ewok and neutralize it before anything else had happened.

But what was soon to be know was that this was not just any cute and cuddly bear from the moon of Endor.
Objective: B
Location: Inside the Command Center, mess hall.
Allies: [member="Condor"]
Enemies: [member="Karen Roberts"]
Gear: The Incapacitator | Heavy Pistols x2 | Taser Blade | RDI Smartpack w/ Pistols x2 | Armour

Catalys' eyes lit up at the sudden shock of witnessing that thing have his wine spilled. Suffice to say, this was not the kind of fight Catalys could win... He didn't even know if there was anything for him to do here, whoever these people were they were clearly out of his league and the Exemplar had no intention of getting in the way; he was far smarter than that. Somehow his opponent didn't notice the sudden burst of laser fire headed their way, or maybe they just didn't care, being locked in their own world where it was just the two of them fighting over something he simply could not comprehend.

He didn't stick around long enough to find out. No, Catalys made sure he was long gone the moment his Smartpack decided to act on its own. Okay; it was his fault, but still the technology took some getting used to. On the move, the Umbaran was once again jogging down a corridor just as before and there were sounds--lots of them--but not a single soul in sight. The building shook when, presumably, a bomb had been dropped on the roof. Luckily nothing caved in but it still shook him up, his eyes wandered from behind the mask and looked in every which way through the HUD, the arms of the RDI Smartpack followed his vision.

So what's next? Coming upon a much larger room, he once again saw two people. Wait a minute. He scrutinized the man; a man whom he recognized from engagements on other worlds. It was their friendly neighborhood mercenary which meant that the woman with the two lightsabers was probably some kind of Jedi. This time Catalys had no intentions of screwing up, aiming down the sight with his Incapacitator and fired a 12 meter cone of energy. ([member=Karen Roberts])

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Objective: B
Location: Cliff Overlooking The Command Post
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: [member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Gear: Rifle, Armor, Blaster, Blaster 2, Beskar Knife

The heat of the rifle spiked, and the gas vents of the side of the weapon exploded out with a loud hiss. Kiran shifted slightly, letting the gas vent completely before pressing the small switch that popped open the magazine. The powerpack, now spent, quickly ejected from its place and landed on the Tundra's cliffside, melting some of the snow there. From his bag Kiran quickly replaced the magazine, watching through his thermal scope as the figures within the command post began to move about.

"Ah." He said, quietly adjusting his aim through the massive hole in the side of the building.

Honestly, the Zeltron wasn't quite sure who he was shooting at, but he figured if they were in the Command Center, then they were important enough to kill.

He also knew that he only had five more rounds with this rifle, if that. The Weapon was incredibly conspicuous, and each time he fired a massive pop was followed by a bright flash of light. If the Sanctum couldn't find him while using this weapon...well then they probably had bigger problems then him. With another long breath leaving his lungs, Kiran pulled the trigger and fired into the Command Post.
Objective: B
Location: ODCC Mess Hall
Allies: [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Enemies: [member="Karen Roberts"]
Post: 8
As the Jedi sent her two lightsabers flying across the room, Condor had to make a choice. Either he could fire back and hope to dodge, or he could jump out the way. Time was of the essence, of course, so whatever decision he chose would have to be immediate. Knowing the extent to which the Jedi could use the Force, he opted to jump out of the way, using his jetpack to give him a boost. The lightsabers came in like a pincer around the pillar, ready to slice him in two. He jumped with all his might, using the jetpack to give him that added oomph. It wold definitely be close.

He made it out in the nick of time. Literally. One of the lightsabers nicked the back of his leg, opening up a gash in his calf, and the other cut off the tip of his mechanical wing, on the right side. So much for those. Reluctantly, he folded the wings back in, relying solely on the jetpack. The gash in his leg was still gushing blood, and the wound in his arm wasn't any better.

Luckily, he had friends. Some agent of the Primeval had joined just at the right moment, and was blasting away at the Jedi. Taking the initiative, Condor joined in, unloading the rest of the power pack's energy in a salvo aimed directly at the Jedi as he let himself drop back down to the floor, landing more on his unhurt left leg.
Objective: A, Sith Citadel
Location: Just Past Citadel Gates, Inner Courtyard
Allies: Primeval | @Adekos
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] (come out and face the 'beanie baby,' boy | [member="Aedan Miles"]
Gear:]Totem of the Familiar | Totem of the Elemental | Chain-Whip Lightsaber | Gauntlets of the Golden One

Deep-set eyes watched the Gorax fall. Its impact caused the ground to shudder and issue a cloud of dust. Warok stared at the smitten colossus. Weeks of time spent tracking the beast. Days of countless incantations and spells to bind it to the totem... all undone in a heartbeat's time.

Portly lips pursed tight and Warok wiped a gob of blood from his cheek. He narrowed his eyes as the Gorax slayer dropped from the sky and landed directly in front of him. The first order of business? Reload his weapon? No. Toss out a jibe to shore up any failings in his manhood. Damned sun-addled Mandalorians.

"Maybe," Warok replied.

What had he killed Khong with? Was that a crossbow? With a wood handle too...

"You break something of mine. Now I break something of yours."

He raised a paw, momentarily ignoring the approaching Silver Jedi infantry, and made a twisting motion. The twin plant spirit of the Mandalorian's weapon cried out in terror as Warok reached into the Fanged God's realm and bent the spirit to his will. He urged the veshok wood stock of the Orar'bev to warp until it broke in an attempt to shatter the wood and render the weapon useless.

The opposing infantry, who still weren't sure whether or not to take the Ewok seriously, were just leveling their blaster rifles at him when he bent suddenly and drew out another totem. A pile of nearby debris behind the soldiers shuddered and came to life, animated by Warok's totem of the elemental. Possessed by a clay golem. The spirit being laid into the soldiers, shattering skulls and breaking bones with its rocky fists. The chaos caused a change of focus for the infantrymen. One measly Ewok no longer seemed a primary concern when animated stone started killing the troops.


Disney's Princess
Obj: B
Location: Mess Hall, 1st Story, ODCC -> 1st Story Barracks, ODCC
Allies: 0
Vs: [member="Condor"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] p9

One eye opened as a new signature entered the room. An ion weapon was raised. Hostile, then. ...Figures. She sprawled onto her back and let the pillar eat the shockwave. A familiar helmet rolled past her too. Frowning at the newcomer she raised both hands. Instantly all of the debris in the room plumed up into a thick cloud of white concrete and wood ash. Rolling along the floor until it almost touched the ceiling. Cascading almost pleasantly to obscure all view in the room. Thankfully her one of her opponent had opted to use an Ion particle gun too. So the debris would even help to fuzzy an advanced HUD system too.

Bolts entered the white cloud with little effect even as two lightsabers returned to the hands of their Master. Further blasts would help to scatter the debris and remove the smokescreen effect. Either from the pulse weapon's wind current or the pistols. It didn't matter. Not before a shadow could dart out the destroyed blast shield window and leap into the snow. She had even remembered to reclaim her broken helm too.


Roberts hit the snow with a loud thump and took off running. Blinking really. Force allowing. It had been about a ten meter fall from the first floor and down into the courtyard below. The Jedi was greeted in her long sprint with an arctic compound besieged. The front door, the open hanger bay, even the sky above was filled with streaking lasers. Her gunships were not afar off and busy with the business of war. It was a terrible sight to see even when one was fleeing from shotgun doods and pistoleros.

"A siege it is then. Fascinating..."

With the help of the Force she was very fast. Leaving a solid line in the snow rather than just mere footprints. Roberts ducked into the double doors of the nearby Barracks and spun around to situate herself. She knelled down and poked her head out the windows carved into the double doors. Eyes on the torpedo hole she had just come out of.

She stowed her sabers and withdrew the carbine from her hip. Pitching her broken helm into a nearby locker, it slammed shut on its own. Okay. Better. Second wind. No more surprises. Now it was time to see if this Condor knew how to fly.

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