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Approved Planet Yurb (Canon)

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  • Intent: Create a detailed example for the planet Yurb, and bring it to Chaos
  • Canon: Yes
  • Planet Name: Yurb
  • Demonym: Yurbian
  • System Name: Yurb
  • System Features: The system has one blue star that serves as its sun with twelve planets in total. The outer six are gas giants while the inner planets are terrestrial. Yurb is the fifth planet from the sun and is the only one that is habitable. Yurb also has a pair of rocky moons with no atmosphere. One is little more than an asteroid, while the other is roughly 1000 miles in radius.
  • Location:
  • Map.png

  • Major Imports: Technology, Food, Medicine (For biological individuals)
  • Major Exports: Razar-Tailed Tiger (illegal), Bounty Hunters (rare), Durasteel
  • Unexploited Resources: None
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Arid
  • Primary Terrain: Two large, arid continents, the “low-land” and “high-land,” with dunes, and savannahs. One continent, “high-land’ has a mountain range. The world also possesses two main oceans, and few rivers (though very little still grows.)
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Edsert
  • Planetary Features: Mostly rural, with many small communities. Some communities are built within old Imperial structures from the Galactic Civil War. There are also many armed space stations that orbit the world, nicknamed “Glassers” by the Lervon.
  • Major Locations:
  • Edsert: The capital of the world located on the low-land continent, and where most non-Lervon live. The city is roughly the size of Mos Eisley, and has very view buildings that stand taller than two stories. The city has landing pads for transports, but very few, if any, private vessels are allowed to land in the city.
  • U’Tep Mountains: A prominent mountain range on the high-lands continent. The mountains are more low lying, and rolling. These mountains don't really have any true peaks or cliffs, but they do have many rivers.
  • Glasser Stations: Former Imperial blockade stations now used for defense, living, trade ports, and shipyards. While there appears to be no set class of station, and many have been modified and updated beyond recognition, all are armed to the teeth. Most of the stations currently have enough firepower to live up to the name "Glasser." These stations also serve as the first stop for any travelers and cargo
  • Egos and Gammin Oceans: The main bodies of water for the planet. There is nothing particularly special about these waters, though their presence on an arid world, along with Yurb's rivers, is quite surprising. These water sources are also vital to the Lervon for reproduction, as water is needed to begin the formation of a new Lervon.
  • Roosha Crater: The Roosha Crater is a glass-lined crater that gave the Glasser Stations their nickname. The crater is located where the Roosha Community once stood, and the glass formed is made up of sand and the Lervon that once lived there. The crater is kept preserved by the people of Yurb as a reminder of what the Empire did to them, and with its size, it could be mistaken for a major meteor strike crater.
  • Force Nexus (Optional): None

  • Native Species: Lervon, Razor-Tailed Tigers
  • Immigrated Species: None in particular, but a mixed bag.
  • Population: Sparse
  • Demographics: 95% Lervon, 5% other.
  • Primary Languages: Lerdos (Only about to be spoken by Lervon, sounding almost like electronic whispering), Basic
  • Culture: Yurb is a relatively peaceful, highly isolationist planet that serves as the homeworld for the Lervon. The uniqueness of the worlds native species have had a major impact on many things. Lack of food needs have made farming basically unknown to the world, despite the rural lifestyle of most residents. Various things are also unique to Yurb culture. For example, people tend to be very careful around decorated jars known as “growth jars.” These are vital for the Lervon in the reproduction, and most newcomers will quickly learn this. Another unique part of the culture is what is considered to be romantically intimate.Since Lervon can’t do… certain things that biological species can, their view of what is intimate has more to do with feelings towards another person than actions. Yurb also has a certain fight about it ever since the Imperials had invaded it.
  • Government: Federal Republic
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Wealth: Medium: Lervon, the primary inhabitants of the world of Yurb, do not require many of the things that other species do, thus can still do well financially in there barren homeworld.
  • Stability: High: Yurb is generally safe in the Edsert and the communities, though the desserts are dangerous to non-Lervon due to predators and poachers. Some may also feel nervous due to the Lervon and their speaking. And those who are use to them may be concerned at seeing Lervon twins, or a pair of Lervon who have chosen to share a crystal mass, for the first few times.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Yurb is considered a very free, if isolationallist, world. Various ruling units are used so that no one group gains power over the others as a balance of power. The world is very lenient on what is considered illegal, though spice and poaching are. Force negating objects are also illegal with strict penalties for those who bring them.
  • Military: Yurb has a defense force comprised of the Glasser Stations, which despite their age have been kept up-to-date, and various small craft. These craft range from old TIEs and Lambdas to newer fighter craft. The world is also lax on what weapons are illegal, with the population being considered as part of their fighting force.
  • Technology: Galactic Standard
For most of its history, Yurb has been the peaceful homeworld of the Lervon. Around the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire invaded the world, though not without heavy loses, and set up a group of blockade stations to keep the Lervon on their homeworld. This blockade never worked well, against the Lervon, who simply snuck aboard shuttles, but it was a constant source of fear. A rebellion was attempted, but only led to the destruction of the community of Roosha. This also gave the citizens of Yurb a new name for the blockade stations. Glassers. Another rebellion wasn’t attempted until the fall of the Empire, this time targeting the deadly space stations.

After this initial invasion, Yurb took over the Glassers, and began to use them as defensive stations. Over the years, the world has remained relatively isolated. Though Yurb has developed a small immigrant population in Edsert, the population in general is wary of outsiders, never forgetting what happened before.
[member="Argos Xalen"] That font is reaaaaaaaly tiny, and I can't read it. Could I please ask you to change the font size? The default size would be great :) Additionally, please edit the formatting, and tag me when it's all done so we can get this submission reviewed :)
[member="Argos Xalen"] Looks good! The only thing I'd recommend is elaborating on each point in this area:
  • Major Locations:
  • Edsert: The capital of the world located on the low-land continent, and where most non-Lervon live.
  • U’Tep Mountains: A prominent mountain range on the high-lands continent.
  • Glasser Stations: Former Imperial blockade stations now used for defense, living, and shipyards.
  • Egos and Gammin Oceans: The main bodies of water for the planet.
  • Roosha Crater: A glass-lined crater that gave the Glassers their nickname. Was once the Roosha Community.
Howver, this is a recommendation and not a requirement.

If you choose to edit, or not edit, just tag me to let me know, and we can move this submission along :)
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