Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private You Sucked Out All That There Blood

Runi rolled her head slightly to one side in Xyoz's direction as he warned of a lethal concoction ahead. Of course, anyone Shai decided to keep close would be as wild and strong as herself; anyone else would have been crushed. "I'll try not to soil your carpet."

The lavishness of where Xyoz took her was only mildly surprising. Obviously the people were giving these two a wide berth befitting someone of power, authority, or awe. Had Runi ever experienced that? Perhaps, long ago. It felt vaguely... lonely. When people thought you were out of reach they made sure you were -- physically and socially.

Hazel eyes witnessed the man fill a tall glass for her without comment. If it was as potent as he said that much seemed a gaudy amount, no? Well, the man had a great deal on his mind. Not as much as Shai, but close. The Shaman strode over calmly to retrieve the glass after the drink was poured. Meanwhile, Xyoz didn't even feign to offer a toast -- straight from the bottle he chugged.

"Physical wounds can be treated by someone of medicine. The body may not always be the same, but life endures. Woulds of the soul are a private affair, Xyoz." Runi slowly lifted the glass to take a sip of the sharp contents. "I have illuminated a Path in an Unfathomable Abyss that could bring her back to herself -- and you. Only she can walk it."

The Shaman snorted in quiet laughter. "The viscous part of her asked me to do my worst. What is worse than setting Shai to wage war against that foul part of herself? I have faith."

A while later the woman strode into the room covered in blood. Shai made herself comfortable before issuing an order for a drink, herself. "That blood of yours is going to enable some bad habits, Shai." Runi looked over at the other woman calmly. The Shistavanen was already prone to a good fight, now that she could heal from injuries faster than most of her kind... Well, you'd have to forgive a Shaman from worrying it might encourage bad behavior one was already prone toward.

Why would Runi need to ask which Shai this was? There was only one answer. The Coward would have been too meek, and the Rage Monster was far from subtle.

"Mind if we join you?" Or was there only room for a Wardog to get comfortable? A little levity, in a fashion.

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Shai Maji Shai Maji


"I.. Ain't sure about half of what you just said. But if ya trust she'll be alright, guess I can do the same." Sides, sounded like Shai had a handle on things. His hearing didn't miss any of the beatings. Folks said to beat your inner demons. Literally worked. He stayed pretty quiet until Shai finally came back, and he didn't hesitate to pour her out a g- No he didn't pour her a glass. He glanced to it, about to, then shrugged and handed her the bottle before going to find another for himself.

".. You good?"

Shai the Jaded Shai the Jaded | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
Sitting in silence, Shai nodded in thanks as her hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle, bringing it up to her lips for a hearty swig of the powerful liquor. She glanced at Runi as she calmly walked over to a couch and dropped into it, practically melting into the comfortable seat. "Oh please, nothin' new for me. Though I might try out that giggle dust Xyoz got stashed away somewhere." She spared a glance at the Shistavanen as a light smirk crept onto her lips.

She helped herself to a few more sips of the drink as she took the moment to let reality sink in. She didn't even realize that her head was rested back into the couch when Runi asked if they could join her. "Yeah...? Of course." She awkwardly answered, unsure of what to make of the odd question. The Shistavanen sat forward when Xyoz finally spoke. "Listen..." She motioned around them as a grin formed. "Nothing. No voices, no headaches, no festering thoughts... just peace. I can't remember anymore when I last had a moment like this." She finally answered after a few seconds of silence.

Standing up, she closed the distance between her and Xyoz before she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry, babe. For everything. The shouting, the cussin' and insults, everything. You're the most important person in my life... I didn't do you right at all." She apologized, sincerely and softly. Just for him to hear. She pulled back only enough to plant a kiss on his lips before turning to Runi. "And I owe it all to you. I'll never be able to pay you back for what you did. You've given me my life back." Runi was next to receive a hearty hug, as well as a light headbutt for good measure. Shai's smile continued to grow as she walked around the room with her bottle of liquor.

She leaned against a nearby window sill and stared out over the city below them. The people going about their lives, the families enjoying lunch at a café and the workers building a new structure in the distance. It was beautiful. Precious. Practically a paradise hidden from the galaxy. The temptation to stay forever was hard to keep silent. A chance to start fresh with Xyoz, away from it all.

But it wouldn't be right. She killed her kin on Tython, killed hundreds on Empress Teta, nearly stacked a few Jedi onto the tally as well. What would she be if she tried to run away from all those wrongdoings? The arguments circled in her head, but this time without the desire to kill and burn. This time she could think clearly. "Runi... you cool to stay for a few more days? I... I got some stuff I think I need to work out. Might need your input on 'em." She asked the Shaman gently as she looked at her and Xyoz.

Her gaze lingered on him. "And... if you're cool with it... I wanna talk to you about something as well, babe. Something we should have talked about years ago." She continued, this time with much warmer tone. Before she got to work on all the other mistakes she made, she needed to make amends for the one big mistake she made. Perhaps it was time to stop messing about and finally be a family...

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
Shai's spirit was admirable, but Runi worried if the woman didn't break some of those bad habits she'd end up with the yoke of great suffering once more. Of course she would help again, if she must, but one could only say they were truly alive if they changed. Committing the same mistakes over and over again was not living; the soul was not growing, which made the passage of time and all the suffering vacuous.

Well, Shai had another chance. A clear head to contemplate her Path in this life and what she might need to do after everything else that had happened. That was what Runi sought to bring to people. Another chance to find what brought them fulfillment and purpose. A strong soul at the end of one life would give strength to the start of a new reborn.

The Shaman settled in on a cushion facing the spiritually renewed woman. Runi carefully lifted her tall glass once more and took another shallow drink of its contents. When Shai expressed relief at the 'silence' in her own head, a shadow of a smile graced her lips. Yes, distractions were the greatest threat to a Soul's progress in life; and they came in many sizes and forms. The one that had barred Shai's path had been great indeed -- one of the worst. It was pleasing to hear the woman recognize the opportunity afforded to her.

Better yet, the woman launched into apologizing to Xyoz. Runi's hazel eyes lifted to regard the pair. Reconciliation was vital to recovery. Shai recognized her mistakes and sought to make amends -- to be better. Quite a relieving scene to a Shaman.

"Shai..." Runi's words were cut off when the strong woman moved in and gave the Shaman a hug. After their affectionate exchange, Runi tracked Shai with her eyes. "The only thing I ask of those that seek my help is that they be true to themselves and live well." Not selfishly, of course, but a person's life story was important to Runi. Even a humble tale of minding a farm could bring purpose, fulfillment, and strength. It wasn't the glory of countless battles that defined a person -- though that was one way a person could find themselves.

A short time passed as Shai seemed lost in thought with her eyes out over those laid out below. After everything that happened, Shai needed time to collect her thoughts. Runi wasn't going to disturb her in that moment.

"As long as you need, Shai. I travel frequrntly; the Mandokarla understand." It was why she welcome those that joined their order. Mandalorians helping other Mandalorians. As it was meant to be. They didn't need their Speaker there overseeing every action or every word they spoke, just as the Enclave did not need a Mand'alor. Even if, in a sense, they had one by another name. Not cemented with the same authority, but a leader was a leader -- someone to guide and lead, in troubled times, but also in peace.

Runi's eyes shifted aside to regard Xyoz with a shadow of a smile once more. Shai needed to talk with Xyoz did she? Well, the man had stuck by her despite the violence. A valiant demonstration of his devotion.

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Shai Maji Shai Maji


"You literally pulled me from a cave when I'd piss on your floors like some mutt." Not the most proud days, but there was little chance Xyoz would abandon Shai ever after everything she'd done for him. If anything, he was just happy to see her whole again. Mind and body. He was half tempted to not let her go. .. No, he didn't let her go. Not yet. Didn't matter how old he was. When she tried to turn and give Runi a hug he just tightened his own around her to hold her against him.

"I'm so glad you didn't die."

Then he let her go. And promptly turned back to the bottle to take another large chug before he let any more emotion get the better of him.

Then blinked.

He still had the bottle tipped up as he glanced back to Shai, head tilting to the side in the process. ".. Huh? Talk about what? Like uh.. Blood supply? I can get you something steady, I think."

Shai Maji Shai Maji | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
As Xyoz held her tightly against him, She surrendered to him with a shaky breath. It felt good, to know that he would forgive her. Her own grip tightened as she held him for a few long moments. "Me too." She muttered. To simply say 'thanks' wouldn't do justice for what he did. How he saved her life and gave her a chance at a new life. A chance to fix all her mistakes. She'd make it up to him in other ways. They had plenty of time for that now.

Looking back at Runi, Shai flashed a small grin as she gave a nod. "No need to worry about that, Runi. I've got a second chance at life... I ain't gonna mess it up." She reassured the Shaman with a laugh. While she'd indulge in some vices, the choices she made in her past weighed heavily. Continuing down that path like she did would simply lead her to damnation once again. No, she would do things right.

And that included Xyoz. He looked a little confused about what she meant, earning a soft chuckle from Shai as she shook her head. "Nah, not that. That ain't as important right now." She felt somewhat nervous about saying it aloud. But it was high time for them.

"I... was thinking more about... makin' it official. Between us." She hinted, hoping that he would understand what she meant. But even if she had to spell it out for him, that would be fine as well. Settling down with him was worth all of it...

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

/End Thread

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