Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me

Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell was pissed. Rightfully so. Not only was his hat now the poor victim of Casaana Casaana 's attack that sent melting hot blaster debris onto his thigh, and now he was rightfully scrambling to keep sight of his money maker potential ransom, Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell , but also because his hat had charred to crisp!

At the very least the boy, Iko Vel Iko Vel , had suffered some injury for his zappy zap zap trick. Ugh, this is why children are a pain in the arse!

"Oi! Oi! Oh no you don't!"
Zeke cried out as Thirty-Seven picked up the boy, and Persie began to scram. Leveling the Ion Shrieker at the droids, back, the pirate sent out several volleys at him, hoping to incapacitate him perhaps and drop the boy.

Apparently, he was important enough for the brunette to cry out about him.

"Oi! Get those kids!" Zeke cried out, yelling at his other pirates friends to come and assist. "That's our ransom money!"
More blasts, her arms jerked to position the glowing green blade, each ricochet hammering down the hilt and into her palms. So much stronger than the training remotes. Persephone was getting the nice droid to help Iko. Meanwhile hate was radiating from the pirate stronger than she'd ever felt in her short life as he yelled after them.

She deflected a few of his blasts, more trying to send them into the ceiling or floor than try for a perfect bounce back at him. Dimly she was aware of the other pirates intermingled with her fellow travelers that had been unfortunate enough to also be hungry when the Blue Stars had struck. "Go go! I'll be right behind you!" Her voice was a tad too shrill, time to fix that, take control of the situation.

With a pirouette she switched to a one-handed grip on the saber mid form to send a shot back at Ezekiel's feet and in a move that she'd practiced dozens of times in front of the mirror in her little temple room, her free hand ducked into her jacket to fish out three tiny pink plastoid pearl earrings. She paused long enough for the pirates to see them, each held between a splayed finger by her impishly grinning face before biting down on the string that attached their little ear-hooks together.

With a combined jerk of her head and arm that put her into another spin of footwork, her arm drew back and she flung the tinny spheres into the room as she dashed back after the other kids. Behind her the tiny micro grenades exploded into quiet clouds of pink and silver glitter, covering every surface of the cafeteria and filling the air with fluttering shimmering sparkles as the Jedi's most troublesome student disappeared after her friends. Her cackaling laughter echoing in the sudden silence after the blaster fire.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Iko Vel Iko Vel
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Iko hissed in pain as he was picked up, and kept a tight grip on his sword, waving it behind Forty-Seven to try and deflect some of the bolts away from the droid. He had to protect his transport, otherwise he was going to be in a lot of trouble. There was also the chance he could use the Force again...but Iko wasn't going to try that again. He was not a fan of using the lightning again once again. It was an accident...and it didn't feel nice whatsoever. There was some kind of strange ick spreading across Iko's thoughts at that, some strange coldness. No. No. Don't focus on that. They need to get out of here.

Though...Iko then blinked at the sight of the Casaana having some weird explosion necklace...Interesting. That was a possible idea for creations he could make later...He could always make a new necklace for her now that she had wasted that one protecting everyone...Wait. Why was he even thinking about that right now? There were in a situation that he needed to keep his full focus on. Glancing back to make sure Persie was alright, before looking behind Forty-Seven to keep his eyes on the pirates.

"You come after us, and you'll get shocked as well! Don't you dare come after us! I've got more tricks up my sleeve than that!"

A lie. A pure lie. Iko barely had anything else up his sleeves, but he was going to do his hardest to protect the group as much as he could. Hopefully one or two of the pirates would have been freaked out about the lightning hands...and then the explosive pearls as well.

Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Casaana Casaana Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Thirty-Seven was hit all along his left side, immediately freezing up one arm and starting a small leak of fluid from the shoulder blade. Servos could be heard whining and whirring, struggling to compensate for the damage. The advanced droid shifted Iko Vel Iko Vel more towards his right arm, clutching the injured boy tight. Self-scans indicated his left arm was only working at fifteen-percent capacity, his left leg working at ninety-percent capacity. Scans also indicated a leak of fluid for his servos, hence the pronounced whirring. Message was sent to El-Three with his health scan, to prepare a team upon his arrival.

For now, he would trudge on with the children. Communications indicated one Arceneau Trade vessel ten minutes out and two Salacia salvage vessels twenty minuts out. Sector authorities nearly an hour ; they were far out, after all. Thirty-Seven just had to get the children to the docking bays.

[ Quickly. We must reach the docking bays within eight minutes. ]
Thirty-Seven wanted to add two minutes in to buy time.

Persie on the other hand was in awe of Casaana Casaana and her pink smoke-glitter-explosive bomb. How did she have one of those? Before the smoke obscured everything she was completely in love with how the glitter fell ; coating the pirates and turning them into pretty pirates. That small glitter was never coming out of all the cracks and crevices.

"Wow Cassie! That was so cool!"
Feet picked up the pace, coming along side the droid and Cassie, hurrying towards the docking bays. They were following Thirty-Seven's lead, he seemed to know where he was gong. "I kindas want one."

Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell
Zeke had posed himself into a debonair pirate pose of holding out his ion shrieker to hit the droid, however, the satisfaction of getting a hit didn’t last long because the bloody girl with her light sword decided to toss blasted pink glitter smoke bombs.

“Oh bloody void! You blasted kid! GLITTER?!!” Zeke cried out in exasperated annoyance. Even back to back Sonics wouldn’t get rid of it all. The stupid glitter cling to his skin, clothes, even the blasted shrieker.

“Wretched kids!”
He cursed, un phased by Iko Vel Iko Vel ’s threat. Oh no, instead he started to shoot indiscrimitantly, purposefully storming forward in the smoke, ion shriker blasting off shot after shot in the direction he saw them last.

Didn’t matter if the girl was a bit damaged. A ransom was sure to be paid the same.

Casaana Casaana Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Thanks!" she called out to Persie as she panted slightly. Shots were starting to get past her as she tried to act as rear guard for the group, she'd hoped that the little glitter trick would have bought them some more time. "Droid go faster, makethedroidgofaster!" She spilled out as the angry pirate began firing even faster but much less accurately. Fortunately a corner and a turn gave them some breathing room and she swiped the sweat from her brow. For some reason this was a lot more intense than any training and her little heart wouldn't stop pounding.

Making it into a turbolift with the others, Casaana shut down her lightsaber in the enclosed space before turning to check on Iko. "You okay Iko? You're saying some pretty loopy things." Had he been loopy? The glitter had been her trick and Piratey Mc Pirate Hair was the one shooting ion stuff. "And why's Arcenow Trade picking us up?" She asked the lift in general. Maybe the droid had gotten a bit of ion to its processor after all. They weren't cargo. But it'd done good to take the shots it had and still be moving. Idly Casaana poked at some of Iko's worse wounds as she checked out his leg with a frown, He was going to need bacta for that. Probably.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Iko Vel Iko Vel
As soon as they managed to get into the turbolift, Iko kept his hands at the ready, as if he was going to fire off another bolt of lightning. Not that he wanted to...but it wasn't like he could do much. Plus Thirty-Seven wasn't doing too well itself. He had to do something to protect them. He was just being dead weight right now and he didn't like that whatsoever. What was the point of him coming with them, if he was just going to be holding them back? Damn it, damn it, damn it! He couldn't figure out what he could d-.


Whilst his leg mostly felt numb from the ion strike, as soon as Casana poked at it, a sudden pain shot up his body as if someone had shoved a red hot poker into his leg as he squirmed against Thirty-Seven, gritting his teeth and resting his head against the droid's shoulder as he tried his best to keep the pain under control. A few involuntary tears fell down his face as it was the worst pain he was able to remember. Chit! Chit! Chit! If Iko wasn't in so much pain, he'd have whacked Casaana across the head. But for now, all he could do was cry and squirm in pain, shaking his head again and again.

Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Casaana Casaana
Blaster bolt narrowly missing herself as the turbolift closed, Persie slumped against the durasteel wall. She was sweaty, worried about Iko, and wondered why pirated attacked the that public transport out of all them. Maybe 'cause it had been jammed packed, who knew. There was time to figure that out later. For now, they had to get off the ship.

[ We are being picked up by Arceneau as it is the closest friendly vessel. You will board without protest. ]

Trying to catch her breath one moment then Cassie touching Iko's leg the next sent a blood-curdling cry throughout the small space. Obviously he was in a lot of pain, she wasn't sure why the Jedi girl was touching it. They weren't medical professionals. Nor did they have first aid supplies. It was best they leave it alone in case they made something worse.

"Cassie! You're makin' it worse. Look at 'im. Just leave 'im alone, let the adults do somethin'."

Persie assumed there would be adults on this Arceneau vessel. At the very least, perhaps an advanced droid like Thirty-Seven. Then they could get some real medical help.

Iko Vel Iko Vel | Casaana Casaana | Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell
The pink smoke and glitter still annoyingly blasted lingered. The handful of pirates who had attempted to assist Zeke in grabbing the kids were utterly foiled, the turbolift closing before they could nab them.

Zeke's lips twisted in aggravated annoyance, "Really??! Really?! None of you were able to grab two and a half kids??! " Half because the boy Iko Vel Iko Vel was crippled, and the droid had to carry him.

"Well, you didn't either -"

"We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ME SMEEE!" Zeke shot back in annoyance. "I am surrounded by bloody imbeciles!"

"Oi! You! Get someone by the hanger deck to grab those kids! I recognized those designer clothes and purse on that annoying brunette one. She'll be credit mine besides this ship for ransom!"

"Ay, Ay, Second Lieutenant,"
which is who Zeke was. He might not be Captain yet... but soon, real soon, he will prove himself to the pirates he was ready for his own ship and crew.

Casaana Casaana Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"I need to see if its bleeding!" Casaana whined back at Persephone, "It's called 'First Aid' because you do it first!" Sheesh, it wasn't her fault Iko screamed better than he blocked laser shots. Still, she frowned at the wound already beading with little spots of amber, her training get-up had a small pouch with a disinfecting bacta spray, but that was crated in the cargo hold with the rest of her things for the move. Briefly she hoped that they'd be okay and off loaded at the ship's destination. "Maybe we should bandage it to keep it clean? But 'Arse-now Trade' is so close they might have an Aid person." Casaana trailed off into though, her cheeks puffed up in concentration until the door behind her opened with a ping.

Exiting to the corridor, Casaana checked both directions for crew or pirates, saber deactivated yet at the ready. "We're good!" Now to figure out which way to go, big ships were confusing. She spent a moment while the others left the lift trying to see if the vibration of the engines were stronger in one direction or the other but she couldn't even really hear them, which way was the back of the ship? Maybe the droid knew where they should go, it seemed to have a map or something and she looked to it questioningly.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Ezekiel Dashiell Iko Vel Iko Vel

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