Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Working 9 to 5. [pm for invite]

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"You flatter me, Ms Arceneau. It's a pleasure to be invited," Moira said warmly, infiltration protocols moving into action. It was true though, they were the best in the business. Of course, Moira might be just a bit biased because she and Maelion were the progenitor units. Merciless death machines were totally the sweetest parents! Alright, probably not, but they gave you the best death toys.

"You are right, our main products are HRDs. We have recently began expanding our product basis to include battle droids, an upgraded variant of the droideka and droid tanks in the light of the galactic situation offering a market for it, but HRDs remain our pride and joy. Finely built to our customer's exact specifications. Be it as elite soldiers, bodyguards, aides, companions....appearance, height, weight and capabilities are tailored to our customer's needs. They're top of the line units whose advanced protocols allow them to all but seemlessly blend in. We aim to create the best models available on the market."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

"How intriguing," Danger would start, quite curious about the Human Replica Droids. "And if I may ask.... just how lifelike are we talking about?" it was clear she was piqued, interested. Having a Human Replica Droid certainly would be a rather... interesting security feature.

But first she wanted to know a bit more about the goods. It was no little know fact that Danger was looking at setting up a new Headquarters here on the Tion Hegemony. It will also be a new venue for trade, with her familiar trade stations taking root to push the economy and the sale of goods. But she was just one woman... an HRD would be interesting to have not only for security purposes... But if she ever needed a couple of side jobs she needed to get done if appointment's wires were crossed.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"We strive to create our units as lifelike as possible, while retaining the efficiency of a machine. We can create replicants based on any humanoid species. For instance, a Zeltron replicant droid would be able to simulate her species' pheromones via artificially synthesised chemicals and installed projectors. Cloned organic skin covers the droid chassis, likewise they have synthetic blood and other organic materiel. They can imitate acts such as drinking to blend in and realistically simulate human behaviour, allowing them to blend in during social situations, even soirees such as this one" Moira replied smoothly. The last line did not contain a hint of irony!

Of course, there were limits to their infiltration abilities. HRDs could look, act and seem human, but they weren't and at some point there inherent otherness came shining through as they lost the ability to empathise. Something also enhanced by the fact that they were designed to be the very model of perfection. Then again, few humans looked beyond the pictureperfect surface, finding themselves taken in by it.

"Our units have a significant versatility. An HRD provided for a client can be secretary, bodyguard and strategic adviser in one. Endowed with superhuman strength and relentlessness, they make excellent bodyguards and will obey any command their controller gives them, coming up with effective solutions via machine logic, unencumbered by emotion. They can mimic any known voice and speak in thousands of languages. Upon the request of our clients we can create HRDs in their likeness to serve as doppelgangers, to represent them at functions they cannot attend, handle business affairs and protect them. In these troubled times I imagine such a protector can be useful," she spoke. Deadpan droids were best droids! "To all outside appearances they are a perfect alter ego of their master."

Unfortunately the Company could not advertise this, but [member="Kara Vi'dreya"], enterprising businesswoman, Sith Lady and according to some the most subtle dominatrix ever, was the proud owner of an HRD clone made in her image. Hopefully some day they could go public about that, for Moira had been quite proud of creating the 'Übermensch'. Likewise [member="Darth Shadow"] would soon possess a clone created in his likeness. Assuredly he would find ways to make use of it. Likewise that could not be advertised, but when it came to its customers Archangel did not make sweeping moral judgements and instead practiced a liberal open door policy in the spirit of the free market.

Yes, this writer just tried to describe selling sophisticated assassin droids to Sith Lords as the libertarian thing to do! It should be noted that there was no zero possibility of Archangel workers going on strike, picketing and demanding higher pay and reduced work hours. And their secretaries always answered calls punctually instead of slacking and yammering about their love life.
Color her intrigued.

“Fascinating.” she’d say, mulling over this. “Perhaps we can discuss the possibility of a contract or two in the future.” away from public eye and earshot of course.

“I’d be more than willing to hear more about Archangel and the other products it offers.” she’d suggest with a smile.

“Are you looking to create a new branch here in the Tion Hegemony?” she’d inquire, curious to see who she would be adding to the holodex so to speak once Arceneau Trade and the Business Bazaar headquarters in Tion reached completion. If she could promote Arcangel’s products, all the better.

Imagine what one could do with an HRD Companion!

The possibilities.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Consider me interested. My co-director Anna Comnena and I would be delighted to discuss a contract between our companies with you in the future. And give you a good view of the products we can put on the market. In a less public setting," Moira spoke, delicately shaped lips curving into a smile, though it did not reach her eyes. It never did.

Not that it mattered. An arrangement with a company of the magnitude of ATC promised substantial profits. Danger could also be assured that Archangel would live up to its end of the bargains and not carry out a precipitate, poorly-thought out double-cross to gain pointers on the Evil Overlord List. Murderous death machines they might be, but they had a tendency to stick to their contracts due to machine logic, thus placing them on the Lawful Evil side of the alignment metre.

"I have been intending expansion into the Hegemony, yes. Lianna offers promise as a business location and we have an enduring working relationship with AEL. Presently we're expanding after having made some...acquisitions on Loronar. Expansion into the Tion trade nexus would be desirable for us. We're interested in expanding the reach of our products and widening our customer basis."

Fortunately Archangel had been there to provide aid and jobs for the poor workers after Loronar was shaken by a deplorable terrorist attack that wiped out Loronar Corporation and set it headquarters ablaze, presumably killing the entire board. The culprits had never been found, though rumours abounded. Some suspected the crime syndicates given the shady deals some Loronar executives were said to be involved in, others anarchist terrorists. Another popular theory was the One Sith, since these days it was common to blame them for everything! But thanks to Archangel the former Loronar employees would now be able to move on from this calamity and find a new purpose.
While waiting for Mr.Lee to bother with a reply(Judah wasn't expecting one), the corner of his eye caught one [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] .Dressed elegantly, the woman was looking like the socialite businesswoman rather than the rough and tumble soldier that he knew her for.No doubt [member="Thessa Kai"] would be happy to see a familiar face at the event. He was relieved himself -- saved him a trip to a Firemane office or Siobhan's home to talk about business.

"Excuse us for a moment, will you Mr.Lee?"

Nodding in Siobhan's direction to his wife, the pair met the woman halfway. Mumuring continued all around them, the event fully underway. Judah held out his hand in greeting towards the brunette, figuring a kiss on the hand from himself wasn't Siobhan's cup of tea.

"Miss Kerrigan, you're looking well tonight. I didn't expect to see you here. I've been meaning to discuss some business with you, if you have the time tonight to do so."
Siobhan caught a temporary case of temporal timeline distortion - whatever that is supposed to mean - when she was suddenly greeted by [member="Judah Dashiell"], his wife [member="Thessa Kai"] in tow. Not so long ago she had been Judah and Salacia gather sample of plants by shooting at lots of lizards. Wait, had that already happened? Or was it still ongoing? As usual Siobhan did not waste time pondering this issue further but resolved it via handwavium by dismissing claims.

She was no stranger to fuzzy timelines and even parallel realities, since in her dreams she constantly got visited by alt Sios. It tended to end in a brawl. Timeline issues resolved she gave the pair a bright smile and shook Judah's hand. She might look like a socialite aristocrat, but her grip was as firm as ever.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Dashiell, Thessa. You look well, too. Your little boy's well, I hope?" she asked warmly. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Danger Arceneau talking to some blonde woman. Somehow Siobhan got the impression that she should know, but her face did not ring a bell. She was quite certain that she did not like the blonde though! "I definitely have time. What business would like to discuss?"
[member="Danger Arceneau"]| [member="Moira Skaldi"] |[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tyger Tyger’s energy was electric as he pushed through the room, powered not by confidence, but by a fuel source much more substantial:


He had no corporation to speak of, no weapon designs to brag about. He dealt almost exclusively in trouble and death, charging extortionate rates for products which this galaxy already held in abundance.

There was nobody in this room whose hands had not be soaked in blood by chronic Galactic Civil War. They all appeared to struggle uncomfortably in this new role of “Civilized Man;” an uneasy fit, like some prison putting on a production of “Downton Abbey.”

His purpose spared him the embarrassment of awkwardly shifting about with a drink in his hand, making small talk and begging for interest in his person. He had a mission to accomplish, “precious cargo” to insure, and upon its completion, he would be granted the sweet reward of departure.

Milo intuitively perused the struggle of interpersonal relationships as he searched for his target in the crowd, making ever-so-minor note of the biolinguistics presented as he casually strolled through the zoo:

There were fish out of water (a phrase more literal in the case of Thessa) wearing bubble helmets and crawling on their bellies while insisting, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Wolves veiled in wool, then wrapped in tuxedos, prom dresses, baring teeth through laughter and exercising dominance by way of jest.

And then there was Tyger Tyger, an apish thug, oblivious to the fact that he was underdressed and uncaring to the probability of being late. After all, he couldn’t have been. He wasn’t actually invited.

Credentials as a Cestus “private security contractor” had got him through the door partially-armed, his bowcaster having been requested to remain in his vehicle. This suited him fine, as violence was never the intention. It was a good turn-out, and with great haste in his step, he searched the crowd – his eyes wandering over torsos, a comical byproduct of searching for a woman who trades a degree of notoriety on the size of her chest.

In fact, in his seeking out of Danger, Milo had initially approached Siobhan only to expertly veer off at the last second as the more apt candidate came into view.

Seasoned TIE Pilot turned company brute.

He approached Danger from her front, navigating around the conversational circle to which she belonged. His aura intense, his expression unfriendly, and his gaze fixed curiously somewhere beyond her, it would be easy to perceive his presence as threatening. His inside hand intruded her personal sphere to press upon her abdomen, an effort to guide her back, separating her from the flock. Though it wouldn’t be apparent to anyone other than Danger, his touch was light and exuded little actual threat when independent of his rude manner.

“I need to talk to you.”
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Her composure relaxed significantly as she was steered away from [member="Cade Lee "]and toward a good friend, instead. Something about these business people just didn't sit right. "Makai's doing great. Thanks for asking Sio. What about you? You and our mutual red-headed friend getting along okay? Is Dells still homeless?"

The last she heard, Dells was living on some weird, droid's ship. She considered that pretty much homeless, especially with the way Dells described the place.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]


"We're enjoying the time away, Makai is enjoying his grandmother. I trust your wife is fine?" Judah's free hand came up and squeezed Thessa's. It was almost as if his wife was facing the firing squad and the trigger was about to be pulled. These events weren't any easier for himself either but was an evil all too necessary. Finishing the drink, Judah placed his empty flute on a circulating waiter and waited for the pleasantries to be finished. It was hard being formal with Siobhan, especially considering the woman's status as a family friend.

"Let's hope no one is homeless. Siobhan, I'd like to contract Firemane long term in Sanctum space. Your normal rate, plus twenty percent of all profits made on job sites that Firemane directly contributes their services to. Preferably I would like to contract out for a year. You'd be back on Raevana, as well as other planets within Sanctum and Corporate Sector territories. The job is basic, protection of Salacia employees, jobsites and our goods."
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Nah, not homeless anymore. She's been heading Firemane troops on Dahomey but is gonna be transferring to Etti IV to head a military adviser programme. I'll make sure she has a nice apartment!" Aww, wasn't Siobhan sweet? More like annoying and overbearing.

"Tegs is good. The Eldorai Queen made us countesses," Siobhan declared happily. Her wife had been...a good deal more reticient about becoming nobility, but she was clearly pleased with it. A psychologist might speculate about her having an inferiority complex and a need to show she had made it and risen from the gutter as far as she could.

However, as Judah spoke she turned all business. Obviously Firemane's numbers were not limitless and they would have to draw a not inconsiderable contingent of troops, though in the end it would be still small elite groups, but a year-long contract with twenty per cent of all the profits plus the normal rate promised substantial rewards. Moreover, they were contracted to train the local forces in the Corporate Sector and thus could easily gain new recruits for their troops. Thanks to Dells' work operations had progressed on Dahomey to a point where the native militia could be entrusted with a good deal of work and there was actually an elite Firemane unit composed solely of natives. Of course, the final decision rested with Tegs but given how, as far as Siobhan knew, Judah seemed rather established in Sanctum space it would also be a way to get a good entrance into this corner of the Galaxy.

"Sounds promising and lucrative. I've been interested in moving into Sanctum space. We're familiar with Raevana and it gives the troops good experience. I imagine it's more guard duty against beasts and such. Are you talking quick salvage and sample gathering operations like last time or do you want to rebuild and set up shop in Tydon base for an extended period?" Given the way the Rebels had ended, the former, while more tedious, seemed less risky. That said Siobhan was of the belief that she should simply send Eyrecae on a vacation to Raevana to thrash the lizards. Along with burning a good deal of the forest down.

"And which other planets in Sanctum space does Salacia have operations on and how extensive are they? I'd need an overview of installations and security already in place to allocate the troops needed. And are we talking purely ground operations or would Salacia ships require say escort ships in space? We're moving into Etti IV due to a defence contract with the government - Dells is handling that. So we can easily expand to guard Salacia operations in the Corporate Sector."
[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Tyger Tyger"]

Danger would give a nod, that smile lingering over her lips. “I’ll have my assistant schedule an appointment. We can discuss in detail a mutually beneficial relationship then,” she told the Archangel representative.

Indeed, having HRD’s as well as viewing the rest of their product line would be a promising investment.

It was then that the evening took a rather interesting turn.

Feline green eyes would catch the man in her peripheral at first. One doesn’t join soiree's like this wearing that of all things without sticking out like a sore thumb. He was gruff, rugged, untamed in a manner of speaking. Dark tousled forelocks would curl round the nape of his neck and over his brow -- his eyes were intense, expression set.

Much like the vagabonds Danger grew up with on Tatooine and dealt with regularity in Nar Shaddaa. She might clean up well, but the woman was born and raised in the Outer Rim. You don’t get this far without tangling with the likes of the man before her.

The heat of his hand would transfer lightly over the thin fabric of her dress and past that lovely AEL corset custom made for her. The gentle urging a stark contrast to his rude manner, drawing a shift of curiosity from the Trade Queen that would have normally turned to one of ire.

Boldness and ambition were qualities she admired. That he would brave her ire piqued her interests. It was all part of the game she played; to see who would call her bluff.

“Pardon me, Miz. Alderana… Miz Korr. The responsibilities of a hostess never cease,” she’d relay with a dip of her head, “A pleasure.” as she smoothly adjusted to the hand encouraging to draw her away from the group. In the distance the strains of a melody from the local orchestra began to play.

“Well well…” his boldness would draw her attention, her words a low throaty drawl only fit for his ears.

“Aren’t you the curious curio.” she’d say in a coo, ambling beside him as those full hips swung from side to side. “I know the faces of those whom I’ve invited to my soiree… tell me, why is it that I do not recall yours?” devilry ran across her green eyes, glinting with piqued curiosity at the dark scoundrel beside her.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Countess?" Judah looked to his wife, mildly bemused. "Apparently the Dashiells are rubbing elbows with royalty now. Quite a long way from the nerf farm."

Smiling at their private joke, his attention was brought back to all things business matters. Since the woman was considered a close friend to the family, Judah would have little problem explaining his business ventures to her. While his idea wasn't exactly new or exciting there were still those out in the world who would try to one up Salacia's ideas. Some business sapients could be extremely cut throat -- not that he could blame them.

"Excellent. I just signed a lease on a warehouse on Etti IV for manufacture of our pharmaceutical goods. I've got a few Salacia employees overseeing its interior construction as we speak. This is currently our only location, although we are looking for a second to possibly have our own farms. We would need Firemane to secure the warehouse and also have a soldier or two guarding shipments as they leave on our transports. Escort shouldn't be necessary yet."

"As for Raevana, our salvage ops will do for now. We've got botanists working on finding a way to transport live plants out so we can grow them in a less hostile environment. Like I said though, exploration is needed for a suitable planet near Etti IV. You will be informed every step of the way Lady Kerrigan."
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Well, Tegs and I did both come from the gutter!" Siobhan responded. A psychologist might speculate that this helped explain her strong desire to impress and show she had made it. But regardless she listened to Judah as he outlined his business plans as they stood.

"I see. We can easily dispatch a unit to take over security at the warehouse and soldiers to guard shipments. I'll give Dells a call and have her people check out the location. As for Raevana, regular escort duties for salvage ops along the lines of our first op is feasible, obviously. Facing the challenges of the jungle there gives the troops experience while shooting at big lizards. Glad to work with you again."
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Suddenly, Milo became aware of his terse approach, glancing back over his shoulder to be sure nobody had decided to investigate. Retaliation was surprisingly void, and his mind dallied briefly upon the delicacy of spinal columns, the flexibility of neck muscles, and just how easily he could have ended Siobhan’s life with less than 180 degrees in one direction or the other.

When had he started thinking like that?

The bodacious babe beside him cooed in curiosity, and he almost succumbed to the want for attention from beautiful women. Fortunately, experience (ie: unfinished storyline with Malica) had taught him to reconsider such ventures. Milo held no illusions as to what he did for the Tion Hegemony, and the type of people he did it for. Sith Lords, plunderers, and capitalists, all – And Danger, poison by affiliation.

Sure, she was sweet, but so was ethylene glycol.

For a flash, his brows lowered and crow’s feet formed at the edges of his eyes, squinting slightly as if he were peering through fog.

“...tell me, why is it that I do not recall yours?”

“Because I bought a new one,” he spat, his tone lacking the charisma of a playful joke or the intellectual superiority of sarcasm. It was, in fact, almost exasperated, like he were audibly rolling his eyes, as if to communicate “If you don’t waste my time, I won’t waste yours.”

Milo was a straight-shooter. He had to be. He wasn’t any frickin’ good at games.

He moved in front of her, barring the path on which they had walked. Sure, she ran this place – the whole room granted her hometeam advantage --, but at least it was well-lit and the audience was presumably unarmed. Milo would not be lead into some dark back room, or straight into the arms of her goons. He respected her too much to trust her.

Her name’s “Danger,” for God’s sake.

“We have a mutual friend at Cestus,” he began, too professional to foolishly tarnish both the “Arceneau” and “Cestus” names with association to [member="Darth Janus"]. “The public ports are unsecure. I can’t have the authorities searching my –“ He stopped on a dime, deciding he’d revealed too much.

Milo hated talking for this reason.

“Our friend has assured me that the ports owned by Arceneau Trade are private; safe. Prolific. I need access.”
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Likewise a pleasure, Ms Arceneau. We look forward to doing business with you," Moira said politely when suddenly a rugged looking man sticking out like a sore thumb appeared and tried to gain the Trade Queen's attention, with Danger cordially excusing herself and left her presence.

For her part Moira's business was concluded and she allowed herself a smile, a very human gesture. There was a time to purge organics and a time to make nice and play the game of business and diplomacy. Archangel would life up to its end of the bargain, its business partners could be sure of that. After all, it wanted to deliver high quality products. Lifeless eyes briefly followed Danger and the dark haired scoundrel before she turned away and some insignificant aristocrat demanded her attention, with Moira indulging the annoying organic with sufficient smalltalk despite being inclined to crush his throat before excusing herself. Yes, the connection with ATC would prove most useful for Archangel's future endeavours. As would a presence within the boundaries of the Tion Hegemony.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted 'Countess' Siobhan Kerrigan, chatting with Judah Dashiell and Thessa Kai, both known to her from her days in the Rebel Alliance. For her part Moira had no interest in catching up with 'old comrades'. Kerrigan might be able to conjure up the power to throw her across the entire hall and through the wall without any effort and tear down the roof just by thinking about it, but with Moira having changed her appearance she would not recognise her. She would probably be too distracted by making crude attempts at what organics called flirtation. Unlike her Moira knew the true powers behind the Tion Hegemony and it would be delightfully ironic if Firemane helped arm them. If Kerrigan knew she was certain to be driven into a homicidal rage, for she remained an animal, despite looking every inch the aristocratic socialite.

All around her capitalists, nobles and sorcerers were in their own way dancing to the tune of the credit. Orders had to be made, the machinery had to be kept running, every cog in it moving towards full efficiency like clockwork. Perhaps eventually the time would come to leak out details about the entechment project. The promise of immortality and eternal youth was a tempting one, especially to those who were rich and powerful. For without power one dies. Undoubtedly it was a long road to walk before the Age of Steel was even close to fruition. There would be setbacks, plans would have to be adjusted, but that was fine for the machine was patient.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="Thessa Kai"]

"I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear the news. Its been nothing but a pleasure working with Firemane and I'm glad we could enter into this beneficial relationship."

Apparently this was a win-win production. Salacia would get protection for its newest product and Firemane would be able to blow up things under the guise of 'training'. He suspected many amongst their ranks were pyromaniacs. As long as the product and employees remained all in one piece Judah wouldn't have a problem with a little extra fire power now and then. The only problem would be finding a suitable location for a farming system for the plant. Judah suspected he could figure out a way to grow them in urban greenhouses. Yet he liked the idea of farms. He was a farmboy still at heart. Maybe he was viewing it with a little too much sentiment but his mind was made up.

"Well, what do you think Miss Kai?" Judah turned to her, clearly excited. "You, the tadpole, Sparky. All of us on a little adventure in the Siren. Could be real fun, searching around in Sanctum and Free Space for a location for our project here."
"Are they ever?" A ripple of amusement and a lilting drawl would be detected in her throaty voice. It was in direct reference towards the lack of security the public ports provided. It was for this very reason why Arceneau Trade had reached a level of success beyond par of any other trading company. She housed her own warehouses, her own ports, her own security.

Danger would sweep her gaze up and down the revelers of her soiree, allowing [member="Tyger Tyger"] to admire the stunning elegance of her profile. Behind the feline slant of her green eyes, Danger was quickly running through her mental list of mutual acquaintances with Cestus. It wasn't until he made reference to the private docks held for specific transponder codes and Cloud 9 clubs that his true desire became clear.

She would then return that dazzling smile at her companions direction, "While I do enjoy small talk..." she'd take a step closer, the faint heady scent of her perfume drifting close enough to tickle the senses.

"A girl likes to at the very least get the name of the man itchin' to get the goods." she'd drawl out in a provocative manner that would make one wonder just what exactly she was referring to. The port access or something else entirely?

"That she'll get something out of it herself..." An auburn brow would perk.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]
She shifted her gaze, offering an opportunity to gawk – an offering of which Milo did not partake. He shifted his weight to the other side, his impatience becoming increasingly apparent.

He was anxious about something.

That was, of course, until she closed the gap. If he were a baser animal, he would have snarled at the encroachment upon his territory. As that was not the case, he merely stood his ground – a statue, fearless in the face of vandalism. A sharp inhale of her perfume eased his tensions, his muscles relaxing. Drifting thoughts wandered through wheat fields and summer time, fresh fruit and vanilla; a sharp contrast from the chemical smells he’d grown used to among Imperial women. Suddenly, he found he had appreciated her not pressing him about his cargo, and he was now even willing to reciprocate the kindness.

Danger asked for his name, but he didn’t really hear that part. Not right away, anyway. His drowsy state had made him suggestible, and her little nudge had derailed his train of thought. Milo wasn’t quite certain what she was talking about anymore.


To what?


Maybe he should’ve let her lead him into that dark room, after all…

The light in his eyes flicked back on. He didn’t know her- Adolescent Penthouse fantasies were dashed upon the galactic realities of stolen wallets and free clinic visits.

Whatever it was he was protecting, it was keeping him grounded.

The conversation had continued and he’d missed the opportunity to divulge his identity. No matter. He wasn’t sure how he would have answered anyway.

But when Danger brought up the notion of quid pro quo, well, Milo was locked and loaded. He saw this coming about a mile back down the road.

“What do you want?,” he asked flatly, not missing a beat.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Late. Sasha was late, and why not? It took her awhile to look as good as she did, and the scandalvid cameras and tabloid press just ate it up. Yes she was a popstar, especially on Lianna, and especially since the Sith Empire had fallen. Poor Sasha Santhe, sold to the Sith to protect corporate investments within the Empire. Used as a bargaining chip. No one understood how she enjoyed apprenticing to the Empress at the time. No one understood the power she wielded as benefited her training. No one understood, and if she got her way no one would.

Her escort for the evening one [member="Gabriel Beau"] had been picked up by the local limo service before retrieving her. They had discussed their pending legal proceedings together over a drink, and laughed at the flaunting of First Sale Doctrine by not just Subach-Innes by the owner herself Circe who made up some insane fake legal precedence to justify her theft.

Credits. The evening was about credits, and mingling with people of importance to further the divide of rich and poor in the galaxy. The perfect event for Sasha. Gracefully she walked into the room and took a deep breath, Yes this would be fun.

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