Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wonderland | The Collective & Friends

She moves like she don't care
"One? That's... sixteen. Alright...twenty."

Mariya frowned for a moment when she first saw the miserable single digit on the latest card, but brightened up immediately when she played her +/- 4 as a +4, giving her the biggest possible total this round. It appeared she was heading for a possible win, unless the doctor somehow pulled of a twenty as well. She had no idea about the concept of an automatic win by filling up the table with nine cards and not busting, but that was a rare occurrence.

"Just pulling your leg. I know doctors are busy and stressful, despite all the rumours of drawing a good pay. In my view, the pay does not scale to what you are doing in an emergency ward. Perhaps if you open your own private clinic though... that would be different."

Her eyebrow raised slightly at [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]'s comment about the uniform. She had yet to seen the doctor in the standard First Order uniform, but it had only been at the hospital. She wondered if the doctor would actually walk around in her white coat even if she was off duty in the military compounds. "If you ever lose your license... well, I'll just sneakily break you free from jail and you will have no problems establishing yourself elsewhere."

The sponsorship offer and jail break sounded like jokes, but the blonde knew better than that. If her friends ever needed help, she would never hesitate to stick her hand in for them. Even if the doctor protested. The First Order was never known to be kind to prisoners.

"Alright, back to the game. I think I'm picking up this round for sure."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"20, nice." Drawing a series of cards, as [member="Mariya Fleischer"] had automatically stood, Aes'ona announced her new score in time, "Twelve. Fourteen. Urgh, nineteen." Still, she drew another number anyway. "Twenty-seven. You're right; it's your set."

This time, Aes'ona gathered up the set cards and slid them over towards the blonde for the purpose of score keeping. As she was, she gave sort of an awkward laugh at Mariya's comment about jail breaking. It was not untrue to say that a doctor as skilled and easy to work with as Aes'ona could indeed establish herself almost anywhere, be that integrating into another faction or setting up her own. But she was not used to thinking like that, and even less used to others bringing it up for her.

Finally, she hesitated to say, "Well, all I can do is see how things turn out."
:]1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5
She smiled, the expression self conscious even if she was not in the slightest. But it was a smile, a little shy, a little secretive, that she had learned well from her youngest sister.

"I suspect, Lord Mecetti, that nothing about you could ever be boring."

Of course, she knew a deflection when she saw one. While she didn't think she had pushed too hard, she eased off then, taking a sip of her drink. A better choice than something sweet and sugary, she could appreciate the quality of the ingredients at least. She didn't comment on his hand against her knee, or when it came to curl over hers.

"Perfect," she answered his question, though it could have been about the drink or about the rest as she smiled, watching him out of the corner of her eye.

"I suppose I can give them this yes," she continued after taking another sip.

She could afford to be generous if it appealed to him.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
She moves like she don't care
"I guess that's life. Hang around, do the same stuff daily and wait to see how things develop..."

So far, it had been a win for each of them. Mariya was getting the hang of things by now, though she could not help but wonder what who had the advantage. She did a quick analysis in her mind. There were three remaining cards in [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]'s side deck, the same situation as herself. None of them knew each other's side decks. The remaining cards left unplayed in the main deck were diminishing, with the bigger values such as seven to ten being drawn already.

So in order to win, she would need to hope for bigger cards or the usage of her -1 and -2 might diminish over time. She picked out her new card and did not look too pleased.

"Two. Really... I was hoping for a bigger number."

Mariya sighed, pouring herself another glass of wine. If she remembered correctly, this was her third glass. Judging from her ability to think clearly about the current card situation, she told herself she was unlikely to be drunk yet. Speaking of wine, she spotted the doctor sipping on her water.

"Hey, water? So fast giving up on my wine already? You should drink a little more..." Grinning, she poured additional wine into Aes'ona's wine glass. "Finish this glass by the end of the ball, alright? I'll spare you from the remaining bottle..."

Cards drawn:
1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5

Mariya's side deck:
-1, -2, +/- 5
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona grinned sheepishly back at [member="Mariya Fleischer"]. "Just let me finish this first," she requested, referring to her water. "I take hydration very seriously."

"Three," she told her companion as she drew. "Well, I think we've already drawn most of the bigger numbers."
:]1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5

:]+6, +2
[member="Cassandra Paige"]

He smirked back at her-

Pleasant interaction to be sure. There was just enough push to make it interesting rather than dull, but without too much obstruction to make it a chore to deal with. It was obvious that Cassandra knew her way around a talk or two. "I can think of a thing or two that are perfect." His eyes ghosting and brushing down for just a moment, before meeting her eye once more.

Barely a hint.

A statement wrapped around in something more.

"Alright, let's see about meeting Baron Wyman? I must warn you, he's quite... expansive." Fat was a better word, but all that Tash wanted to do was give Cass a forewarning, so she could put her polite face on immediately. It would not do to insult their... whale from the get-go. Rising up from his seat, Tash offered his arm to her, while taking another light sip.

It certainly was good vintage.
She moves like she don't care
"True, but I guess I'm taking the ten this round, " Mariya picked up her second card and was glad to see something bigger than a tiny two. Her total was now a 12. With no more 8, she could only hope for other cards to supply the needed values.

"Gotta admit, you are right about the hydration part. All these drinks make me thirsty," she waved at a random waiter who had wandered by and grabbed a glass of water. She finished the glass immediately and handed it back to the waiter before taking a second thirst quencher.

The band began to take the central stage and played a melodious piece in the background. A soft tune perfect for ballroom dancing. "I remembered the last time I danced in a ball was with a pirate," a flash back came into her mind as she spoke her thoughts absent mindedly to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"].

Not just any pirate, but an infamous one with an ancient Venator-class Star Destroyer as his flag ship. Presumably dead, like all the others.

Cards drawn:
1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5

Side deck
-1, -2, +/- 5
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"Oh, Void..." Aes'ona groaned when [member="Mariya Fleischer"] called her attention to music and ballroom dancing as she pulled a six to get a new score of nine. "I'm glad you enjoy it, Mariya, but me?" The doctor drew a sharp breath through her teeth before taking up her refilled glass of wine and starting on it. "Not so much. You're up." She reached over to the pastry dish again, her hand hesitating as she eyed the sushi beside it. She then shook her head and picked up her second snack. "I'll never understand you people, eating raw fish."
:]1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5

:]+6, +2
She moves like she don't care
"Anyhow, it remained the only time I did ballroom dancing...I think..." Mariya recalled how she had difficulty walking with the heels. Nothing like the fancy Force imbued ones that she were wearing now. The truth was more complex to explain. During the ball, her feet were moving instinctively to the music rhythm, like she had learnt dancing before. It remained an unsolved mystery. Certain parts of her memory were still gaps, especially concerning her childhood.

"Huh, another six. That makes eighteen."

She took a glance at her side deck, deciding whether she should risk picking one more card. It did not look to appealing to burst her draw.

"Stand. Oh, regarding the sushi, I had a feeling you might not want it. Might even give me a lecture on the dangers of consuming raw food and the risk of harmful bacteria entering my body."

She made a keen observation regarding [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], knowing that sometimes she might just turn to her best doctor behaviour during conversations.

Cards drawn:
1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5

Side deck
-1, -2, +/- 5
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona smiled. She was glad that [member="Mariya Fleischer"] seemed to have such a positive memory of dancing. Truth be told, so did the doctor, but hers was more...complicated than just happy. "I think I have a favor in mind now," she mused, more to herself than to her friend.

Turning over her first card, Aes'ona commented, "Why am I getting the small cards?" But then, she paused, with her first draw in her hand, and laughed, finding it funny. "Guilty as charged," she said, referring to the sushi comment. It was true--she had almost done so.

Then she counted, "Eleven, fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one..." as she drew a two, then a four, a one, and a five. "And, looks like I won't get to use it." The doctor gathered up the set and slid it over toward Mariya. "Your turn."
1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4
+6, +2
She moves like she don't care
"You have thought of your favour already? You need to work harder if you wish to make it happen," she gloated teasingly at her friend. She was now two sets down and one left to win. Another clearing of cards, with the main deck dangerously thin now.

"What happens if the main deck runs out of cards? Do we like... stop?"

A valid question from Mariya to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]. While she waited for the doctor to respond, she did that magical waving action again. Another waiter popped in with more food choices. This time, she picked up a plate of barbecued seafood and fish sticks.

"Don't worry, it's not raw this time. Won't want you to just keep eating the pastries without proteins."

She casually drew a two this time, the last two from the deck.

Cards remaining in main deck:
1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

Side deck:
-1, -2, +/- 5
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"Good point. I can reshuffle." Aes'ona took her turn, drawing the last seven. "Take your turn first," she invited as she took her set and Mariya's two to go through them and take out the cards from their Hands. When she did, she separated hers from [member="Mariya Fleischer"]'s and placed them on the table beside the Main Deck. Then, she set the discard pile in front of her, waiting to restock the Main Deck.

The doctor cracked a small smile as she reached over for three fish sticks. "So thoughtful. Though I'm more nervous about what you'll have me do now..."
1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
+6, +2
1 set
She moves like she don't care
"I am not sure... I still haven't thought of what I want."

She took the next card and sighed. A miserable one, giving her a grand total of three. This might be her last game, but it was certainly going to take a while. The music in the background continued the slow dance melody, which made her suddenly lit up with mischief.

"I know. Maybe I'll make you sing a song. Or dance with a handsome man among the crowd... well a lady is fine too, if you prefer the fairer gender," she smirked.

Cards remaining in main deck:
1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

Side deck:
-1, -2, +/- 5
Oh, she got his hint. She could have handled any strangeness without batting an eye, but she appreciated his intent. The implication that they were, for tonight at least, a team.

It was exactly what she had been aiming at.

Her smile broadened slightly before accepting his hand. He tucked it neatly into the crook of his arm and off they went again, sweeping through the crowds as he sought out that one contact he was hoping to impress tonight. If she could help that along, well, it would only be for the good.

For him? Well obviously. But also for her.

If she were being honest, primarily for her.

Itash hadn't been exaggerating. She easily spotted the man they were heading toward from halfway across the room. There were plenty of people who could be described derisively as heavy, but he had been right. The Baron was expansive. Not merely in size, but in personality as well.

As they swept up, Itash inserting them flawlessly into the circle of people around the Baron, Cass kept a friendly, neutral smile on her face, inclining her head as introductions were made.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Cassandra Paige"]

There were the rare individuals that even made Tash blink for a moment.

The Baron turned out to be one of them.

Immediately when Itash and Cassandra smoothly inserted themselves into the circle, Wyman looked away from his current conversation and eyed the newcomers. The thoughtful frown immediately melted away into a bright, wide smile with plenty of teeth (white and shining ones, strangely enough). "Ah, new guests! You must be..." His eyes went up and down, up and down before nodding once.

"Yes, Lord Itash of House Mecetti? What a pleasure, but who is this lovely creature next to you? Beautiful, intelligent too it seems!" The circle of associates slowly drifted away in the face of that enthusiasm.

They were quite used to it by now and knew that they weren't going to get a single word in as long as he was amused by these two new souls.

"May I introduce, Cassandra Paige? CEO of GenPals, an upcoming sensation from the Corporate Sector." Itash retorted smoothly in the same broad fashion as the Baron, to put him at ease with familiarity. It seemed to be working as Wyman stepped up closer, extending his meaty hand to Cass. It kinda looked like a ham, but that thought was kept to himself for now.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Following [member="Mariya Fleischer"]'s turn, Aes'ona reshuffled the Main Deck as promised. And then-- "Eleven." With the addition of a four to her seven, she sat back on the sofa again. "Oh no, that was my idea too!" she exclaimed. With a wave of of her hand, she added, "That's alright, I'll get more imaginative." Just don't make me sing, was her only thought, but she dare not add that aloud too for fear to making up Mariya's mind for her.
+6, +2
1 set
[member="Itash Mecetti"]

Cass gave Itash the barest of side eyes, missed by the corpulent Baron as she offered her hand and he leaned in to kiss it.

Because of course he did.

"Charmed," she said warmly, a pleasant and flattered smile on her face, though she felt neither of those things in this moment. That was okay though. Cass was accustomed to putting forward the face she wanted to, rather than what was really there. He unfolded from over her hand and beamed at her.

"Lord Mecetti has done nothing but praise you since we got here," she said with a small, knowing smile, as if she and the Baron shared a secret. "I have been wondering this whole time if I should be jealous or not."

The Baron laughed, hand going to his stomach. He hadn't yet let go of her hand and she made no move to change that. She knew how to play the game.

"Oh I don't think even I could steal him away from someone as pretty as you are," he said with a wink.

"Are you certain?" She teased, "Because I'm not."

That brought a heavy round of laughter.
[member="Cassandra Paige"]

Mm, she wore lies as comfortable as one would wear well-worn shoes.

It was a pleasure watching her work and yet... it was better to participate. A thin path to walk, between mindless stroking of ego and applying compliments that would have the desired effect, it was a subtlety that Tash had learned from his younger days. Such was the way when you were lazy and unwilling to do actual work. Much better to let others work for you instead, if they were happy and content doing it? That much the better as far as the Tapani was concerned.

Less questions.

"Beauty, brains and a healthy dose of humor too!" Wyman proclaimed with a broad grin, before finally relinquishing her hand and instead moving to occupy Tash's. Large enough that Itash's hand practically disappeared in it as well, heavy handshake followed. "I have heard much about you, Lord Mecetti! A true go-getter, time away from Tapani court must have done you some good indeed!" "All that I needed was some fresh air, perspective and the company of a lovely, ambitious woman to show me the way, Baron." Now Tash shared a knowing smile with Cassandra. One of those that signified they were close and could relay meaning simply by a look.

"Ahh, yes, lovely ambitious women. Debrah had much the same effect on me in my young years!" Tash hoped not. If Cassandra was going to turn him... expansive just by her proximity, perhaps he should run already to get a headstart.

"GenPals you said?" But Wyman's attention shifted from the Tapani and looked to Cass with curiosity.
She moves like she don't care
"That's your idea? Hmm... no fun. I'll think of something else then."

She brooded over the idea a little, noticing that her third glass had just reached bottom and she wondered if she should continue. She picked up the bottle and took a look at its contents through the glass. It seemed that she had finished half the bottle by herself, while the doctor had helped out with a glass so far.

"There's a bit left... enough for one full glass. I am beginning to imagine seeing someone finishing the rest by the end of the game and then belting out a song," her eyes twinkled at the new challenge she had just thought of. The alcohol was loosening her up just a little, but she was definitely sober. Just feeling enough to let her hair loose for a while. She still remembered that her pistol was tucked under her dress, but it probably would not be seeing any use for the rest of the night.

"Forget about the dancing... we can dance together. Change up the music and turn on the flashing neon lights instead of this soft melody."

She smiled at [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], picking up her third card. A nine, giving her a total of twelve. It was a good thing that the previous cards were back in play with the big values available.

Cards drawn:
4, 9

Side deck:
-1, -2, +/- 5
The look was returned with ease, the barest trace of a widening of smile that implied a certain intimacy.

They were, of course, nothing of the sort. It was a slow boil, one she measured carefully. It was a delicate balancing act, keeping him interested enough to keep seeking without giving him everything he wanted, leaving him wanting more- but not having him give up because the chase was too tedious. A little taste here, a promise there, an implication as needed.

"Your wife sounds charming," she murmured. She meant nothing of the sort.

"Mmm yes, perhaps you've heard of us? We are very new of course," she said with a certain humility. "We offer designer pets for the distinguishing individual. Miniature, cultivated versions of familiar, beloved species."

"You're the Bantha Buddies company!"

Her smile twitched slightly as she inclined her head. "That's us."

"Could use something just like that as a gift for my daughter," he mused thoughtfully. "She wants a rancor, you understand. Couldn't possibly, couldn't possibly. But perhaps something, hmmm yes."

He seemed distracted for a moment, as if on the verge of wandering off deep in thought (possibly a regular problem for the Baron). Normally, Cass would have been perfectly content to let him go. But part of her goal tonight was to show Itash just what kind of partner a Paige could be.

"Perhaps a custom order could be considered," she interjected smoothly, placing her hand lightly on his arm. "A miniature Rancor, just for your daughter, without all of the... less desirable traits. Of course, I'd have to hire Lord Mecetti here. There's no one I would trust more than him and his men for protecting my company from a creature like that if we were to procure a sample of that magnitude."

[member="Itash Mecetti"]

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