Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Witch Way?


Miraluka though the man may have been once, he was no longer. The traces of his ancestry remained, a sort of signature in the Force that any adept with Force Sight could perceive. But it was muddled. Changed. Some darker force had acted upon him, twisting the very fibers of his being into what he was today. Now? He was nearly indistinguishable from the Sith, save for the hues of his skin and eyes. "My research has shown it to be a deity of some kind. Or, a creature worshiped as one. A god of pursuit and ambition. Or so the legends claim."

Voph paused at a crossroads, turning to look down each of the dark hallways in turn. "Thing is, most of the folks that worship this Ektheros don't like talking about him. Or talking in general. But all roads do seem to indicate this temple."


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