Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wild West Ruleset Update #1: Dominions

Link for the lazy:

The new rules have been approved by Staff and posted.

Please feel free to ask questions, give concerns and suggestions in this thread.

Original Draft Take-aways:

1. Rebellions are used less as a tool of punishment and more as a time constraint/mitigation.
2. We're getting rid of tiers. Simplifying it down to just hexes.
3. Doing away with post limits and caring about who posts what - the focus is on roleplaying! But now they get judged for if its a spamfest, just two people carrying the faction on its back, or an actual dominion in the spirit of the map game.

Final Take-aways:

1. Dominion time-limits prior to becoming Rebellions have been axed.
2. Flashpoints are being threatened with a Staff Vote, unlike other rulesets, because I simply don't know if they're a right fit for us. So they have been removed from contention in Dominion rules, and it's my belief they never really had a place in the actual ruleset.

As you've seen with [member="Cira"]'s map update, we have reduced hexes to 1/3 the size. These Dominion rules now complement that.

Last note: All current dominions are NOT being grandfathered. We're not going to give a flat rate like that - however, Staff will be striking deals with Faction Owners to grant fair reward for fair work. If you have a Dominion currently ongoing, please make sure Staff knows about it as soon as possible so you may receive further direction.

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