Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who Do I Want to Be?


Silence echoes across the empty expanse of the lavish room, a small bear-like plush sitting at a girl's side on a large white bed, and nobody says a word. It has been this way for so many days, months, years even. She lost track not long after the two-hundredth day, if that was even accurate on this world - wherever that was. Her mother had progressively lost herself in obsession after becoming a Sith Lord, and it had gotten to the point that the woman hardly ever visited home - visited. In the last four years she had not left the confines of her room, let alone spoke to another soul or even seen her own mother. In the first year she spent every night weeping as she was plagued with evil visions of darkness and delirium that echoed behind the cackling laughter of her delirious mother, a woman so far beyond the brink that there was no bringing her back - no amount of pleading, sobbing, or telepathic pulls could breach the woman's dark heart, and so she sat on that bed for the last four tenths of a decade in silence, occasionally being slipped food by the slave children that took care of the fortress, and often visited by a crude leftover of the age of Darth Andeddu's dark cult that now surrendered themselves to her horrible mother.

It was at the behest of her small, plush, little bodyguard that she moved her frail figure towards the door, scooping up her lovable protector in her arms as she eyed the hellish gateway from her room to the outside world. Shouts echoed up and down the hall that she imagined surrounded her cell of a room, some slaves or servants of her mother's likely warding off someone approaching, but by the sounds of it they couldn't or wouldn't put effort into stopping them. Her parched lips parted slightly as she heard the sounds of clattering heels stop - could it be? There was a hellish presence just beyond the door, and silence had filled the hall and her room once again, could it be that her mother had returned for her? Her heartbeat accelerated tenfold in anxiety as she heard the fumbling of belongings, though of what she could not make out. Another shout and this time it was stifled, to which Lisette immediately crawled to the edge of her bed and pulled the sheet up with her as she rose up and stood to face the direction of the door in the light-less chamber, the white sheet draped over her not unlike a dress.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Lisette Vantai"]

Circe had been told about this place. It was apparently to Silara what the facility on Malachor V had been to her in her past life. She smiled, eying over the situation while further pondering the state of the slaves here. They all followed Silara out of fear, not admiration - which could only mean that once she was weak, they would abandon her, or turn on her and result in the death of the one Circe passionately clung to now. Circe's best way to deal with this was to gain their admiration and respect.

And thus, here she was, looking into a darkened room at a young blonde girl who held a sheet between her and the Sith Lady, as though the sheet was the only thing preventing Circe from killing or otherwise harming her. She stepped forward, eying the girl before getting on one knee and reaching eye to eye with her. Literally.

"Hey... It's alright. Who're you? You seem a bit different from everyone else here."

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