Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where Shadows Gather...

As Andorreth spoke up, Valae gave him a nod.

“Sounds like a good plan,” She agreed. It would be good to send the two young women to Trandosha with a bit of extra guidance. As things were only just getting started, she didn’t want to send anyone off with too much weight on their shoulders. Speaking of which, Andorreth brought up another good point. The shadows did need someone to take the lead. As Grandmaster, she would continue to oversee their progress and direction – but she did need someone at the helm to keep them on track.

Glancing around the group, there were some standouts, of course. However, her Chestnut eyes returned to Andorreth. He was eager to get to work, and in such a short period of time he had breathed some life into an organization that had fallen off the radar.

“I think that task will fall to you, Andorreth.” She said with a nod. “You've earned it. After all, you have already done quite a lot to set us up, and I appreciate your hard work.” Valae offered an encouraging smile.

Approaching the young man, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I know you’ll do well.” In a quiet tone, she added. “And my door is always open – I’ll be here to support you. We all will.” She nodded towards the group.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Raven Sorenova"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Cassius Droma"]
I blinked....then looked at Master Valae as she told me I'd earned it. Then she complimented me before saying she knew I'd do well before telling me her door is always open. I blinked again....Me? Leader of the Silver Shadows? I hadn't exactly let the thought take root in my mind that the leader could be me.

Looking towards Master Valae's soft chestnut eyes and her hand on my shoulder I rapped my right fist against my beskar breastplate. I was close enough to Master Valae to speak softly to her. "You honor me M'lady I'll do what I can to do right by you and prove worthy of your trust."

Then just as smoothly I moved back away from her and waited for what came next. Looking over towards the quiet girl and the Mirialan young woman I wondered what would be the start point of their journey. Trandosha had been mentioned and I could help set them up there or anywhere else. I might be leader of the Shadows now but they were still young and I would at least for now defer to the Grand Master's judgement on where to send them.

[member="Stephanie Swail"] ~ [member="Valae Kitra"] ~ [member="Raven Sorenova"] ~ [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ~ [member="Liuna Ondizi"] ~ [member="Cassius Droma"]
Pleased to see that Andorreth had accepted the great responsibility of leading the shadows into a new era, Valae’s smile only grew. “Good, it’s settled then.” She nodded. Rubbing her hands together, she gave a moment of thought to the first official mission that Andorreth would oversee.

“I think we ought to start getting communications and outposts set up on our neighboring worlds.” She said, “Trandosha seems a good place to start. And why not kill two birds with one stone? While you’re all there, you can see if there are any locals that might be willing to work with us. The more information, the better.”

The Grandmaster stifled a small yawn behind the back of her hand.

It was fairly late – at least for her it was. Even at this hour, she had a feeling that some of the younger folk were probably just getting started with their nights. Letting her hands clasp together before her, she took a glance around at the group.

“Are there any other topics you’d like to discuss tonight?” Her brows lofted slightly, “Otherwise, we’ll go ahead and conclude.”

[member="Andorreth Vikar"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Raven Sorenova"]

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