Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Where I'm From, It's Always Handcuff Season (SJC + GA)

You find yourself lying in the parking lot of a Huttburger on Coruscant, awoken by the first rays of dawn. Once you get your bearings, you realize you are handcuffed to someone else. Is this all part of an elaborate prank, or is something more sinister going on? How are you going to get free? Do you even want to be free? (Yes, you do. You're probably going to need to go to the bathroom soon, you don't need someone else going in there with you.)

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot Laraine Laraine Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Zemira Zemira

Here are the randomized pairings:

Ura Iolar + Aaran Tafo

Slip + Laraine

Bernard + Zemira

Depending on how things go, I may introduce random events, or I may just let y'all do your own thing. Go nuts.​

Ura mumbled a little as she finally seemed to reconstitute from a pile of sand to her usual, humanoid form. Gah.... What happened, and had she listened to again about a trip to Coruscant. Now here she was, waking up ancestors know where, and... something felt off. For one, that voice was quiet, second how was she knocked out, and third, some of her body didn't seem to be listening to what she wanted it to do. Her glowing eyes flicked around. There were others there, but she had to focus for a moment to get her sight cleared. Then she felt some of her crystal mass tug, and looked down to see....

"A... container?" She then noticed something was attached to it. A chain? She followed it until she finally say another ar.... Another arm? She gave a quick tug to test, and it was no good. Her crystal mass was inside the container, and cuffed to someone's arm. This was great. She looked at the others before shaking the person she was chained to.

"Hey.... Hey. You ok?"

Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot Laraine Laraine Zemira Zemira
Laraine Laraine Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

Slip groggily began to wake up as someone shook his shoulder. What had happened? Where was he? What was going on? Had he been drugged? Cause it definitely felt like he had been drugged. Most teenagers his age wouldn't know what it felt like to be drugged, but Slip knew. It wasn't the first time, at least... and it probably wouldn't be the last time.

His senses slowly came to him. He managed to open his eyes, and groggily looked around. He seemed to be in some sort of parking lot of some sort of restaurant. A lot of other buildings surrounded him, so he guessed it was one of those high population planets. Then, he felt something on his arm, and he looked down.

He nearly had a heart attack.

There, sitting next to him, was a small female, chained to him by some sort of binder or handcuff. The weirdest thing about her was her strange tail, where her legs would have been. But that wasn't what freaked Slip out. What freaked him out was the fact that he was sitting mere inches from a female. He... wasn't sure if he had ever actually been this close to a girl before. He still had no skills in interacting with them.

While the girl introduced herself, Slip was hyperventilating. His face was growing noticeably red. Well this was off to a great start.

"I... erm- y-yeah, I'm fine." He managed to mumble out. "I-I'm Slip."

"Do... d-do you know w-where we are?"
He asked her, still incredibly nervous.

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