Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When Worlds Collide [ OP Dominion of Eriadu ]

Tilda Sai

"Protectorate Forces, this is Major Anika Od'Manteiv. We have received word from FleetCom that the Bando Gora Reavers are back. "

Her expression was stoic, stern. Ever by the book. The knowledge that the Bando Gora Reavers were back in the wake of a mass amount of missing sapients was an unsettling news indeed.

"All available ODF forces are to head towards Eriadu. Any contact with hostile forces should be met without prejudice." her face would be on every hologram within Protectorate space near Sullust and the nearby sectors.

"We have fought and beat back the Reavers before; we will do so again."


1. Interact with the Bando Gora Fleet and neutralize them.
2. Reach and secure the Eriadu shipyards.
3. Protect the citizens of Eriadu from Bando Gora Reaver attacks in the main capital.
Coryth lay in the medical bay of the ship, listening to the steady beat of the heart monitor upon her chest. Her leg had been set, ribs wrapped and her shoulder had been set back into place, dislocations were at least simple fixes. There was even a bandage upon her forehead, and her back had taken much time to pull out the shrapnel from it. Coryth had still refused the bacta treatment. There wasn't a soul that could cram her in one of those tubes without much screeching and shouting. The redhead hated bacta tubes, not to mention the last time she was stuck in one, she smelled sickly sweet bacta in her nose for a good solid week.

Her eyes just now seemed to snap open, a disturbance in the force she felt. Her eyes locked with the cane beside her bed. They'd said she could walk... well limp was the better word. With a heavy sigh, Coryth sat up, though her ribs greatly protested the movement. "Gotta find out what is going on..." She grumbled as she pulled the heart monitor leads from her chest in one simple motion. She was far too busy for this being hurt and laying in bed thing.

[member="Anika Od'Manteiv"]


I Shall Know No Fear
The words of the Protectorate were clear: purge all enemies that sought to capitalize on the chaos that overwhelmed the entire Galaxy. The Inquisition were the first line of defence, and the last line. Their power was eternal. They were unbreakable. They would not falter against Sith, against pirates, against cultists. None of these would stop them. There was no way that the Inquisition could just break.

Aboard the Leviathan, the call went out: Eriadu required rescuing from the forces of the Bando Gora. A threat once destroyed. A threat already purged from the Galaxy by Omega. Once more they had resurfaced. Once more they would die.

The Inquisition moved as a well-oiled machine. Battle-brothers suited up into titanic powered armour. Bolter shells were loaded into breeches, checked and double-checked again. Swords were cleaned and oaths to victory sworn under candle-light.

This, however, was not Uriel's ship to command. He would wait until the order came. Soon, very soon, he would know the sweet taste of victory.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Hastings gave a nod as he turned from the bridge and made towards a dropship. A handful of their soldiers were left behind for mop up operations, the rest were returning to the Leviathan even now. "Get me Sergeant [member="Uriel"], I'll have need of him before this is over." There was a nod from the communications officer who promptly started through the channels, looking for the aforementioned warrior.

Anika was still talking into his ear, an ever present voice of calm information in an increasingly chaotic galaxy. "Tell him to meet me in the hangar." There was a sound of affirmation and then Hastings was gone, bridge doors sliding behind him as the Leviathan took on the last of its passengers, turned...

and made all due haste for Eriadu.

Tilda Sai


[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Meanwhile, the nurses would tend to Coryth. All Protectorate Defense Force naval ships would jump into hyperspace. Their destination Eradiu.

A Twi'lek nurse would scan the Jedi Master, "How are you doing Master Elaris?" she would ask, wondering if the redheaded woman was feeling well.

With how things were going, everyone was on high alert.

The mottled tunnel of hyperspace would take the fleet shotting towards Eriadu. What would they find once they were there?

Who knew.

But they had to protect those under their care.


I Shall Know No Fear
"Brother-Captain Hastings has requested your presence in the hangar," came a voice in his com. This was not unusual. Ever since the disappearance of the Lord Inquisitor, he had stepped up - effectively volunteering as aide to the Vice-Admiral slash Lord Inquisitor. In his temporary duties as leader of two august bodies, Hastings needed a helping hand. One that could murder everything.

Uriel locked down his helmet, checked his brothers' gear, then kept his sword and bolt pistol at his side. "To the hangar, brothers. We are leaving now."

Finally. War. Destruction. That which he craved and thrived on would be once more his.

The hangar was a hustle and bustle of activity as the Inquisition prepared its transports for launch, ready to make war upon the Bando Gora. Whatever Hastings needed, it would be at the very epicentre of this battle, where they thrived.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
[member="Anika Od'Manteiv"]

Coryth turned to the nurse, "Sore but fine. I'll survive. I sensed a disturbance in the force .... Something is happening and I must know what." Granted Coryth was not fine, but she wasn't about to let anyone know that. Not in the least little bit. By gods she would do something where she could help this time. And even a limp and a leg in a cast was not going to stop her. "Could I be taken to whoever is in charge here?" She asked, uncertain of the layout of the ship.
Captain Hastings stood, plumed helmet standing out amid the crowd with striped white and red fur standing high atop his head. "Sergeant, good you're here. We have a FleetCom in orbit over this world, and if we wish to secure the local airspace we'll need more than the Leviathan." Already, the ship was starting to rock and sway from impacts and the heavy whine of outgoing fire filled the hangar atop the already loud noise of ships prepping to enter the void.

A plasma pistol was set in one hand, and a large elaborate looking sword was clasped in the other. It dragged across the ground as he marched up the ramp of the dropship, emitting sparks from the power field as it did so.

"You're going to help me get FleetCom back online, so we can turn that Reaver fleet back."
So apparently the Bando Gora were back. Again. Tarissa recalled the second exterminatus of Gehenna, when Firemane and the Eldorai had eradicated the last remnants of Reavers and monsters on their homeworld. Siobhan had almost died fighting Klaxxi there, so it was quite a painful memory for her. Gehenna had been terraformed partially, but was now lost. This made it even more ironic that, if she was correctly informed these days, the Bando Gora remnants worshipped Siobhan as a Chaos Goddess...because she had slaughtered so many of them.

Still, she found herself wondering how they could have so swiftly regained the forces to invade a planet such as Eriadu. Admittedly Reavers were easily created, but they were cannibalistic savages. It would be a lot more difficult to get the necessary cadre of Chaos sorcerers and arsenal of demon engines!

Anyhow, the message from the Protectorate was acknowledged, and a small flotilla of Eldorai battleships would be dispatched from the Kaeshana Exarchate. It would take a bit before they reached Eriadu, but they would be there to help out.

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date

So this totally wasn't in the plan. But none the less here I am. She thought as she piloted a small fighter along with the fleet. At least in a fighter one did not have to worry about their body failing so much. Out here in the void she just had to make sure no one shot her down or anything of the like. A sigh came as Reaver ships came into sight. "Game on Nine. Game on." The brunette spoke softly, as the R9 unit whistled his worry over the situation. "Okay, it's better than last time. At least I'm not flying half a ship."

"Oh, half a ship? And who's fault was that?" Nine beeped in reply.

"Mine ... totally mine. And I thought you were over that."

A few whistled beeps followed, "Never."

"Mmhmm, let's see if I ever give you a hot oil bath again."

A long sharp whistle of "Noooooo. I take it back." Followed.

"I thought as much."

Tilda Sai

[member="Coryth Elaris"]


"Of course Master Jedi." the Twi'lek nurse would help the young woman get to her feet. "Steady," she would tell her in concern.

"We are currently enroute to Eriadu," she told the young woman, helping her walk across the room in the event she couldn't do it on her own.

"So many have disappeared that just about every world is in chaos." a low whisper of dread would follow, her voice falling an octave.

"There just might be.." a dramatic pause. "Reavers."

Bando Gora Reavers; they were the stories told to children at night to scare them.

But very very real.

And very very dangerous.


I Shall Know No Fear
"As you command, brother," replied Uriel without hesitation. being thrown into the thick of warfare was is specialty and even in zero-g environments or aboard space stations an Inquisitor was right at home. Death and destruction was their calling card, after all. Uriel was not going to pass up a chance to be the arbiter. If Hastings had orders for them, then he and his squad would obey.

"Do we have a plan yet?" asked the Sergeant, plainly curious. "Are we expecting hostile presences aboard FleetCom?"

After all, there were two possibilities; either one, the reavers were aboard the station, or two, it had been disabled by being shot down. Either was possible; the former was likely. Uriel sincerely hoped it was the former, because it meant feeling the blood of his enemies on his hands.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
It was not easy trying to be useful when she knew for a fact she was probably the weakest link on this ship. Still, a weak link was still part of a chain, right? Whatever job she took on this ship, from cleaning, to helping prepare food for the crew, Felicity took it very seriously. She considered this training, useless as it was. As of right now, she'd been bringing food to the one person she felt she'd connected the most with. Coryth, was in the medical bay recovering now and Felicity felt about as useful as a dead tauntaun. She carried a covered tray down the long corridor the the medical bay, being very careful to avoid, well, everybody. If mom was here, Coryth would be back on her feet in no time! Mom could work miracles. She'd watched mom bring people back from deaths door. But Felicity? Felicity had none of that. All she could do was occasionally see things and fly a ship.

"...I'm a real child prodigy," she murmured to herself, voice drowning with sarcasm as she approached Coryths door.
Enroute to Eriadu.

Rhen would fly alongside the ODF fleet. He had done much humanitarian aid in his lifetime; but this one would take the cake. Right now, there was a more pressing concern.

Bando Gora Reavers.

That they had returned was certainly a disturbance in the Force. Could they perhaps be the reason behind this? No, they certainly pulled at various magics and forces, but could they really be at the root of the problem with so many missing?

It was hard to say.

It certainly required greater investigation.
"The plan is to restart the generators and get the firing systems back online as soon as possible. The Reavers are board, and the station is keeping them from reaching the control center. But that didn't stop them from blowing holes in walls until they found something vital. They likely literally threw a wrench in it." He says as the ramp closes behind the squad and they're ferried out into the void.

Around them several other Inquisition dropships came with, banking towards the massive spire of FleetCom that was curiously silent amid the massed amounts of Reaver ships. "We need that...." Hastings said, "... we need that start opening up. That's at least three heavy HVGs that aren't firing and who knows how many turbolasers. That won't do."

Already Reaver and Protectorate fighters were engaged in furballs.

Already this was going south.

But they perservered.
"Thank you." She replied softly as she winced taking her first steps with her cane in hand to try and ease some of the pain.

"Ah Eriadu." The redhead replied as she thought through to the last time she'd been there.

Sensing a familiar presence she reached out and opened the door. "Hello Felicity." She said quietly.

Then once more she turned back to the Nurse, "Reavers can be defeated. I've faced them before. They are not as horrible as one would think when you see them up close and personal."

[member="Felicity Mason"][member="Anika Od'Manteiv"]


I Shall Know No Fear
"I don't think we're going to land without a fight- Tempest Squadron, Storm Squadron, form up on us! We need a vanguard!"

Trapped in the little metal box that was their dropship, the battle-brothers were helpless. They could not fight against starships from where they were; it was a simpe fact of life. Explosions dotted the stars around them, threatening to swat them away like little more than memories. Starfighters zoomed around them, a protective bubble that excorted them to their goal.

There was no hangar door open; the power flickered vaguely, an apathetic disregard for life and existence around it. Shots fired, and debris blew away, granting the Inquisition enough space to land.

Transports crash-landed in the hangar; no time for landing checks. No time for pause or proper procedure. The ramp opened behind them, permitting the battle-brothers to disembark and claim their goal.

"Uriel Squad, form up on me! We claim victory today!"

Tilda Sai

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

It was clear that the Twi'lek nurse had other ideas. The Bando Gora were ruthless. What they found on Sullust was a testement to that-- Klaxxi.

They're essentially big, vicious, superstrong spiderlike creatures with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. They are endowed with telepathic powers and a natural Force Cloaking ability, by warping light and sound. They are very strong and their exoskeleton is reminiscent of songsteel, very resistant to conventional and energy attacks.

What manner of Bando Gora would they perhaps end up discovering on Eriadu? It was hard to say, and also very frightening indeed.

"Miss," the nurse would greet Felicity. She would then turn to Coryth. "The bridge is this way... Major Anika Od'Manteiv is in charge."
Something was going on, and in Felicity's absolute determination to fulfil her one current duty, it seems she overlooked it. Why else would people be looking so concerned and Master Elaris be out of bed. No. No time to think about that! She had a job to do!

"Hello Master Elaris," she murmured, feeling incredibly awkward to now be standing there with a tray of food, "Err... I brought your meal..."

Curiosity was absolutely killing her now. What were reavers? Why did she seem so concerned about them? Felicity was not one to get out very often.

"Um, Reavers?" she inturrupted, tilting her curly blonde head to the side, "Is that a... sports team or something?"
The ship landed with its fair share of scratches, smoke billowing from close scores from blaster cannons that had sought to blow it from the void. Already he could hear the impact of blasterfire on the hull as they sat in the FleetCom hanger. Ramp opening, a screaming Raver charged up at them with a vibrosword in hand. His head disappeared in a starburst of disrupter energy.

Moving through the smoke made by the weapon he'd just fired, Hastings raised his sword and without a word charged into the Reaver lines - or, more aptly, their haphazard attempt at blocking off the hangar. Already bulkheads were starting to seal. "Bring the charges up! We fight our way out!" His sword rose, fell, and as it did so did the Reavers beneath it.

Glorious battle.

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