Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the war is over. (Crusader folks/Invited)

Templar Staging Area; Bothawui, Capital City.
Current status: Quarantined.

The city was burning; dark columns of smoke still rising in the wake of battle, two days prior. They had driven off the invaders but the Capital was still lost to them. It teemed with Vongspawn, the streets so packed with rubble and debris that it was almost impossible for their armoured units to clear. That was where Salem Norongachi, Lord Commander of the Templar Crusaders, came in. Marshalling his forces at the edge of the quarantine zone, it was his job to lead teams into the city and eliminate the threat.

The dispassionate visor of his helm took in the gathered squad leaders, standing around a table inside a small prefab building that had become his briefing room and personal quarters. They all knew why they were here, some had even been present for the main battle against the Vong.

“You already know the drill here. The Vongspawn are spread throughout the city, which we’ve split into sectors one through eight. Four man squads, two per sector. Sweep and clear. The infantry and combat droids we’ve already sent in haven’t come back out. Expect to fight from building to building. These aren’t mindless husks we’re up against, they can think and plan. Don’t underestimate them.” The speaker of his dark helmet added a metallic tint to his voice but it lost none of its meaning. “You’ve been assigned your squads, you’ve been assigned your sectors. Any questions?”

@Galaar Tal’Verda
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
[member="Sophia Denko"]


Well-Known Member
Atretes peered outside. His usual sleevelessness was replaced by the common Templar bodysuit, and over his layered plates he wore a long black coat. He held in his arms his helmet while he listened to the instructions of his mentor, which was a reiteration of the mission overview he'd skimmed. He nodded in response as [member="Salem Norongachi"] spoke, but his eyes were transfixed on the scene beyond the viewport. The city ruins, the new battlefield. He nearly had visions of the danger below, and simply out of curiosity his senses flared out. He was immediately met with the various levels of anguish in the city and quickly retracted from the scene as though stung or bitten. He took a breath. This would be his first tactical, militaristic mission. The first time in a field of battle rather than a chance encounter with a large beast. The field was new, and his experience was lacking. He adjusted the three weapons that adorned his hip -- sword, saber, and slugthrower -- by subconscious reflex. This would be an interesting turn of events indeed... and a test of his skills.

[member="Sophia Denko"]
The Black Knight was more than ready to cleanse these streets from their unholy captors. This mindless bloodshed and cruelty was to be ended at this very instant and Davin planned on being at the helm of such a crusade of extermination. Deemed necessary from his former Imperator, his sworn loyalty lie with the Confederacy in hopes that they would someday repay his service to them. Although his ultimate goal lay in the Unknown Regions, that was not to be public knowledge whatsoever. But now, he had larger things to worry about.

"Send me wherever you need me." The Chiss crusader chimed in, stepping forward in his black armored visage. He was most likely the most recent addition to the Templar Order, but he had more than enough chances to prove himself in the fires of hell alongside his new comrades. "May the Light guide us."

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"], [member="Salem Norongachi"]
Sophia was no stranger to such missions. She had her orders and she would stick to them unless told otherwise by her commander. Captain Denko wasn't just apart of a squad, she was squad leader which meant she was responsible for these men and woman's life. This again was nothing new for the woman as when she was apart of the Republic she had a ship of her own where all depended on her to keep them safe in times of war. This unlike her position as Viceroy would test her ability to think on her feet in times of war once again.

Nodding she shifted in her armor which she was still trying to get used to wearing. On her hip she carried her Lightsaber, crossbow, blaster and sword all which she had a feeling she would be using during this battle. Sophia was ready to rock and roll.

[member="Salem Norongachi"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
Astrian Callus, the White Wolf had been approached to join in this mission. Subsequently making him part of the Crusaders, he stood in silence. Only a few nights ago had Isley Verd and himself traded data on powers and now was as good as time to exercise said powers. He focused on his own people, using the ability known as Farsight to look into their tactical appraisal of the situations before them. It was a outrageously attention drawing process, the Vong were approaching; he could smell them. Astrian sat down nearby [member="Salem Norongachi"], down on both knee's he closed his eyes and centered his thoughts on [member="Sophia Denko"], who was no stranger to these battles. To earn a greater understanding of the battles before him, he would become more adept at fighting the vong and be exercising his ability of far sight. He sat silently as he listened to the thoughts of Sophia, he awaited the Vong attack and simply sat silently. He could feel the movements of both [member="Davin"], a long lost comrade and that of [member="Atretes Rhoujen"], a yet to be discovered ally.
"I don't think there will be might light today," Norongachi responded to [member="Davin"]. "Return to your squads and prepare to move out." He finished and took his leave, walking out into the mess of tents and hastily constructed prefab buildings, the Templars who had answered his summons moving with purpose around the small village they had thrown together at the very edge of the conflict zone.

Some of them nodded toward him as he passed, others were entirely too absorbed in their duties to even notice the ebon clad Lord Commander. The squad he would lead was designated 'Squad One', [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] would lead Two, [member="Davin"] Three, [member="Sophia Denko"] Four and [member="Astrian Callus"] Five. The rest of the squads followed this, all the way to Twenty. Four man squads, spread out to cover the majority of the city. Would be enough, he wondered. He had faced the Vong when they invaded the city and it had been a gruelling fight.

The men he had been assigned were waiting for him at the end of the wide space between buildings and tens, the three got quickly to attention as they spotted his approach. Norongachi didn't know their names, he didn't want to. Chances are some of them would die today and he had no desire to be haunted by a name to accompany a face in its final moments.


Well-Known Member
Rhoujen bowed respectfully to his Master and Lord Commander before [member="Salem Norongachi"] took his leave, then he turned on his heel and slipped out of the room without a word. He made his way through the tents and shacks, out to the outskirts of the encampment facing the city. There he met up with his squad. He looked over them. Soldiers, most of them, and one fellow Templar. He nodded to each of them in kind, then joined them around the lamp they were gathered near.

"Names? Specialties?" he asked simply. He needed to know who to address for giving orders. Just like good soldiers, the group all stood and introduced themselves -- even the Templar.

"Kaden Tesh, demolitions." said a human male.
"Zil Fi'iva, assault." said a Twi'lek female.
"Xan Shi, marksman." said an Iridonian male.
"Neyis Paka, healer." said the human Templar female.

Atretes nodded, and introduced himself.

"Atretes Rhoujen. Tech and close combat."

The soldiers saluted in greeting, the Templar bowed, and Rhoujen bowed in kind. Then he looked out to the ruins and sighed. He gestured with his head, and they all gathered their gear and headed out into the ruins.

[member="Sophia Denko"] / [member="Davin"] / [member="Astrian Callus"]

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