Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion What's Your Range?

Jedi, Sith, neither, good, evil, neither, martial focused, wizardy, etc. etc. etc.

I've done some pretty out there alien ideas in the past too (like a Bouncer Jedi I wrote once. Sword of the Jedi? More like Pillow of the Jedi).

For the most part, though, I normally stick to writing men, similar to how I stick to playing male characters in video games and such. Some sort of stumbling block there.
it's not concepts so much as emotions for me. I have to write someone with baggage somewhere in their life. I tried writing a zen jedi and she was as flat as a piece of paper.

Guess you can say I can't write a character if they don't have something to grow past, that's my range. The rest is just flavor to the scenes.

but ngl i use naive novices to explore and learn new things. Learning dat lore through emersion! As star wars became less foreign to me this year, that crutch has started to fade

#morepinkwoman Joza Perl Joza Perl
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I have 20+ years at this point so I am experienced with a lot things and am always willing to try new things. I don't base my characters on any real measure of success it more if I enjoyed writing them more then anything. However in twenty years I feel I have had only four what you could call amazing success stories of characters.

My better and butter is the darksider or someone struggling with the darkness inside themselves never any truly good characters.

I have a very open range I have tried to write just about everything under the sun that is why I have had hundreds of alts in my past though some where only for one or two particular stories i wanted to write.

But the things I can't do well at a.

1. Straight forward Good Jedi. all my Jedi must have a darkness in them to struggle with.
2. Romantic types. I am not at all good with romantic stuff despite what some people my say.
3. Truly feminine characters. I use to never write female characters only male for many years and when I started rightign female I could only write the bad ass types though I have expanded into the nerdy types now.

Caedyn Arenais

So far in my time of being on Chaos, these are what I've discovered work and don't work for my muse on this site. I still have some characters that I struggle to gel with, and my muse with them suffers far more than those that do work for me.

What works for me:
  • Male & Female Characters
  • Lightside/Neutral alignment
  • Jedi
  • Je'daii
  • Valkyri
  • Knight of Ren
Attempted, yet struggle to gel with:
  • Non-Force Users
  • Darksiders
  • Politicians
  • Healers/Medics
Flat out, cannot do:
  • Sith
  • Mandalorians
  • Criminal types
There's still plenty I've yet to try my hand in.
I've written a lot of different characters over the 20 years or so I've been doing this RP thing, trending largely male - I still write men more often than women, by default- from the most Jedi of Jedi to the most putrid, rotting evil type of Sith, and much in-between. And NFUs, though I don't write those as often these days.

I've written pilots, soldiers, affluent people, ordinary people, and vapid people best described as 'rancor bait'. I've written children. I had a news reporter once. Characters that run the gamut of sexual orientation, and monogamy or non-monogamy. I myself am pansexual.

Most of my RP years, my characters haven't had good backgrounds, have had terrible home lives. It's only in recent years that I've been able to write stable characters with good upbringings. Sometimes you write what you know, s'all I'm saying.

The thing I struggle with the most is writing on a consistent basis. But y'all know that. That's the not-very-well-managed ADHD. ;)
Funny, was talking about this with a friend last night and thinking it over after, so great timing for this to show up on the home page.

What I can do well:

-Former criminal redemption arcs (kinda)
-Lots of angst
-Younger chars
-Spacer trash

What I struggle with:

-Males, purely for the reason there is a lot of me built into my characters, and it makes a rift in relating to them when they're a dude.
-Older people, for the same reasons.
-Fleeting characters. Don't know how to write tension when they aren't in the thick of it.
-Dark siders (kinda). I enjoy them wholly, but I always fall into the edgelord trap tbh.
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Hello, been here for almost a year, never did any legit RP writing before that, so my experience is limited but to hell with it.

What Works:
  • Nimdok
  • Teenage Jedi Padawans
  • Shapeshifters
  • Incompetent people
  • Nimdok
  • Acrobatic/Dancer Siblings
  • Child NPCs
  • Crazy and/or mentally deficient people
  • Weirdos/Nimdok
  • Dumb thots with good intentions
  • Horrifying monster NPCs
  • Did I mention Nimdok?
The Struggle™:
  • Women, even though I am female IRL. (Spoiler alert?) Granted, I did have one successful female character, and I'm about to write another, but still. It always seems to get weird for some reason.
  • Evil Bad People. I'm trying, and things seem to be getting better, but I've never really been able to write good villains, mostly because I tend to focus more on the heroes and the drama that stems from them. Because of this, I have the tendency to either make them just an antagonist to the heroes, or the most evilest person who has ever eviled.
  • NFUs. Always a struggle because you're basically nerfing yourself, but I'm convinced it can be done. For instance, I tend to write Nimdok as a "soft NFU" since his Force connection is so limited. All of my strictly NFU characters have failed so far, however.
What I Can't (Or Won't) Do:
  • Mandalorians. I never found them interesting and I just don't care enough.
  • Criminals or "rough" types. I've tried, it always comes across as unbelievable. The only way I could do it is playing a teenager or kid who still has some innocence left.
  • Royalty/Nobility/Anyone in a true leadership position. I can do this in a non-RP setting, but it's difficult enough there. Doing it in RP would be a total nightmare.
  • "Witches"? Like those Dathomirian chicks who worship the two sides of the Force as if they were gods. No. Do not want.
  • I once attempted to write a character that I would describe as the Jedi equivalent of Moses. It didn't work out, primarily because it came across as insincere. Possibly because he was a fraud and it was actually Nimdok in disguise all along.
  • Martial Characters. Warposting bores me. Dunno why I like writing about Star Wars, but hey, here we are.
  • People who have interests that I have no interest in/people whose lives are boring and without drama, trauma, or just generally something going on with them besides a goal like "I wanna be a Jedi" or whatever. Ya gotta have pizzazz, and I have to be invested in writing your story.

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