Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Whaddya Mean What's the Plan?


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

A slight shake of her head, paired with a smile came and went as he scooted closer. Least he was brave. Her eyes settling on the Zabrac before she chewed on her lip.

Their targets were moving pretty quick.

Either an informant in town, or they were prepared. Either way it didn't exactly sit well with her. Eyes drifting back to him as she crossed her arms.

"Gonna need both to finish this up." Her eyes settling on his shoulder before her thumb rose to her mouth, chewing on the nail as she thought. Her eyes going wide as she whipped around to look at the road.

Staring before shaking her head.

"Hopefully Skid is headed back to the ship." Her final mention of the droid before she turned back.

"Keep going or head back to get you properly stitched up?"

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Junior didn't miss the smile and shake of her head when he scooted closer and as a consequence couldn't keep his own face from splitting into a grin. Rolling his uninjured shoulder he listened to her speak, eyes shooting back over his injured shoulder to look at her as she did so. The wheels in his head began turning as he thought on what was the best course of action.

Logically going back and getting stitched back together was the best course of action but now that their targets were aware that they were coming this would probably lead to them slipping through their fingers and if they were as bad as Lossa made them out to be that would be unacceptable. If they continued on in his condition they might not complete the mission and even be hurt further but in his mind it was worth it.

"Jate'kara Riye's haar Kotep." Junior sad a phrase in Mando'a before looking back at Lossa with a grin on his face. "Feth it, I've been hurt worse than this before and walked it off. Bandage it up and give me that stim-shot in the medpac and lets go." He leaned back to give the woman better access to his wound and once it was bandaged he would brace himself for the stim-shot.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Her own thoughts cut short as he spoke something in what she guessed to be Mando.

A quizzical glance thrown his way before he reverted back to basic and let her know his decision. A sharp nod as she sighed. It wasn't going to be fun with their targets being aware. But it meant they were more likely to be scurrying to pack up, and meant chances for surprise were still available.

"Will do my best." Grabbing the bandages and wrapping them enough to hold without cutting off movement. Holding the shot in front of him before dosing him with a sharp poke.

"Shot done. I don't have a pretty band-aid so you'll have to live without." Teasing as she gathered up the litter and stuck it in an empty Pouch.

Helping him put his gear back on before glancing back at the building and darting inside before returning with the Disruptor Rifle.

"Don't want to use it... but I don't think it's smart to leave it." Slinging it across her shoulder before leading the way down the road, the entry of the facility would begin to peak around a series of hills.

Her pace slowing enough to keep aware of further traps.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

He chuckled and shook his head when he caught the quizzical glance she sent his way once he had spoke in Mando'a. "Sorry, I'm use to speaking around people who know Mando'a. It's my House's motto, roughly translated to basic it means 'fortune favors the bold' or 'luck favors the brave'. A bit cheesy I know but we take it to heart."

He nodded as she began work on bandaging him and let out a small wince as she did so, the wound still obviously tender. The small wince turned to a larger one, as he felt the needle poke into him, even though she had shown him the injector beforehand, before the stim began working almost immediately as the pain in his shoulder began to fade and dull as his senses felt...heightened.

A snort was sent through his nostrils when she teased him about a band-aid before gazing at her with a lopsided grin.
"Damn and here I was expecting a gundark band-aid..." His hands worked alongside hers as he put his gear back on, zipping and latching his blast vest into place before pulling his outer clothes back over it.

Once Lossa went back inside Junior took the time to gather up his discarded weapons, sliding the pistol back into its holster on his hip, slinging his rifle over his back and flipping over the dead Zabrak and pulling the blade free of the corpse, wiped the blade free of blood on his pants and slipped it back into its sheath.

When she returned with the disruptor he raised an eyebrow before shrugging, her logic making sense as he imagined the horror of a kid finding rifle and accidentally disintegrating something or someone on accident.

Much like her his steps were calm and measured, eyes searching up high for anymore snipers and down low for tripwires, laser sensors or even landmines. As they came to the hills Junior stopped and crouched down just below the peak of one of them before pulling a pair of macrobinoculars out and crawling to the peak before looking down at the facility as he began to observe the area.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"Don't apologize. It's something you do." Shrugging before tacking on. "Everybody's got their thing they do. I think it's neat."

Their trip made quickly and as quietly as able as the sound of bodies moving about began to emanate from the other side of the hill. His vision through the binoculars revealing a small crew of about 12 running through crates and pylons to finish up packing a freighter.

A myriad of races present as one appeared to be watching the area, another Disruptor in their hands as they began to walk the invisible perimeter while others moved cargo and boxes.

Some with live creatures, other's were simply sealed boxes. A few crates bearing the RTL logo on the sides as Lossa finished crawling up to the edge. Her attempts to keep the barrel pointed away from them slowing her down.

The area the enemy was using a large semi-circle around a blasted out Hangar. A singular guard keeping their attention split between the surroundings and those moving around.

"Whatcha got?" Words whispered as she squinted and kept low.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

He smiled genuinely when she told him not to apologize, his eyes finding hers and having a hint of thankfulness behind them. Not everyone was so understanding when he spoke Mando'a as it was obviously associated with the Mandalorian people. "Thanks. I've always had a thing for languages. Maybe it's another thing I have in common with dad but also growing up in a house where three languages are spoken might be why too."

The binoculars gave Junior a great view of the area and their targets taking in each and every member of the group that was arrayed against them or soon would be. Hearing his companion...was that what Lossa was to him? A companion? A friend? Yeah friend sounded like the right word to him. Hearing his friend ask her question Junior took another look at their targets before reporting what he saw.

"Got about a dozen hostiles. Eleven are moving crates back and forth from a pretty beat up hangar, some animals, some RTL goods and some normal looking crates. The twelfth guy is standing guard...and he's got another disruptor rifle with him." Looking away from the binoculars he quickly handed them to Lossa before looking at their target and then the terrain surrounding it, beginning to formulate a plan inside his head.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"Probably has something to do with it." She laughed a little under her hand, turning back to their situation as he gave her the rundown.

A look of puzzlement fleeting as he handed her the binoculars and took a look for herself.

"Oh lovely." Sarcasm dripping from her words as she frowned, looking between each before handing the binoculars back.

"Everyone but the Disruptor is pretty lightly armed. I don't want to deal with that again if we have to though." She settled a hand beneath her chin, glancing to him with a frown.

"You want to stay up here and shoot while I scoot around down there?"

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

He found himself smiling despite the situation when he heard the laugh let out from behind her hand, his insides morphing into putty with just the small gesture. Smiling over at her he shrugged. "One of my moms is a native Basic speaker while the other is a native Epicant speaker and my dad's first language was Mando'a but he learned Basic as a kid too. Dad however took it a bit farther and now can speak Mando'a Basic, Epicant, Bocce, Durese, Huttese and Rodese. He can understand Binary and Shyriiwook. He felt a chuckle ripple up through his throat as a memory slipped into his head.

"When we were kids dad use to switch up which language he used to curse in every once in awhile to avoid us learning 'em."

He chuckled at her sarcasm before reaching to retrieve the returned binoculars and peering back through them to look at the area. "Well thankfully we have the drop on them this time." When she spoke about their armaments he nodded, his mouth formed into a flat line, thoughts running through his head as he peered at their opponents.

When she put her plan forward he immediately didn't like it, though the reason so was unknown to him. The plan was sound and logical but he couldn't put a finger on why he didn't like it. "Alright...but careful alright?"


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"So you learned curses in different languages without knowing what they meant." A touch of humor in her voice still as he lingered on her plan.

His wary agreement to her plan met with a sidelong smile.

"I won't get shot. Least I don't plan on it. But I'll be careful." She left the disruptor with him, scooting back and away from the edge of the cliff before pausing and cupping her hands to holler again. "No promises though. And don't miss!"

She grinned as she half crouched and made her way down and around. Form pausing along the entry to the area, glancing up to the hill before scurrying forward into the myraid of crates and other things. Focusing briefly to get a sense where the force seemed to concentrate in the shape of life as she frowned.

"Let's play nice folks." Not yet igniting her Saber as steps came closer to the edge of her hiding spot. Her whole body tense as the figure came into view, their head turning in time to see her hands grab the top of the crates and propel her forward.

Legs wrapping around their head while her body twisted midair towards the other small stack of crates, a knee firmly locked around their neck as their hands pulled at the sudden grapple.

A scanner clattering to the ground as a grunt and thud resounded through the gathering. The entire group stopping to listen as her first victim rested along the ground, laying their body down as she released the leg lock she had.

Still alive but with a massive headache. At least she hoped that was the worst of it as the one with the Disruptor motioned for the rest to hurry up, moving to investigate on his own.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior chuckled at her summation of his father's attempts to keep his children from learning curse words. "Yeeeeah. It ended up not working too well. We were out and about in Aldera and my dad was talking to a merchant in Bocce. Well turns out I had picked up a few of his curses that he said in Bocce and I shouted it in the middle of a crowded market with what I assumed were at least two dozen people who knew what I said. To say he was mortified is an understatement."

When she moved away Junior found himself smiling despite himself and once again peaked over the edge of the cliff and peered through the binoculars toward the gathering below. When she shot back at him to not miss he rolled his eyes but choose not to retaliate. Rolling out the stiffness that had developed in his neck he reached for the small of his back and drew out a rollout tool pouch before spreading it out in front of him, the pouch containing a variety of tools and attachments for his rifle.

Perusing the contents for a few seconds he withdrew a scope, a suppressor and bipod as well as the tools needed to attach them. Making quick work of it he screwed the suppressor on, clamped the bipod down and attached to the scope to its rail. Satisfied that everything was snug and secured his quickly rolled the pouch back up and placed it into its storage compartment at the small of his back.

Swinging the rifle over the edge of the quick he let the weight of the weapon be handled by the bipod as he shouldered it and peered through the scope, just in time to see Lossa making her way into the area. Watching her movements intently, for protection reasons of course, he saw her take down the first person unlucky enough to meet her. Chuckling at another display of her acrobatics and flexibility he observed the rest of the group as the moved in on her.

Letting out a breath he remembered back to the first marksmanship lesson his father gave him. Deep and steadying breaths, control your heart rate, fire between heartbeats, aim small and you'll miss small and for the love of Manda squeeze the trigger and don't yank it. With these fundamentals in mind he hovered the crosshairs of the scope on the head of the man with the disruptor approaching Lossa's location, letting out his breath his finger curled around the trigger and ever so gently squeezed before hearing the report of a suppressed slugthrower shot.

Almost as soon as the report sounded the man holding the disruptor stopped, head jerking back before seeming to just simply collapsed, his companions looking shocked at the man turned corpse.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The sound of a snap drew her attention.

Glancing toward the hill as she heard the thump of a body hitting the floor. She'd heard it before when people had fainted. Or been knocked unconscious. But seeing the little trail of blood assured her they wouldn't be waking up from that. Her lips forming a tight line as she knelt down and calmed her breathing.

"One more time." Hyping herself up once more as the pink blur formed, sprinting in a blind line away from the transport as fingers pointed and voices rose. Blaster shots lighting up the air as the imagined Lossa ducked and wove, barely passing by the obstacles instead of passing through them.

A heavy set of steps passing by Lossa and pausing as she cursed. Hand drawing the Saber loose as the image dissipated and the snap-hiss of a Saber filled the air.

The purple blade alight as the pirate stumbled backward and tried to yell. A quick jab of the long handle and the extending blade finding a smoking hole in his throat. Her grimace at the sight short lived as another cleared the crates and called out. The dual blade igniting as Blaster bolts began to shift towards her. Most of them aimed towards the transport now instead of the field behind them.

She'd drawn them out enough to cut off their escape, but not enough to be clear of finding herself close to center of their numbers. A few breaking off to try and flank her as the blades hummed and sent bolts wildly into the air and crates around her. Kept largely defensive for the moment.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Beltand Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior's eye peered through the scope mounted on top of his rifle, taking in the carnage that was now taking place after he had dropped the man with the Disruptor, who in turn had dropped said Disruptor. Deciding the threat of the weapon was too high to leave it technically still in play he sighted the rifle in the reticle of his scope and fired, sending a round downrange and piercing where he knew the most critical components would be and permanently disabling the weapon.

With the disruptor taken care of he moved onto the rest of the area, just in time for him to watch Lossa pull her doppleganger trick again to confuse their opponents. Taking the chance he sighted up a pair of the slavers/smugglers and dropped them with a quick shot to the center mass, knowing the caliber of his rifle was enough to not necessitate a headshot especially at this relatively close range.

He watched as Lossa ignited her lightsaber was unsurprised when the blade came out a purple, he knew that the color of a crystal was unusually not chosen directly by its wielder but was unsurprised that Lossa's had turned out to be purple as it fit her very well, his own blades that hung on his hips were a vibrant orange that matched well with the colors of his family.

Searching with his scope yet again Junior grimaced when he noticed their opponents were positioning themselves to flank Lossa, something that he could not have. He'd have to wait until they were positioned just right as the last thing he'd want to do was peg his partner with a bullet. However he would help her, keeping her flank secure so she could focus on her objective of making sure their quarry did not escape.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

There was a small pause as one of the blasters reloaded. Taking the weight of defense off that side long enough for Lossa to deflect a bolt sidelong and hearing the hiss of heated metal as a Blaster was struck.

She didn't have a second to rejoice however, the others focusing on her position. The sounds of Blaster fire near droning as she began to feel her arms slow. The constant twirling and angular swipes working on her forearms in an alarming way as she tried to put a crate between herself and the closest Blaster.

A hand reaching out from the place she was headed, making her shriek as the second blade ignited.

The sizzle of burnt skin and hair making her stomach roll as the being screamed. A chunk of arm disfigured as the blaster fire hesitated. Wonder about who had struck who short-lived as the shots rained down once more. The tattered arm now an inconvenience for all as they tried to crawl away from the fight.

She couldn't hear much outside the energized hum of deflected bolts and incoming blasts. But a source of trouble seemed to have fizzled out between all of it and gave her another avenue to try and escape the crossfire. Tossing a string of shots back at the attackers, watching a few heads duck into cover while she circled the crate maze and ducked low.

Her arms burned almost as badly as her lungs.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Beltand Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Breathe in, breathe out, hold, wait for the heartbeat and then fire. This was the mantra that flowed through Junior's mind as he kept up a steady rate of fire, a shot here designed to take out an enemy's blaster, a shot here made to actually kill when there wasn't any other choice. He had to be careful when he was firing to avoid hitting Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus as she deflected the blaster bolts to and fro and moved along with them to avoid both bolts and enemies.

He could feel through their lingering meld that Lossa was beginning to flag, her arms and lungs burning from the physical strain that was being exerted on her body. Junior had to make a quick determination on what needed to be done. Should he stay up on the hill and continue firing? Taht could lessen the strain of the bolts coming towards Lossa but would it be enough to bring her enough relief?

Deciding that it wouldn't be enough Junior get out from behind the rifle and reached for his waist, pulling the shoto and saber off of his belt before he darted down the hill and towards his companion. It took him less time than she had taken to get down there, both because of his longer strides and the lack of stealth he put into his steps. It was about a minute before he finally reached her position.

Two smugglers/slavers/pirates toward when the heard his heavy footsteps, blasters raising to point at them, only to be sliced in half when he ignited the orange blade of his saber and their users were force pushed into a nearby stack of crates, said stack collapsing and burying them both under the weight of their contents and the crates themselves. Sidling up to Lossa he ignited his shoto and began to deflect the bolts alongside her. "Thought you might want some help!"


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The blaster fire paused once more, growing less intense than it had been. Underneath it all she could vaguely tell that Noah was still shooting. But her ears were ringing now as she steadied herself.

There was a distinct sound of surprise, followed by the sound of a great many heavy things shifting and falling as the ground shook, and pained sounds filled the air. Her hand tense around the Dual blade as an orange saber came into view. Eyes wide as she stared at Noah's arrival. She hadn't even caught the blaster fire starting again as he began deflecting bolts, still blinking in surprise.

"Ah. Uh. ye-Yeah. Ah-" Between the workout of deflecting bolts and her brain catching up, words were a difficult matter until a bolt sizzled dangerously close to her head. The smell of singed hair changing stupefied to angry in a matter of seconds.

Exhaustion pushed aside as she found the source staring at her from around a set of crates. A low growl coming from her as she dipped low, blade perpendicular to her long form.

"Wipe. Them. Out." She finished the snarl with a force enhanced forward leap, throwing both legs forward and into the stack of crates. The side groaning under the blow as the stack blew backwards and toppled the being behind them.


Junior's blade swung and swirled in front of Lossa as he deflected bolts away from the two of them, wanting to limit the amount of people he killed, more to make a good impression on the girl he was currently protecting than anything else. He grinned at her sputtering words turning back at her with a grin, splitting his attention between her and their enemies. "What? Nexu got your-"

His words however died in his mouth as he saw the bolt fly perilously close to Lossa's head. About to reach out to her and see if she was alright he raised an eyebrow at her when she all but gave him a command before he mentally shrugged, he couldn't exactly blame her for being angry as they had nearly just ended him in rather undignified way.

Turning back towards the enemies in front of him he continued swinging and swirling of his lightsabers but instead of merely defending he now went on the offensive. Pushing forwards toward the shooters he blocked and redirected the bolts, said bolts becoming even more frantic as he approached and finally reached them, his orange blades now going on the attack, hacking and slashing away at limbs, stabbing and slicing into vital organs and parts as he did exactly what Lossa had asked.


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The momentary indecision gone as instinct took hold. Exercise and Repetition taking its place as she made short work of deflecting bolts back towards the attacker instead of away. The double blade singing as she spun with practiced motions across the ground.

A flurry of purple dancing through the crates and empty space.

The Force ablaze around and through her as her form blurred slightly. Speed at her heels and hands as a pirates arm was separated and tossed aside before the blade burned through them. A shout rallying the remaining enemies toward the ship as she turned on her heel to cut them off.

"You won't escape." Tone cold and measured as she leaned into an assisted step, dominating the loading ramp as she pulled one body aside with the Force. Blaster clattering to the ground as the bulkhead reverberated against their body.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Beltand Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior's orange blades continued to dance to and fro as he continued his advancing attack into the group of adversaries. A slash here severed an arm or leg and a stab here pierced vital organs as he thinned the ranks of their enemies before he heard the shout and they began almost scrambling over themselves to retreat towards their ship.

Scrambling himself he rushed towards the ship, corner of his eyes catching the pink blur that was Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus as she rocketed passed him and into the loading bay of the ship and resumed her own attack on the pirates. Pushing his legs harder the clambered up the ramp and severed the arm of a pirate at the elbow who had snuck up behind Lossa and had aimed a blaster at her back.

His shoto was stored on his belt as he withdrew his pistol and aimed for a nearby critical system for the ship, some type of power generator if he remembered this ships specifications correctly, and he sunk a few rounds into said generator with practiced accuracy and efficiency. "And now you guys are for sure not how about we take this the easy way and you guys cut your losses...or me and my partner her continue and wipe you out..."


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Footpath
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The resounding snap and subsequent quiet of the generator shutting down brought the pirates attentions to alert focus.

The remaining few still holding their blasters up and ready to fire as they spared a glance sideways to each other. The groans and pained yowling of their fellows filling the silence around them before Lossa took a step down the ramp. Double blade twirling in her hands and anger still riding her expression as she slowly leaned forward. Blade slowly prepared for another strike as the remaining pirates began to set their blasters down.

"No more![//B]

The sentiment shared between the rest as they came forward empty handed, arms high and glancing to their fallen as they gathered in a small circle before them. She was breathing heavy, almost heaving breaths, as the adrenaline began to wear thin in her system.

"Thank the Force." Face still locked in that cold grimace from when her hair had first been singed. Tone dropping down from anger to irritation as the Double Blade slipped into silence.

Throwing a look to the surrendering pirates before looking to Jr with a frown.

"Can you get a hold of the local cops?"


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