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Welcome To Commenor

Stephanie Swail


The Colonies

Commenor. A rising power, so Stephanie Swail believed and one she had heard much about recently. Rich in trade routes, goods and services and a strong neutral balance amidst any threat of war surrounding it.

The gleaming buildings were very regal, and it reminded her of Naboo somewhat. This was obviously a well planet, and run by royalty or a strong Government. People seemed in good spirits as she made her way out of the spaceport into the main plaza, surrounded by spires and water features.

Holding her satchel tight, Stephanie began to walk through, taking in the architecture and the many faces she passed – some looking more militaristic than others. Her mind raced as to what these people believed in, and what their view was on a galaxy divided by a clear line of good and evil.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
Today Darlyn happened to be out and about, taking a day off to relax somewhat. It was, difficult as of late for him to keep calm, to hold in his anger. It was unbecoming of him, and it was something he had best take control of now before things got worse. So he happened to be wandering the streets, wearing his Desperado armor without the helmet, but making sure to keep the hat.

The hat looked good on him. He was rather enjoying the nice day too, feeling the air on his face as he walked along the main ways. Helping to keep the peace here was rewarding, letting days like these pass gently for the populace. It felt good, even if it did nothing to reduce his dark aura. In fact, anyone sensitive to the force would immediately realize how dark he was, even among the usual variation of people.

After a while, giving good mornings and such, Darlyn neared someone he didn't recognize. They had a surprising amount of light, to... He gave [member="Stephanie Swail"] a smile, and bowed his head as he approached. "Good morning, miss..." He didn't recognize her at all. Even close up. Perhaps a tourist?

Stephanie Swail

Squinting up at a building that looked like a palace, beyond a perimeter fence, Stephanie held her hand to block out the sun, but didn’t see the gentleman walking towards her with, her subsequently made her jump.

"Oh! Excuse me, " she smiled, sheepishly, coming to look at the stranger with a rather stylish hat, ", I was just taking in some of the architecture here. It’s, ah, it’s rather wonderful."

There was something about the man she felt inside that was off. He wasn’t one of kind-heart and honesty, and it felt he was an agent of the darkness. Of mystery and deception, corruption and violence.

"Good morning. Excuse me," she muttered.

With a nod of the head, a dismissive gesture, Stephanie sidled past and walked on down the plaza. Her eyes darted across the ground, trying to fathom what it was she felt. Was he from the Republic after her? Was he a sign of what Commenor stood for? He wore armour, which meant he was either a serving solider or some regal security.

She glanced sideways to see if the man was following or not.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
Darlyn hummed a bit, his paranoia setting in somewhat at the dramatic change of tone. Muttering quietly, dismissive without much reason, it made him concerned she had an ulterior motive. Very quietly, he let her pass by him, and when his back was to her he glanced at his armor's built in MM9 rocket system. Very slowly, he loaded in a type-12B stun rocket, just in case, and made sure the safety was on. On his other arm was the flame projector, but that would have very little use here.

Slipping into old habits, Darlyn fell in line with a passing crowd headed in [member="Stephanie Swail"]'s direction. He was able to keep an eye on her, and by taking off his hat for a minute hopefully she wouldn't recognize him growing closer. He was, of course, unaware she could feel his presence in the force, ruining his admittedly decent (if rusty) attempts to blend in more. As the group he was with dispersed, he pressed himself to an alley wall, and attempted to track her signature in the force.

Stephanie Swail

Stephanie kept walking at a gentle pace, not in the mood to make herself look guilty. But, she wasn't sure of the planet and their sidings let alone the guards patrolling it. If this was anything like Dosuun...

She turned into a large walkway going through a section of the plaza, eyes darting left as she felt him still watching her. He was good, but he was hard to ignore.

When she came to a slight bend in the walkway, she turned and hugged the stone wall, holding her satchel back and pressing herself up against it. Waiting. Slowly, the armour came into view and she whistled to get his attention.

"Is there any legal reason why you're following me?"

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
Darlyn frowned lightly, placing his hat back on his head as he moved somewhat closer, keeping a direct line of sight on the woman. His nerves were still high, on edge, but he was keeping himself composed. He kept his hands where she could see them, with his lightsabers and DL-18 in plain view of her. No point hiding the weapons, after all.

"Besides the fact that being paranoid and following people I find suspicious is part of my job? I can't imagine I need much more of a reason than that if you want something legal. Something not legal but not illegal? Because I was curious what you had in mind to do after suddenly becoming dismissive." No point in lying to [member="Stephanie Swail"] either.

Stephanie Swail

With hands on her hips, she cast a look at the man, bearing his weapons and his assertive ways.

"A man in a hat dressed like you brandishing weapons like those approaches a woman like me. What do you think I'm going to do."

She turned into him, and pointed a finger.

"Ever get the feeling you're intimidating? That's why I left you. If you're so suspicious then...then you should...learn not to be. You're a solider. Aren't you. And you're a violent one at that. Are you going to arrest me or detain me then, or leave me be?"

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"When I stop being suspicious people get hurt and die. Every time. So consider it my way of keeping the peace and preventing chaos and anarchy." He lowered his hands and rested them on his waistline, right over the belt like section of his armor. She seemed to be misunderstanding, his openness with his weapons was more so to relay the fact he wasn't hiding anything from her, and his armor was all about keeping himself alive in the event something horrible happened.

"And why would you so quickly assume I'm violent? You're not entirely wrong, but that's quite a conclusion to come to on someone you hardly know. You wouldn't be looking for trouble, would you?" Some part of him was just amused with the situation. Typical lightsiders, he couldn't tell if she had any training but he knew their kind well enough. Jumping to conclusions, asserting their own thoughts as fact..

She reminded him of Jedi, honestly.

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

As the soldier / guard / ruffian moved his hand to his belt, Stephanie's eyes followed for a second, and then back up to him, hands still on hips.

"You're carrying weapons. And you've got an aura that is tainted with darkness. In my eyes that doesn't make a good combination."

She shifted a little and looked right towards the quiet walkway that led to another side of the plaza, a few market vendors trying to ignore the pair.

"Who do you work for. Give me the name of your unit."

She looked back to him, head tilted up a little.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"Tainted? Hardly, such a black and white way of looking at things. Real world doesn't fit with that. I'm dark, but everything I do, I do because I think it's right." He was actually a little offended at this point. He'd hardly given her reason to see him as a bad guy, tainted as she put it. Sure he had, questionable means, and he might have seemed intimidating, but such things were only tools to an end.

At the question of who he worked for, well that was rather simple. "There is no unit. I work for the Queen directly, as her head of security. I ensure her safety and train her guardsmen. At times this extends to acting as a member of the law enforcement for the planet, consider it preemptive security if you fancy. Now what about a lawman carrying weapons is so strange?"

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

His answer made a little more sense, and she nodded - STILL keeping her hands on hips and not backing away.

"I see. Head of security say? Well that makes sense. But still, you shouldn't assume people who mind their own business are trouble makers. It's a bad habit. You can be rather imposing."

Looking back around, she folded her arms across her chest and side-stepped out from the wall a little, not feeling as backed up now this man worked for the he said.

"So this Queen rules Commenor. I see. What is her standing? Neutral, or what?"

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"Well when someone stares at the palace a while, and suddenly becomes incredibly dismissive and mumbles while heading off after a friendly hello, my nerves get very on edge. It's just how it goes, I take my job seriously." He kept a polite smile on his lips as he considered her second question. Her... standing? Did she mean in the force? Politically? If it was the former, she was obsessed with force alignments having any real meaning, and if it was the latter that was harder to explain.

"My lady Queen does what is best for Commenor. She leans towards protecting and guiding the people in a galaxy torn by war. We have many allies ranging from great to small, and our soil is the closest to a neutral zone as possible for members of all great galactic governments. On Commenor we do not judge by one's affiliation, we judge by their action. 'Tis why I got on edge and a noble enough philosophy."

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

Stephanie nodded.

"Well. Neutral is best. That's good. For a while I was starting to think you were up to no good yourself. Excuse me."

She moved away from the wall she was by and continued to walk through the side-street leading back to the large plaza, but offered conversation as she did.

"I was simply admiring the architecture. While my interest in the planet itself is out of sheer curiosity, there is no gain to be had or motive to be made, on that you can have my word." She looked at the vendors and few civilians walking around. "Do you attract trouble a lot? The planet, I mean."

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"The Queen's had more than her fair share of personal vendettas against her. Bounties, strange obsessions of madmen, the whole spectrum." It was hardly a secret, or surprising for that matter. Royalty, especially those actively in charge of a planet, had large targets plastered across their chests so to speak. And as the one in charge of security well, it was easy to understand why he would be so easily put on edge.

He followed after her, at a comfortable distance, enough that it was obvious he was respecting her space. "Plus being someone who's hunted Sith and Jedi alike gives me my fair share of, disappointed parties we'll call them. People none too fond that their cults got crushed by a guy with a blaster and a saber."

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

Politics wasn't her strong suit, and she had no reason to try and pretend she understood what went on behind doors. But, the last part of what he said caught her attention. He'd tell by her slight turn of the head to him.

"You hunt Jedi AND Sith?"

He certainly looked and acted the type who could try and do just that.

"What are the Sith like? Are they as dangerous as they are said to be?"

Now she was interested in what the guard had to say.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"They're people." He gave a little bit of a shrug to her. Of course he realized it wasn't quite a satisfying answer, so he gave her a few moments to just think it over. After that, he did continue on. "Some are dangerous, more dangerous than a Jedi, or anyone for that matter. Those ones are unrestrained, using everything they can to kill you. But some are just, trying to survive in the galaxy. And that can mean not fighting, and avoiding conflict. Sith is a code after all, all sorts can fall under it. The violently insane are drawn to it, the sane scholars can be drawn to it. I think that explains it..."

He rubbed his chin in thought, trying to think if he had anything else to really say with it. Not.. particularly. But he wasn't sure his explanation made much sense to her.

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

"Survive or kill. Sounds like every profile of every living being really," she muttered.

Stephanie turned her head a little, and tipped her chin to the man.

"Not being funny, but I can sense a dark shadow around you. Does that mean you’re a Sith, or are beyond that because you sit in the middle. A grey area, so to speak. And if so, what does that make you?"

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"I am what Commenor needs me to be. Be that a sword to cut down others or a shield to protect it, but whichever it needs I use the dark to achieve it. A grey area of sorts. The dark side and light side are tools, mine just happens to be more volatile in nature." He was much more confident with that answer than his previous. This one had been something he'd thought about before, after all, and was something he'd come to justify. Whether Stephanie saw the same reasoning, he wouldn't know, but then again when one dealt with dogma and ideology, it was difficult to know how one would react.

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

Tapping her fingers, she was unimpressed.

"They are NOT tools. The Force is something that formed life itself. Without it, we would not be here. Objects, they are tools. Tools you use. The Force is far more than that, and the Light is certainly not to be used as a....tool."

She shook her head.

"And you are responsible for safe-guarding a Queen with that view? I hope your Queen knows just how you see things."

Her eyes narrowed a little.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"You get hung up details easily. Alright then, let me be more specific. The manipulation of the force, for light or dark, is little more than a tool to achieve one's ends. You can use it to heal when a bacta tank can do the same, and you can use it to kill when a blaster serves the purpose perfectly fine. You see my point now?"

"And yes, I'm sure the Queen is very much aware of my point of view. We've known one another for long enough at this point.""
People like this woman, always thinking they had some sort of superiority. It usually gave him conniptions, which often gave way to a violent outburst when provoked enough. But perhaps it was her lucky day, as he was feeling rather calm even now. "The point being, I use whatever it takes to keep the planet and the Queen safe."

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

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