Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Will Build Bridges


Temple of the Silver Jedi
Voss, Allied Tion Sector

Though the journey from Ord Mantell to Voss wasn't the longest flight Connor Harrison had made in recent years, it was the most difficult and painful.

Riddled with blood-soaked stones embedded in his flesh down the right side of his torso and freshly opened bloody scar tissue on his right arm, the Jedi had to use all of his focus to maintain concentration on navigating the ship and avoid letting his body shut down, which is just what it wanted to do. There had been a niggling pulse in his head since the Sith Lord Matsu Xiangu had invaded his mind with Dark Magic, and he hoped it wouldn't get worse because it felt like any second now his head would simply explode and decorate the cockpit with the inside of his skull.

Voss came into view quickly, and it signalled him as a beacon of hope - of security. The planet rushed towards him as he navigated the E-wing through the atmosphere, slicing through light clouds with the wings of his ship leaving trails through the morning air.

Connor's body tensed with each breath, his muscles worn and weary from his expedition to Rhen Var and subsequently riddled with pain and darkness from Ord Mantell. Many would call him stupid, and he was ready for the lecture from Grandmaster E'ron, but this was a journey Connor had to make.

He had found the answer as to what was the cause of his blackout on Rhen Var - the Sith amulet belonging to Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, now stored in his ship. He had also managed to stare the Dark Side in the eyes and come out alive, although he knew that he had been lucky to leave the planet alive, and the Sith Lord would not have let him leave without some mark.

However, that would be dealt with another time.

The Silver Jedi Temple, so grand and perfect nestling above the cliff faces and waterfalls on Voss stood gleaming and waiting for him. Small craft could be seen leaving and arriving; a constant hive of activity from the Jedi and the Rangers alike. His lips broke into a small smile at the only home he really knew coming closer and closer.

Flipping a number of switches above his head and out before him. He knew the landing pad he wanted and didn't have the patience to explain his unplanned arrival, since he had never officially signalled anyone he was leaving. To the Silver Jedi, he was AWOL, except to Master Heavenshield, who knew only about Rhen Var. There was a lecture coming also from him, Connor knew it.

Twisting his body and letting out a small breath, Connor banked left and came down a little too fast and hard on the pad, bouncing as the E-wing came down with an undignified bump and spark. No matter; he was home.

Using his left arm to unclip both locks on the hatch, he pulled it over his head and took in the cool air that flowed around him as he pushed out of the ship and slid down the wing to the hard floor. His face contorted in pain and relief, but also a flicker of annoyance and frustration at himself for what he had gone through - the Sith was in his head, he could feel it.

Focusing, Connor unlocked the compartment under the cockpit and pulled out the bag containing the Sith amulet and his lightsaber and threw it over his shoulder. Turning to the few looks of surprise from bodies inside the hangar, Connor knew in his condition he had to get treatment, but right now he wanted to find Grandmaster E'ron before anything else - there was something he had to say.

[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]

[NOTE: Though tagged, this is for your attention to be up to date on Connor's current situation. You do NOT need to reply if you don't want to, or feel there is no logic for your character to do so. Thank you all for being part of Connor's journey - I really value you all.
[member="Connor Harrison"]​
Most of the morning was spent training with her Padawan Nima Tann, the rest of it comprised of 'paper work' which is a part of the job Iella likes the least, but one of those chores that has to be done regardless of rank and file. However, her reprieve came at the ticking of the clock as it struck the hour of one. A good lunch helped greatly to remove the dullness of the office tasks and it was time for Iella to indulge in one of her favourite things to do to clear her mind.

Nestling within the hangar and covered for protection, is her beloved A-Wing, an old ship design wise but refitted to todays standards and flys like the wind, the only way Iella knows to go. It is her ship of the past, the present and future adventures and the only thing that she has from her early days as a smuggler, a part of her that never truely left the girl or the woman. Hidden within the facade of the Grand Master is the smuggler, Iella had always had that edge to her, just very few knew of it or had seen it.

Ripping back the grey cover the star fighter sat awaiting her, and after her inspection of it, her checks and refuel, Iella will take to the skies over Voss and beyond. No formal robes today, only a pair of cargo pants and white T-shirt adorn her body, her old brown boots still fit and well worn but she will wear no other, light saber of the hip clipped to her belt.

The undercarriage checks out, no visible signs of wear and tear or anything misplaced, her hand hold the edge of the wing as she leans to inspect, at this moment the noise of a ship approaching the hangar grabs her attention, not because of the ship, but the approach of a familiar force signature. She stands up as her head tilts to the side with a slight grin on her face. Restricted duties indeed, exactly where has he been?

Iella wipes her hands on a rag and walked toward the landed ship, as she does the canopy opens and Connor climbs out. "Welcome home?". She stands with her hands on her hips waiting for an explaination.
Whether it was his own state of mind, or the amulet by his side, Connor failed to detect his Grandmaster in the hangar; be it his lack of picking up the Force aura she emitted or glancing over her gresaser clothing. She looked very much one of the technical crew, rather than leader of the Silver Jedi Order.

Her voice caught his attention more, looking left inside the hangar to see her standing, waiting for an explanation but with a less than serious look to her face...which he counted as lucky. For now.

Resting his right arm across his torso, tucked up under the greatcoat and gently rubbing the embedded stones which made Connor feel physically sick each time he felt them, the Jedi walked slowly over to Iella.

"I go away for 5 minutes, and the Grandmaster gets delusions of grandeur." Smirking, he gave a small bow, wincing as his head passed her eyeline.

"I didn't know you were a dab hand at..." he paused and caught his breath, "...fixing things.

Looking at her, his face had a pained expression and he was stiffening with each breath. He lifted the bottom of his tatty charcoal grey, blood stained jumper to reveal a portion of the bloodied torso with black stones rooted in his flesh.

"Master E'ron, please can we go somewhere private - I need help, and....I need to explain."

[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Her mild irritation and want for an explanation only last a moment, as she looked down at his wounded torso. On closer inspection Connor looked tired and beaten and her face turned to concern. "Come, l will do all I can for you before taking you to the medical bay", she understood in him the needed to talk so she would make him as comfortable as possible in the mean time.

She indicated for him to follow her, and lead him out of the hangar toward the one of the briefing rooms in this facility. Iella walked into the room and headed to a large desk at the front of the room used for meetings and briefing for the Antarian Rangers and Jedi alike. "Lock the door", she said to him as he entered, and as she cleared the desk of all its clutter.

"Now take off your clothes and lay on the desk, I will tend to your wounds while you tell me what you need to, and I want to know everything Connor, I can see you have disobeyed my orders".
Nodding in acceptance of Iella’s orders, Connor looped the string of the bag he carried around his fingers and followed the Grandmaster out of the hangar, taking in the welcome sights and sounds of the Order busy at work.

Up a small flight of stairs, which he took at an angle to avoid irritating his muscles on the right side, he entered the room, stopping as she spoke. Turning back, he flicked the bolt over the door to lock it – sometimes a secure bolt was far greater than electronic locks and circuits.

Before he could speak, Iella’s tone was nothing short of what he expected, but he openly hesitated at her request. It was one thing to receive help, but another to receive it from the Grandmaster you serve and also disobey, and to strip down before her.

”Well, this is….a first.”

With a small sigh and swallow, Connor dropped the bag containing the amulet and his lightsaber down on the floor beside her boots and gingerly shrugged off his ruined greatcoat – it had lasted through so much – and slowly pulled off his torn black jumper, wincing as his muscles stretched and rubbed the internal wounds, and trying not to think about how alien and frankly sickening the embedded stones would look.

Holding his right arm close to his chest, he slowly sat on the edge of the desk, looking around to make sure it was clear before laying back. Connor tensed a little at the cold surface on his flesh, and instantly turned his body up to keep his right side off the table.

”Be gentle. All wounds are up top, I’m quite ok everywhere else.”

He knew he looked a mess, but kept his eyes up on the ceiling, following a simple pattern, and trying not to think about Iella stood beside him. Never mind facing a Sith Lord, Connor felt more nervous here and now.

”I guess I don’t need to say sorry, but I think I - ” he winced, ” – ow, I think I have found the answers I was looking for.”

Iella began doing what she clearly wanted, and needed, to do.

”In my bag, a relic from the planet Rhen Var which I am certain caused my blackout years before . It’s an amulet, fuelled by the Dark Side, and one that I could not even contemplate back when I was a Padawan. I must have found it, touched it, and had a confrontation of Force energy that was too much for me to handle.”

Connor draped his hand down by his side.

”That was the easy part. I was at my lowest, and you know I had no other choice except to face the truth about what I did – what I was becoming – and so I have seen the darkness we strive to defeat. Let’s say these wounds are a reminder of that, and I know now my purpose.”

Avoiding going into further detail, Connor stopped talking to see if she wanted to know more – and prepared himself to be at her mercy.

[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

She looked over his body and his wounds, the skin peppered with black stones embedded in his flesh, this would be beyond her capacity to heal, he needed a medic for that. They would be able to reduce the scarring and remove them without pain. However, her hands moved over his torso only an inch above the skin and she began to work on the deeper internal wounds knitting broken tissue and vessels and reconstruction of some of the lesser wounds. Anything more then this he needed a Master healer.

Iella was able to reduce his pain however, to some degree, enough to make him more comfortable. "Connor, go to the medical bay as soon as we are finished". Her head turned to look down at his bag. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of it and the contents unseen.

"You went to Rhen Var after I gave you orders to remain on restricted duty? And you went alone I take it", she eyed him now looking down into his face. "Did you seek permission to go or did someone give it. Coci or Thurion?". Her eye brow raised, knowing those three are 'thick as thieves'.

"You know I am not going to leave it to this Connor, tell me exactly what you have done. As for the relic we shall deal with it later, for now .. talk". He is different, vastly different, the sense of the man's aura changed for the better. A quest to find knowledge of self, regardless of orders which just quietly, Iella much admired of him.
”Will do.”

The feeling of the Force inside him made Connor flinch slightly, little icicles pricking his innards, soothing and shifting. He was relaxed, but tense at the same time and slightly embarrassed being in such an open position before the Grandmaster; as well as his physical state not making him feel great on the eye. Thinking about it made him queasy, heaven knows if he took a good look.

Iella, on the other hand, a veil of professionalism and focus.

As she spoke, he couldn’t decide if the little painful twitches as she worked were intentional or just coincidental. Propping himself up gently on his elbows to talk, he soon found it was too painful for that, and so slumped back down and sighed. Time to bite the blaster bolt.

”I had a wonderful expedition to Rhen Var, yes. I say wonderful in jest. It was something I had to do – I know you restricted me, but honestly, what would I do to mend the past stuck here? I reflected, trained, talked and avoided everyone else as best I could but I had to do this for me.”

His eyes flicked to Iella, occasionally meeting her stern gaze switching between her Rogue Jedi’s face and his torso.

”Master Heavenshield did know, yes, but only for the sake of my not returning. I was not hiding anything, but knew you wouldn’t approve, which I understand. However don’t blame him – he knew this was something more than running away.”

A finger indicated to the bag.

”The amulet of Ulic Qel-Droma, I believe, or one similar, is in my bag. Do what you wish, but don’t let anyone get their hands on it. I only just survived the first time.”

Connor continued quickly.

”I have returned from Ord Mantell, and - ” he rolled his eyes in defeat, trying to water down his incident, ” – I requested an audience with the Sith Lord Matsu Xiangu of Annaj. And before you say anything, yes I could have died and yes I was not ready, but there was no intent to slay a Sith. She understood, I think, in a strange way, what I was doing. I had to face the darkness that I walked so close to becoming. Only by staring death in the face could I know I was worthy to stay on the side of the Light; not to succumb to the Dark Side and give in. I came close to that before, but these wounds, all be it physical, are a small price to pay to leave with the feeling that I have managed, only just, to refrain from failing you.”

Moments passed; there was a strange aura in the air.

”I have bridges to build within the Order, to many friends. I have no armour left. Do what you will, Iella. But, do one thing for me. Understand why I did it. And why I came back.”

[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Iella continued to work over his body as Connor spoke. Her face stoic void of emotion. Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] had known of Connors history more so then even she, it was no surprise to her he would be the first one Connor would seek council. For the blonde master is wise well beyond his years couple with his nature of kindness and caring to rid those in pain of that pain. Iella is no stranger to quests of self acquirement nor is Thurion, and questioning his decision is unnecessary. Iella also knew that Connor would never remain stationary, to much had passed for him to simply sit and wallow in self pity, she knew him stronger then that. His 'disobedience' a test which he has passed most grandly.

She had completed all she could for his wound now. Her face lowered to look into his eyes only inches away from him, her face unchanged in expresion. "If you ever do this again without coming to me first, Sith amulets or Sith Lords will be the least of your worries", she said in a low tone.

Iella moved closer, her face brushing his cheek as she placed a gently kiss on his battered face. Moving toward his ear, "I understand more than you know", she whispered. Iella had faced the five in a trial of masters and lived to be here today, she had faced her own demons and darkness within and almost succumbed to the evil but the light within her prevailed and in death will be as strong as she ever could be in life. "Bravo Connor and welcome home", this time the welcoming is most heart felt.

She moved away and stood tall, her eyes however, remained fixed on him. "You are a complete mess Connor Harrison lets get you to the medical station", she smiled wide now to relieve his stress.
Sitting up slowly with acknowledgement that the Grandmaster had done all she could to rid him initially of the stones, a bloodied pile of blacked earth from Ord Mantell in the waste bin below her, Connor smiled softly.

Deciding not to hide the wounds from any who may judge, he rose and pulled his torn jumper and greatcoat and hooked them over his left arm. Her voice was serious, quiet but fierce and Connor felt the disobedient student before the master. Which, actually, he was in the greater sense of things.

And the she came closer to him.

Oh lord…

Connor tensed, heart thumping, and eyes darting around the room as she kissed him gently, breathing mysterious words in his ear that made him shiver. It was as if she was a Force vision, wrapping around his mind with those final words.

His mouth dry, the Jedi nodded slowly to Iella as she stood and moved back, the smile dissolving any hostility he was expecting.

Connor stood, mindful of his appearance. He took a step towards her.

”Before I probably pass out, I just....”

The Rogue Padawan leant forward and gently placed a kiss on Iella’s cheek, lingering for a second, his gaze moving to hers.

”Thank you.”



Medical Bay
Silver Jedi Temple
The Med-Bay chamber door opened, and Connor ignored a couple of curious gazes at his half-naked body as he walked beside the Grandmaster towards one of the bays, bringing up memories of his isolation. A memory he didn’t want to remember.

Itching his neck slowly, feeling some small lines of cuts, Connor tossed his upper clothing to the side as he swung up onto the recliner, sitting over the edge, hands resting beside him on the soft bed. The tranquil surroundings of dim lights and soft whirring of ventilation and medical machinery was calming, along with the sleek and stylish décor.

Iella stood by the door, a welcoming presence.

All Connor could do now was wait for more treatment, and his eyes avoided the mirror on the wall that tempted him to look at his torso, peppered with holes and freshly closed wounds, but still bloodied and a mess.

[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

OOC: Change of setting if anyone wants to join, however you wish. Thanks!
"Grandmaster", Thurion greeted Iella stood by the entrance, sending her a passing nod of respect before stepping inside the room filled to the brim with medical devices and droid nurses. Within his eyes quickly found Connor's broken but not beaten form, which did put a slight sense of worry in his mind, but was ultimately overwon by the joy of seeing his old friend again. It was obvious that he had been successful, or else he would not have come back looking the way he does.

"And you told me not to follow... Let's leave the decision-making to me next time, hm?" Thurion humoured, raising an eyebrow as he stepped into view. His hands found Connor's shoulders, softly placing his palms upon his tender skin. Their eyes met, and for a moment he merely gazed into his friend's mind and soul, prodding and searching for something. Eventually, Thurion's expression turned into that of a warm smile, and his hands now cupped Connor's cheeks. "Welcome home, my friend", he said, leaning forward to let their foreheads meet briefly. Already Connor should feel the effects of Thurion healing his body and soul using the Force, lending his strength to his broken brother.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Iella E'ron"]

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
A all to familiar to herself. It caused her lips to curve slightly in a grin. The type of grin that would make those about wonder exactly what one such as her was thinking. Maybe there was deeper meaning behind such an enigmatic smile, or perhaps it was simply there to keep others guessing. Who could truly say?

Her steps were slow as approached the doorway to Connor's room, her pacing halting just as she stepped through, hands clasped at the small of her back as normal. "Well, well..." Her gaze rested upon the frame of Thurion for a few silent moments before slipping towards Connor, the grin still plastered across her face. In quick flashes, the past seemed to cross her eyes, remembering the last time they both stood within the Silver Jedi's medical bay, and no doubt, the impression that Aika had left upon him, More than anything, it simply made her want to laugh. "Isn't this a heart warming scene? The final lost gizka returns to the home he forgot, though knowing you, your more lost than you ever have been. Tell me..." A few more slow steps lead her deeper into the room, though she didn't reach the two. "Do you feel as you once did? Or are you as you are now, more broken than you were when you left? I wonder if even you know the answer..."

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
A smile broke on his face hearing that reassuring, inimitable voice of Thurion, making his presence known even before he was spotted. Connor held out his wrist for a med-droid to work on, to poke and prod, laying it on a padded table as he sat on the white bed, boots gently tapping the floor.

"Hello, Thurion. It's good to be back. And don't worry, I will always shout for help IF I need it."

With a grin, he closed his eyes at their brief embrace; the comforting aura from one who believed in him and had been there from the start of his unpredictable journey was soothing.

"Thank you, and - " his voice lowered as they were close, " - sorry for dropping you in it with her."

His smile was genuine, surrounded by those who seemed to have forgiven him, here to support him and focus on moving forward - but a familiar voice soon made the smile falter. The unmistakable confidence - arrogance? - of Aika came out from behind the tall Master, her black combat suit tight in all the right places, a wry smirk on her face and a judgemental look in her eyes. If there ever was a more fascinating Silver Jedi he didn't understand, it was her.

Listening to her words, Connor maintained an emotive expression, slightly amused at it all, as he flicked between Aika and the med-droid grating and injecting his wrist to repair the broken tissue and torn nerve. He didn't need to face her to know she was done speaking, leaving the question open for a response.

"Master Kawakami, with all due respect, when you have stood on the edge of darkness and embraced the monster that resides inside you, rather than trying to deny it - " he glanced up at her and paused for a second, " - come back and we can talk about the answer, because then you'd know how I feel right now."

He gave a disarming smile and looked between the others, flexing his torso slightly to ease the ache, and then back to Aika.

"Thank you for coming to see me, however. I'm...touched."

[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Connor Harrison"] / [member="Aika Kawakami"] / [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

A soft smile greeted those in the room as they entered. Connor was soon under the care of the more experienced and talented Medical staff of the Silver Order. His physical being would be mended in no time with very little scars to tell his tale, or maybe he would prefer a reminder or two. Iella moved away from the medical bed as they worked on him and turned to Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] with an arched brow. However, it was impossible to hide her amused smiled.

Iella barely gets time to catch up with her old friend these days and so she would take this small opportunity to speak to him. "Thurion it is good to see you, you look well", she said on approach and gave him a gentle nod of respect. Her mind went back to their first meeting on Tython, he had been traveling and visited the Temple there and it was there they struck up a friendship. A very emotional time for him, fighting the visions and demons of the his past, but Thurion is a tower of strength and one she will look toward in times of need from a true friend.

She also remembered with great fondness his asking her to dub him Jedi once more, here on Voss on the high balcony, she never for one moment hesitated to do as he had requested, in fact it is one of Iella's best moments as Jedi and she was honoured Thurion had asked her to perform to small ceremony.

"You and I must catch up soon when we both have some time, but for now we shall focus on our brothers return". She rested her hand on his shoulder, as show of affection for a loved friend.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Relax... Close your eyes... Just stop thinking... She was on her routine, training, meditation and lots of work to do. But was she uncomfortable with this? She asked herself this question a lot, were responsibilities that difficult to endure? Actually she was happy with it, as long as she could fill her head with all this, not to think any bad things. Today was different from the others though, she had that uneasy feeling, something was wrong... She slowly stood up from her stance, it was enough for today.

Going to the gardens, she always managed t o stay calm and ready. The Temple was quite crowded today, group of people were talking about something, some Knights were running around shouting. Maybe her senses were not very wrong after all. She moved near to the padawans that were talking about something. "Have you heard that a ship has just landed and there were a Jedi Knight... I saw Master E'ron very concerned today, I haven't seen her like this before." Her face took a confused look, Master E'ron... And a Jedi Knight... Maybe the uneasiness that she felt... She had to go to the medbay, to understand what was happening.

She made her way back to the Temple grounds, which medbay was just a 2 minutes walk away from there. Her steps were a little faster this time, she was sure that Jedi Knight was him... She sensed it. She didn't even see him for the last couple of weeks, and from that time she needed to explain to him what happened, and tell him that she was sorry. Now she had the chance.

As she approached the MedBay, she asked the receptionist for the newest patient, just as she thought, Master Eron brought him here, and according to the receptionist he was in a pretty bad shape. She approached to the doorknob, taking a big breath. "It's going to be fine, Nima. Just tell what you really feel." But, he wasn't alone, she recognized a familiar voice. Of course, she was here too.

She slowly turned the doorknob, hearing the clicking sound of the door opening. "Okay... Let's go." From the hallway, she saw Master Eron, accompanied by Master Heavenshield and Master Kawakami, she slowly entered the white and silver room, Connor was in the bed, but not as hurt as she thought. Just... broken. It was all her fault... She looked at him concerned, and then turned to the masters. "Master Eron, Master Heavenshield, Master Kawakami..." She bowed to them, then turned to the broken man in the bed, her voice didn't conceal her sadness and regret. "Hello... Connor."

[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
With all the eyes in the room of Masters, Connor had expected to be more self-conscious sitting on a bed half naked, peppered with small holes over his torso being cleaned by the medical droids. But, surpsingly, as they watched and conversed, he didn’t mind. Not now. He was just thankful for their welcome – SOME of them anyway – and was more wary of a fuss being made over nothing.

He was ok, a little sore, but he had survived. A few hours and he’d be ok again, fit for any official lectures, reports and updates he needed to get back into serving the Order. But for now, minus a few cold tools and stinging injections in his arm, neck and waist, he was at ease.

The Force auras of the Silver Jedi blended into one soothing cloud around him, not a single one being more than the other. Some a little more negative than others, but on the whole…calm.

The door clicked to his right, and Connor slowly tore his eyes from the droids to look who was next, and an unsettled pit lurched in his stomach when the crimson skinned Twi’lek meekly entered the room, hugging the door and greeting them.

It was Nima. The last time Connor had seen the young Padawan, she was bleeding, holding her chest and crumpled by the stone wall in the garden after being beaten by a man lost to a violent dark rage. With a sorrowful sigh, but one that signalled a positive moment being made from a negative, he smiled and nodded gently.

”Hello Nima.”

Now wasn’t the time to rationalise what had happened, to explain and to apologise and bury the past, not before the Masters; Connor wasn’t THAT confident yet. It was just nice to see her again, meaning there was chance for forgiveness, which was one of the last things he needed from those he hurt in order to close the chapter on his recent troubles.

”You look well, which is more than I probably do!”

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
When Aika entered the room Thurion couldn't help but feel a bit chilly. She did so enjoy berating others on their flaws; not a bad trait to possess, if used at the appropriate time. Leaving Connor to rest and to the care of the many advanced medical apparatus he had no idea of how they worked. Technology was never his strong suit. Passing Master Kawakami, he couldn't resist lightly grabbing her by the arm. "He needs rest. Your teasing can wait", he told her in hushed words, locking gazes with her.

He then walked past her and now stood beside [member="Iella E'ron"] just as [member="Nima Tann"] appeared. She had had as much part in this whole debacle as any of them, if not more so. He had no doubts the experience the two has shared in will ultimately bring them closer together, given time. "Hello, child", he greeted her as she bowed. "It's alright, go on." He gestured towards Connor sat on the bed, letting her know it was okay to see him.

"Doing just fine, Iella. Recently moved out of our apartment on Laekia, little Nina and I. Now we reside on Tabaqui with Master Sinopi. She and I... we're getting married." He was unsure whether she was aware of this or not, and therefore a little hesitant to confess it. If she followed the old code of no attachments she would no doubt disapprove, but he felt that wasn't the case. Watching Nima and Connor interact from afar, his brown furrowed slightly. "Do you think they'll be fine? They've been through a lot together."

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Hearing his comment about her well-being, she gave a small nod. The words escaping from his mouth were not harsh and angry as she imagined, but it contained a little disappointment, and sarcasm, which was a possible outcome of their meeting, after all that happened she wasn't waiting for him to erase his memory of the past and just say hi. But she was here for forgiveness, she knew it wasn't that easy for him, considering that she dragged him to darkness with her, but now, things weren't as they had been before. "Thank you, but you look good too. Well, if we don't count the rocks and the wounds." She sighed, but at the same time, a smile started to form on her face, feeling happy that he wasn't as bad as she expected. "But there is a good thing, you've become famous now. Everyone in the Temple is talking about you." Not like she was mocking him, she sounded like she admired him, with all those physical wounds and maybe even emotional trauma, he had strength to smile and even talk, in the same situation, she wasn't sure that she could stay alive.

She was hoping that they could get a little privacy, that she could be more clear to express herself and tell him her feelings, but one couldn't get everything they wanted, so she needed to adapt. And one thing she learned from Master E'ron was, a Jedi must do what's the right thing to do, and to do what's right one should get rid of all the negative feelings and concentrate on the possitive aspects of it. What was she going to lose, right? But she could gain what she wanted if she did what she was about to... forgiveness. "I just wanted to say..." Just say it... "I am sorry, Connor." Well, she already started, there was no going back now. "You didn't deserve any of that wounds. I hope you can find the strength to forgive me, but I will understand you if you don't... want to." Feeling like she just dropped a few pounds, she looked at her Master with happy eyes, feeling proud of accomplishing a test within herself, she wasn't that girl lost in darkness anymore, she wasn't demanding, she wasn't ordering. Just asking. No matter what she heard from him from now on, she was going to respect his decision. Letting go of the past... was not the easiest thing to do, but maybe that could be a good change to just rip all the pages and start to write again on a fresh, empty page.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Connor smiled gently at Thurion as he stepped out, chewing his wider smile back as he saw Aika get the hands-on treatment. Everyone needed a nice little goading now and again to make them feel alive.

Looking back to Nima as she stood there, Connor could sense she had shed a skin of immaturity and expectation he had felt so often around her. Constantly pushing, demanding, questioning, arguing - now, she seemed...wiser, focused and restrained. She looked older, due to her new attire and stance. She held it all very well. A Jedi Padawan, not a Youngling.

Holding up his arm to let the med-droid apply a gauze over the pockets of holes, he dismissed her with a shake of his head, aware of the others still around. He didn't particularly want others to know just how much he had hurt her and treated her, in front of and behind closed doors, physically and mentally. It made his stomach lurch and his anger swell at his own disgusting behaviour.

"Nima, ssh. It's fine, really. And there is no need to apologise. I, on the other hand, have reason to ask for YOUR forgiveness. I was not of sound mind, you know that. After the Taung had hold of me, a darkness was awoken inside me that needed to be destroyed - to be faced. I've done that now. I've faced it down. I've found my purpose."

Arm down. Turn left. Breath in.

"The man you knew before wasn't Connor Harrison, that chapter is over. I am Connor Harrison, bearing the scars of my own stupidity but the pride to serve the Silver Jedi. It's a pleasure to meet you, Padawan Nima Tann."

With a small, steady bow of the head, he tried his best to make Nima feel as comfortable as possible. She was younger and more naïve than he, but she was a valuable asset to the Order and one he deserved respect. Returning his gaze to her, he mocked a serious look in his eyes and frowned.

"And fame isn't something I want, or think the others will give me. Distrust, fear and confusion, probably. But in time, I hope to sooth their doubts, just as I hope to sooth all of yours."

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
Connor Harrison / Aika Kawakami / Thurion Heavenshield / [member="Nima Tann"]

Her eyes never really left the scene of the medical bed as the team worked on Connor, Nima arrived to give concern which pleased Iella to say the least. Much still needed mending between the two and this was their first steps. Sometimes it is best to leave them to sort it out, then to continue to 'supervise'.

However, she turned away and looked up into her friends face with a look of delight, "Married Thurion?, that is great news", she said smiling more now. "It will be wonderful to have something joyful to celebrate, goodness knows we could do with it. I know Coci somewhat, a loyal member of the Order without question but I must say this has caught me by surprise". Iella knows Coci to be a Shadow of course, as she uses her and the shadows in the more discreet missions when required.

Iella's face etched in thought at his next question however, "I believe they will be Thurion, as long as we are here for them, with love and guidance they will grow from the experience. I have taken Nima as my Padawan, and this experience will only serve to make Connor much stronger of will". At least that is what she hoped. Many times a Jedi will find themselves at a fork in the road, the choices they make in life in these situations will determine the path they choose. And no one can be there for them for that.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"So hopeful." Matsu spoke while she was walking, her listening able to hear things before she came into view and she was somewhat stretching by the time she entered the temple. The force for her was a nice thing to have back and thanks to Leori and Rianna she could feel it better. The wounds across her body healed and muscles able to support her compared to before,, her spirit more lively while she was letting the small enjoyment of feeling lighter finally reaching her. She arrived and could feel the others offering a small bow before slipping into place. It was an interesting thing to see Connor someone she had only really been able to help minorly, Coci was in trouble when she had arrived and with Aika here it wasn't such a bad thing. The jedi allowed humor to show in her eyes but her face remained impassive and blank. Looking over the others the humor went out of them while she clasped her hands in front of her bowing fully.

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