Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are the Sons of Feedback & Critique

So me and [member="Coci Sinopi"] started a private role-play almost two months ago that took place on Midvinter, home of the Valkyri species. Earlier this week we finished it at a staggering 100 posts, the longest-running private thread I've ever been a part of, as well as the one I've put the most dedication into. We soon discovered that it also has a large following, judging by its 1,000+ views. To all those who kept coming back for more as the story progressed - a big Thank You!

Now, with this shiny new forum dedicated to feedback on people's writing and their creative creations, I'd be interested to know what you all thought of it. Did it drag parts out needlessly, was it too long, too detailed/too vague? Let us know! Both me and Coci would love to follow it up in the future with something akin to it.

Link to role-play:​

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
I think you both have done a pretty good job by playing multiple characters, which I think is a first in this forum, but I can be wrong, without any confusion of who's speaking to whom.

I enjoyed reading the thread, but like every good thing, it has come to an end.

Keep up the good work! :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

I've said it before and I'll say it again; these threads sum up what this site is about. Great writing, great imagination and great characters. No huge sweeping display of Force powers, action and mass invasions and what not - just two people creating a mini-world with engrossing writing, warm humour and emotion.

It's what I aim to do one day with a writer, and I think I'm getting there, but you show how it should be done. You don't need masses of characters and chaos all around - just good story-telling between two great writers.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing how the story continues like all good authors do with their audience!


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