Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Way of Lives

"Niman is closest in form, balanced between many others," he stated, adding "could train you to incorporate Ataru and Shii-Cho together exclusively." If Kal preferred, focus on those two to blend his own styles. Amadis scratched his greying stubble, "There are techniques such as Flowing Water, where your attacks will bend around the other's technique." There were a million force techniques to learn in the duel, that most barely scratched the surface of. Amadis had been around long enough to see most of them, "medium style" was possible too, not a form more a way of fighting and applying a form.

An astromech droid rolled forward, with training saberstaff or additional training saber in hand. There was a Jedi training droid behind it if they needed it, which seemed to have sabers of its own to practice on. Finally, a traditional marksman remote hovered to join the three droids to their side. Depending on what Kal picked, the lesson would be shaped to fit.

"Not limited to one saber, or saber at all." Everything needed the basics first, and the more advanced the pick, the more practice Kal had ahead of him.

Important choices Kal had was laid in front of him. Form. Style. One Saber, Two Sabers or saberstaff. Part of this was Amadis watching his student make these choices, to see how he could assist. If he rushed for two sabers, as many students might, Kei would need to make sure he could handle one by showing him the disadvantages and advantages of two. All of it was a lesson for the future.

Kal Harris Kal Harris

Taking one saber was a "good sign, walk before you can run," or fly with Ataru. Choosing Niman though would need a lot of practice, Kal seemed up to the challenge. What they could do for now is do the basics and "slowly continue balanced foundation." Many years of work were ahead to master it.

"Form six Niman. Take your stance." Starting with the most common ones from the holovids. Niman combined different forms into one, some kept their hand across their chest and angled the saber up and behind like Makashi, some pointed outward to their opponents like obi-wan in Soresu, while still others preferred to keep their weapon angled downward to the side or behind in traditional Niman two-handed grip. Kei showed them all. The Jedi training droid also began to assist standing beside Kal.

They'd done some shii-cho work, so he demonstrated the same sequence first and waited for Kal to do so again, only this time as the last strike came, he moved more into a flowing Soresu deflection straight across Kal's beam, the beam rolled around Amadis's form, wrist flexible. "Key to Niman is balance," bringing it centrally down to earth. Not taking any aspect too far and countering with the best form, or using force powers in the style.

"Block my strikes diagonally across the beam," again the same Shii-cho sequence face Kal, by now Kal might know them well. Horizontal, vertical or inverted blocks, simple diagonal slashes coming at him. Amadis was teaching him defense. At the end he added a force pull on Kal, trying to move his legs forward a step while he attacked with the saber.

This was to see how Kal reacted because force powers were part of Niman as well. Important to begin to show what others could do during a duel that you weren't expecting. There was a push-pull to Niman that was important to get right. "Show me what you know." Wanting to see his student take the lead more and waiting for Kal to attack.

Kal Harris Kal Harris
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He blocked the strikes they had previously practiced but had trouble with the newer strike almost getting hit but succesfully blocking it the force pull knocked him off balance however and he fell over exclaiming "Woah!"
Extending a hand to help his padawan up, "can't prepare for everything." Amadis said honestly, "all you have is what you bring with you." Old Jedi wisdom, all Kal could rely on in the end was his creativity and force connection to adapt to what he faced. Along with a few tricks like that! There was a firm Epicanthix grin.

"Your turn. Turn off your saber." Facing his Padawan, "stop me with the force, push, pull, move." he nodded, he wasn't going to tell him exactly how. If he got this right, Kal could then add the saber to his technique. Something an old friend Natoline loved to do. Starting a distance away, the Jedi Master calmly began making strikes toward Kal, if they touched they wouldn't hurt, it was a training saber.

The first attack was horizontal at Kal's waist, and the second brought down with both hands toward his padawan's chest. "No gaps to what the force connects with," he stated, to try and get Kal to think. He wasn't going to resist his padawan's force efforts like a regular force user might. The push, the pull, the weapon, the body, the legs, the arms, Kal's own body, and the environment, were all potentially part of the practice. In reality, all of it was part of a duel.

Kal Harris Kal Harris
He telekinetically threw a rock a few feet away at keis training saber trying to knock it out of keis hands and tried to force pull keis feet out from under him
Beside them, the droid displayed a small holo message about what was being demonstrated next.

Rock to the saber was clever, he caught the rock at the last minute in the force himself, adjusting its trajectory upward so not to damage the hilt. Kal force pulling Kei's feet got the Epicanthix to stumble slightly forward, and he used that stumble to stride a step closer.

"Not bad." Kei remarked. Remembering his own first training session with Kiskla Grayson-Matteo Kiskla Grayson-Matteo . Still, that influenced how he trained others all these years later.

He sent a gentle force push toward Kal's own body, to potentially buffet him back a step for distance. "Remember you are connected to everything, whatever comes at you, you can act on." They threw something that was your thing, they pulled your legs that was your step, nobody could define how you acted. At least that's what Kal's Epicanthix teacher believed.

"Calm control. Don't let them bring you out of it." That was the Jedi's core strength, Amadis was centering himself, radiating a certain sense of calm outward, at peace with his surroundings. "And only ever what you must."

The Jedi Master walked back a few steps, "again. Now with the saber, combine them." This time he came toward his apprentice with Soresu, which was a rolling weapon, wrist flexible, beam curving side to side. He wanted to see if his padawan could begin to combine the two. Soresu was like rolling water across the body almost, very defensive and hard to crack with the saber alone. "Push, Pull, Lift. Throw. Move." He looked side to side, "decide where how you will move" Kal didn't just have to receive the attack now, he could move around it, push back against it. Amadis demonstrated this by sidestepping around his Padawan, simple changes to position to better block thrown objects or defend from attack. Even the ground was a potential way to unsteady your opponent.

Bit by bit he was teaching him Niman, many styles, many potential openings, many forms balanced as one.

Somewhere beside the pair footsteps could be heard running up the grassy hill.

Kal Harris Kal Harris
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"Do you hear that?" Kal said.

Amadis nodded strongly. Footsteps but nobody there. The Jedi Master instinctively moved two steps ahead of the padawan. There was a hidden Defel somewhere nearby, a furry creature capable of bending light around itself, barely visible to the naked eye. The droids beeped out in warning.

~Stay behind me, and use your senses.~ Amadis for the first time spoke into Kal's mind, his mind speak was feint, and Kei's ability in it poor, but the voice was there. The force didn't need eyes to see, though pinpointing could be difficult for the untrained, Kal might get a sense of what was standing there if he focused.

"Greetings stranger, can we help you?"
The Master remained calm, a good lesson when facing the unknown. His hands were by his sides, the training saber still in his hand, powered off to appear unthreatening. There was a long pause before the Defel spoke, "message for you about this year's water delivery, it's gone... missing."

What Amadis did not see yet was the other Defel approaching from the other side of them! Walking up the grassy hill, distracted by the stranger in front of him. Maybe Kal sensed or heard it? Not with hostile intent towards them, but it was suspicious, to say the least! Maybe eavesdropping, maybe spying!

Kal Harris Kal Harris
His eyes widened when kei spoke in his mind but he listened to what kei said and tried to sense if there was anything around him he felt the Defel kei was speaking too and he felt something else and looked where he felt it but didnt see anything so he looked back at kei and the other Defel and listened to what they were saying.
Distracted and still not noticing the second sneaking presence! Equipped for training, they were not armed for combat, so Kei demonstrated a bit of form zero for Kal. Something all Jedi could do with more of! Solving problems without your lightsaber, or even the force. Like he'd taught him carrying the boxes, every lesson was built on the last.

Clipping the lightsaber to his belt, Kei looked directly forward, you could see shimmers from the Defels if you looked close enough. He'd found Defel were more visible in the dark, because they couldn't bend light as easily around themselves. Sadly it was daytime and they were in the open! These Defel were almost completely invisible!

"Gone missing," Amadis inhaled deeply, remaining absolutely calm and centered. The more stressful the situation the more you needed to ~remember your focus, and breathe. A calm center is your ally. What is wrong? Focus on my mind and speak to me~ Kei's mind speak came to Kal, still faint, for Amadis's species were terrible at it. This close though he would probably hear his padawan.

"I suppose you know where the water is?" He asked the first Defel, feeling that was the obvious reason for their meeting.

"For a price…" came the answer, a shakedown!

While he could easily detain the thief here and now for the authorities, Amadis often felt it better to play along, and let see where the force took him for answers. Taking his time he stated, "that can be negotiated." Still no hand had gone for a lightsaber, they would deflect blaster bolts but the training sabers were little better than a stick or restraining device in a fight. "What do you think Kal?"

The other defel behind them raised a blaster up and aimed at…. The first defel! He was about to shoot the other defel! Maybe Kal sensed it before it happened, Amadis felt something but didn't see where!

Kal Harris Kal Harris
As we was about to respond to Keis question he suddenly felt the presence of the other Defel and looked back at where he had felt it before and noticed the shimmer recalling that the first defel had shimmered his heart started racing and he began trying to speak to Kei through telepathy ~ Theres another one and i think it might be armed!~ outloud he said "i agree we can arrange something"
~I sense him, stay close, breathe and stay calm.~ Kei again moved to shield his padawan now from both Defels, using the position of the training saber to cover most of his body. The hidden Defel behind fired two shots, and it gave Kei a chance to demonstrate some basic blaster deflection. Shii-cho wasn't bad at deflecting blaster shots, as it relied on understanding the zones on your body, and so made for a solid cover when done right.

Shii-Cho wasn't great at deflecting shots back at their opponents but that wasn't what Amadis was trying to do here anyway, he'd rather there were no wounded. Remaining calm and controlled as he acted, the Epicathix was trying to show his padawan to always come from that mindset. When the defel shot, Kei sidestepped carefully and deliberately into the line of fire. Several shots were blocked, using a similar routine to what Kal had learned, covering areas of the body with the beam. Next the blaster was pulled out of the shooter's hands disarming him, then when he tried to run…

Force Stasis

Holding his hand out, the most useful technique that Amadis had ever learned in his life was used next, concentrating on the area around the hidden Defel, the shooter's nervous system would feel a shock, and then seize up, entering a kind of stasis. The shooter revealed itself ahead, stunned, not dead or injured, but clearly visible caught in stasis.

"Please collect the blaster Kal, there are some restraining cuffs on the droid to hold him." Indicating Kal could just walk up now and clip the stunned Defel shooter's hands together. Never leave home without cuffs. Was what Zacka, the pilot of his ship constantly reminded him!

Amadis turned back to the first Defel who looked to be covering his head in shock. "We just saved your life. Take us to the water, and I'll guarantee your safety." The first Defel was deciding what was best, to run and risk being stunned, or bargain with the Jedi. Maybe Kal had a few words to help change his mind? Kei decided to let him have a chance to reason with the defel first, all good practice now the situation was calmer.

Kal Harris Kal Harris
He cuffed the shooter defel and turned back and felt that Kei wanted him to say something to the first defel so he said "We can protect you if there are others who want to kill you but if you run they might get you."
After they had collected any weapons, two veteran wildcard engineers from Kei's ship arrived to escort away the shooter, who was only now waking up, assisting Kal. One on each of the prisoner's arms. Amadis nodded, Kal had picked exactly the right words. "My padawan is right. They know you are selling them out."

It didn't take long for the Defel to make his choice, the furry creature walking under a tree so they could see him more clearly in the shadow. It was short like most of its race and had large red eyes peering back at them. "And I get paid… or go free?"

Kei shook his head, "We will personally speak on your behalf, that you recovered the water." Belasco badly needed its pure water supplies during its seasonal bacteria attack. The Jedi Master was curious to see how exactly they'd diverted or stolen several huge reservoirs worth of water frigates. "They will not hold you."Amadis was confident he could speak to any authorities here, if everything was recovered and this Defel assisted, he'd get away with a warning.

"Agreed." The Defel began following. They had a mission, save this planet's seasonal water supply. Kei began walking back toward his ship for the next adventure. Always one more, the limp in his step was more evident on longer walks. "You did well Kal. Kept your head, even when unarmed." Which was true. "Remember the force and your mind can be your shield, without any saber or blaster in your hand."

On the way to their freighter and up the ramp, assuming his padawan followed, a few of the Silver Jedi's Rangers were arming themselves, the large reptilian Houks looked even bigger in power armor! Amadis took a small box from his quarters and brought it out in the main freighter area where the small team was gathering. Out of it, he handed Kal something wrapped in a grey cloth. It was a lightsaber. Kei's second saber he sometime's practiced with, a green-colored crystal, and a simple silver hilt. "Something for you, till you craft your own." The Houks looked over, still gearing themselves up for the mission, a grin on their large face to the padawan. "Are you ready for your first mission?" Kal could stay here or come, the choice was his.

Kal Harris Kal Harris
Amadis stopped a moment to nod, "like we've been training, use this last," he said to his padawan. Far too many young Jedi jumped saber in first. The excitement was understandable and obvious. "Stay close to me or the team at all times," looking at rangers getting ready next to them. One of the giant Houks headbutted another, part of a longstanding ritual to prepare.

"And suit up!" He threw Kal's keys to a small cabinet nearby, like he was giving him keys to his first car! Inside he'd find a suit of Triple Ward Warden armor all his own. Decent all-around armor, it would stop most blasters or slug throwers, even a saber hit. It wasn't invincible but it was good protection for most of what was out there. The HUD system inside would take a while to learn, but the helmet that carried it was optional if he didn't want it.

Their informant had given them the location of the missing water supplies. This didn't seem possible, how did you steal so much water in one go, and what was the point of it all. They'd soon have their answer.


HX-576 Bottling Plant​

As the freighter flew closer, Amadis was watching out of the cockpit, "take us down somewhere out of sight." A bottling plant, the thieves were going to sell the water reserves back to the people in vending machines, in cases, and at stores spread it all over the planet. It was clever and well hidden by the large hills around it. Probably one of several locations they had. That freshwater would be worth a fortune when the bacteria hit the regular supplies and people were desperate for clean water.

After Kal was done, armed and armored, they could start. With their informant, the five rangers with them moved out ahead into some thick undergrowth. "Goal here is to find who is running this. Not go in guns blazing." He told Kal. Keeping to the bushes, approaching the factory, the group of eight stopped to take a look. Binoculars, Binocs, passed around to get a better idea of what was ahead.

"Any questions or ideas?" Seeing what his Padawan thought before they continued. Amadis had done this many times, but now was a good time for some words of advice. Outside it was quiet enough, most of the activity was inside the factory, and the sun looked like it was on the way down, might be best to wait for nightfall. Their informant was there too for questions.

Kal Kal Haris
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"I grew up doing stuff pretty similar to this so I've got some ideas if we've got stealth field generators we should definitely use those and we should go in at night me and you definitely shouldn't use lightsabers unless its absolutely necessary they give off so much light they might wake up somebody or attract somebody else who is far away." He shrugged noticing one of the wildcard looking at him surprised he knew so much about stealth
"Potential Jedi Shadow, Sentinel or watchman in the making", Kei grinned impressed, "one day we'll train how to cloak your force sense." Because now it was active a cloaking field didn't stop a sith sensing you were there. The fields would be good enough for today against these thieves. With an Echani handsignal, one of the wildcards started going through the kit bag to hand them out. A nighttime infiltration it would be, less noise the better.

"How many other bottling plants are there?" He asked their informant, who shrugged in reply. Amadis breathed deep, never that easy, they had to know that information to have the authorities capture them all at once, else some water would be lost. It would take careful timing.

Scratching his stubble and squatting down next to a patch of dirt, he broke off a small twig. One road in, he drew in the dirt. Then he drew the fence around it, the water lines to the stores below, and finally, the basic building was sketched. "Where's the guy running this holed up." Their informant pointed to the top floor at the back.

"Few ways we can do this, we can wait till who we think," he looked at their informant, "is running this place comes out or," he sketched a route in, "come in through the side fencing." An older wildcard looked over and gave his opinion, "there are the pipes, wet, but safe." Around the fence was open ground which wasn't good, but the cloaking would fix that. He encouraged Kal to voice his opinion on this, looking at his padawan till he replied. If there was one thing Amadis taught it was self-reliance, and learning to think on your feet. So far Kal was doing great, rolling with it and showing he could handle himself. Whether it be picking up boxes to help an older lady, or saving a planetary water shortage.

Three choices, or again, he was free to offer his own.

Kal Harris Kal Harris

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