Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Watch Out for Goober Fish

She gave a smile back as she ate enjoying the food before she finished the food and listened to her with a nod as she took her plate and cleaned it as she looked over to her

if your mind was any more clouded with thoughts I might say you have a storm in your head

She said with a hint of concern for ra, as she did stop a big shell yesterday that has no doubt altered her life
Ra lets out a small chuckle at [member="Stardust Raxis"] when she comments about her mind being stormy.

"You might say that."

The door opened for her by Stardust was something she never expected, but would certainly expand on in time. Right now though just wasn't the time.
Ra leaned forward slightly and placed her hands on the table in front of her, facing [member="Stardust Raxis"]. She thought for a moment or two before speaking.

"Nothing that can be answered with me knowing what to ask. Not sure if that makes sense or not."

She sighed slightly and looked across at her passenger.
Star has leaned back taking a relaxed pose as she watched her quietly for the movement before she nodded

hmmm not knowing how to form the question is a great trouble we all deal with, I have dealt with it plenty in my life
Ra just chuckles slightly but keeps quiet on the matter of asking questions.

"I figure it'll take me a bit of time warm up to the idea, once I do, then I'll look stuff up on my own and THEN the questions will start pouring in."

Finally she stretches and stands up.

"There's a few things I need to do before we arrive. Please excuse me."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
Stardust gave a smile as she nodded, she rubbed her chin, once she went away to do her things she sat back as she shook her head in thought, definitely the girl was shocked and had so many questions, but she knew that she needed time to process them on her own

She stood as she went to her room and opened up the holonet as she browsed through the few messages and such
Ra went about doing a few things around the ship and when the alarm went off to say they were arriving on Nar Shadda, she went to find [member="Stardust Raxis"] and let her know.

"We're arriving on Nar Shadda and will be landing in just a few minutes. Please gather up anything you brought with you."

She smiled slightly and went to the cockpit to bring her ship in for landing.​
Stardust looked up as if uninterested then her eyes widened as she stood and dusted herself off

alright them, after I get to stuff loaded we'll head to imahalyan to drop the stuff off and after that well I don't know hahaha

She said as she started gathering things

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