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Approved Species Wasps

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  • Name: Wasps
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Vendaxa
  • Language: No language
  • Average Lifespan: Two Galactic Standard Hours
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Wasps are small insectoid-like creatures with a set of wings and claws that are birthed by the Horde Mother
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 1 meter
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Brown
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: [The Wasps are designed with a set of wings to allow for limited flight and modified saliva glands to spit acid at enemies or prey per the wishes of the Horde Mothers and their dark masters
  • Races: No other races
  • Strengths:
  1. Can fly limited distances
  2. Ability to spit an acidic saliva able to burn through quality 4 materials
  • Weaknesses:
  1. Due to how they are birthed, they can only live for a maximum of two hours
  2. Have no armor so extremely easy to kill, a single bolt or slugthrower round will do the trick
  3. Force Light and other applications of the light side will kill them immediately as well
  • Diet: Considering their lifespans, they don't consume much, but when they do they prefer meats melted by their acid
  • Communication: Not able to communicate
  • Technology level: Not able to use technology
  • Religion/Beliefs: Does not have any religious beliefs or a belief system in general
  • General behavior: Their general behavior is to serve only one purpose, to protect the Horde Mother that birthed them. They do so by attacking anything that threatens the Horde Mother, bringing it sustenace when necessary, and locating good spots for the Horde Mother to lie in. Beyond that, they have no other purpose in their very short lives.

Perhaps even more insidious than the Horde Mothers created to birth them, Eldaah and her Master began working on the actual larva that lay within the eggs of the Geonosian Queen. Their purpose was to warp and twist the pre-mature Geonosians in their eggs into a defense for the Horde Mothers, and using dark side alchemy and carefully applied genetic tampering, they created the Wasps. The Wasps are heavily modified offspring that the Horde Mothers can birth every eight seconds to serve one singular function, to protect the Horde Mother. The Wasps are birthed and grown rapidly through the use of alchemized growth hormones and adrenals, which while it gives them a very quick gestation time when the Horde Mother decides to birth them, means they can only live for roughly two hours before they expire.

The Wasp offspring all have a set of wings that allow them a limited ability to fly, both for attacking from the air and scouting for locations where their progenitor can reside safely. They also were given the ability to spit an acid that can eat through quality 4 materials, but anything higher is unaffected. The Wasps also aren't armored in any way, so they are incredibly easy to kill. Force Light also can eliminate them rather easily. Their greatest strength is that while one might kill them easily, but there is going to be a lot of them.
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