Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Warehouse!

He started moving. Good. Naturally, she was saddened by seeing the blast mark on his suit - it was a sign that she couldn't really protect him. Angered and annoyed, she breathed heavily as she fired a couple of additional shots, once again missing the shooter. Nothing was working out as it should - the man she held captive was still struggling, none of her shots had hit, her protectee was hit and there were probably a dozen more pests on their way to their location right now. In a rage filled outburst, she tightened her grip around the man, causing him to squirm. His suffering wouldn't last for long, however, as she then used her free hand to shoot him from close range, killing him immediately. She then turned back to the one she had been shooting at before, planning on unleashing a flurry of bolts from both blasters. It would prove to be unnecessary, however, as Jacques fired off his cannon which made short work of the foe. "Hot" she whispered, excited to see the powerful weaponry in action.

What had impressed her had also caused a panic in the crowd. It was no wonder - first, they saw her being there, and then her companion shoot at someone with his heavy weapon. Although she didn't like how much normal innocent civilians feared her, Ciel thought that she could use it to her advantage. Moving forth quickly to Jacques' side, she scanned the surroundings for people who didn't run around in a panic, guessing that those would be their assassins. Sure enough, she spotted someone staring at them from afar. Hoping that they could take him by surprise without giving him a chance to shot or flee, the girl pretended not to have seen him. Turning to look at her protectee, Ciel spoke "Kill the guy on your two in the green jacket and black cap" Had her blasters better range, she would have done it herself, but now, it would have to be him. It worried her a little - to most, the guy might seem like a normal civilian and to soft people like Jacques, killing was already hard enough in itself.

For now, they only had two objectives - getting to the hangar alive, and killing the person she had spotted. She had already concluded that no other threats had arrived just yet - but who knew, there were still some way to go before they reached the spaceport. Still, she kept her senses honed and blasters at the ready - she had a job to do and didn't want to let herself fail again.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

It might have been overkill. Maybe. Either way it was effective. Jacques didn't like killing, he was rather not fond of it, but the bastard had shot at him first. The small crowd riot was annoying, but thankfully between the two of them, it was easy to push on by. To his surprise, she was still taller than him even in the suit, but that was to be expect; she wasn't the typical woman after all. She took care of his man with about as much difficulty as expect; which was to say little to none. "Hot." He muttered mostly to himself. There was just something about watching her fight with such an ease that was fun to watch. With the threats neutralized, they would march on, undeterred towards the hanger bay that Jacques had his ship parked within.

Unfortunately, he wasn't much of a people person, so he had no idea what to watch out for when it came to assassins. So when Ciel told him to fire upon a group of guys off to his right, he wasn't entirely sure why at first. Then it hit him; these guys were too calm. He raised up the arm cannon, locked onto the targets, and fired. Two loud 'thumps' sounded, as clear holes were blown through the would be assassins; they hadn't known what was coming. It was dirty business, but someone had to do it. Did he feel guilty? Not exactly, these guys were out to kill him after all. It was the tools doing the killing, to him it was just a press of a button. "Nice eyes." He commented, as he stomped along with her. "I think the cannon is a little overkill truth be told, but hey, it gets the message across." He added, though the crowd seemed to be willing to give the crowd a large berth. They seemed to have a clear shot to the hanger from here, at least ideally, as while he wasn't sure who all was trying to kill him, surely there had to take them a bit to make a strike team to kill him. Right? "Hopefully that's the last of them. As much fun as it is watching you destroy these guys, it's a tad worrisome as well." She was a damn good fighter from what he had seen, almost nothing seemed to really slow her down.

C Ciel Rivage
They kept getting closer to the assassins she had spotted yet he wasn't firing. She was beginning to grow nervous - soon, Ciel would have to do something herself as they would get into firing range of the small arms which the assassins probably carried. With her grip tightening on both blasters, the girl was ready to unleash a flurry of bolts, bound to hit at least one of them. "Jacques!" she exclaimed, looking at him. Just as she did, he fired off his cannon, making short work of the would-be assassins. Her eyes lingered on his arm cannon - yep, seeing him firing it was still great, something which manifested itself by her having to suppress laughter. It wouldn't last for long as she soon turned to see the dead assassins. No matter how much experience she had with it, death was never really a laughing matter which resulted in her sudden upswing to die down again.

Ciel appreciated his comment. It wasn't the most relevant for the moment, but it made her feel better, as if she finally had someone to share stuff with. Sure, she had many good friends at the gang - but they were never really of the talkative kind and never as soft as Jacques was. "Thanks" she said before raising two amused eyebrows "Yeah. totally! You should just give it to me" she joked. While the young scoundrel thought that she might be able to use the weapon, she knew that it would weigh her down way too much - besides, Jacques was earning some major plus points carrying the weapon around.

Pushing on, the two were quickly nearing the hangar. She thought it was pretty ironic how he said that she was the one destroying the thugs when he had just killed a bunch of them with his cannon. "What's truly worrisome is you doing most of the destroying without realising it" she countered, sending him a mischievous smile. Before they knew it, the two were at the hangar bays. With several large ports to choose from she asked "So, which one is yours?" While it might have looked like she was merely looking at the hangar bays, the truth was that she was trying to keep an eye on those around them, ensuring that no one would attack them. Once he pointed out where his hangar was, she let out a short "Let me enter first" she said, mentally preparing for another fight. Leaning closer to the suit, she spoke with a lower voice "If trouble catches up to you, you get the ship up and running, okay?"

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

She had gotten nervous about his hesitation. He'd have to get better about that, shooting people was...well it was tricky. Usually they'd shoot him first and he'd fire back. That's usually how it worked at least. He wasn't used to having people around, least not for long, all of his friends online he had never met in person after all. "Maybe once we're in hyperspace I'll let you give it a go. It's not too complicated. I can give you the run down." Perhaps he didn't realize she was joking, or maybe he just wanted to impress her. Probably the second one if he was being honest. Maybe they could pick up a miniature version of this gun, after all, it had to exist out there right?

See seemed to think his gun was more effective at knocking people down, which it was, but he was just using a tool; she was using her body, something he could never do. "Are you kidding me? You can like, judo chop some guy into next week. All I do is press this button and they fall over. You're way is much cooler." As the pair reached the spaceport, he gestured towards the hanger with his gun arm. "That's it, Hanger Bay Seven." A few people eyed the pair up, perhaps the Goliath of a woman and the man in power armor was a tad bit odd. As she offered to enter first and draw fire, he was perhaps a little hesitant at that idea. "Let me go in first, this suit can tank blaster fire like it's nothing. They'll unload everything into me, and then you come in from behind and take them out." He failed to mention that the suit was almost crippling weak to ion damage, but hey, what were the chances someone was carrying those weapons around. Needless to say, he probably wasn't going to win the argument, so he watched as this wonderful woman went on up ahead of him.

As Ciel entered the hanger, she'd realize that something was up rather quickly. Several men, all of different species, seemed to be standing before the ship, all of which heavily armed. As Jacques followed in behind the woman not long after, he swore inside his suit at who was standing there. "Well, well, well. Little Filamino's got himself a girl to clean up after him now?" An older man stepped forth, clad in combat armor, two blaster pistols resting on his hips. "Tell you what girl, walk away now, and I'll let you have this here ship. Your boss and I have some serious business to talk about. Don't we partner?" The man grinned, looking between the two. Jacques shook his head within his suit, his targeting computer already lining up the shots. "Mr. Torques, we don't need to do this." Jacques tried reasoning with him, but there was no way he'd listen. Not since he stole that medical cache from the man. "Tell that to my wife you nerfherder." The hum of blaster rifles being primed signaled what was about to come, as Jacques was about to make good on what Ciel had told him only moments ago.

C Ciel Rivage
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While she hadn't expected him to really offer her to borrow the cannon, she would be glad to try it out and gave him a sweet smile "Sure!" she chirped, excited of the prospect of getting to use his blaster. Even the idea of him showing her the ropes was enticing as she had come to enjoy working with him. He had a kindness and gentleness to his demeanour which she hadn't encountered much but felt a strong yearning for. Smirking, she asked "Won't it be a little risky to fire off a heavy cannon inside your ship whilst in hyperspace though?" The tone of her voice was slightly triumphant as she thought that she had finally caught him in a logical error. She had come to realise that those probably wouldn't happen very much as the smarts he had displayed so far en exuded in general were impressive.

He argued with her over which way of killing was the coolest. It was all friendly, of course, she could see that. With a shake of the head, Ciel spoke "Yeah, but my strikes only really tear through things on a really really good day and you can make things explode." she said, remembering how awesome his first shot was - the one where she actually followed the blaster bolt and how it exploded instead of just watching him with the smoking barrel. It looked like he wanted to continue argue, smart people always did - at least when they were together with her. Maybe it was just her mind saying that he wanted to continue - at any rate, Ciel felt like it was time to end it "But yeah, keep arguing and I'll plop you right out of that thing and hop in myself. I could make a show with it!" she joked, hoping that he wouldn't call her bluff - if he did, she'd probably have to go through with it - at some point.

It seemed as he was being self sacrificing again. Ciel didn't like it. She wanted him to be safe, not be some kind of bullet sponge for her. "I don't want you getting shot at, okay?" she asked with a slightly upset voice. "I'm entering first and that's the end of it" It was yet another argument she felt like she was brute forcing her way through. It wasn't very elegant, but the girl figured that they all had to make use of what talents they had - and hers weren't on the verbal side. At least not when compared to someone like Jacques. Rushing on ahead, the young woman got to hangar bay 7 and opened the door, marching in on the band of aliens a little before her protectee did.

The old man was a naive fool. There was very little he could do to turn her away - not only did she need her new techy friend to help her out, she was also a rather loyal person and would not just walk out on someone she had promised her protection to. Instead, she just pace from left to right whilst keeping her eyes fixed at him. She wanted him gone and her eyes conveyed the wish clearly. Ciel didn't answer him, in fact she only let out a low growling sound whilst readying herself to pounce. Her stare still seemed to be effective as the elder soon broke eye contact and focused on Jacques instead. Still, no words would be uttered as this felt very much like her new companion's arena. For the moment, she was satisfied to just act as his goon.

Of course, Jacques urged them for something of a more diplomatic nature. But she could see that the other wasn't very receptive to it by the look on his face and as soon as he said "Tell that...", she knew that it was going to get violent. Not content to wait, Ciel rushed forth, using one blaster to fire at the old guy and the other to fire at a twitchy Zabrak who she thought would be the fastest of the lot. The group who had yet to prime their rifles watched as their boss fell to the floor - still very much alive as his armour took the brunt of the damage. His Zabrak friend wasn't quite as fortunate as three bolts to his chest gave him a quick death. Utilising the lingering surprise, and her explosiveness, Ciel quickly arrived at the brunt of the group and tackled a petite Twi'lek with the left shoulder. It sent the poor woman flying into the ship's landing gear and knocked her out. The young scoundrel considered herself lucky as she had initially only planned on the move taking the other woman out of the fight momentarily. Raising her right arm, she fired off a shot at an Ithorian who had the very foolish idea of raising his rifle and pointing it at her boss. Still, the danger wasn't over, but the momentum certainly belonged to Ciel and Jacques. For now, she hoped that he would do as she had told him to earlier - not only would it let them get away quicker, it would also ensure his safety.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

"I mean as long as you aren't firing at a view port it'll be fine. I do weapons testing in the cargo hold all the time." She didn't see to be that bright, but at least she was willing to accept when she was wrong. It was rather cute though, hearing the hint of triumph in her voice; she had to have been taken, how could she not be? She made a crack of pulling him out of the suit and raising hell with it. While it was probably a joke, he wasn't too fond of doing such a thing here and now. "I have no doubt you could. I mean, I'm fairly certain you could destroy the servos on this thing with how strong you are." It also seemed that convincing her to go second wasn't going to pan out, and before he could double down, she made it clear that he wasn't going to convince her otherwise. Damn if this woman wasn't stubborn, but given some of the stupid things Jacques got himself involved with, it'd probably be for the best.

He had really thought be lost the old man, truly. Sadly that was not the case. Knowing that this whole thing was heading South, Jacques switched his cannon from single shot to multi shot, his targeting sequence already primed and ready to fire now. He glanced over to see Ciel ready to get a move on, strangely she seemed rather peeved about this whole affair. Needless to say when she began to open fire, Jacques joined her, spraying the hanger bay with heavy weapons fire, as he cut down two of the gunmen, as the rest dove for cover. Jacques moved forward, knowing that there was probably more attackers waiting in the midst to open fire on the pair. "Ciel, try to keep up!" He shouted, using the arm holding the hoversled to try and provide her some degree of cover, as blaster shots were going everywhere. Moving towards the ship, Jacques made a quick press of a button on his wrist, as the ramp of the freighter lowered. The sooner he was on board the better. Several blaster shots pinged off his suit, the heavy metallic steps matched up the ramp as they were already to get a move on. Hopefully Ciel could hold out until they were ready to go.

C Ciel Rivage
"Oh" she said as she let an awkward silence take hold, slouching a little and become smaller. She thought she had him, she really did - but of course, Jacques was right. Her spirits were only down momentarily as she would soon return to her more cheerful self, although her main focus was to watch out for more foes, naturally. The two arguments were ended, just as she had hoped. Verbally, the young scoundrel's protectee could probably dominate her but instead, he allowed her to have it her way. It was amazing how she grew more fond of the guy by the minute.

The chaos was only amplified as Jacques killed two more of them. Leaving the elder alone with just two other goons. Of course, he had some more people spread out throughout the hangar. She heard him ask her to try to keep up but the situation seemed clear to her. The other thugs would fire at Jacques in his big machine - he was their target and it would be risky to fire at her when she was in such a close proximity with their allies. Letting him marsh on ahead, Ciel raised her left arm as the right one had just fired at the Ithorian. Squeezing the trigger a few times, the girl soon saw the Toydarian she aimed at fall to the ground. The other goon was just a step or so away from her, which allowed her to tackle him like she had just done to the Twi'lek. This one was, however, a much heavier Duros which resulted in him just stumbling back and dropping his blaster rifle.

The old man had just gotten back on his feet by the time she turned around. When he last stood in that spot, he was surrounded by allies - now, most of them were either dead or knocked out and what's more, he was just about to get smacked by Ciel's blaster. The impact sent him back to the ground and she was quick to follow. Dropping her blasters, she wrapped both hands around his neck - it was just the two of them now with a few crates protecting her from his distant allies as she sat on top of him on the floor. Starting to squeeze in order to choke the air out of him, angered by what she perceived as an insult and how he went after her protectee. "You won't be a threat to him ev-" she said in a low voice before he interrupted. Barely audible with a severe lack of air, he let out a few words "Just shoot, you idiot" She was surprised - usually, the last words were more of an insult or a plea than what he just produced. She then felt a soaring pain in her back by the arm pit but managed to suppress a pained scream, transforming it into a quiet whimper instead - the last thing she wanted was for Jacques to stop and turn around in the middle of the firing zone.

Falling to the ground, Ciel saw the Duros standing above her with a hold out blaster. It only did light damage and her vest had gone a long way to protect her from it, but it still hurt. She let out another whimper as he fired a blast at her abdomen - apparently not realising that the more deadly option would be the head. Fortunately, one of the blasters she had dropped earlier was just by her hand which allowed her to grab it and fire off a shot against the scummy alien. Panting heavily and in quite a bit of pain, she laid next to the old guy who was still recovering from almost being choked to death. "He just brought you the quick way out" she said in between breaths. He was starting to plead for her to show mercy now. For some reason, he looked so innocent, like he had been filled with pain and sorrow for a long time "No, no. Please. Do you even know what he did?! You need to wat-" his speech stopped abruptly as she fired off the blaster, killing him immediately. Ciel had no interest in knowing what Jacques had done - she liked him a lot at the moment and had no desire for that to change. Allowing the man to sow mistrust between them was the last thing she wanted.

She remained on the floor for a few brief moments, recovering from all that had just happened. Ciel was in a lot of pain, but she had been in these situations before. Slowly getting up, she started loosening the old man's chest plate. The only thing she could do now was to push through the pain and get to Jacques and safety. Holding the plate as cover, she began sprinting towards the ship which the thugs were now firing at. She noticed how one turned to look at her. Pointing her 'shield' towards him, she kept running. Had they been more firing at her instead of the ship, she would surely have been done for, but since it was only him, her high running speed, aided by her long legs and the piece of armour she held ensured that she wouldn't get hit. Once inside, she started making her way towards the cockpit "Are you alright?" she asked - her voice was much weaker than it usually was, but if he didn't see her injuries, it could easily be mistaken as her just being out of breath.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

Fortunately for Ciel, Jacques was rushing towards the ship, seemingly doing exactly like he was told as she began to unload on the rest of the gang. He was already starting to crawl on out of the suit by the time he was onboard, as the hover sled was dropped down the floor, and the suit was sorta left to the side of the main corridor; still enough room for Ciel to push on by of course. Moving into the cockpit, Jacques guided his hands over the controls, booting up the engines and unlocking from the docking clamps, as a loud 'whoosh' flushed through the hanger. They were good to go really, it was just a matter of how much he could keep the engines from taking the brunt of such a swift take off. He switched on the holocam on the bottom of the ship, wanting to keep an eye on Ciel, to make sure she was alright. He only witnessed the second shot she had taken, swiftly before killing both the Duros and Mr. Torques in quick succession. Despite working over the controls and getting the engines primed as quick as possible, he let out a small sigh of relief that not only was she alright, but that one more loose end had been tied up. That death was on him though, and the guilt was going to linger for a bit. When Ciel seemed to happen on board, she seemed to be uninjured, perhaps she had some armor on that he wasn't aware of.

Seeing that, he immediately shut the ramp, as blaster fire still pricked away at the hull, they were still safe from the world outside thankfully. "I'm fine, what about you? Look like you broke a sweat out there huh?" He called back to her, motioning her towards the co-pilot chair. His ship was remarkably clean, especially for a man of all things, while it seemed his controls were specially modified; touch screen without any levers, probably to keep him from breaking any bones. "That was some nice work you did, but we're good now, just waiting for the system to feed by and-" A green strobe appeared on the console, as it seemed the engines were ready to fire off. With that sign being clear, Jacques fired off the ship, letting the Pegasus move forward, as the remaining gun fighters were left scrambling as the thrust of the engines caused havoc with the dead bodies everywhere. "We're in the clear!" He shouted, as needless to say, they burned out of that spaceport. Jacques got them into the atmosphere in record time, as he had only one location in mind; Hyperspace. He threw in one of his trusted coordinates for a jump and let the computer do the rest, as he turned to see his new friend. "You sure you're alright? I thought you took a hit before you offed Mr. Torques back there." He eyed her over, looking towards the medical kit he kept at the back of the cockpit. She had done so much for him, least he could do was tend her wounds. "I can patch you up, I'm rather skilled at that if I do say so myself." There was a small count down going on the computer, as it seemed Jacques had them jumping to a random quadrant of space. "I'm throwing us into Wild Space until I can find a nice place to settle down at. Have to monitor a few things, make sure no one is looking to kill me. Just the usual thing." He explained, which probably didn't make her feel any better.
C Ciel Rivage
Still tired from the battle, Ciel was happy to sit down at the co-pilot's seat. What mattered now was the two of them getting away. She obviously didn't know much of how sturdy the ship was supposed to be and was still afraid that a stray blaster bolt would punch trough the walls and hit one of them or critically damaging a system, effectively preventing their escape. Wanting him to fully focus on flying the ship, Ciel presented reality, but from a certain point of view "I'm fine, just go" she said, trying to regain some of the power in her voice. She sat down with a heavy thud - a slight smile appeared as she noticed how it didn't groan or anything. It was a nice ship - at least better than the facilities she was used to.

She appreciated his compliment and was about to return it when he was distracted by some ship-stuff which she didn't understand. To her, normal ships were somewhat understandable, vaguely. His ship was something completely different as it seemed to lack even the most basic controls. When they were in here, she would have to be careful not to accidentally knock him out or even kill him as she'd effectively strand her on board his ship. It wasn't hard to decide that this was something which she would keep for herself.

Smiling, Ciel wanted to cheer along with him, but making loud noises and laughing was quite uncomfortable with her wounds. Deciding that he didn't need to focus on much else for the moment, the young scoundrel decided to open up upon being asked. "I took a couple of shots from red-eyes" she said before letting out an uncomfortable groan. The girl didn't like showing others weaknesses but Jacques had struck her as a pretty decent guy so far and she'd need to get her wounds looked at at some point - if she had still been on Nar Shaddaa, she had the tools and supplies to do it herself, but she was on his ship now. At this point, she really regretted not taking on more clothes than her underwear under the blast vest - at least there would be less stuff to clean up. Carefully opening the front of the vest, Ciel clenched her jaw as she got closer to her abdomen. To the observant, it would be visible that she didn't move her left arm very much. The skin by her abs was red, still rather hot from the burn which had fortunately been dampened by the vest. But some of the protective plating had been destroyed and caused a bit of bleeding. Her eyes traced a drip of blood which was slowly making it's way down along one of the ridges between her muscle. She didn't say anything but looked at him with big round eyes, obviously wanting him to help her.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

She said she was fine, but from what his dad told him about women that usually was the hint for the man in question to just stop talking. So that's what he did. It was going to be odd having another person on board, in fact he was pretty sure she was the first person he'd let tag along with. How strange of an idea was that. The longer the pair sat there, the more obvious it became that something was bothering her, and it seemed his question finally got her to admit she was in pain. Seemed they were making progress, which was great, because it'd be a little difficult to work with each other if they couldn't admit when the other was in pain.

His eyes widened as she opened up her shirt, seeing just how much muscle laid under that was impressive to say the least. If not for the obvious injuries she had sustained, he might have let his eyes linger longer, but catching that expression of pain and the rather obvious signs, no he was quick to snap to it. "Right, okay." He said, getting up from his seat and moving to retrieve the med kit from it's place. It was nice to actually be helpful for once. Even better that she was willing to let him help out. He started with taking a small hand towel from the kit and stopping the blood from running down her body. He followed it up by taking a Bacta spray, he sprayed over the damaged skin, then finished up by taking a burn salve to the injury, as he rubbed it in all along the damaged area, which also gave him a feel for just how tight her muscles were formed. Needless to say he was astonished, he'd never seen anyone with a build like this before. He kept himself in check though, knowing that she probably wouldn't appreciate being gawked at current. He really needed to get it together, or else she'd accidentally kill him.

Having finished that, he pulled his hands away, not wanting to give her the wrong idea. "Alright, between this and the Bacta you'll be okay. Just give it a few minutes." He stated, watching as the redness slowly faded away, the gash caused by the armor giving way closed as well. "Is it hurting anywhere else?" He asked, partly wanting to ask if he could look her over for injuries, but decided against it; she probably wouldn't be comfortable with that unless it was really hurting her. He did feel rather fond of her, and not just because she was pretty okay, but she seemed strangely...perhaps simple? Not overthinking things, not trying to make moves for something greater? She might not have been intellectually on his level, few people were, but she was kind and apparently loyal to a fault; those qualities were quite rare as far as he had observed.

C Ciel Rivage
She a little nervous, letting this man who had been a stranger to her when the day began treat her injury. Her nervousness was unwarranted, however as Jacques handled the situation perfectly. He didn't comment on her getting hurt or try to exploit her weakened state in any way. Feeling the kolto spray and then his gentle touch was wonderful. Sure, it may not have been with the caring hand of a loving mother which she had dreamed of for so long, but it was more than she had ever received before. As he occupied himself with treating her wounds, Ciel kept peeking at his face, taking particular note of his kind eyes. An involuntary smile grew on her lips as she felt happier than she had in a rather long time now. Letting her gaze fall, the girl tried to make the smile go away - in her mind, she would be making a fool of herself is she let him see her like that. The gentleness and care he showed was more than she thought she'd ever receive, and it felt wonderful too! The cool feel of his soft hands on her skin made her feel oddly warm all over.

Once he was done, she looked back up, unaware of her light blush. "Thank you, Jacques" she said, about to clap him on the back before stopping herself in the last moment, instead, she gently put down her arm on it awkwardly followed by an appreciative smile. He then kept asking for injuries. On the one hand, she wanted him to look after her again, but on the other hand, she knew the risks of someone operating around her ticklish areas, especially Jacques. Finally, she decided to show it to him too and started taking off the vest whilst letting out a pained "Yeah, one more" Letting the vest drop to the floor with a thud, the young scoundrel stood half naked in his cockpit. Turning around, he would soon be faced with her wide shoulders and an almost identical injury at the side of her back, close to the armpit.

Carefully, she asked "Jacques, can you just use the kolto spray on this one? It isn't as bad as the one on the other side" with a careful, almost timid voice. He had been pretty good at following her instructions so far, maybe there wasn't too much for her to worry about now? But then, the previous instructions she gave had been in combat scenarios - her field of expertise. This was something entirely different.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

She didn't seem to mind his work, which was a relief to him. Her skin was remarkably soft, and oddly unmarred. He had met several people who had done work similar to her, and they were covered in rather nasty looking scars, but not Ceil. Perhaps she just took better care of herself than most others, which was being made more and more apparent as he witnessed more of the woman in question. As he eyed up over her uninjured form now, he saw just how impressive of a physical being she was; even more so when that vest dropped. It took a great deal of willpower to keep his jaw from dropping at the sight, though he managed to stay strong. His face was about as red as a strawberry now. That stupid smile he made when he was nervous came into play now, as he'd never been this close to....well anything like this before. "Wow." He involuntary muttered, then winced as she probably heard him. He couldn't help but stare, until she turned her back to him, then reminding him of the injury she still had. He composed himself, though it took to tending the wound.

He was a tad perturbed by her request, unsure why he wanted her to not use the burn salve. The wound looked almost exactly the same, even if it felt lesser to her, she might not have known how bad it really was. "I'll be gentle I promise. This looks about as bad as the other one." He said, moving towards the injured area and repeated the motion; spray and apply the salve. Maybe she didn't want him using up all his medical resources on her, which he didn't mind, he had more than enough for the two of them. As he applied the salve however, his finger tips brushed against her armpit, though he thought nothing of it, he was just trying to make sure the salve was applied properly.

C Ciel Rivage
She noticed his reaction on seeing her - it was really rather hard to miss. While she was very comfortable in her own skin, it was always a mixed bag when it came to how people viewed her. A select few admired her, some got weirded out by her being stronger than them, others didn't like muscle on her at all and a portion of people didn't care. She didn't know in which camp he was which caused her to feel a little nervous. But then, he hadn't commented on it, so it couldn't be too bad - or at least so she hoped. Stone faced, she turned around, hoping that he wouldn't dislike her for it.

She didn't realise what he meant until it was too late. Once again, his cool hand got in contact with her skin. Letting out a deep breath, she closed her eyes, thoroughly enjoying his soft touch. If she could receive this treatment each time she got shot, Ciel would have to get shot more often. For the moment, all thoughts of the risks she took had disappeared, replaced by through enjoyment and bliss. "Jacques, you're a mi-" her sentence was cut short as he accidentally brushed against her armpit. Her thankful praise turned into "-iiiiiaaAAAAAAAAHahahahahahh" He was just about to find out that she was very ticklish. Her back arched backwards and her arm quickly snapped against her body, catching his fingers - or entire hand if he didn't pull it back fast enough - in a vice-like grip. It was a stupid move, but there really wasn't that much she could do as she was now purely acting by reflex and instinct. With the tickling limb caught under her shoulder, it tickled even more.

Turning 180 degrees to rid herself of the offender from behind, Ciel kept laughing. Meanwhile, Jacques would be pulled along unless he somehow managed to get his hand loose. Laughing a lot, the girl fell down on the floor, momentarily loosening the 'grip' around him. Laying down in what looked like a fetal position, she kept laughing, desperately trying to stop. At this moment, she was completely oblivious to what had happened to her friend.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

He was rather enjoying himself, maybe he could get used to this sort of thing. Her reaction gave him the impression she was fond of it as well, maybe she'd let him do this for him more often. He didn't want to say anything, fearing he would say something stupid and ruin everything. "You must work out alot." Damn it. He was a tad distracted by the compliment she had levied towards him, though it prevented him from putting more than a few finger tips into the hallow of her armpit.

He had no clue what he did wrong, as her hands clamped down over his fingers, she began to laugh like crazy. Okay, she was ticklish, well so were most people. Unfortunately most people weren't to this level of ticklishness, as she clamped down tight and whipped about, giggling like mad the entire time. He could feel his fingers were already broken by her incredible strength, letting out a pained swear that was muffled behind his teeth. With the movement she was creating, he yanked back, managing to pull his fingers free as he bumped into the side of the bulkhead, feeling everything in his back and down to his legs stiffen on the verge of shattering. He gripped his broken fingers of his left hand, as he looked down to the laughing woman on the floor, who had curled herself into a ball and was giggling away like crazy. In any other situation, it might have been adorable, but the pain was still fresh on his mind. Jacques looked to his broken fingers, sighing as he moved to get his treatment from the medkit, wincing at the all to familiar pain that burned within his hand. "You okay down there?" He asked, still wincing from the pain as he went about treating himself. "I'm guessing that's why you didn't want my hands there." He muttered, pulling out what he needed before sitting down in the copilot chair, scowling at his broken digits. He'd never had his fingers broken over tickling someone before, so that was new.

C Ciel Rivage
"I do!" she chirped happily before looking around "I didn't bring any of my stuff though. I hope you have weights or something" she said, simultaneously realising that she didn't have anything to change into now that the blast vest had two holes in it. "You must think a lot!" the exclamation was spontaneous with a happy tone. She was growing more comfortable with him and didn't mind showing her less menacing side - at least from time to time. Then the tickle came.

Curled up on the floor, Ciel kept laughing for a few more moments until she heard his voice. It reminded her of the world around her - of what had just happened and of his condition. "Oh god" she said, concern clear in her voice. "What have I done? No, no, no, no" mostly, she was just mumbling for herself as she quickly got back on her feet. The young scoundrel was close to a panic but still managed to keep her composure. "Are you alright? What did I do?!"

The girl gasped as she saw his hand "Jacques! I'm so sorry" Even as they went, Ciel kept apologising whilst following the comparatively small man to the co-pilot's chair "I'll make it up to you. I will. Jacques! I'm sorry!" she continued bending down as she sat down. "Here, let me help you. The blank one first, and then the kolto, right?" she asked, still remembering the procedure from before. He didn't have much of a choice in the matter - with so many broken fingers, not to mention his shoulder, he wasn't in a very strong bargaining position.

Doing what she could, Ciel tried to ease his pain but after the kolto was applied, there was only so much she could do. "Once I earn some money, I'll treat you to my Porg steak" she said, still feeling bad about what she did. A shameful look marked her face when he spoke of her not wanting him to apply the same treatment to her back. "Yeah" she admitted with a defeated voice. "I'm ticklish" she said, feeling a little stupid about stating the obvious. Standing back up, she towered above him "Will you be alright?" she asked and continued upon receiving a confirmatory response "Maybe I should just be locked up somewhere" With that, she was prepared to leave him alone in the cockpit and find a place where she could isolate herself from the galaxy,

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

"Sadly, um, no. I don't have any of those things. But we can stop by the next world and get you set up." He offered, continuing his treatment of her. Thinking to the fact that he didn't have any clothing that would fit her, like at all. As appealing as it was, she probably didn't want to talk about in a bra for the next few days. They'd have to work that out. Then tragedy struck.

Seeing what she was just like this from accidentally being tickled, he could only wonder what happened if someone actually attempted to try such a thing on her; they were probably dead truth be told. He wasn't mad at her, frustrated a bit perhaps, but she had tried to warn him. "You were laughing your butt off if I remember correctly." He grumbled, struggling as he couldn't get both of his treatment solutions lined up. His shoulder was already feeling better, but he still had a busted pinky and now a middle and index finger broken. It was a tad difficult to fix himself. He took in a deep breath, as while he understood she felt terrible, the pain was just a little more than he cared for. Thankfully she seemed to step up and attempt his treatment, and for that he was thankful. "Yes, yes thank you." He muttered, taking in a deep breath as the injections went to work. He waited for the effects to take hold, letting out a sigh as he already was feeling better.

He looked to her, sighing as he just couldn't bring himself to be mad. She hadn't meant it, and she was clearly repetitive. "That's not needed, but I appreciate the offer." Though, Porg Steak certainly sounded interesting. He could see the guilt that came over her as she admitted to her critical weakness, and for someone as strong as her that had to have been humiliating. He only shook his head, smiling. "Well I guess if you try to kill me next time I know what to do." His body guard that he had invested quite a bit into was rendered helpless by tickling? Well, they were going to have to keep that secret between them. "I'll be alright, I'm used to being fragile. I find new ways to break myself every day." He tried to dismiss his condition, he was used to it, but that put a bit of a damper how much help he could be around her. As she seemed to want to leave, he felt a tad bit bad for her. She didn't know this ship, nor did she know her way around here. Against his better judgement, he used his best hand and grabbed her rather thick wrist before she could leave. "I could lock you up on my ship, but I think you'd be sick of me eventually." He smiled, moving to stand up as he put his more busted of the hands away. "I can show you around the ship, help you get set up and um...." His eyes went to her rather exposed form, that color came back to his face. "We can work something out for you. Worst comes to worst, we'll buy some clothes at the next planet we stop by." He hoped that would be enough to cheer her up, it was rather distressing to see her being so dejected.

C Ciel Rivage
Was he more cool than usual? Was that it? Ciel had just broken a few fingers of his and almost swung him into who-knows-what at the front of the cockpit and he wasn't even mad? Maybe he was one of those quiet mad people, but it didn't seem like he was angry at all. Sure, he deserved to be a bit more quiet and reserved, but there he sat, as gentle and friendly as he had been throughout. Her heart was now both breaking and melting at the same time - still, she kept apologising as the two went on. He made what she interpreted as a joke, commenting on how to handle her if she grew hostile. Normally, she would have let out a hearty laugh but now, she just nodded quietly "Yea, it's probably for the best that you know that" she said, thinking that it might be for the best that he knew how to 'disable' her. She couldn't think of why she'd ever want to attack him, but if she ever did, she was sure that he probably didn't deserve it.

It was sweet that he tried to cheer her up, but she still felt like a most horrible person. he was about to leave when she felt his hand on her wrist. It was the same gentle hand with the soft touch that she had felt before. She couldn't really tell if he was trying to hold her of he just put it there, but it wouldn't matter. Ciel would stay. Guilt laying heavy on her, the young scoundrel was in an unusually docile state, not making any moves to take charge on her own. In the end, she just wanted to lock herself up but it was he who she had wronged, so if he wanted her to stay, she would.

The girl nodded as he mentioned locking her up in his ship until she noticed that he wasn't actually planning on doing it. The nodding stopped and mirroring him, a slight smile grew on her face. She wasn't really happy, but it was hard not to reciprocate gestures displayed by friends and the like. Besides, she appreciated the effort he seemed to be making. Nodding along, she approved of the idea of being shown around the ship. Still, it was easy to notice that his eyes lingered a little longer on her mostly bare torso and the red hue returning to his face. Still, she wasn't completely sure if he liked it, or really disliked it. At any rate, he didn't make a thing out of it, so for now, she was in the green. Ciel did see the problem in regards to the clothes. The two walked down the corridor out from the cockpit when she turned her head to look down at him "Do you have like, an old coat or something? It should be long enough if I can fit my arms into the sleeves" she said, realising that, if they didn't find anything, it was probable that she would have to walk around like this for a few more days as he checked the safety of their next destination. She did generate more than enough body heat to keep herself at an acceptable temperature, especially if she found a way to work out - but of course, Jacques might not appreciate having his bodyguard walking about the ship half naked.

Jacques Filamino

Jacques Filamino

She was really down in the dumps. Not good. He expected something to come from that. "I guess I can keep you in line that way. Might have to make a special suit for that though." He chuckled, hoping that maybe that'll get her to smile. Probably not, but he had to give it a go. He wasn't mad, annoyed. maybe a little, but it took a lot to get him angry; after all, he learned long ago that temper tantrums lead to more broken bones.

To his surprise his soft touch managed to get her to stay with him, but at least he got a smile out of her. "Come on, I'll show you around. You're the first person I've let on here, so might have to move some things around." The crew quarters were mostly just storage for his gadgets. Walking through the corridor, he would show her to the mess hall, which looked more like a cafeteria given how it was laid out. Kitchenware was arranged to the right side of the ship, and the table pressed against the left side of the wall. Rather off set up, but it seemed practical. He realized that he hadn't yet let go of her wrist, and quickly did so. "So yea, this is the kitchen. Crew quarters is further on down the way."

She asked if he had anything that might fit her, but truth be told he couldn't think of anything that would come close. It wasn't just the height issue, but her arms were thick as a tree trunk; there was no way his stuff would work for her. "I um....I don't have anything that'll fit you. My old coats and stuff are sorta built for my build but...." He glanced over her once more, shrugging. "I mean, we can always try. If not, I won't mind you waltzing around like this." His gaze dropped to the floor, rubbing the back of his head. "Your form is visually appealing." There, that was a nice grown up way of saying it. Moving towards the living quarters, there were two doors a bit down past the kitchen, one was the captains quarters, one for the crew. "So, our rooms are right next to each other, so if you need me you'll know where I am. I'll have to help you clear out the crew quarters though. There's alot of electronic gear I stored in there, but it won't take long." Hopefully the tour was going along alright, and she wouldn't be too upset about the lack of clothing available.

C Ciel Rivage
A special suit? She eyed him with a hint of skepticism, the joke having passed right above her head. "A special suit?" she asked, still very sad about what she had just done. At this point, she wasn't even done apologising and was way more receptive to the idea than she usually were. "Well" she begun carefully. "I can see why you'd want that" she continued, understanding why someone in his position would want some control. "Well, if you want to collar me, you better make it pretty" she said. The words would never have been uttered if she didn't feel so bad, and chances were that she'd refuse to wear the suit later, even though she seemed to agree to wearing it now.

"Really? I'm the first?" she asked with a surprised voice. In her eyes, Jacques was kind, generous and charming - the reason behind her being the first guest on board was beyond her. She was glad to hear it - it made her feel special. "Well, if you want stuff moved, just let me know and point at what you want done" she said. Her mood was improving steadily, in large part thanks to Jacques. "If I'm lucky, I could find some provisional weights" It was something which bordered on a joke which was quite the improvement, the girl even went so far as to smile at him meekly.

They soon arrived at the kitchen. Suddenly, Ciel felt cold around her wrist and realised that Jacques had kept his hand there all along. Surprisingly, she missed his touch and instinctively mover up her own hand to hold over the same position. It wasn't as soft, smooth or gentle as his, but it would have to do. She looked around, surprised by how neat and orderly it all seemed. But more than that, it didn't seem very personal. "Do you even cook in here?" she asked with a surprised voice

The conversation moved on to clothes as they walked towards the next area. It didn't come as much of a surprise that his clothes wouldn't fit her and his explanation made sense. Her eyes travelled down to his arms - they, just as the rest of him, were rather thin. In fact, she thought that they'd be rather easy to break even if he didn't have the brittle bones disease. Feeling at a loss at what to do, her face lit up in hope as he spoke of not minding her as she was now. At least she wouldn't have to wear her destroyed blast vest. It only seemed to get better as he then revealed that he thought that she was 'visually appealing'. All notions of sadness were quickly wiped from her mind as a bright smile appeared on her face. While she wanted to pick hum up, hug him and spin around, Ciel didn't quite know what kind of force he could withstand yet and consequently decided to refrain from doing any of those actions. "I'm so happy that you like it... uhm... me" she exclaimed as they arrived by the rooms. Hers appeared to be filled with stuff. With a raised finger, she shook both it and her head "Oh no, you'll just tell me where the stuff goes, and I'll move it." she said, regaining the determination she had displayed so often before. The two stood there for a little bit - she was still overjoyed at what he had said just a little earlier. "So, how fragile are you? Like, do you hug?" she asked, having wanted to give him one on several occasions now.

Greatest Jacques

Jacques Filamino

She didn't get his joke, but that was alright, it sorta sucked anyways. He didn't want control over her, not like that, he trusted her to behave. Though everyone could be blackmailed, but probably not her. Though when she mentioned getting a collar that got his mind going in all sorts of directions, and he struggled to pull himself out of that rabbit hole. "Well, if you want to go down that road, I'll make sure the collar suits you just fine." What in the force was wrong with him?

"Yep, first person ever." How sad was that? Jacques tried to think back if he let anyone else into this ship before, but couldn't think of anyone. He never let people get this close, and no one seemed interested in doing bodyguard work for him, like ever. "That'd be a blessing. I had to use my damn combat suit in order to rearrange furniture. So if you'd be willing I'd really appreciate that." He smiled up to her, detecting that he mood was already changing for the best. "I mean, feel free to do what you need. I'm sure someone like you needs to work out alot so....well, just find something you like and give it a go." He was fairly certain she wasn't refering to him as a weight, because frankly he wouldn't be much help to her. Not to mention that would probably kill him.

She seemed a tad surprised at the kitchen, not that he blamed her. It was rather too neat, like no one was even using it; which would be true. "Actually, I gave up on trying to cook. I screw up on one thing and I risk breaking alot of bones. Like opening up the cabinet and having pans fall down on me is basically a death sentence. Lift up a pan that's a little too heavy, boom, just lost the use of that hand." He shook his head, slightly embarrassed about that fact. "I um....I got ahold of some military rations awhile ago and they're pretty simple to make. But yea, I um....I don't cook much, like at all." He nodded, crossing his arms as he solidified the fact he had no clue how to cook anything.

He laughed nervously at her comment about liking her, he wasn't sure what else to do, so being stupid he spoke. "Well, there's alot to like." He said aloud, not knowing what the hell that even meant. On the plus side he noticed it got a rather nice smile out of her, so job well done. She seemed to have that old spark in her as well, as she seemed rather insistent that she was going to clear the room and he wouldn't have to get involved. "Oh, um you can, stack it against the wall. It's no biggie." He commented, looking at all the tools he had collected over the years and yet had hardly used most of them. "What?" He seemed a tad taken aback by her question, but he wasn't about to stumble over himself. "It depends on several factors, but so long as pressure is applied evenly, I make out okay." He realized that she probably didn't understand a word of what he said. Gazing up at her, it was a touch intimidating, but she just seemed so happy and full of life, it helped off set things just a bit. "Er...hugs are nice." Then it struck him that he hadn't received a hug in the last four years.

C Ciel Rivage

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