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Approved Tech Warbeast Droid [Sun Forged Industries]

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Intent: Created for the use in gladiatorial arenas. For the use of higher ranking Black Sun officers and officials. And for the sale to various members of the galaxy by Sun Forged Industries looking for a personal droid(s) to serve as a protector.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Sun Forged Industries
Model: Warbeast
Affiliation: Black Sun, Crime Lords, Gladiatorial Arenas, Enthusiast and Eccentrics.
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Titanium, Durasteel, Plasteel.

Description:The Warbeast is a finely honed droid meant to serve as a deadly guard for its master. Programed to be loyal to them. It will serve with obedience and without hesitation. The design was created by studying the physical form and movements of several creatures to give it as much natural grace and form as could be provided. Animals like the Nexu and Kryat Dragon were used along with various others. Layered armor was used to allow for the range of motion to be able to happen.
In combat the Warbeast fights like any other creature. With ferocious intent to rend, maim or crush its opponent. Other than the addition of the flamethrower, not much difference shall be noted to the untrained observer.
Drawbacks of this droid is its higher maintenance needs and associated costs. It should not be bought by those unable to meet the financial or maintenance burden. It is best to have an experienced droid technician do any work past the most routine maintenance of your droid. A loss of one limb is not terribly detrimental to the continued combat ability of the droid, as it will compensate for its loss. Though do repair after battle should it and you survive. Two or more limbs will put the Warbeast at a great disadvantage in mobility and combat capabilities. That being unable to possibly jump, lung, twist and turn swiftly. The loss of weaponry of course is another problem that comes with that. The loss of optics would also impair the droid but not stop it from wildly attacking until called off. The compressed fuel tank for the flamethrower is an explosives hazard. While made of a non-ignitable, flameproof material, energized particles or sparks when punctured may detonate its contents. Possibility of catastrophic damage may occure.

Top running speed: 72 kph
Maximum jumping height. 5.6 M
Maximum jumping distance at top speed: 14.2 M
Bite Strength: 12,788 Newtons (About 3 times what a real world Tiger can do)

Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 162 Kg
Height: 1.52 M Length: 4.57 M
Movement: Quadrupedal
Armaments: Clawed limbs. Armor crushing jaw with razor sharp teeth. Mace like tail. Flamethrower hidden in mouth.
Misc. Equipment: Infrared, ultraviolet able optical sensory.

Edit: Added Image Credit

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Cypher"] - Give me some idea of its weaknesses and limitations plz. Also feel free to remove the descriptive template text under Descrpition'
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