Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wanna Hate Me?

A rebel leader can't keep their identity a secret forever. And that time is drawing near in her story, I think.

I would like to start a series of threads in which factions allow the Rebel Alliance to go through and destroy 'precious' things of theirs, start riots, free prisoners, and spread propaganda. Basically, we're going to outright start wars and annoy everyone.

Obviously, I will be looking for players to join the Alliance and help wreak some havoc. The more the merrier.

I am also seeking willing major faction people to allow us to do these things. And at the conclusion of this series, Geneviève's involvement will be revealed, allowing everyone to put a face to the organization. Cue hunt for the woman in the black trenchcoat.

Let me know here if you'd like me to be your faction's pain-in-the-rear for a day.

Enemy factions (arranged by level of hostility):

Omega Protectorate
Red Ravens
Shadow Empire/Dynasty
Albrion Corporate Alliance
Lords of the Fringe
Imperial Remnant
The One Sith
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Why is OP on that list doe, they are nice people. (PS, i no hate you Gen. And would be glad to aid in this endeavor of rebellion. After all a Rebellion is how Solan met Gen so repaying the favor is no problem.)
[member="Solan Charr"]

That war between the former CIS and the Omega Protectorate was very questionable.

Also, they're what Gen would call a 'soft empire'.

OOC: It does give a wider range of targets, and allows for more interested parties as well.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] Faction Leader of the Red Ravens here. You can gladly annoy us.

By the way, we have a well-known alliance with the One Sith. I don't want to speak for their faction leaders, but if you annoy us you run the risk of annoying them by proxy.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] I'm assuming the color red means a good thing, sort of like Christmas or something?

I will need to speak with other admins for the One Sith, but I don't mind some hostility :). So long as you are fine with the potential consequences.

[member="Darth Isolda"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Incidentally, side note - your people asked Tion to hold off on a return raid until you'd finished a dev thread and gotten a location submission approved. Is that all taken care of?
Reverance said:
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] I'm assuming the color red means a good thing, sort of like Christmas or something?

I will need to speak with other admins for the One Sith, but I don't mind some hostility :). So long as you are fine with the potential consequences.

[member="Darth Isolda"]

Keel her.
Geneviève Lasedri said:
Omega Protectorate
Red Ravens
Shadow Empire/Dynasty
Albrion Corporate Alliance
Lords of the Fringe
Imperial Remnant
The One Sith
Vaguely surprised that the Crusade and the Primeval don't merit your ire...

Anyway, TSD, IR, and the Ravens will be after you soon. *Grins evily*

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