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Codex Denied Wampa Troopers

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  • Intent: To create a 'monsterous infantry' regiment produced by one of Dyre Redwave's business ventures.
  • Image Credit: Morgan Yon
  • Role: A tamed monsterous infantry regiment available contractors of the Old Empire Holding Group and Select Allies
  • Permissions:
  • Links: [TBA]
  • Unit Name: Wampa Troopers
  • Affiliation: Old Empire Holding Group 'Contractors' Subsidiaries and Those who can afford to pay for units of these majestic creatures.
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Equipment:

    Wampa Trooper Armor (Durasteel Plate Armor with Cortosis Weave Underlay)

    Melee Weapons
    Brute Strength
    Misc. Improvised Weapons (Durasteel Beams, Furniture, Enemy Soldiers etc... )

  • Description: When most people think of soldiers they think of men and women in uniform with military grade weapons and training. The Wampa Troopers are a glaring contradiction to this. They are large carnivorous mammals, originally native to the planet hoth, who have been tranquilized long enough to place heavy armor on them. They are trained in much the same way that one might train other animals for warfare.
  • Unit Size: Small (5-10 Wampa Troopers)
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Combat Function: In combat, Wampa Troopers serve as shock troops which are extremely effective at breaking an enemies willingness to fight though rushing headlong at the nearest enemy targets and attacking them with brutal efficiency. Wampas like most carnivores have two 'default settings'; hungry and full. A full wampa will incapacitate a foe and drag it back to its lair whereas a hungry wampa will attempt to devour every enemy in sight.
Most Fearless Beast of the Animal Kingdom: Wampas are a top teir predator and as such, instinctually, have no reason to fear any living thing.

Wampa Don't Care: Shot with a blaster? Stabbed with a knife? Wampas are disinclined to care, in fact most cases they will not notice it given the adrenaline running through their bodies and the sensation will serve to only make them angrier and even more violent than they already are. For this reason wampa troopers are remarkably difficult to kill in combat with even heavy mounted weapons occasionally taking multiple hits to drop them. This is not only because of the armor they wear but also their thick hides and the layers of fat beneath it.

Nature's Badass: Evolutionarily speaking wampas are truly special. Physically they are bigger and stronger than virtually all sentient creatures. Even with their armor they can jump further, run faster, and smell better than virtually any sentient being alive. This invariably gives them a VERY distinct edge in melee combat. Due to their natural predatory instincts they require virtually no training and are instinctually experts in the finer points violence.

Nothing Can Stop a Wampa When It's Hungry: Only the most heavily sealed doors can stop a unit of wampa troopers from bashing it apart or pulling it open. Even then they will not do so indefinitely. Climbing or hiding will also merely delay the inevitable given their ability to climb and strong sense of smell. Baricades which might hold back more 'typical' sized humanoid soldiers will do little to nothing to stop a wampa soldier which will simply bash thier way through it.

Nasty: Wampas spend their time killing other animals and eating them. Lacking the fancy tools of a normal soldier to eat their meal, they instead rip it to shreds, devouring it raw, in the process govering themselves with gore and viscera. Being disinclined to shower of their own free will, they tend to smell terrible which not only notifies an enemy of their presence. This is only circumvented in cold environments where these 'leftovers' freeze rending them largely without scent or environments which already smell particularly bad (such as tidal marshes).

"Oh my God! That is a wampa!": This is usually the first thing coming out of the mouth of an enemy. Whereas a soldier might have specialized training a wampa is just that, a wampa (albeit in plate armor in this case). Given the popularity of stuffed wampas across the galaxy enemies know precisely the kind of violence this beast is capable of at first sight. Unlike a normal 'sentient' soldier who is able to blend in with a crowd a wampa can do no such thing.

Semi-Sentient: Wampas can do many things very well. When it comes to eating, drinking, defecating and making baby wampas they are certainly experts. When it comes to operating a space craft they are very good at completely destroying the command console and roaring at it They can pry open a door and figure out simple things but are still not intelligent enough for anything more than basic tasks or using the most rudimentary of tools.

Melee Only: While a wampa might throw a rock or overturn a speeder it lacks the necessary comprehension of tools to use a dedicated ranged weapon. As such, Wampa Troopers are melee only except for thrown items and those it hits and knocks toward the enemy.

In Awe at the Size of the Lad: While a wampa is extremely strong and vicious, much of that is tied to the creatures sheer mass. Standing up to 3meters tall and weighing in at up to 200kg, though extremely durable and difficult to kill, a wampa is still a remarkably easy creature to hit with a ranged weapons.


At some point, somebody had thought of it… They had had seen a wampa preserved at a museum or perhaps a living specimen at a zoological preserve. Maybe they had even been fortunate enough to survive a close encounter. They returned home drawing up schematics for armor and uniforms meticulously planning out each step. They drew blue prints, studied the finer points of animal handling and worked their fingers bloody working out the details. One morning though, they woke up… looked over their work and set fire to it. Cloning an army or building an army of robots was one things, but this step… no… it was taking science too far. The combined sentient races of the galaxy had brought forward more and more technological marvels but this… this would push them over a precipice from which they might never recover… and so the idea lay dormant.. and in time, ideas which should have not been forgotten, were lost, fading into legend and myth… until one fateful day… ~Dyre Redwave on the creation of the Wampa Troopers

Through a chance encounter, during a raid on a pirate outpost on Ilum, Dyre Redwave met Chocohba Cullboath. A gen’dai, Chocohba had been isolated on the planet from a young age and had managed to not only survive but develop a relationship with a group of wampas which had been dumped on the world in the distant past. By becoming a member of the ‘pack’ he proved able to ‘domesticate’ them, and teach them to obey simple commands and understand certain gestures.

Though non-human, Dyre was impressed with Chocehba’s accomplishments and unable to dispute the value of a self professed ‘wampa rancher’, Dyre embraced him as an honorary member of his crew. Finally letting the Gen’dai and his enormous furry family, to escape the world upon which they were trapped. Soon thereafter, the two met and the possibility to utilize the magnificent beasts in combat was formed.
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