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The Mandalorian Enclave

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Vote to go Minor

sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ
As someone who has been part of and has supported Enclave for the longest time, despite a lot of things, you have every right to vote - your voice as an OG Enclave member counts just as much. You writing with us in the junction absolutely counts. So feel free to cast a vote. Your opinion on this matter is greatly appreciated.

That actually means a lot to me

And with that in mind, i'll throw in my two cents and my vote:

I Vote to go minor.

On chaos, staff are the faction. Without the creative energy from a staff team and that sense of direction, a faction dies. We learned that the hard way from the Mandalorian Union before, as im sure a lot of OGs might remember. It's not fair to ask more from yall if you don't have the energy for it.

Going forward, I agree that nothing has to change IC, with the exception that Major factions may take Enclave hexes after they're declared "neutral". Though this means opportunities to play opposition as Vren Rook Vren Rook described, and story opportunities for individual PCs regardless of what the faction does. Imo the best Mandalorian stories come from the underdog moments, the gunslingers and the rebel cells anyway.

I know I'm going to be exercising my PC's power as a daimyo on Tatooine if an MF tries to claim the hex for example.

Lastly, I want to thank the Enclave for shaping my characters the way yall have. no run is ever perfect but there have been plenty of shining and character defining moments that i look back on fondly to this day
Nothing is worse than activity for the sake of activity. Four months ago when I first joined up there seemed like so much was going on I could barely wrap my head around it, but there was joy and excitement.
I've been staff in a faction limping along on life support, it was agonizing and ruined the fun of RP for me for many years. It also meant all the focus had to be on meeting quotas and such rather than doing the things that the faction was there for and its members wanted. Looking back, I wish I'd put a blaster bolt through its head and got my active people back to the things we wanted to do.

I've been in like three Mandalorian threads. Never saw one of them to the conclusion for various reasons, so I'm not going to vote. But I would like to get active again, and when I do I'll be trying to focus on smaller personal stories or as a mercenary in a larger fight.

Oya Manda!

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