Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Voice on your shoulders

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The trip back to Denon was uneventful as far as most of the things were concerned. They were working on things for themselves with the captain showing the senator some of the things they were doing for the squad to work with. As a soldier she would have the more unique perspective when it came to the bigger and more interesting things. For armor components and what they could do over what they were wanting to work on with the larger and more impressive sections of it all. Ayumi stood there in the cockpit.

The sight of Denon as they dropped out of hyperspace came into view, beautiful and as they trip had started they were bringing in stations to be above and around the planet. Ayumi could see the resource ones that aided the planet as well as the ones for defense staying above the world. Everything that would be able to give them some attention before she saw other fleets above the planet. With what they could get from the Republic as well as from Sasori itself it would help provide a very nice number of ships.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi herself was more then happy as she was joined by Cato which while making the cockpit more crowded for the pilot and copilot did allow the two of them to talk while the ship was getting cleared and heading down to the planet. They were both looking at some of the skyline from the buildings as the guns that had been getting installed showed dozens of autoturrets for handling problems. "Everything senator seems to have been in working order, with the new contracts Saotome has been able to increase production of defenses for us."

That was what she liked to hear and if gave the manufacturing arm of Sasori something big to work with, revitalization and fortifications of Denon was a companies wet dream she could imagine as all of their people got to beef up the security within it. Really pushing in further along until they touched down and she spoke. "Cato make sure the ship in unloaded and work to get the grav traps installed. Contact Phenex as they have been working with them and can ensure we can more as needed for the planet."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was looking at it all as she came down from the ramp to the landing pad and met with the others. They were givign her reports about all of the works the jedi engineers and workers had going on when she presented a few of the other things. "I want you to start once it is all unloaded getting buyers for the artifacts and our stuff. We will use the funds to continue to give Denon a surplus to rebuild in light of the attacks we get from many of the others that keep trying to cripple the republic or pound their chests."

Ayumi looked at them while they were bringing out many of the things they had been doing. She looked over the sections of planet before approving more of it for herself and heading out with Cato while the captain saw to the unloading of the equipment that they were keeping and what they were selling for the planet. Her father showing and giving the ifnormation needed with all of the recipts before he was heading off and getting to go to his own private building in the upper districts.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was looking at many of the things there before she was moving into the office building and seeing the security pathways she could push through getting scanned for weapons and equipment. The senator wasn't opposed to it while showing her gear and what they could work with when she wanted to impress upon all of it. "Alright the security measures are looking alright, nice work." She was there and passed through same as the others with a bow of her head while she was going in the duster.

She returned to her office looking out upon all of it as information from Gyndine and Cyrillia that they were being worked on came onto the screen. The information on construction efforts they were giving when she pushed the force energies expanding them outwards to sense the people on the world. She wanted to work with more of it when reports of the construction and reconstruction of the districts came to her before she was sitting at her desk with cato there sitting across from her while they brought the rest up.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"It seems with us going out to your family estate and handling business there that they have been making substantial advancements. Saotome were perfect ones to bring in for this as they are showing far more skill within the construction. I imagine it is because their engineers are the ones who have been working on the products and they have a more intimate knowledge of what can be done and what can't be done." She said it with a look on her face though while going over some of it on the datapad.

"We also have a lot more then expected in the stores, thanks to the new initiatives to get credits for the people and sell off what they make we are able to produce and ensure that the resource hubs are full with more then enough fresh foods. The other worlds are paying a premium for it and we can ship it out even more with some small increases since others are starting to use the fertlizer from Sasori. Larger yields that grow faster even with the ponics modules we have developed or the gardens."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi sat there as they continued to go over the reports about the planet and all of the things they had been working on. Attention to the finer details as well as the more important things, such as the military needs that were designed in a better and harder to target fashion. Using the constant threat to get the people to accept the military might be needed to protect them across the planet nearly one in five citizens were signed up for service. THey were more then happy to do it as the plague of violence from outsiders pushed them to protect themselves and if they had to die to die for a reason.

That along with their dedication to seeing their world prosper allowed Ayumi to work with and play to their patriotism instead of their fear.. It was still there. Because there always was the threat of people wanting to kill them, of people wanting to turn them again each other for the sole reason they were bored and impotent with a need to control people they deemed beneath them until they said no... Then they were wrong and corrupt because only evil beings would tell someone wanting to kill them no.... Ayumi snorted to herself.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Everything alright senator?" Cato said it while setting up the reports and working with the holographic display of the city where they were working. Reports and the large vertical shafts for moving supplies were being retrofitted and set up after the work was done to turn them into the massive planetary ion cannons that could be used against fleets and will instead serve for a far superior level of defense compared to others. With them being sealed on and designed as such they would also be protected.

"I was just thinking about all that was going on and the general attitude of the ones who normally face. So preoccupied with being edgy and showing they are right in their little minds... That they miss one of the most important things of being in any situation." Ayumi said it there while she was looking at some of the things they had going on with a grin on her face. "THey don't know how to inspire or work with the people to get them to realize their own interests and what would work best for them. Too concerned with thinking they are the only ones who know what is right."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She said it with a small look on her face while she was moving over several of the things, attention to the smaller details when she brought her hands up to the holographic display to work with it and set it all up for the Saotome engineers that were building and constructing here in the city. She brought about some of the bigger things that were being set up. The stations in orbit were reporting their needs and what arms they required from the factories on the moon that were working to resupply them.

"Organize shuttles here that can work transfer munitions for everything in the stations. Start having the resource hubs securing and working on it with the manufacturing equipment." Ayumi had some ideas of what she could do around the planet but they would still need to rely on the works of the factories to produce as much ammo and warheads as they needed... Or more, having a surplus stock would prove useful to them with a look over many of the bigger requirements. Ayumi was grinning with a look at Cato.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"I think this will all start working out well, make sure the reports are out for them when and where they are to start sealing up with ion cannons the shafts after they are finished. The more weapons and defenses they can fit around it the better. I want near round the clock patrols and shatory anti stealth sensors installed across the city as well. With the new equipment and measures we will be able to use it to find anyone using a stealth field generator or white current because of their weight and lack of biometrics."

Cato gave a nod of her head in understanding and stayed with it while she was looking over many of the things. Finer details as well as what they could use from Sasori and its arsenal of companies ready to produce products for them served a very big purpose. Cato almost seemed overwhelemed but she had the skills to keep up with the needs of the senator while also providing purpose with some of the stuff such as the proposed para beacon that would be used to work and wall off sections of Denon from space.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"There we go, you have a lot more work to do sure but Cato you are showing why you are one of the most impressive." She said it with a small look on her face while they could continue to work and go over the reports with the other leaders on Denon. Turning over mot of the attention to the reports and feedback they were working on until she took her seat bringing up a display of the planet where across all of it there was a large number of construction sites that had been expanding outwards otherwise it would take several lifetimes.

"Thank you senator but it does not need to be so high." Cato said it with a smile on her face while she was giving it a small nod of her head. "I mean I enjoy it but I am sure anyone could have handled the situation like this for you." She seemed to say it and suppress her smile while Ayumi was looking at her with a grin on her face. "Maybe anyone could do the job but you have proven the most loyal compared to most others." She stayed there with a bow of her head working on the holographic display.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
That got a small smile and look from Cato that Ayumi capitalized on while reports were coming in and working with them for the different designs of the defenses. THe ion grid defense which was using the vertical shafts was showing to be more effective as it could create a defensive pulse instead of just a shot so she was happy to work with them and they were installing what the planet needed and wanted. Ion batteries which could be controlled by droid brains and left around the planet to operate on their own.

"We have hundreds of the ion batteries out of range but within firing area of the skies above the planet. They will be able to remain in constant sunlight and pick and choose sections of the enemy fleet that approaches we can send them after to target." Cato was showing it along with the stations so they could work on it as well as transfer the credits needed. The different companies they had hires to work with Saotome were proving highly effective while Ayumi prepared. "Good, very good continue to work it and I'll meet with the ones there."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She had the contract talks from earlier when they had met with companies for orders as well as all of the things. She was meeting with the ones from Golan Arms and GolanGear that would be working. They had developed a number of contracts for gear, droids, ships, construction and vehicles that could be used going through the different equipment contracts while they were proposing new uniforms and gear that would be able to be used to test the new mesh for components with the clothing.

"Understood senator the reps from the worlds giving bids and contracts would serve a better purpose." Ayumi smiled with that and was prepared to work out a few other ideas when she was heading into the meeting area of the office with a small look on her face. They could secure the contracts and finalize them to better equip and develop Denon as well as get Saotome more contracts itself so the company could push itself into the different fields it would need such as developing construction materials and personal gear.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi opened the doors as the men were sitting inside the board room with the long wooden table and able to look in at all of the things. Teas as well as some finger food was out for them before she took a seat seeing their proposals and bills for what they had already been doing. The chance to get new uniforms and work with Saotome was an important thing that had to be worked on and the chance to get a lot of defense guns that could be slaved and worked on a network away from slicers or things was as well.

"Thank you for coming, for those who have not been here before well this is to really get you guys involved as I know the first meeting was more a show me what you got and I'll buy it. This one we get downt o the finer details and brass tacts of the situation such as how I want to work with many of you to continue to create defenses for Denon. From the lowest reaches of the planet where only the military soldiers will be marching to the highest levels where the rich have places to call home and everything in between."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
They seemed to be thinking about it and there were some looks of approval when the senator got to go over the financial reports from the work they were doing. Forwarding them to the others who were in charge when they were making the proper decisions but she could cover these and ge them credit thanks to what they had brought back in the crates. One of the more valuable things while she was stating it and sending the messge to her people to retrieve some of the creates they could work with.

"Well these reports serve a solid purpose and we should be able to meet everything you need as well as go further. I would prefer us to have extra credit with you for the value so you can pass it to your workers and make them very happy to do the very best you could provide." Ayumi looked at them as they looked for a moment and turning over with some of the attentions the senator rolled more thoughts over in her mind until she was tapping her fingers on the table but had the datapad ready with some fo the busts able to cover the costs.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The men seemed impressed with it and as the conversation continued on there was talks and works so that the personal outfits and uniforms for the ones on Denon could be used properly with chances and works to the beefier sides of things. Since Saotome would be likely working with the Mesh from Sasori and Sakura in all of their products it was an important need that would come along for them to learn about the new levels of protection and defense that would be coming to them as well as Golan's products.

"As you can see, the ideal use of this armor mesh is in everything, make it a universal piece of equipment we can set up and have going over several of the sections. With the right works and the right set up we should be able to create a whole new line of constructive and beneficial equipment that force users will be able to power and defensive properties will be able to have for themselves." Ayumi was rather excited at the prospect and turnign it around in her mind for other ways like construction costs to offset the constant bombings.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Well with these new upgrades and based on what materials your people are pulling out we should easily be able to offset and fortify the foundations. Stronger, more able to handle the stresses of people teleporting in and bypassing all of your security and defenses in place so they can pound their chest and set off bombs that would have been detected but mysteriously all sensors that day have gone down and all of your important systems will have been rerouted to specifically that terminal and building."

Well gee, Ayumi looked at him and spoke with a look on her face. "Well wow when you put it like that sounds like someone really has all of the luck to a point of they should go back and play the lotto." She said it and there was a pause for a moment when she was looking over all of the things. Then the two of them were laughing and getting to point out the major failings of people who just happen upon the day the moment when everything vital on a world is in one place because they want to be special and important.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The three in the room were joined by Cato as they had all of the laughs that could come from handling the situation as well as making jokes at the expense of some of the others she had seen across the galaxy. Gyndine was an important one to point out as thinking all of a planets systems would be in an unsecured terminal that could be accessed in less time then it took most to have a happy ending. She remained there with Cato while they were moving over the bigger things with a grin on her face.

"Is everything taken care of Cato?" She gave it a small look and Cato was there giving many of the information on the datapad. "Senator we have many of the things handled now and contracts with the other companies are coming through. Attention to the details as well as bids on the art and busts once we showed the certificate has also been a priority for us. I am happy to way that it seems to have worked well enough for now we have an excess of credits that will boost denon's surplus to levels imagined."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Well now that was what she liked to hear that they were making new records and breaking those old limits. She didn't want to have to be sidetracked with the whole people draining the economy thing which was now being offset since all citizens had the ability to sell their own products to the planet which was sold off across the galaxy for profit. They all made credits and they all spent their credits invigorating the needs as the moons were industry, the stations they had were designed to provide industry.

Everything they had set up would be able to continue as the people were getting a cut, the government was getting a cut and the rest went into all of this, improving the world and their on surplus so they were able to handle the stresses of living in the shadow of Coruscant better compared to most. If anything with the rate they were going they would be able to overshadow Coruscant economically within time and instead of going into debt buying from agricultural worlds they made their own everything.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was bringing up and signing the contracts with them as the senator stood next to Cato going over the different contracts while she gave a nod of her head. "Good, this is a very important thing going towards the bigger and better things. Inform the citizens that their hard work and pushing towards the new direction has been building up and now it benefiting everything. Make sure they know it is their work with the new ideas not that we just got a family to donate to the government." She smirked seeing Cato with a nod of her head.

"Understood senator, positive reports for many of the things." She stayed over many of the things while her attention tot he better details. They were informing the others, to give them a better idea of what their hard work with the governments direction to create the credits needed to pay the citizens for growing food and making products. More then that they would be able to get some of the bigger things pushing for defense as well as ideas to the more impressive things like new technology.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
THey were working on so many other things and signing contracts here so Saotome could work ith Golan Arms and have access to some omf their products to use in construction purposes served a large point and ideal. She was getting a small grin before celebrating with some of the more fancy rum they had provided from the chancellors office. Ayumi poured glasses for all of them to enjoy the time with a smirk on her face until she was moving around the table and sitting down.

The sound of the glasses clinking together when the others finished their drinks and left the office was a nice thing before she moved escorting them out and sat there with Cato having another drink. Construction efforts to get the grav traps as well as the ionic defense grid were going well, reports to the ion cannons themselves and the sections as well as layered shield were going well and the stations of course in orbit. Defensive walls and sections around denon with auto turrets were the other pieces.

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