Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vix Wul'Tof

Vix Wul'Tof

NAME: Vix Wul'Tof
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 17
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.72 Meters
WEIGHT: 54.88 Kilos
EYES: L:Blue R:Green
HAIR: Silver
SKIN: White


+ An innate feel for all things mechanical. The girl is a wonder with things that move and those that make them move. If it has a whirlybob, chances are she'll figure it out.​
+ Eager to learn, everything. She'll soak up anything you teach her like a sponge, if its useful.​
+/- The Force is strong in her. She'll grow up to become a powerful Master of the force one day. Provided she can pay attention long enough. Kinda easily distracted.​
- Lock up your ship and kiss your speeders behind. She will, unless told otherwise. Tear in to your machine to find out what makes it tick. Or maybe make it faster, or have it blow up. Maybe best to lock her to a street pole instead.​
- Stubborn as a rusted bolt on a forty year old combine blade mount. Best be real persuasive. Also snarky and quick witted.


Vix was born on Kuat. A rather verdant world with a massive iron ring encircling the planet. Which was the Kuat Drive Yards. She spent plenty of time at night looking up to the sky when she was young; before the Jedi took her away. A strange man always came to visit her. Usually once to twice a year. It wasn't until she was older she understood why; but it was him who took her away from the great iron ring in the night sky. Vix's force abilities were with her from a very young age. Causing no end of mess for her parents and plenty of bowls of food worn as a hat for her. Her father was a farmer, mother worked at a hospital as a nurse. That meant both were often busy, but there were nine other children and only two younger than her. Boredom was never an issue.​
So the Jedi whisked her off the the Temple. Instilling their knowledge into the girl. She learned; grew to like the learning. Had a knack for the mechanical, spending time maybe best wasted with the other kids; but instead playing with the mechanics in the hanger. Playing soon turned to working with as she got older. They gave her a lot of bad habits (Like getting tattoos and piercing), while still undergoing training. She was yelled at a lot for each and every new one. Her schedule was full to say the least. She was at least competent and able to balance everything well enough. Vix has gotten to the age and level to have a 'master' take her under his or her wing. She's excited.





Vix Wul'Tof

Thanks for the howdy's on the character. Gona be fun workin' for the good guys. Lot more love to go around then the Sith with their coups and plotting galactic conquest. Fun and grimdark as that can be.

@[member="Vulpesen"] Maybe we will.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] *High fives back* Its the tattoos, punk look and over all awesomeness. I like your character to. I should get her to do a tattoo for me one day.
@[member="Vix Wul'Tof"]
That can be arranged. And perhaps my padawan could chill with Vix sometimes (if I ever get around to rebooting her...).
I'm definitely digging the hair.

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