Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visiting a Dark Past (SJO/ORC v TSE)


Primary Star Orbit
Wayland System
Obj: Scramble IFFs

And sure enough. There he was. Yuroic's flight group dropped out of Hyperspace. Right on time.

"Okay R2. Count em' as they drop in. Then send the virus."

Her Astromech quickly counted all incoming friendly vessels. Even a few freelancers and tag-alongs too. Good. Now they had a headcount of friendly vessels in-system. Time to rewrite the Holo-net's E log.

Now. It didn't really matter what IFF or electronic tags the good guys were flying at this point. Silver, GA, old Omega Pyre tags, fake Mando, real Mando, etc. At this point your electronic license plate didn't matter. Because Diana was going to rewrite any broadcasting ones anyway.

"Okay R2. Let's go with... Hutt Casino Barge and her po-dunk Cathar rust traders."

She smiled as her droid quickly wrote up a fake log for the Holo-beacon. Then quickly sent it to the network with an old rewrite virus attached. It would take probably ten minutes for the virus to do it's thing. After that? Anybody trying to scry on the Wayland System's fleet traffic using the Holo-net beacon would be giddy to see an old Hutt casino barge and her horrible Cathar patrons dancing about. Ha. Funny. Diana smirked at how the Shadows like to do business. Even if this had still been Mando restricted space? This kind of traffic report would have been a gem.

It wasn't a Silver Fleet arriving to pillage Wayland today. Oh no. Today was Taco Thursday at Jabba's Golden Palace. Ha!

God I love my job.
Location: On deck with Yuroic and Reggie
Objection: sneak something back

Kyra showed no comprehension for the levity of this outing. The subtle layer of tension around her registered to her as mere anticipation for discoveries. This was an opportunity, and why wouldn't it be? Kyra knew surprisingly little about war and jedi affairs. Sure, this planet had had a thing with the sith, but the masters said they were long gone. With how many jedi stood on board in the ships around her, she didn't question for a moment that she was safe. She stared out the window with her rose-colored lenses, her excitement no less diminished as the echos of the dark side reached her through the force.

She did however wrap her arms around herself, seriously off put by the vibes.

A panicked look was shot up at [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] , the padawan taking cue from his calm demeanor.

"Totally cool," she breathed, the official chatter coming over Yuroic's comm making her stand up a little straighter. She dropped her arms, smiling to [member="Reggie Faayare"] as he approached them. "You ready for this?" She gave him a familiar shoulder bump in greeting, the two clearly on friendly terms. He was the padawan with the real light saber. She envied him greatly, her gaze shooting to his belt line as they touched down.
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Bacu Topol"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Diana McClaine"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Enemies: Sith [member="Inquisitor Trellux"] [member="Darth Voyance"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Equipment: In signature

"Also, with all the stuff we did together, maybe you would come to appreciate some accounting knowledge if we all survive" she was smiling in both Reggie and Kyra.

For sure I really am not sure as to why we Jedi tended to fight in melee too often for our own good. Not everyone can be effective with a lightsaber, and sometimes fighting at range may be a better choice. Hopefully the client that sent me on an external audit engagement to Mt. Tantiss on Wayland won't land me in the same sort of potential trouble as the Aing-Tii did; however, no use talking to these padawans about the two fundamental theorems of accounting, known as the balance sheet and ledger theorems respectively, she thought, realizing that sometimes an unqualified audit opinion sometimes came at a terrible price, or with terrible risks even if the price wasn't actually paid. As much as I would like to avoid another Pantora, I could be led to wonder if the unqualified audit opinion I gave these Aing-Tii back then was worth risking retaliation in ORC space. The accountant had a lot on her mind as the ship made its descent to the planet's surface, especially as she tried to resist the lure of the dark side. As a (somewhat) late entrant to Jedi-hood, she was nevertheless willing to give herself a chance, and the Order also, especially when late entrants were the best bet for the Order to obtain what was, in a Jedi context, exotic expertise.
Lex was the most in-touch when it came to sensing and reading ripples made in the Force. It just wasn't in him. Meditating was more stressful than it was relaxing, his mind so active at times that focusing on one subject often times felt like he was holding himself back. He found his talents lie in the more physical aspects of it; combat, observance, investigation. It came natural. But this... feeling? It was like a cold embrace. According to the announcements, they were nearing Wayward. It seemed the planet potent in the dark side. 'The Shakes', he'd named the feeling.

He joined the others in the landing area of the ship, as they prepared to make land-fall. He was skeptical of the decision to bring Padawan on a mission like this, especially when many of them didn't own anything more than training lightsabers. The tools sure enough hurt like hell, but couldn't cut into anything. Against a Sith, or their soldiers, they'd be as vulnerable as Younglings. But, he supposed, with the coming days, they'd need to gain experience with both handling the dark side and and encountering it's corruptions, whether they be objects, sentients, or in the rarest cases, spirits.

He recognized Yuroic Xeraic, the man to lead the Order's forces on the mission. He didn't know much about the man, but he had to be competent enough to be entrusted with something like this. Among the others, he also recognized the Padawan, Kyra Perl. Their little adventure along to Umbara was still fresh in his mind.

He let a smirk cross his face as one of the Padawans questioned what they'd find, or were looking for.

"Holocrons, kid. Specifically Sith holocrons. The shape is how you can tell the difference between ours and their's. Don't ask me why they picked triangles." He shrugged. "As far as what we could find, almost anything is possible. Superweapon plans, equations for an experimental drug or chemical, military assets, hell, even a recipe for how to cook a sarlaac."

"Worst case, they contain spirits, long tormented and trapped. Dangerous. Trust me when I say, you find one, don't touch it, and it you do, don't talk to the voices."

Tags: @Yuroic Xeraic | @Kyra Perl | [member="Kaili Brand"] | @Sol Stazi | @Coren Starchaser | @Reggie Faayare | @Bacu Topol

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Bacu Topol"]
Location: Wayland
"Believe it or not we've been on several missions Reggie. You just didn't notice me." Kaili said flatly, staring at Reggie stone faced with a vague air of offense. He let the silence ring awkwardly for a moment before his face softened the slightest twinge. "...That was a joke." He clarified unnecessarily. "And believe it or not...somewhat by design. I was a citizen of the Mandalorian Empire when I joined the order...atleast in the sense my homeworld was in their territory. Going on missions against them... 's uncomfortable. And going against Sith is just suicidal. Though...I guess I'm technically a Sith empire citizen now?" He added, failing entirely to note that probably everyone here have probably fought atleast once and might be a little miffed at the implications.

"As for the server data....not my call." He said, frowning. As much as he might like to tear through the data himself, he doubted he or any Padawan would be given free reign over it. It was the right call, no point in risking a person not prepared for whatever influence it might have. And the fact that it spared him from having to look through EVIL office work to find anything of interest in no way played a part in that assessment.

Lex...was an interesting Jedi. Kaili decided he quite liked him early on. Largely because he and the man had not exchanged a single word with each other in the time Kaili had been with the order, which had rocketed the man straight to the second position of Kaili's vetted "Jedi who don't freak me out" list. The fact that said list consisted entirely of Del'Fino, Reggie, and the one Jedi who constantly manned the cafeteria maybe diminished the glory of that rank, but still. "I think the Jedi are hardly in a place to judge. Your cubes are just as weird."

That said, the moment spirits were brought into the conversation, Master Del'Fino was summarily struck from that list with the speed that would impress even the most hardened gunslinger. Kaili sighed, "I assure you, I'm not so...wrapped up in this force junk that I wouldn't have the reaction any reasonable sentient person would have to seeing a ghost...." There a brief awkward pause as he looks to the surrounding Jedi, a veneer of doubt creeping across his eyes. "...Which is to run away and leave it alone....just to be clear..." He added, just on the off chance that was NOT standard Jedi protocol.

"All that said...this place is...weird." He said, finally vocalizing what looked to be on many of their minds. "Not in a bad way just...not like Kashyyyk." He added, taking a moment to reach out and feel the force around him. There were the obvious points of warmth, which were probably the Jedi of the group. But beyond that...the whole planet seemed eager to push him back into his own head.

He'd be lying if he said it didn't feel nice in an odd way. Kashyyyk was too warm. To much trying to get in and greet your mind that it practically shouted. Sure not...all of it was pleasant. He could feel aggression below them, in the shadows of the trees. But it was often muted by everything else.

Here nothing wanted anything to do with him, like he was an invader whose presence was tolerated at best. And at worst would violently crash down on him with the fury of an exploding star. "Kind of feels like home." He said, finding a strange relief in his voice. "Just...a lot louder in some ways. Like someone's taken ambient noise of a city and cranked the volume way up."

Zaine Balfur

B a l f u r _ Z a i n e

| Location | Wayland, Planetside
| Objective | Classified

The surrounding trees rustled as the wind blew through. It seemed peaceful despite a majority of the residents of the planet having been evacuated in the wake of the fall of the Mandalorian Empire. It seemed standard procedure at this point that those that remained were simply scuttling whatever assets and resources they had. A setback yes, but a mild one at best; the Sith Empire did not value much of what technology and such the Mandalorians once possessed, but their resources - namely in Bes'kar and their warriors. This is what Nightseer Captain Zaine and his unit had been entrusted in hunting down. They moved unseen, by both sensors and sight, with their presence and purpose being kept hidden from even the Sith forces present.

There would be a small clearing, a small group of Mandalorians having set up camp. Despite the evacuation procedures, some evidently still held onto some semblance of hope and fighting spirit, which is why some chose to stay in the hopes that they may rally once more after their collapse. The Mandalorians present were on edge, as was expected as they were giving some of the Sith forces present some trouble. But once more, this was the reason why Zaine and his unit had been dispatched - There was someone he was operating under that had much interest in those who still bared their fangs and retaliated.

Zaine would activate his comms as he whispered to his unit after ensuring there were only the five Mandalorian stragglers in the area, " Five targets...Take them on my mark...Three...Two...One...Mark. " The dampened sounds of five blasters could barely be heard over the rustling of the tree branches in the tropical breeze, as several invisible blaster bolts struck their targets in the chest from several different positions surrounding the clearing. There would be a few moments of pause after the Mandalorians were dropped - several footprints could be seen on the ground as the air seemed to shimmer. Several Nightseers, clad in their dark armor would materialize as Zaine stepped forward, shouldering his IL-25X as he knelt down and checked the vitals of each. They were all stunned and out cold, " Lights out boys...Tag them for retrieval. "

A quiet beep would be heard inside of Zaine's helmet as he was receiving an encrypted communication a heavily vocoded voice speaking, " Status report Captain... " Zaine would glance around as he nodded to himself, " Located and captured a couple dozen stragglers so far. Ready for exfil whenever sir. " There would be a brief pause over the channel before the vocoded voice continued, " Extraction will bring me your prey Captain. You and your unit will remain planetside for the time being...I sense that you will have more targets of opportunity. " Zaine would click his comms twice to signal acknowledgement before the channel went dark. The Nightseer Captain would turn to his troops as he gave a nod before bringing his sniper up, " Eyes up boys. We're staying planetside for now. Harbinger three and four, you're on recon to the north. Rest of you pull security and lock down the perimeter. " One by one the Nightseers would fade from view as the Mandalorians were marked for retrieval before Zaine himself vanished. Something big was coming - a storm brewing on the horizon.
Location: Waylands Jungle, dig site B, not far from [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Faction: Independent
Objective: Oversee archeological dig
Tags: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], @Nearby
Clouds scudded above, momentarily obscuring the sun, and casting the jungle into a deep and thick gloom as the first scouts of the coming rainstorm passed overhead. Kirie welcomed the reprieve, spared a minute from the beating sun she wiped the sweat from her brow and rose to her feet, glowering at the mess of parts in front of her.

The radio was complete toast, incapable of transmitting anything other than garbled nonsense. Even the visual display, which she used to communicate in lieu of sound, was on the fritz. It had probably been the humidity, or perhaps one of the assistants had dropped it and forgotten to tell anyone. Whatever it was, they could neither receive signals nor broadcast until she was due to leave the campsite in four days. It was frustrating, but they had the supplies to last. She just had to cross her fingers and hope nothing important broke while comms were down.

Stretching her cramped muscles, Kirie realised she was parched, and strode leisurely over to the camp, which was located only a few dozen metres from the dig. It was little more than a few tents and scattered boxes full of equipment, but it had served as her makeshift home for the better part of a fortnight. As she took a deep swig from her canteen and applied yet another layer of insect repellent she was reminded why she hated working on-planet. Much better to enjoy the jungle from the vantage of her ship than to swelter in the heat and the wet. She smelled like kerosene and sweat, but they all did.

Downing the remainder of her water, Kirie trudged towards the dig to relay the bad news about the radio. It was her first time leading such a project in some years, and the woman was surprised at how much more naturally it came to her these days. Once she'd have been too timid to even voice her dissent, but now she could lead with at least the guise of confidence.

The dig itself was unusual. Preliminary excavations had revealed works much newer than they were after, but deeper scans revealed older stonework, and they had eventually uncovered a huge slab resting on a much older, carved-out tunnel, which they now suspected could be some sort of mineshaft. The head archeologist Dr Warrens, was certain that there'd be plenty to find inside, and his team were already inside, hard at work. Kirie, for her part, maintained a healthy skepticism, unable and unwilling to share in the good doctor's enthusiasm in the project.

As she was about to duck past the slab and head below, her path lit by glowing orange lamps, Kirie felt something stir in her gut, and her head snapped around, back tensed, suddenly alert. It was as if a great weight had settled on her shoulders without her knowing, and as it shifted, she finally realised it was there.

Kirie panned her head back and forth, but saw only the impenetrable jungle. A fat drop of rain splashed on her cheek, and she let out a deep sigh. She was sure she'd felt something stirring, but as usual the jungle guarded its secrets jealously.

"I can't argue with that." He conceded the Padawan's point, though he did have disagreements. The Force in itself was a weird thing. Despite hundreds of thousands of years in the study of the subject, perhaps even more, very few beings even had a concept of what it was. Lex himself had met individuals who considered the Force, Jedi, Sith, and any other order or group that employed it or studied it as fairy tales. But, there were limits to being unbiased. It wasn't so much that the Sith were misunderstood in their practices and studies, but that their entire history was a warning against it.

There'd been Sith Lords who robbed entire worlds of their lifeforce, who'd destroyed system's in order to fuel their war machines. By their own admission and by senses alone, you could tell the dark side had negative effects, if you delved into it. The yellowed eyes barely scraped the surface of what kind of corruptions overtook your body. He was never one to lecture, but it was a small irk of his when people second guessed the Sith.

Despite this, Lex was hardly the type to lecture a Padawan on the moralities and intricacies of the Force, and the kid already sounded spooked just by the mention of the potential to find spirits. "I mean, once you've touched it, there's a slight chance at possession. But that's rare, so, yeah, running is usually the best option." It was a half-joke. He'd seen people driven to madness just by being in the vicinity of Sith artifacts, but he figured outright saying something like that would only unnerve him and others.

"I can't say I understand the feeling-", he admitted, "-I've never had that strong a connection in the Force. But take my advice, don't take the warmth for granted. It's plenty of coldness out in space, and not a lot of comfort. Cherish it when you can, because you'll miss it when it's gone."

Tags: @Yuroic Xeraic | @Kyra Perl | Kaili Brand | @Sol Stazi | @Coren Starchaser | @Reggie Faayare | @Bacu Topol | [member="Griet van Vliet"]
Location: Near Wayland
Objective: Deploy contingent of Imperial Probe Droids & Establish Dark Side surveillance through the Force
Allies: [member="Inquisitor Trellux"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Enemies: N/A [Heads Up Tag: [member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Griet van Vliet"]]

Exiting from hyper-space the Soothsayer ripped into real space far off from Wayland itself. The planet appeared as a far off orb on the bridge of the battlecruiser. The doctrine of the Soothsayer was always to observe and influence, informants from the Empire had told Commander Karn that there were forces on the ground already investigating the remnants of the Mandolorian occupation there. However, the sensors of the ship picked up additional unknown ships.

Karn walked to one of the sensory array pits, “What is it?”

“Unknown, mam,” the sensors officer replied.

Karn bent her lips and snarled. “Launch the Probe Droids. I want visuals.”

“Aye mam.”

From the many pod shoots within the ship, a horde of Imperial Probe droids encapsulated in their stealth infiltration drop pods were spat from the spit and sent down to crash into Wayland. There the probe droids would emerge and move to the investigation point to keep an eye on the proceedings.

Meanwhile, Karn had informed Darth Voyance of the unknown entities while she was inside her Sith Meditation chamber. Materializing from one of the thousands of holo-projector lenses embedded into the floor of the Soothsayer’s Sith Meditation Chamber, the bubbling visage of Karn fluxed as the connection was established. She appeared in a brilliant blue holographic replica, standing up-right, with her hands clasped behind her back and sporting the stoic glare most Chiss wore.

“My Lady, we have encountered unknown elements near Wayland’s orbit." Commander Karn said in a soft and sharp voice. “We are unclear as to their objectives or allegiances, but, probe droids have been launched.

At first Karn was replied with nothing. The orb-shaped qabbrat before her remained closed. Then slowly, hisses of mechanical gears and the vapours of sith meditation incense spilled from the qabbrat as it opened. Inside, Darth Voyance, the Sith Twi’lek, appeared. She was sat crossed-legged on a black obsidian plinth draped in red silks. Her hands were on her knees cupping them. She opened her eyes slowly, bright golden dark-side jewels beamed at Karn.

“Unknowns, Commander?” Darth Voyance repeated. “We shall have to prod them.”

Karn confirmed the order with a curt nod. “Yes my lady.”

Darth Voyance growled, “Commander. See to it our Imperial Probes reach the confrontation before us and send back the necessary battle-information.”

“Before then I shall prepare the chamber for meditations, I shall peer into the Force and see the truth of the matter.”

Karn fully bowed this time, “As you wish. My lady.”

As Karn faded away, Darth Voyance rose from her perch and stepped from her qabbrat into the chamber. The darkness obscured the chamber receded as all the thousands of holo-projectors turned on at once, illuminating the chamber in a ball of floating ghostly data.


In front of her, rising from a concealed compartment, a black pillar rose holding a large sith oracle stone. Darth Voyance approached the stone and rested both her black gloved hands on them.

“Mystics,” Darth Voyance hissed.

Yes, our master,” replied a unison of voices. Voices that belonged to her personal attendants of Voss Mystics – powerful force seers and dark sider channelers, each manning a pillar of Dantari kyber crystals.

“Lend me your powers. I shall see who has disturbed us here,” Darth Voyance commanded.

“As you command,” replied the Mystics. The poured the force energies into the kyber crystals amplifying their channeling to an enormous degree. Then this raw energy was routed to Darth Voyance, who swelled with dark side energy. With all her malice and lust for knowledge she commanded the oracle stone to send her consciousness to Wayland, to have her dark aura wash over the planet.

The chill of her presence would be felt – she wasn’t being covert about her presence. In fact, she was hoping for a reaction – her darkness was bait.
In the Force her consciousness echoed, “You cannot hide.”
Location: Wayland
Tags: [member="Lex Del'Fino"]

Before Reggie had moved away from where he was sitting, he thought about what [member="Kaili Brand"] had said. It seemed like there was a lot he didn't know about his fellow Padawan, which he would make an effort to change when they got back home.

Reggie smiled in greeting when [member="Kyra Perl"] shoulder bumped him. The two had only known each other for a short time, but for Reggie it seemed like they had known each other for much longer considering how much has happened since they first met. An escort mission with unexpected armed guests, which was nothing compared to the Padawan trip gone wrong not even a couple months after. "With you by my side? Of course I'm ready." Reggie grinned, and then noticed that Kyra's gaze had gone to where his lightsaber was on his belt. "When we get back to Kashyyyk, remind me to check if I can get someone to help you and Acaadi obtain your own lightsaber crystals." Reggie would take them himself, but he was just a Padawan. He had no authority to say they were ready for one, but he could definitely help them get to that point.

When [member="Griet van Vliet"] mentioned obtaining accounting knowledge when they returned, Reggie turned slightly to face the Jedi Master. "I'd be happy to learn more about accounting from you Master Griet. When all of this is settled, we can plan for when it would be best for me to learn from you." Reggie was glad that the Jedi Master was offering this chance to learn about accounting. The skill had helped during a previous investigation and the Padawan had found that he respected those who could achieve an objective with different methods.

Now that they had set down on the planet, Reggie went up towards [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] to discuss a plan he had just in case something comes up. "Master Xeraic, I was thinking that if we do encounter multiple hostiles while we're here, we should engage in groups of two. For example, me and Master Vliet would fight together against an individual or group of hostiles, whereas you and Kyra could take on another if it comes to that. That way everyone has someone watching their back, and all of us won't be cluttered if we're attacked. Just a idea Master."
Location: SJO ship
Objective: chill everyone the kark out

"Holocrons, kid. Specifically Sith holocrons."
[member="Lex Del'Fino"] informed them. "Trust me when I say, you find one, don't touch it, and it you do, don't talk to the voices."

Kyra found herself with the sudden, overwhelming urge to touch them. Her fingers twitched at the desire. She tucked them into her robes, the warm metal of her saber bouncing against her hips. She smiled at [member="Reggie Faayare"] as he offer to help her break the training wheels off her own saber. Well, maybe that wasn't exactly what he said. But it was what she heard. 'Later', she mouthed at him, tossing a cheeky wink before turning back to the windows.

They had touched down, dust kicking up around the ships that landed around them. Kyra watched the display with bubbling anticipation, half listening to the conversation taking place behind her.

"Master Xeraic, I was thinking that if we do encounter multiple hostiles while we're here--" [member="Reggie Faayare"] rambled. Kyra cut in half way through it all.

"Pish posh, Reggie," she complained. "We're not going to be attacked, the masters said this is perfectly run of the mill. Just cause things happened before-" she chirped, turning to him with an encouraging smile. "Doesn't mean it's gonna happen again. Come on, lighten up everyone. This'll be fun." The little empath radiated this calm confidence out into the area around her, nodding once to emphasize her point.

While the planet had already been filled with the uncomfortable presence of the dark side, a new potent wave tickled at her senses. The dark presence ([member="Darth Voyance"] ) washed over the area, an unfamiliar voice reaching her through the force. "You cannot hide."

Kyra stiffened, the blood draining out from under her pink skin. "That's... that's normal, right?" She asked everyone, her voice climbing several octaves.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
[member="Lex Del'Fino"]
[member="Kaili Brand"]
[member="Griet van Vliet"]
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Darth Trellux

"Approaching the entry, Inquisitor. Launching probes."

The forest parted to reveal a massive stretch of empty land leading up to the mountain, an equally massive door jutting out from the stone edifice. Trellux ordered his platoon to a halt as probots were brought online and dispatched over the emptiness, their massive photoreceptors glowing red as they twirled gracefully through the air. From their elevated position, they initiated multiple three-dimensional scans of the area beneath them as they drifted. Hyper-delicate sensor equipment allowed the probes to pierce several meters beneath the ground, relaying the location of mines and other ordnance to the HUDs of the Legionnaires and Sith that waited patiently on the edge of the clearing.

When it had at last been completed, the probes retreated back to meander behind the platoon as the Sith moved forward towards the clearing. Trellux led them, his arms raised up as the Sith reached out as one through the Force. One by one the landmines buried by the Mandalorians who had once called the mountain home detonated in an expanding wave out from the Sith. As the dust settled, the wide expanse was marked with craters and smoldering fires.

"Advance towards the Mountain, find the controls for the door."

[member="Kaine Australis"]
Objective location: Wayland.
“You cannot hide".
Veiere felt the presence of the Sith before it reached the surface of Wayland, darkness so confident yet convoluted that he may not have picked up on it had the one wielding the force not been seeking to make themselves known. The likelihood of being engaged by the Sith was to be expected, this far into their territory, yet not something Veiere intended to walk into blindfolded and baring an apple in his mouth. "Commander Ansion" Veiere turned to call to Vikras, "Raise the Stygium Field, We may have company and as long as our people are on the ground, they may need a fast retreat".

"Aye, Captain" Vikras replied curtly and moved to contact their Officer in Engineering; "Ensign Nurou’n, time to put that stealth drive of yours into effect. See to it, lass". Veiere's second in command soon turned to look to the monitors at his station, watching as power levels fluctuated, the Judiciary reverting to lesser systems for minimum power output while the Stygium cloaking field fired up, removing her from the sight of other possible vessels soon to enter into the sector. "We are silent, Captain" Vikras confirmed.

"Excellent" Veiere replied, turning back to the observation screen and breathing out slowly. This assignment wasn't to be rushed, the ground team had an objective to fulfill and in the case of being overrun, there needed to be a swift exit in place. The Judiciary was that foot out the door, so to speak. A ship her size could easily clear the entire team and get them all back to safety were they required; "I don't imagine we're going to be alone, for long" he added, hoping that he wasn't the only one to have picked up on the ominous feeling in approach.

"Maintain comm's silence. Do nothing to compromise our position, priority is getting our people away from here in one piece".

[member="Diana McClaine"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Griet van Vliet"] | [member="Bacu Topol"] | [member="Darth Voyance"] | [member="Inquisitor Trellux"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]
Aboard ORC Nova-class Starcutter
En route to Wayland
w/[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Nida Perl"]...

Cambria Zadira had been missing in action so it seemed as of late from the ranks of the Shattered Jedi, but the Rutian Twi'lek really hadn't just hidden away under the radar so to speak. Helping those enslaved to find their freedom had long been a champion cause of the Jedi Guardian's. If not for being deemed Force-sensitive at a young age by a Jedi Watchman and thus being taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Twi'lek born of a lower class clan on Ryloth would have been sold most probably to the Hutt's to become a slave herself.

The seasoned Jedi Knight had volunteered to go deep undercover to break up a slaving ring in what was former First Order space posing as a slave dancer. It had taken months of weaving her way from the bottom wrung up to become the crime lord's favorite dancer... then she laid the boom on him and his organization. He was a small time slaver as compared to those in business with Black Sun, but still hundreds of her kind were freed from their bonds of suffering indignities one should never be forced to endure.

Upon returning from that successful mission, the blue-hued Twi'lek didn't hesitate to respond to Coren's call to accompany him on one of his adventures. This time the Jedi Alliance made up of Coalition and Silver Jedi forces would be going to Wayland to seek out relics of the past. No doubt the Sith would be interested in them as well given the Sith Empire had moved into Mandalorian space...

Cambria so wanted to ask her friend and mentor if they were there yet, but kept that rather amused quip to herself as the young Perl stepped up to inquire if contact had been made with the Silver Jedi, which she was normally attached to... There was some nervous concern in the padawan's aura, which was completely understandable given the diminutive Zeltron had once again slipped onto one of the Jedi General's ships. There would be hell to pay from Mama Perl should any thing happen to her little girl. It was almost a running gag, if it wasn't so serious of a matter. Life was precious, and Coren would be a certain dead man if anything did.

Hopefully the Force, and the Jedi Master's Corellian luck, was with them on this mission. They were most likely going to need it, if past experiences with Starchaser were a measuring rod.
Hyperspace to Wayland
Alongside: Amea Virou + Frank
Cockpit Glimmik Beats vol. 2

At risk of sounding naive, Loske went against her better judgement and asked the question of her archeologist friend. "What is it we're trying to find anyway? I'll be honest, I caught wind of activity and I just wanted to tag along for the ride. Figured you'd find the most interesting thing and it would turn into an educational trip, as well." She winced out a bashful grin. All cards on the table was a typical move for the pilot-turned-Force-user.

No sooner had the clone admitted the true nature of her intentions, than an itch appeared at the back of her head. A voice that seeped into her mind.

You cannot hide.

Time to be a one way radio again.

Shocked, she turned to [member="Amea Virou"].

"Did you hear that?"


Primary Star Orbit
Wayland System
Obj: Head-to-Desk

Diana took her headset off and threw it against the cockpit glass. Smack!

"Gods damn it!"

She was pissed. A huge, huge enemy vessel had just dropped out of Hyperspace in-system. It's displacement was well over 2500 meters. Well over.

"I just, just finished scrabbling the IFFs, buying us hours and minutes, and what now? Somebody drops a carrier in-system now!"

The blonde was steaming. Angrier than all hell. Timing was everything in a deep op. A classic hit-n-run. You get in, you get out, and bad guys don't know you're there for days. Hours at a sheer minimum. Ideally. The same would have been said for this Wayland mission too. Easy pickings from an evacuated Mando world with bare minimum security. Hell. The worst opponent she had planned on dealing with was remnant Mando patrols. Maybe a Sith scout vessel or probe. A stealth frigate on-world, hiding from her too. But no. Not today... Today, some gosh damned capital ships where showing up from the border within seconds!

"Oh man. I can't be the only one who noticed. Okay, yeah. Looks like Judiciary went silent too. Damn. Everybody knows then too. Keh."

She leaned back deep into her seat and sighed. Taking a good deep breath. Still cursing this stupid sneaking op and it's stupid bad timing.

"That's it then. We're made. ...I'll bet. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes from now enemy starfighters will be marking targets and our ship will be running against the clock for enemy reinforcements from the border. Damn. Damn, damn, damn."

Diana balled her fist and put it in her mouth. Shaking her head and sighing knowingly. Their timetable had just gone from hours to minutes.

And no. They wouldn't call the op either. Command wouldn't pull out. Not their style. Not the ORC's style. Their feet were probably already on the ground anyway. Padawans and all. Enemy planet, enemy space, and just a few seconds away from an enemy capital ship sounding the alarm back home.

"Welp. We're karked now. Classic."

~ dweet dwoo ~

"No choice. That big ship didn't bring an escort. So we play our cards exactly the same way. We stay outta sight. Hope they don't signal for backup. Keep the mission clock running as long as possible. If they do notice us? Hopefully one of our guys will jam comms and start putting rounds into her side. Buy the ground teams another hour or so. I don't know. Maybe."

Diana fired up the engines on her tiny Interceptor.

"Okay R2. We're going planetside to hide. I'm not risking docking with the Judiciary and giving away their position. And, I sure as heck ain't waiting around here for an enemy starfighter squadron to come asking."

She hit the accelerator. Knowing full well in her mind that now was the perfect time to cut tail and run. A nice clean exit to the Hydian way and a merry escape back to Kashyyyk.

"Welp. No helping it now. Planet Wayland, here we come."


Let's see how long it takes for that big bad enemy capital ship to figure out whats going on. With a halfway capable Sith commander on board? Mm. My money's on thirty minutes. Tops.
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Kaili Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Voyance"] (indirectly)
Equipment: In signature

"At present, all you know about external auditing is the most basic of detail tests, vouching and tracing"

You cannot hide... a dark voice was ringing in her head. In an attempt to protect herself from these dark influences that came from the person that said the voice in question, her brain seemed to switch to a higher thinking speed. She was, in fact, projecting some Force-powered protection around her friends' minds that fed off her own mental activity. Yet she would expect such a protection to drain her energy faster than she would work with. What I hate most is that there seemed to be difficult to get other Jedi to open up to different schools of thought, I feel we'd be better off if we don't focus too much on any one doctrine. Then again, Sith have also come to expect, rightfully or wrongfully, us to be lightsaber jockeys with perhaps a few Force-powers in our arsenal for good measure, and the same in reverse. Oh and I'd so love to cook up a Neural Storm on that person that seems to try poisoning our minds, she thought, realizing that it was likely that Reggie may not even know what a chart of accounts is, that is, the manifest of all the different accounts used by an entity in its general ledger. No more than Lex, Kyra or Yuroic would.

"And no, my interest in this operation isn't just in appraising the fair-market value of these holocrons or anything else we could find"
Blueberry flavored Sith
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Wayland, approaching Mount Taniss[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Enter facility [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ORC, looking for PvP partner [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]TSE, [member="Inquisitor Trellux"] [member="Darth Voyance"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It felt like ages since she had abandoned the steel legions of the Confederacy, and to some extent it had been. Things had changed quickly, she needed to readapt once again: it was a slow process, and the Sith were a brutal sort. She appreciated it. It reminded her she had made the right choice, their cold and dead hearts would lead the Galaxy to a better place when the time came. Or she would take the most heartless and do it herself: whichever came first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But, things had indeed been different here. She had hunted in the realms of the military before, but now? Now she took what was inside her, the Force as they called it, and made that her objective. To raise both her strengths high into the sky and crush all those who opposed her. But now, she was no soldier, she was Sith. And that meant she was not commanding soldiers for once; Keva was a woman practically bred to command ground troops, and with her current position it had been deemed far more fitting to merely slot her into one of the small strike teams making for the surface of Wayland. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Discarding her usual military uniform she had obsessively worn since her time walking under the banner of the Chiss Ascendancy and CEDF she had instead traded it for far more practical Legionnaire armor, blunt, effective, with no glamour to speak of. Keva was not one for humor, some would say she wasn’t even one for human emotions, but she couldn’t help but compared herself to the sturdy piece of wargear. Even if it had ended up a little big on her, with her somewhat-trusty lightsaber clipped to her belt the Chiss sat in silence as the dropship made its way to the planet itself. She felt no desire to converse with glorified cannon fodder. Her expression as blank as the helmet that hid her face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]When they finally touched down, she made the initial note of just how hot everything felt. Though the fact must be yielded that [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]everything [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]seemed to feel hot to Keva, curse those genetics and their predisposition for the cold. The troopers and their Sith tag-along made their way through the jungle, things had been running smoothly. For now at least, a comm message was sent to Imperial channels. Time for the report, Keva had taken charge for that part at least: she at least had some minor jurisdiction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This is Sol’Loro, approximately 15 standard Kilometers from the objective. Making approach as fast as possible, no contacts.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her basic was always impeccably swift when it came to military procedure, now, outside of that? She tried her best, but deserved to give herself at least one pat on the back every month. And so they trudged along, knowing full well in their hearts combat laid only minutes away: if not less. [/SIZE]
Came to Wayland in : Scorched Earth

Wearing: 90 Suit

Armed with: Curved Hilt Lightsaber (Custom)

Blue Lightsaber

WESTAR 35 (Custom)

Syd had once come here, when she still served The Resistors of Darkness. Wayland had always been a hive of corruption. Some memories from before she had been...reprogrammed, it turned out, even indicated that she had visited this place as Darth Phyre. If so, that meant she must have learned something here.

She didn't want to go, in truth, and if it was her call the place would have been glassed from orbit...anything that denied The Sith a Reservoir was OK in her book. She was there to take care of any possible, unexpected threats that the Silver Jedi or ORC might encounter. Usually, in places like this, that meant frying any unfortunate Sith that got in her path.

Syd had gone to the planet ahead of the others in her usual ride of choice, The Scorched Earth (A modified Sienar Systems Star Courier)

For such a Dark infused land as this, she had taken no less than her best protection for that sort of threat, a blue and gold, skintight chrome suit that reflected everything around her. She had been busy constructing a new curved hilt lightsaber in her room.

It was the first one she had ever assembled herself, in truth. They were old spares she had obtained a long while back from Sasori Research. She had stored them away, almost forgotten, until the recent destruction of her lightsaber on Yurb, killing that Sand Monster composed of the souls of dead witches.

The curve and design were elegant, composed of silver metal. It had taken her days to hone the Solari and lense it had gone with to her liking. It had been tailored to her hands the final and most sensitive part, the tri-phase switch, having been installed for her by one of the SJO's artisans because as good as she was, she wasn't at an Artisan's level of lightsaber construction. Then again, her way of ending threats usually ended at "Kill it with Fire" she didn't need to be. Repairing it would be the tricky part if it got damaged, so she took one of her Blue lightsabers as a spare, just in case.

The Star Courier, equipped with a WhisperThrust drive, went undetected as it approached the planet at the coordinates ahead of the others, on autopilot at low speed, enough time to let her concentrate as she installed the Solari she had acquired, sealing the weapon up and activating it. A pale orange blade slid out of the hilt. She tested it a few times, before her psychic shell rippled violently as the psychic call of [member="Darth Voyance"] . It went back to normal after a few seconds but that still was not good. She headed to the cockpit, feeling the pull of the dark even through the extreme protection of the suit. Her ships alchemized sensors, capable of detecting even stealthed vessels, spotted hazy, unreliable markers on the computer that might have been probe launches. She began to head a bit closer to the Tantiss site, setting down. She floated out of the Star Courier, her sensors having detected no weapons. But that meant nothing wherever Mandalorians once dominated. She sensed, felt the darkness everywhere. Poluting everything. Her shell rippled across her body intermittently at the dark disturbance everywhere. She headed back inside to give a burst transmission on encrypted SJO frequencies.

"Celsius to all SJO personnel. Have landed close to Tantiss. Sensors partly picked up multiple unknown targets over planet. Possibly Imperial. Will update as advancement is made..."

Syd then headed out. It was possible she might draw attention. That was the point. Syd was here to make sure the SJO succeeded, and unlike Yurb, or Ingo, she very much felt like aggroing someone.

@Kana Mikasa

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

[member="Cambria Zadira"]

[member="Loske Matson"]

[member="Inquisitor Trellux"]

[member="Kyra Perl"]

[member="Reggie Faayare"]

[member="Lex Del'Fino"]

[member="Diana McClaine"]

[member="Kaine Australis"].

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Bacu Topol"]
Location: Wayland

"Never said anything about it being warm..." Kaili grumbled quietly, making no further effort to correct Lex on how the planet felt to him. Warm was definitely not the word he'd use for it. Familiar and comfortable maybe, but warm it was not. He sparred a moment to glance over at Reggie, who seemed to be happily chatting up another Padawan he'd yet to learn the name of. They seemed...close. He quickly turned his eyes elsewhere when the girl mouthed 'Later' at his the Dragon Prefect, deciding that was definitely NOT a conversation he was meant to be part of, lack of context or otherwise.

Reggie made to speak but the girl cut him off, her advice of 'relaxing' falling on the deafest of ears Kaili could manage. "You know, generally when people say that..." He began, raising an eyebrow at his fellow padawan. "Is when the universe decides to kick them square in the-"


The voice said, practically deafening him. Kaili yelped in pain and reflexively slapped his hands over his ears in an attempt to block out the noise. He'd still been open as he could to the force when it had struck, and it had hit him harder than it had any right to. "No its kriffing not." Kaili hissed at [member="Kyra Perl"] as he slammed his senses shut, his force signature all but evaporating as years of street training kicked in. His hand slipped to the saber on his hip for a moment before quickly wrapping around the blaster, thumbing the safety somewhat clumsily but otherwise maintaining trigger discipline and keeping the weapon stowed.

He pushed the initial wave of fear down into his stomach, letting his body convert the anxiety into stored energy. His posture slummed and his shoulders tensed while he widened his stance, looking for all the world like a cornered dog ready to maul whatever approached it, despite being in the relative safety of the ship. "Don't...respond or put anything out for that. No force whatever." He said to the other Padawans, who were likely less versed in handling unseen death threats. "When folks say things like that its cause they know you're here, but not where you are. We keep our metaphysical heads down and noses out of the kriffing force for a bit." He added, shooting a glare at Reggie for bringing the clearly jinxed Padawan anywhere near him.

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