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Vinyata Nicashi

NAME: Vinyata Nicashi
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 140lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: black, purple tin
FORCE SENSITIVE: force sensitive, powerful in force, utilizes abilities such as lightning and storm

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Force Powers: Very attuned to the dark side of the force, as a Sith Inquisitor, Vinyata is trained in a wide array of Sith Alchemy and dark side powers, and is still learning more techniques.
- Force. Lightning (and all it's variants)
-Force Storm
- Sith Alchemy
- can capture ghosts and spirits and bind them to her
-Deflect, can deflect energy with her hands
Speed and Agility: Vinyata is possesses great natural quickness, flexibility, and athleticism. She is fast on her feet, quick with her hands, and can run and jump away from trouble.
Lightsaber Strengths: while spending more time on developing her force powers, Vinyata has quick and deadly strokes, and is quickly learning how to handle a saber staff and master Form VII Vaapad.
Charisma: Vinyata has a commanding personality, is skilled at getting people to follow her and is a natural leader.
Vinyata is an able commander who prefers commanding spec ops soldiers. She is adept at tactics, relishes combat and the danger of leading troops behind enemy lines, is tactically sound, and maintains order in the heat of battle. Any tactically important missions that involve infiltration, the cover of night, or commanding a force of troops that are outnumbered she is very adept at handling.
Quick thinker: Vinyata has a sixth sense for coming up with solutions to the problems that present them to her, or she creates for herself.
Arrogance: Vinyata has an inflated opinion of herself, and seems to overvalue her skills. She is vulnerable to putting herself in tough situations to sneak out of.
Challenging of Authority: while it is in Sith tradition for the apprentice to overthrow the master, Vinyata has a quick sassy mouth, and isn't to accepting of learning from figures above her on the social structure.
Physical Strength: in a brawl Vinyata resorts to quick attacks and feints, and isn't physically built for a slugfest. Speed is her best armor.
Lightsaber weaknesses: while able to deflect blaster bolts, and overwhelm her opponets with a rapid succession of strikes, she prefers to remain on the offensive side of a duel, and doesn't like playing defense.

Black Hair, streaked with purple
Gold earrings
Purple jerk jewelry
Red skin
Long hair


Vinyata was born on Korriban shortly after the Sith invasion of the galaxy in 3,681 BBY. From birth Vinyata has been immersed in Sith artifacts, culture, and philosophy. Vinyata impressed her elders from birth as being a child who had seemingly unlimited potential in manipulating the force. Due to her potential, she has been used to being favored and was groomed to become a powerful Sith Inquisitor.
When Vinyata was about nine years old, she had already developed a curiosity for what she didn't know and always sought to expand her knowledge of the Sith culture. One day, she left the Sith Academy at night to venture into a tomb that called to her through the force. Inside this tomb she faced down several ferocious cave monsters deep underground with the knowledge of the force she had, her training sword, and her emotions. She was at first terrified for her life, and started to run away. However, when it appeared she couldn't outrun the beasts, she scolded herself mentally for showing an intolerable amount of weakness, and transferred all her need for survival and rage into the fight. After defeating the monsters, she uncovered an ancient tablet dating back to the formation of the order. On the tablet were inscriptions in ancient Sith language, which she even at this young age was surprisingly knowledgable in, although large vocabulary words and sentence structure evaded her.
Sensing a disturbance in the tomb/cave, Darth Kranak, a Dark Council aspirant and powerful Sith Lord who was very intrigued at to what could possibly be causing this disturbance ventured into the tomb. Without Vinyata's knowledge, Kranak witnessed the entire fight in the shadows, as he had heard about Vinyata but wanted to see what her mantle was made of. When Vinyata uncovered the artifact he revealed himself.
Startled, Vinyata became quickly apprehensive as she sensed (although not entirely) the full power Kranak possessed. Kranak, testing Vinyata, demanded the artifact from her. Vinyata handed the artifact over. Kranak instead of chastising her for violating innumerable rules, risking her life, being stupid, ect, commended Vinyata for her actions, but urged she use more caution.

The prophecy read: "They who bear the jagged scar, the eyes of fire and hair of the night has the potential to return the broken Sith to a new golden age. Their name will make their enemies tremble with fear...their power causing unspeakable destruction..through the chaos they cause the order will be restored with the Sith in the reigns of unspeakable power " Upon inspecting Vinyata after looking up from reading the prophecy, Kranak noticed a jagged cut by a claw of a monster above her right shoulder. Although it was heeling, Kranak sensed and admired Vinyata's contempt for pain. Also, having heard many stories about Vinyatat, Kranak personally wondered wether this prophecy could be referring to Vinyata or not, as she had a certain fire in her eyes and dark hair. However, since all prophecies are not specific, and possibly any Sith could possess all these features, Kranak kept reading. It became apparent as he read the prophecy that it could be very possible that it was referring to Vinyata. Kranak commended Vinyata for discovering an important artifact, although didn't share any details with her, and returned her to the academy. There Kranak allowed Vinyata to slip back into her quarters unnoticed.
Kranak, obsessed with the prophecy and welcoming the prospect of being able to shape the future of the Sith order, had several Lords under him further excavate the tomb. He also became intent on watching Vinyata's developing progress, to see wether or not the prophecy was true and if she could fulfill it.
When Vinyata was 15 she enrolled as an Acolyte in the Sith Academy during the height of the war with the Old Republic. Immediately she gave her fellow acolytes an impression of a sense of entitlement (she had been favored throughout her childhood, and was groomed to become a Sith Inquisitor) and she seemed as somewhat as choosing to exclude herself, and she developed several rivals. One of these rivals the only rival that actually had the resilience and power to challenge Vinyata was a human Sith Tigiran. Tigiran was a human male covered with Sith Tattos, had red eyes, and jet black hair, and also had a jagged scar that ran from his right temple to his lip. Both these acolytes attitudes and feelings of resentment lead to many open conflicts in the Academy that needed to be mediated by overseers. Their rivalry blossomed when both were tasked with important trials such as retrieving artifacts from tombs and mastering combat drills.
Sensing that Tigiran wan her equal in raw power, and surprised by the fact that he too fulfilled the physical traits required to fulfill the prophecy of the tablet Vinyata found, Kranak began to second guess wether or not Vinyata was actually the one destined to fulfill the prophecy or if it was even true. However, avoiding a direct confrontation, one day in the Valley of the Dark Lords Vinyata overcame Tigiran and assassinated him, leaving her as the sole survivor of her class, and ready to become an apprentice.
Darth Kranak immediately took Vinyata under his wing, devoting his time and resources to preparing Vinyata to become a Darth and hopefully one day a Dark Council member, possibly sacrificing the opportunity to do so himself. The two developed a healthy master apprentice relationship, Kranak did his best to mentor Vinyata while Vinyata would faithfully serve Kranak. Together, Kranak taught Vinyata many different military tactics and how to command armies in the field, while Vinyata in turn helped her master (a Sith Marauder), expand his knowledge of force powers. Often the two would work in tandem, Vinyata acting as a spy, assassin, and vanguard to Kranak's forces in their campaigns against the Republic, which were mostly fought in the strategically key sectors of the Mid Rim. When the pair wasn't campaigning, they were expanding Kranak's power, and Kranak secretly used his power unselfishly to help Vinyata gain artifacts and perform rituals that would expand her knowledge and power of the force. After several years of fighting in the war and retrieving Sith artifacts, the Treaty of Coursant was signed, and Vinyata was in her early twenties with the rank of Lord. Although no longer Kranak's apprentice, Vinyata still looked up to him as the only mentor, father figure, and role model in her life. Although Kranak never had directly revealed to Vinyata the prophecy he suspected prophesied her ascension, he had always hinted to her that she was something special. Due to this, and the special relationship they had formed, Vinyata waS never afraid to seek guidance from her former master.
Since the war was over (for now), and the Cold War had started, Vinyata concentrated her efforts on expanding her power and power base and helping her former master gain his lifetime goal of being a Dark Council member.

One of Kranak's rivals, Darth Sadan, who was a recent addition to the Dark Council, had recently outmaneuvered Kranak by gaining the favor of Darth Marr. Infuriated, Kranak sent Vinyata to assassinate Sadan. Traveling to Sadan's military base on the world of Ziost, Vinyata infiltrated his base with ease and killed Sadan quickly and quietly, disguising it as a reactor malfunction that blew up a section of his base.

This vacancy left the next in line Kranak to take his seat on the council. However, not long after Kranak's appointment, another powerful rival with the rank of a Darth rose to challenge Vinyata. Darth Courja had been a friend of Sadan's, and had a brief encounter with Vinyata once that left him scathing for revenge. Courja had once encountered Vinyata in the chambers of the Academy. Then Vinyata had been in the latter stages of her Acolyte career, and Tigiran was still alive. Courja had been friends with Tigiran and knew about the resentment the two acolytes harbor end for one another. Once when Vinyata was walking in the down a hallway, Courja, who was walking in the opposite direction, and had the rank of an apprentice, tried to put Vinyata in her place by ordering her to step out of his way. Intrigued, many higher ranking Sith looked on the scene to see what would happen. Vinyata stoically refused and zapped Courja with lightning, and proceeded to walk away while Courja writhed. Humiliated, Courja itched for revenge, and the death of his friend Tigiran festered this further.

Darth Courja assembled his forces and assaulted Kranak's fortified compound on one of the Sith Worlds. Kranak died in the ensuing assault. Mortified at the loss of her mentor, Vinyata assembled her forces and declared a Kagath. In the ensuing Kagath, several vicious space and terrestrial battles were fought in and around the Sith Worlds, the Empire watching eagerly to see who would emerge the victor. The climax of this Kagath was the Battle of Athiss, in which Vinyata excersised her awesome powers and tactical genius to win a seemingly impossible battle, and slay Courja in a duel. Now on the verge of becoming a Darth, Vinyata once again returned to expanding her power. This time however, she had many powerful Moffs and Admirals swear allegiance to her, and established her base on the Sith world Difash'ad (I made that up, there are 120 Sith Worlds, not all are documented), where her teams excavated the planet and also set up large military bases there.

Vinyata's hard to miss personality and background made her either widely loved or hated in the Sith Empire. She was viewed by many as one of the most powerful Sith who should be promoted to Darth and could finally lead the Empire to crush the Republic.

While on an intelligence-gathering mission from the Dark Council, a mission in which if she succeeded she would be promoted to Darth, her Harrower class dreadnought was ambushed by a fleet of Pirate ships. In the ensuing fight, the Harrower class destroyer received extensive damage from unknown high grade military weapons. (They were in fact pirates equipped with Republic tech hired by the Republic to eliminate her.) Forced to make a blind jump to hyperspace, Vinyata's ship crashed on a monster infested jungle planet in the Unknown Regions. Her ship was horrifically damaged, most of the crew lost, all of the fighters and bombers destroyed, and no communications devices were left operational. Worst of all, Vinyata had sustained mortal wounds. Faithful soldiers, led by Commander Jeran, managed to repair a bacta tank and place Vinyata in it. Over the next few months, the survivors led by Jeran fended of beasts, scavenged for resources, and did what they could to heal their charismatic leader. Once Vinyata was able to be removed from the bacta tank, the loyal Jeran placed Vinyata in a stasis chamber (that part of the ship was left unscathed) so she could further recover her force and physical strength, and the survivors wouldn't need to expend any valuable resources on her.

8,000 years later, the statis chamber was broken by an earthquake on the planet. Now awake, Vinyata awoke along with Commander Jeran and five of her former 8,000 soldiers aboard the Harrower dreadnought. Baffled, they came to the conclusion they had been asleep for thousands of years as the dreadnought was overgrown with animal and plant life, corroding metals, old corpses, and other obvious signs of decay. Scavenging the entire ship, only some blasters and tools not exposed to the elements were deemed usable. The group decided to forage for food when they came across a shuttle with an expedition team bearing Republic markings. Ambushing the ship and annihilating the crew, the survivors used the ship and it's vastly superior technology than what they were used to to hyperspace back to Korriban, where they found the galaxy 8,000 years after their lifetime at war again.

Upon returning to the Sith worlds and aquatint herself with the new modern era. Vinyata explored for remains of her former masters base and belongings. She came across a buried base that contained among other things the artifacts that she had discovered when she ventured into the tomb when she was nine years old. She now realized why Kranak said she had so much potential, but was infuriated as to why he would hide this secret from her. However, now she has gathered another army, equipped with the latest tech and ablest commanders, with Jeran at her side.

I love the idea that you have for this character. but there are somethings that my be off.

JediAssassin686 said:
-Force Storm
pretty powerful force power for an apprentice level. My Master hardly knows the power and he excels in it.

JediAssassin686 said:
and master Form VII Vaapad.
I thought the RPJ's have it that you need to do training threads for this lightsaber form.

I'm not trying to be mean or taking you down a notch, but I believe these powers/skills are for knight rank and higher. I am just confirming my suspicion.
JediAssassin686 said:
Are characters allowed to have prophecies about them?
They can but it would have to be in depth usually. I mean saying "and this one is prophesied to be the strongest sith in the galaxy." There are a million of those and more fun to just be average and ascend to greatness rather then have it as a graduation gift.

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