Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Vigilantes, Come Out To Play


Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji

Courtesy of Jem, the kick that crashed into his sternum only sent him flying backwards with the wind knocked out of him. Thankfully, maybe there was a chance to be even more thankful should that kick had never connected at all. But neither Corin or Jem worked into a rhythm the same as both had with another. Hardly a team, if ever. In name, and not much else.

His movements were slow and sluggish, but in time Corin had risen back onto his feet. Knife in hand, still. It was with caution that he wandered back over, oxygen back in his lungs. Each movement of the blade came with the effort to slice and dismember, more so than cut and wound.

This thing was otherworldly. Not a fan.



Xyoz blinked as he felt his leg gripped.

No hand. Something invisible? He sniffed the air, and promptly regretted it. The acid fog burned his nose, earning a grimace. Why did his leg stop? Thinkin' about it, didn't that other one pull out a saber? .. He opened his mouth, more so in surprise. These vigilantes, were they Jedi?

.. Naw. Jedi don't hide behind masks.

Shrugging off that thought he brought his hand around in a makeshift defense against the blade. Cuts, gashes, dismembering, it didn't matter too much what happened to his body. A knife wound he could heal from. The one in his throat had already healed up nicely.

"Okay, okay! That fuckin' stings still y'know! You can't kill me, and I reaaally don' wanna kill you fucks, annoyin' as ya have been. So really, just fuck off already and I'll just do the same, yeah?"

Now he was just loosing money. Well no, not not really. But he had to have a better way to make money than by dealing with a couple of teens.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

Between the slashes and the strikes, Corin felt his own features beneath the helmet start to sour even if there was no outward shift in demeanour. Xyoz was an unbeatable monster, some foul creation of something, the sort that Corin loathed all because it meant all efforts were futile. Mostly. It stung, maybe the masked Jedi could find some solace in that.

Wrong. It wasn't enough.

"Someone's a little testy." His muffled voice cried out with annoyance, "Just surrender yourself, otherwise I keep cutting and I'm bound to be somewhere you don't want a knife to be eventually."

To Corin the beast was unkillable, but Jem recognized its limitations all too well.

She sprung up, her fingers yanking a tiny blaster from the cuff of her boots. It small barrel was humorous, even inefficient in a normal stand off, but there was no room left for error when she jammed it into the tender space between the creatures shoulder blades.

"One twitch of your muscles and I'll shoot," she threatened, her voice low and breathless as she itched towards the trigger. She doubted he could survive a direct shot to the heart.

She couldn't.

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
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“Sorry, collateral damage. Just what happens when you bring a suit to a laser sword fight.” The saber passed by, and though Cato tried to call it back, it dropped to the floor dead. That void stone was making it difficult to focus on pulling it in.

“I respect the commitment to style, though. I like to think I maintain my own sense of professionalism. As much as one can in this business anyway.” Vigilante justice wasn't a lucrative career path, but his suit was notably high tech. A bit of brain power goes a long way.

Butcher was well-equipped too, given the lightsaber-resistant plating on his pistol. Cato scoffed, both annoyed and impressed by the contingency. Their weapons locked together, and the knight then found himself caught completely off guard by the sudden hit to his face. He blinked, soon realizing just how Butcher was hitting him. “Dude!”

Using the advantage of two hands, Cato tried to grapple the enforcer and trip him to the ground and free his saber. If that worked, he would then start pummeling Butcher’s metal mask with the pommel of his saber. Maybe he couldn’t cut through it, but he could still bludgeon the man's head through it.


The disguised Padawan stopped. He no longer darted forwards, hacking and slashing. Though Corin had not concealed it either way, holding the still blood dripping knife out in front of him. His brow came together beneath the helmet that tilted off to the side, plagued with uncertainty and doubt. Had a blaster pistol been all that was needed to halt this, he wondered.

"I want to send you off to Azrael," almost a franchise of prison complexes, "I want your spice off the streets, and I want to know who's involved so I can deliver that message personally." He strode forwards with each word, knife aimed that the throat until the tip of the blade was pointed under Xyoz's chin, should he not make a move to stop that from coming to be.






"Aw, you'd make me blush," Butcher retorted, as goggles mentioned the style and business professionalism they shared. "Ya know, if I wasn't bustin' you up and all."

The forearm stump hit - which sent a rolling wave of pain through the injured limb - and Butcher couldn't help but begin to laugh like a maniac. What else was he going to do? It seemed better than wincing or shouting out in pain, probably a lot more intimidating, too. Not to mention that after so many years of being sliced up and dismembered, the enforcer had developed some level of pain resistance; and while there was no denying the removed hand hurt like hell, it also didn't cause him to become shocked or unable to function.

Then Butcher was tripped--


--he hit the ground, his white suit immediately caked in alleyway sludge, which annoyed him more than the takedown. Butcher growled, as he looked up, only to groan inwardly as a lightsaber pommel came down and cracked into his masked forehead. There was a resounding thunk, and it seemed that goggles planned to keep doing it, as another thunk sounded.






With each hit, Butcher's vision flashed brightly - probably not a good thing - but he also had the opportunity to reach down to his pocket, where he pulled out a vial injector. And as goggles reached back for another swing, the enforcer jammed the adrenal stim into his own leg, and caught his breath for a split second as the concoction burst into his system like electricity!


Butcher launched forward, overcome with a wave of adrenaline and chemically induced strength and speed, where he brought his solid beskar mask directly toward his opponent's chest - fully intent on headbutting with all the stim assisted power he could muster - before scrambling to his feet and delivering a follow up knee, aimed for the vigilante's chin...

"Now we're cookin', baby," Butcher howled, as he started laughing again, even as he tasted blood and felt like the world was spinning. "I ain't feelin' nothing now - let's see who gives up first!"

With a quick motion, Butcher returned his hand cannon to its holster under his arm, then pulled out his vibroknuckler - which he clenched tightly over his metallic glove - and closed the distance with goggles. Now the guy was about to see what happened to an already tough opponent who was juiced up on adrenaline and made even tougher; and if the vigilante had any doubt, those were probably quashed by the dilated stare of Butcher's eyes, the laughing, and the erratic twitching as he moved closer and closer...


Engaging: Cato Harth Cato Harth

His muted breaths huffed, touched by an obvious sense of humour. "Yeah, well..." Corin muttered with what amounted to the faintest rise and fall of his shoulders, "It's a little more effective when it means death. Pain, even. Some prefer the barrel of a blaster in that case." He pressed it ever closer, the would-be lethal point of the blade pushed itself against the furred skin of Xyoz; not so far as to cause what amounted for blood of this creature to harmlessly ooze out.

Some unkillable creation worth further examination later, the masked vigilante pondered as the sight of grey matter lingered in his periphereal.

"How about we start with where those plantations are," he probed with the soft tilt and lean of his helmeted head. "Try not to lie - I know she's waiting for an excuse."

Jem shot him an annoyed look.

Pretty sure he had them reversed. Compared to Corin Jem thought she was calm. Civilized. Even patient. Never mind the fact that she nearly lost her shit back there. Had Corin seen that? She huffed in frustration, the dispersing toxic air burning her lungs as she did so.

She clinked the safety off the trigger.

Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
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Butcher's sudden ferocity caught Cato off-guard. Before he could muster any proper reaction, he felt the wind knocked out of his chest by a sudden impact. He stumbled back immediately, just managing to push aside the incoming knee, which would've probably cost him a couple teeth had it hit. Can't have that. Breathing was harder in the moment after. Probably bruised his ribs. The guy just kept coming. "Sure you don't wanna just give up now and save us both the trouble?"

The knight took a few stabs back, not wanting to let the vibroknuckler get in range, then reached into his coat, "No? My turn then?" He pulled out a blaster pistol in his free hand, and began to unload the weapon at Butcher.


His ear twitched.

"Ylesia, actually. Yeah, Denon's more of a little side project of mine. See how it goes when I take a hands off approach. Shit didn't turn out too well, did it? Not if a couple punks could mess with it." He grumbled. Complained, straight out, to the two holding him at a mix of gun and knife point. His ear twitched again. "Could you really stop with the knife kid. Sure, it hurts, but it's the gun to my back that's got me not movin'."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk





Sirens were heard in the distance.

It might have been for the brawl in the alleyway, it might have been for something else. But what mattered was the fight had probably gained some attention from the public, especially with the lethal gas that had - likely - spilled out into the street beyond the narrow passage. At some point, the law was going to show, which meant the stakes had now been raised higher.

The probability that none of those involved wanted to be arrested was high.

Yet, the sirens were the least of Butcher's concerns...

"Oh, we back to guns?" The enforcer called as he ducked back, gaining distance from his opponent - he called through the gas. "Mine's bigger!"

The humanoid in the white suit all-but-disappeared in the residual gas cloud that choked up the alleyway. Blaster bolts began to sizzle through the alleyway, as goggles fired off a bunch of shots, but Butcher had pressed against the wall to evade. With his dark eyes wide, the enforcer put his vibroknuckler back into his pocket, deactivated of course, and struggled to maintain calm as he - shakily - pulled out his second hand cannon.

"Goooooooggles, you still there?" Butcher called. He moved away from the wall, a shadow through the gas, as he switched positions. "Tick, tock, I'm gonna shoot your... face!"

It was difficult to see through the gas beyond several yards, but Butcher managed to find something that would help - a brick - and crouched to pick it up, as he rested his slugthrower in the crook of his left arm. The enforcer threw the brick, probably harder than intended, where it smashed against the ground to make a thud... and then charged forward, as he fired into the gas in and around goggles' last known position:

* Ka-choom! Ka-choom! Ka-choom! Ka-choom! Ka-choom! *

Unsure if he landed a hit, Butcher just kept running, either to eventually see his opponent again or crash into him at full speed...


Engaging: Cato Harth Cato Harth
"Sounds like you're overcompensating," Cato managed a single quiet chuckle.

While a lack of confirmed hits was unsatisfying, the enforcer's efforts to slip out of sight provided a different opportunity for the Jedi. Butcher could hide in the shadows all he wanted, but when the lights on Cato's suit went out, he became one with them. In tandem with the dense gas, he seized the advantage quickly, slinking away near the wall to wait out his opponent.

The sound of an indiscernible thud made him lurch forward, but since moving out of the way he was thankfully spared from the follow up. Gun shots, and sounds of movement. The Butcher had ousted himself now. Cato moved in with a sudden rush, and leapt out from the fog. His saber ignited at the last second, making another swing at Butcher's remaining limb.


Jasper soon found a tail flying towards him at a high speed, enough force behind it to knock the woman he had been fighting along side out cold. The duelist raised his mechanical arm, letting it take the brunt of the kinetic energy. The arm held, but Jasper was launched back a good distance, sliding off the roof and past Corin and Jem as they continued to interrogate the Canine drug dealer.

Then, a flash grenade came. Instinctively, Jasper mustered up what power he could to push it back with the force. Hoping that the grenade would be enough to stall the lizard for long enough, the padawan used a force pull to bring the unconscious Inanna off the rooftop where he just barely caught her, beginning to drag her away to a safer location.

"Hey," Jasper began, addressing Jem and Corin, "If one of you is free, I could use a hand."

He didn't see the need to say anything more. The scenario was pretty self explanatory.



He had managed to knock out Inanna Harth Inanna Harth leaving only Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el in his way. He was about to finish her off until the flash grenade that he had thrown managed to blind him for a while. Without his sense of sight his snout became his primary way of seeing sorta. Picking up the smell of garbage; to the smell of individuals bystanders walking by. Clicking a button on the side of his right leg opened up a hidden compartment where a radiation cannon resided; taking it out of the compartment as it closed once again to be solid.

He jumped down from the roof quite a distance away from Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor . Aiming the cannon directly at them and firing several blast of radiation towards them. It probably would not him them directly but would cause the area to be irradiated overtime. It was time for the final showdown and he wasn't about to lose to a bunch of crime fighter hobos.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Cato Harth Cato Harth
Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji


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