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Work In Progress Vesti

Martin Dux


"Did you expect more? I'm sorry to disappoint but we're soldiers, not nobles." - Martin Dux

  • Military Base Name: Vesti
  • Classification: A temple/Naval base mix, used for training the Knights of The Elysium Empire.
  • Location: On the planet Spindle VI, steeped deep in the snowy mountains.
  • Affiliation: The Elysium Empire
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: There are no specific staple species but the primary ones that call this place home are humans among other humanoid races, this is mainly an effect of its affiliation with the Elysium.
  • Accessibility: While it being hidden is not purposeful, its location certainly adds to this factor. It wouldn't be hard to find though if you were looking for it. That said, it is quite well defended.
  • Description: At first sight, Vesti can appear as a military outpost built into the mountain. Flanking it on one side is a landing zone for visiting and leaving ships. Further surrounding the base are training zone for troopers and the sort, along with barracks for those troopers and officers respectively.

  • The main building, the one situated in the rock, is actually a temple. It would be hard to notice at first glance and going in only a little way wouldn't help much either. But if you truly went deep into it, down the turbolift, you'd find an intricate underground temple for the knights, complete with living quarters, sparring and meditation grounds, and so much more.

  • Off to the side of the main building, is a dome-like structure. This place serves as a communications center and likewise, it is one of the best-protected places on the base. Vesti is remote, the communication dome is crucial for when knights are out in the field.

For the most part, the security of Vesti consents mostly of regular military-grade turrets, neo-stormtroopers, and the like. Where it gets mildly interesting is the special troopers, like the Night-Troopers and Marines. If all else fails, there is also the knights themselves, which could prove to be a hassle for any intruder.

Created shortly after Martin Dux joined the Elysium Empire, the Vesti imperial military base serves as both a fully functional outpost and the place of creation for many Imperial Knights. It is the home of the Lion Order, which was also formed shortly after Martin joined the Elysium.

The base itself was not made in a day, although it was made a while ago, around the Elysium beginning. For many years, it served as a standard navy base on the more artic side of the planet. It was abandoned eventually, but it did maintain a small presence, only enough to survey it in case anyone undesirable might be using it. Luckily, when its new purpose had been decided, it was in relatively good condition.

The only new addition to the base is the redesign of the interior, primarily the main building. After a few weeks, it was in the perfect position to begin its new purpose and life. Is Elysium Mes Gaila!

"It is a rather war-like place, but it is home and I can't complain." - Martin Dux
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