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Work In Progress The Order Of The Lion

Martin Dux


"An order, that's what we'll make. Loyal and strong." - Martin Dux, founder of the Lion's Tvarka

  • Intent: To create a force-sensitive/force-user organization unique to the Elysium Empire.
  • Image Credit: link / the image itself was a photoshop, I can get the original image if it is needed.
  • Canon: Imperial Knights
  • Permissions: The photoshop was done by Heath Vahoun, if it's needed, I'll provide permissions for that.
  • Links: The Elysium Empire, Martin Dux, Vesti, Spindle VI.
  • Organization Name: The Order Of The Lion, Lion's Tvarka as it is called in the order itself.
  • Classification: A military sect in the Elysium Empire not directly tied to any branch, a neo-religious order that serves the ruler directly.
  • Affiliation: The Order Of The Lion is loyal to the Elysium Empire.
  • Organization Symbol: While many of the order's knights wear the typical Elysium symbol on their clothing, the actual symbol is a white lightsaber's blade piercing the head of a violet lion's head, with touches similar to that of the original empire symbol.
  • Description: A group of force-sensitives and force-users that serve as knights for the Elysium Empire, similar to the imperial knights of the Fel Empire.
  • Headquarters: The planet Spindle VI, the military temple, Vesti.
  • Domain: While there are a good few knights in the order, ever seeing one out in an imperial city is highly rare, almost being mythic. They are more commonly seen in military operations, navy ships, and surrounding the ruler of the empire, the first two being a little less common. In those situations, they're often treated like captains by common troopers, and with reverence by those in charge of them.
  • Notable Assets: The most notable asset that directly belongs to the Order is Vesti, their headquarters.

The chain of command in the order is not very different from many Jedi or Sith orders, borrowing heavily from them. Still, the titles are different and deserve some explanation.

High Command

"Every organization needs a commanding force, even I know that." - Martin Dux

Meistras- the rank of Meistras is the highest rank achievable in the order, serving as a high master, the chief among the order. The name itself quite literally means 'master' in Sith. while the title itself is more for show, being traded off for simpler names, it still carries much weight within the order and to those who know it. Seeing the Meistras out in the open is quite rare.

Ari- The Ari serve as the fingers of the hand, directly under the Meistras. Their word carries the order and leads it for the Meistras, having control over each subgroup in the order. You'll often find Ari with the Meistras, if not, they'll be at the capital, advising the ruler over all things relating to the force. Seeing one of the elusive Ari is almost as rare as seeing the Meistras.

Augus- Last in the high command are the Augus. The Augus serve as the teachers of the order. Instructing, training, and paving the way for future knights, is the way of the Augus. Aside from teaching, the Augus are the primary make-up of the royal guards, being the overall best knights in the order, aside from the higher ranks of course.

Common Ranks

"They're knights, all of them, some more experienced than others." - Martin Dux

Sentinel- These are the knights that have shown to be the best of the common knights showing proficiencies in both fighting skill and leading ability, not good enough to move to the rank of Augus but certainly better than the average knight. They typically serve as field commanders in military situations, if no other leading force is present.

Knight- This rank is self-explanatory, the average knight, the common knight. You could call this the "stormtrooper" of the knights. Although they probably wouldn't like that.

Svaari- The apprentices, the padawans. Every order has a beginning, the Svaari are this one's beginning.

Knight Corps

"Not lesser, just specialized, some would argue better." - Martin Dux

Shock Knights- Unfortunately, not all knights make it to full knighthood. Still, throwing a load of force-sensitives to the wind is never good. Thus we have the shock knights, blaster wielding fighters also trained in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. Renowned for their agility and fighting tactics, they harken back to the imperial red guard of old. They serve as shock troopers, put into the more elite battalions, along with regular troopers.

Healing Knights- As the name suggests, this subgroup is focused solely on the art of force healing. You can find this type of knight on the battlefield, in clinics, or at Vesti tending to other wounded knights. They're the only type of knight that doesn't typically carry some form of protection and many of them are reliant on their force ability. Healing knights are some of the only ones you'll ever see in civilian settings, although you probably won't know they're a knight.

Silent Knights- While it may not always be viewed as honorable, every shining light has a darkness to it. The Unofficial knights as some in the order call them, the silent knights are a highly trained subgroup in the order devoted solely to the Meistras and the ruler, more so than any other in the order. Their purpose is simple, to cause accidents and spontaneous death in the empire. This subgroup's existence is wholly unknown to the public.

  • Membership: When it comes to joining the order, it's quite different compared to other force-using organizations. There are three things required. If you show any remotely impressive force-sensitivity, true loyalty to the Elysium Empire, and skill in combat, you'll be contacted by the order and allowed to join as a Svaari. Of course, not many make it past Svaari, most being allowed to leave if they don't make the cut. Although, those who could serve a problem in the future are often directed to either the Shock or Healing Knights. If you do make it past Svaari, there will typically be a ceremony where you are given the parts to construct a lightsaber, including a white kyber crystal. The ceremony isn't too special, more akin to a military indoctrination speech, although some Augus have been known to get... over-zealous... during said speeches. If you wish to have a family, loved ones, that is all allowed but not recommended. Many Shock Knights are known to have families, although their job was never mentioned to them. (If you want to join the order and you have a force-sensitive character, just dm me. You'll have to join the greater Elysium as a whole but we're good people, you'll like it, trust me.)

  • Climate: On the inside, you'll find a highly loyal sect to the Elysium. Many of the recruits already come from loyal troopers, officers, and pilots. It isn't as strict as it sounds though, many of the knights are much kinder than they come off, as that is one of the unmentioned requirements.

  • Reputation: Mystically powers, laser swords, a cover of mystery to it all. In the empire, they're mythic to their people, those who have seen them describe it as being a profound experience. All in all, they're represented as inhuman protectors and that representation hasn't failed at all.

  • Curios: Upon becoming a fully-fledged knight, you'll be given a durasteel pendant depicting the order's symbol. You'll also be given a lightsaber, or at least the parts to create one.

  • Rules: The rules of the order are tied closely to a sense of loyalty, to the Meistras and the empire. The rules are as follows;

You shall not harm your brothers and sisters, for they are like you.

The empire is your mother, protect her.

Its people are her children, watch over them.

The dark side must be used, not worshipped.

Stay strong, Is Elysium Mes Galia.

  • Goals: Protect the empire, the current ruler, and teach the force-sensitives who come.

Reserved for the roster.


Created shortly after Martin Dux joined the Elysium Empire, the Order Of The Lion was the solution to one of the empire's problems. It was made to be the mystical side the empire needed. While they considered the Jedi and possibly the Sith, it became increasingly apparent that they'd need a more military-focused option. Thus, with the combined minds of Martin Dux and other imperial officials, the Order Of The Lion was made, serving as protectors and a fighting force in the empire.

Something to note is the Sith influence on the order. The founder of it, Martin Dux, was raised in a Sith family. They practiced something called the 'way of Vectivus', which has served as the basis for Martin's teaching. Another obvious sith influence is the naming of certain ranks, taking directly from old Sith, which Martin is well versed in. There are other Sith-inspired things in the order, such as the order's mantra, but that is about where the similarities end.

In the end, The order has a singular purpose to serve the empire, through the force, the blaster, and some... undesirable means. Above all, the order is loyal and they are ready.

"Is Elysium Mes Galia." - Mantra of order

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