Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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skin, bone, and arrogance

Breakriver - Dosuun - Early Afternoon
Northeast of Avalonia, nestled into a mountainous region, the estate of Breakriver stood. It was unmapped, protected by anonymity and its proximity -- or lack thereof -- to anything resembling civilization. It had been built some years ago by Natasi Fortan as a secret hideaway from the rigors of the capital. She had fond memories of the place; it had served as a retreat and a love nest, and during the first Siege of Dosuun, as headquarters for a resistance movements. There had been several men connected to this place that Natasi held dear that were now gone from her life: a lover, Darrell Irani; a cousin that was more of a brother, Pierce Fortan; dear friends and advisers, Roderik von Brinkerhoff and Rolf Amsel; a spouse, Talbot Vitalis. They were all gone, now, one way or another. Dead. Missing. Or alive and well, better off without her in their lives.

It was only mildly painful to be there, Natasi reflected as her boat bobbed merrily along the river. It was more a wistful kind of feeling, a dull ache as she remembered the good times.

The boat arrived and docked itself at the small platform at the foot of the stairs. Hendersmith the Younger, as Natasi had taken to calling him, stood waiting with some of the other indoor staff: the housekeeper, the footman, and the cook. Hendersmith the Younger was her longtime butler's grandson; Hendersmith the Elder remained at Herevan Hold on Galidraan in semi-retirement, but present to lord over grand occasions as needed. The strapping young man bowed respectfully, then held a hand out to help his mistress onto the platform, which Natasi took with an appreciative smile. "Mr. Hendersmith, how nice to see you," she said. "I trust you found everything settled here?"

"There was some trouble with the boiler, Your Majesty," he said. "But the plumber has been out to fix it. Everything else is like new."

"Very good," said Natasi. "I have some bags back in the shuttle, and the dog. He didn't seem very convinced with the boat."

"We'll fetch them, ma'am," said Hendersmith.

"Thank you," Natasi said, looking past the man to the others. "Hello. It's nice to see everyone." Natasi drew her shawl around her shoulders and edged away from the water, the rushing sound giving her a chill. She mounted the steps and ascended into Breakriver. The house was unorthodox, to be certain, and in a million years anyone who knew Natasi wouldn't expect to associate it with her. That was partially by design; it had really been built to give her a place where she needn't have been Lady Natasi Fortan at all, nor Grand Moff Fortan. The idea had been to build a place where she could be comfortable, where Irani could unwind, and where they could be together without so much fuss about protocol and the press.

Natasi sighed wistfully and looked around the large open living room. She surveyed the room, frowning a little. It seemed... modern, but dated somehow. Shabby. Both exactly as she had remembered it, and simultaneously less impressive. But, she reminded herself, it was not the penthouse at the Avalonia Grand Hotel, and it was hers, which would have to suffice until her palace was completed. A fire roared in the stone fireplace; she moved her slender frame to be near it as the staff entered behind her. Only Hendersmith lingered. "Mrs. Clarke asks whether you'd like to go over the menus, Your Majesty, and Mrs. Forbershire if she needs to ready any of the guest bedrooms."

"I trust Mrs. Clarke," said Natasi. "Her menu will be fine. Ask her to prepare meals for two for tonight and tomorrow, and ask Mrs. Forbershire to make up the green room. And Mr. Hendersmith, I wonder if you might communicate a summons for me to the Home Secretary. Inform her that I'm at Breakriver and that she will deliver my box to me. She can stay for tea or for dinner or as long as she likes. But be sure she understands that she must arrive in time for tea." She glanced at her watch. That would give Ariel an hour and a half to pack and an hour to travel.

"Right away, ma'am," said Hendersmith, crossing to the bar to pick up a silver tray. He turned back to Natasi, offering the tray. "I took the liberty of mixing you a cocktail. My grandfather said you preferred a gin and tonic after traveling."

Natasi half-turned, a smirk on her lips. "I absolutely do," said Natasi, taking the drink from the tray. "Bless him. Thank you. Oh, before I forget, would you ask the footman to bring my briefcase in here? And show Moff Yvarro in when she arrives, no need to wait." She placed herself on one of the ottomans near the fire and sipped her drink. Young Hendersmith was a little heavier on the gin pour than his grandfather, but Natasi wouldn't complain. It was nice to unwind.

Ariel Yvarro

Ariel had been in her flat, the one bedroom home that looked over the Fortuna River with a view of Governance Row just as well. She had been enjoying a cup of caf, whilst sitting in the living room with a tablet on her lap. The stylus rested against the screen momentarily as both hands brought the cup to her lips. Ariel nursed the caf down and then gingerly set the cup on the small caf table in front of her. A small box of tabac sticks rested not too far from the cup. She leaned back into the sofa and looked down at the tablet. Ariel had been examining the reports from different cities across the realm as reconstruction for some near completion.
Reports from the provisional Tholon sector also began to come through. Ariel sat crossed legged and picked the tablet up again, stylus in hand as she pulled data out from the reports and began to analyze them. Her home was quiet, and the sounds of a bustling Avalonia brought her a manner of comfort. The city had sobered up rather quickly after the celebrations of her cousin's coronation, Ariel was glad that the city and in truth the empire had something to celebrate. It would ensure that the morale of their people were lifted well before Life Day.
More reports came in, this time from Baralou - the main force would be arriving there soon enough. Baralou would be the last part of the Tholon sector and thus Ariel would monitor the situation, she had no doubts that Renata would as well. The young woman sighed as she looked through the recon data of the next sector they were to establish. It was there that her personal holo rang, an antiquated device that hid the modernity of its purpose.
Ariel set her tablet and stylus down beside her cup of caf and picked up the small device from the center of the table. "Hello?"
It was Hendersmith. He called to inform her that Natasi had requested her presence. "Of course, I'll mee-"
"Oh, now?" Ariel took in a breath and exhaled, "it shall take me som- Oh, she's considered that, right. I'll be on my way then."
The young woman considered that she wasn't entirely all too busy at the moment anyway. Reports mostly, so she rose to her feet once she set the device down. Ariel padded across her flat and took to her closet to decide on what to wear. She at first wanted something more casual but recalled the rigidity of society that she and her cousin had grown in, the latter more so than the former. Ariel then thought to the other extreme to dress as exactly as expected, but decided to put something together that was somewhere in the middle.
She set out her outfits on her bed and looked through them carefully before arranging what she wanted, which admittedly leaned perhaps too casual for the moment. Ariel figured Natasi could deal with it for the time being, comfortably dressed, the young woman cleaned up around her flat and then headed out.
Ariel knew the place she would be going to and she knew it well.
Breakriver had been where she spent a lot of time as she came of age. It was where she first admired what all her cousin had accumulated for herself. She even got a chance to dress up of sorts in her cousin's old clothes and envision herself a political leader. Breakriver for her was home and for some they could say, oh, it was a home away from home. Ariel, it was as home as it could have ever been. Ariel would drive herself, as opposed to having someone drive her. It would be nice to get out to the country at least.
She drove a Galidraani import, something from the Thames Repulsor Company the wheels were tucked away as the repulsors kicked away with ease. Ariel chuckled to herself, the last time she had come to Breakriver, she couldn't drive. The young woman wondered if her cousin would have horses in the stable again. The branches overhead formed a canopy of sorts, lights and shadows danced over the top of her vehicle as she came up and around the bend toward Breakriver.
Once Ariel had arrived she was greeted in proper Galidraani fashion. When asked about bags, Ariel just mentioned that she didn't intend on staying the night. Not that she actually had plans, Ariel could and would if necessary spend the night it only meant she would have to drive back home or call for someone to run over there and even then. She didn't like the idea of someone rummaging through her flat.
Her bag slung over her shoulder and box in hand having taken it up from where it sat in her vehicle. The bag was handed over to a servant who walked with Ariel as she was taken to where Natasi had been seated. Ariel presented Natasi with the box promptly before moving to take a seat across from her cousin. Ariel's bag handed back, and now situated in the seat beside her.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi had finished her gin and tonic and set about to drink some water, and was seated in one of the armchairs, her feet curled up beneath her, shoes sitting beside the chair in a neat row. She had a smorgasbord of Camden Media Group publications on the table between her and the chair Ariel took, as well as a few other documents, and she had one of Henry's broadsheets -- the Avalonia Financial Times -- spread open before her when her cousin was shown in.

Insolence, a familiar voice hissed inside her. She suppressed it as she stood up, but in this instance she could hardly disagree. Ariel, perhaps thinking that her familial relationship or her role in resurrecting Natasi entitled her to some kind of special treatment, did not curtsy. Not that Natasi stood on ceremony where her cousins were concerned, but there was no kiss for her cheek or even so much as say hello. I raised her better than this, Natasi told the other voice within her.

She folded the newspaper neatly and set it aside.

Wordlessly, she accepted the red box and crossed the room to the desk to set the biolocked case there, but did not open it. There would be time for that later. "Thank you so much," she said. "How was your journey? Did you come by road or by the river?" She turned back to her cousin and approached her, standing expectantly in front of her. She remembered the first time little Ariel had come to Breakriver. It seemed like a lifetime ago, and yet here they were: young and beautiful, powerful and poised.

She leaned over Ariel and studied her face for a moment before pressing an affectionate kiss to her cheek. Straightening, Natasi frowned. "What's this? Not even a hello? We still do that, you know. Are you well?" Natasi perched on the edge of her chair and set about tidying the table.


Ariel Yvarro

Natasi had, and did raise Ariel better than she had presented herself. In essence, Ariel had been the guinea pig child in which Natasi could and perhaps did experiment with. Then, once young George and Reima came into the picture Natasi had something of an idea of what to do with them. Ariel didn't curtsy, didn't come with a hello, not acknowledgment of anything. The young woman wasn't entirely sure why, other than she was on autopilot. Not even the Galidraani autopilot, just on the mode in which it was to bring object a to person a, and thus it was accomplished.
She could attribute it to absentmindedness but Natasi wouldn't have it nor would she have any other excuses. Even if it would have been that her mind was preoccupied with a lot of different thoughts. When Natasi stood up, Ariel shot up immediately adjusting her tunic as she did so. "Oh, uh, I took the road, drove in the Spirit II. One of mum's vintage cars." Except Ariel bought it off the old woman.

It had been at least for Ariel, and certainly for Natasi a lifetime since either of them had occupied Breakriver. "I'm amazed this place is intact as it is." She said to Natasi for a moment not realizing just how close her cousin had gotten. Ariel had to hold in a chuckle when Natasi spoke to her. All she could think about was the comedy they used to watch on the holo together. The smile lingered a bit longer than she had expected on her face when she replied. "I am well, in fact, how are you? Yes, hello, quite - hello."
"Forgive me, I must have lost my manners somewhere, you certainly raised me better." Or at the very least paid enough Governesses to have etiquette drilled into her brain. Ariel approached her cousin a bit casually and gave her a familial hug and returned the affection she had been shown. She took a step back and smiled. "I had been looking over a lot of the reports from the home sector and looking at what was needing to be done to certify the new Tholonian sector, so again, forgive my manners."
skin, bone, and arrogance
"Oh Ariel, you know you're forgiven," said Natasi simply. "I expect those reports are in my box," she said. "I'd like to have a look."

Hendersmith entered, carrying a broad tea tray, which he placed on the table between them, bowed his head and then left. "I'll be mother," said Natasi, bending to pour a cup of tea for Ariel, which she handed over before pouring one for herself. She stirred a little sugar and a little milk into the cup and then settled into her chair, lifting the cup and saucer so that she could take a sip. "Mm," she said. "I do love the blend they make here." She set the cup and saucer down on the table and helped herself to a biscuit. "Do help yourself, Ariel."

The Supreme Leader studied her cousin for a moment before she looked around the room. "Luckily, the Ssi-Ruuk never located Breakriver, and as far as they knew there was nothing out this way worth conquering." She frowned thoughtfully. "When I died, I left this place to Pierce and a friend of ours, but since both either died or went missing during the war, my lawyer was able to get it back. The truth is I'm not sure it fits me anymore. But I wanted to stop being looked at and overheard. Until the palace is finished, this is the next best thing."

There was Herevan Place, of course. It existed, but not for Natasi. It had been the place where she had learned of Talbot's death. She would never return.

"You are to be congratulated," Natasi said finally, taking another sip of her tea. "Everyone says the coronation ball was a triumph. Did you enjoy it? I hope you weren't too busy to enjoy the party." She paused and canted her head slightly. "Busy with your hostess duties, I mean," she clarified, her lips twitching up at the edges slightly as she set her tea cup and saucer down again.


Ariel Yvarro

The two women took their seats opposite one another. Ariel took in a deep breath and exhaled, being back in Breakriver brought back her own memories. "Thank you," she quietly remarked toward Natasi. The younger of the two looked down at her tea and waited a moment before mirroring Natasi's movements. "Yes, of course, the reports will be in your box by the morning. I've just got to process a few more, and then I can look at the next sector."
In the moments that had fallen in between, the Supreme Leader looked to study the Moff. The Moff at first glance seemed to be going through the motions but a closer look revealed more. Years ago, the once Grand Moff often held this pose the one that signaled someone to be deep in thought. The way the spoon moved within the cup of tea, how delicately that Ariel kept the spoon in her fingers. Hands that unlike Natasi's had seen blood and war earlier in her years. Verified the reports if any of Ariel's colorful past on Dosuun, a scar that was scarcely visible on her left hand where it had been impaled on jagged durasteel.
A burn that was still healing on the back of Ariel's neck, the graze of an ion shot. Ariel was in contemplation of something, and whatever it was, it was disrupted when Natasi spoke about Breakriver.
Ariel caught Natasi's frown and with something that resembled empathy coupled with gratitude. "For that, I am quite thankful," she stopped only to nurse the cup of tea, "and yes, the tea here is wonderful." Another pause as she set the cup on the saucer and back down onto the table they went. "This place was always a place of stability, it was probably the first real home that I had." There was a crack in Ariel's voice, and one she quickly corrected as she cleared her throat.
"Not to be, overly sentimental about it but I'm glad it's still standing."
Natasi then congratulated Ariel on the ball. Ariel smiled again and this time like a child whose mother had shown pride in their work. "Thank you so much, it means quite a lot to hear that from you." Another deep breath and exhale, "yeah, I had a lot of help from Lady Creed. She informed me that she used to host a lot of the First Order's functions and so she, she taught me a few things I suppose." Then just a little bit more, "you know, I hadn't realized you two were such good friends. She reached out to me after you... You died, and if it weren't for her I don't know that we would be talking right now."
There it went.
"And please, cousin. My hostess skills are only as amazing as they are because I have learned from the best."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi's brow wrinkled a little at the mention of Lady Creed, eyes narrowing. Natasi had once been great friends with Valessia Creed, so she knew full well how seductive and manipulative the woman could be. Natasi had exploited that for the benefit of the First Order some years ago, but she had come to regard Valessia as something of a wild-card. But wild or not, Natasi knew that Valessia was always going to be dealing for the house: herself.

"Ariel," said Natasi cautiously. "I'd like you to steer clear of Lady Creed. However helpful she may be, her loyalty has always been... flexible, at the best of times -- except when it comes to loyalty to herself." Her eyebrows lofted somewhat, fixing Ariel with a maternal gaze. "I've seen what Valessia is capable of and I don't want to see you get hurt." She reached over and placed a hand on Ariel's free wrist, squeezing gently.

"Speaking of getting hurt, or hopefully not getting hurt," said Natasi, clearing her throat. Clearly the subject she would be broaching next was not one of comfort for the Supreme Leader. Purportedly unlimited power within her realm she may have had, but not the authority to quash her own squeamishness. "I couldn't help but notice your rendezvous with Mr. Bline of the New Imperial delegation at the ball." Natasi set her teacup and saucer down and rested her hands on her where her legs crossed.

"I was... disappointed," Natasi confessed, looking at her cousin in the same maternal gaze, this time a tinge of sadness in her amber-brown gaze. "Disappointed that, whether or not you did what people think based on your actions, you did not seem to consider the appearances and your reputation, and the reputation of your family, not least of all me." Natasi straightened her back, sitting up straighter, her dark eyes narrowing slightly. "Not to mention the government of the First Order."

She paused and let her fingers weave together. "Disappointed more that if I saw it and understood what it meant, that anyone present from any of the galactic powers you invited could have seen it and understood what it meant." The Supreme Leader was, apparently, overcome by the squalid nature of it all, for she stood and paced away, going to the fireplace to warm her slight frame. "I would have thought that after all the trouble you went to pulling me out of the Netherworld and bringing me back to Dosuun and putting a crown on my head for the sake of this country, you would have more of a care for how our nation is perceived by its peers."

The Supreme Leader turned, once again looking at her cousin. This time her voice was hesitant. "All that being said... I realize that you are not the little girl that used to toddle in my shoes and play with my handbags. You are a grown woman and a Moff. You are..." Natasi almost said your mother's daughter but even in her moment of anger at her cousin's indiscretion, she could not bring herself to be so cruel. " adult. I can hardly make you stop. So, if you should continue to feel that this... liaison is worth your time and attention, I am powerless to intercede. But I must ask you to act with discretion and common sense in future. Behave scandalously if you must, but I will not tolerate a scandal, and even with media deference, there is only so much Henry and the Ministry of Culture can cover up."

The Supreme Leader folded her hands in front of her waist, her knuckles white. "If you should have any questions about this, now is the time."


Ariel Yvarro

Ariel felt like time had reversed herself at that very moment. No longer was she an adult, but still a child in her cousin's care. Ariel wanted to defend Lady Creed, but something kept her from doing so at that time. Much like the hand that Natasi had placed over her wrist, someone else kept the woman from replying. No sooner had Natasi sat back and cleared her throat, did she begin to broach the next subject. Ariel for one, had, no idea this was about to unfold. If she had known she might not have been in the middle of drinking tea when Natasi remarked on her rendezvous with Mr. Bline.
The young woman was not so unlady like that she spat her tea out. Rather, she coughed, choked and it went down the wrong side which led to more coughing and Ariel just drank another sip or two of tea to help herself out. Once she was able to catch her breath, she looked over at her cousin with a very confused and puzzled look. "Wha?" It was the first word that came out of her mouth and as her features shifted she intended to internally groan. Ariel didn't just internally groan she set the tea cup and saucer down before burying her face in her arms on the sofa's armrest. "By the Balance," she groaned in a mix of exasperation, embarrassment, and everything else in between. "I didn't think anyone noticed."
She looked up from the sofa's arm rest and over to Natasi, and it was clear as day she could see and feel her cousin's disappointment. Ariel watched as the woman who had raised her sat up a little straighter and narrowed her gaze. Balance this is worst that the time she walked in on me and Rachel havin' a snogfest in the study. It wasn't often that Ariel had gotten caught during her days as a secondary school student, but when she had there was always a stern, stern talking to. Of which, Ariel ended up feeling the warmth in her face whilst her cheeks turned color several shades of pink.
This was that and more.
Natasi continued to have this quite stern talking with Ariel, regarding her behavior during the Coronation Ball. The older woman stood up and paced away toward the fireplace. Ariel sat up, tucked several loose strands of hair behind her ear and watched Natasi. Ariel had to hand it to Natasi, she can turn a guilt trip faster than any other Galidraani dowager, Balance help me. There was a moment where the younger of the two thought there had been a pause, one in which she could interject and defend herself. Nope, not the case, instead Natasi wound up for the next round and Ariel just slunk in her seat.
When the older of the two had quite finished, Ariel not only felt but she must have looked like the small child that once been given to Natasi so many years ago. It took her a few moments, more than that actually to gather herself. "I-" She started out but then lost the words and scoffed. She hadn't the words, involuntarily her tongue moved to moisten her lips that had suddenly run dry. Hands atop her lap as she took a deep breath and exhaled, amber-brown hues were met with the mellow brown hues of Ariel's eyes. "I'm not." Ariel stopped again and just felt this manner of disbelief, a smile of disbelief tugged at the corner of her lips.
She noticed then as she looked at her cousin, the whites of the woman's knuckles.
"Forgive me, for a moment of indiscretion," Ariel held back any bile or venom that wanted to shoot straight out. Rather, she took another deep breath and exhaled. She put the emotions into boxes to be packed away and dealt with later. "I will think better of it, in the future." A diplomatic answer wherein Ariel took the lashing she had just been given. It would have been best, if Ariel had left it right there and moved on. Like the mature adult that she was, yes. "It just." She pursed her lips and exhaled. Ariel gestured with her hand or attempted to. "It just happened, and I thought, I thought I was being discreet."
"We talked about Imperial livelihoods, discussing the different delegations, and then we talked about one another's past."
Ariel opened her mouth as if she had more to say but there was nothing. She sat with her back hunched over as she held her head in shame, "he was there, he is, tall, very, very tall. It was one night," there it went. Ariel came apart like she did when she was a teenager. "One night, besides, it's not like we like each other or anything."
Right, that would be just insane. Impossible, besides love isn't real it's a tool. Ariel leaned over and delicately, albeit shakily, poured herself another cup of tea and desperately wished she had some whiskey to pour into it. Then, Ariel drank that tea as if it would be her last cup.
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Natasi sighed softly. "Yes," she said. "I'm aware of tall men."

She thought of Irani. It wasn't that Natasi was perfect and virginal. The very house they were taking tea in began its conception as a place for Natasi and Irani to be together without the hassle everything was in Avalonia. She wasn't married at the time, and they never actually got married, though Natasi had been ready and willing, but still she had behaved in a way that no self-respecting Galidraani woman would be caught doing. Caught being the operative word; Natasi had behaved with discretion, and though there were those who had surely conjectured, but no one had ever been sure.

Natasi had never been caught.

The Supreme Leader frowned at Ariel, looking like she'd been physically wounded at her feeble defense of 'he was there' and 'I didn't catch feelings!' "You speak of my influence on you and now you have this to say. Don't worry, Cousin Natasi, I may well have publicly debased myself but it's not like I have feelings for the man." She shook her head and then approached the table to pick up her cup and saucer again. "The cheek. The absolute cheek. Certainly this is not my influence over you," Natasi said, the emphasis on 'my' intimating without saying whose influence it really was.

The mad Fortan. The bad Fortan. The wonderful and terrible, the complicated and mercurial, the treacherous and loyal Fiolette Yvarro. The bain of three generations of the Fortan family, from her parents to her brother to her niece. Not for the first time, Natasi wondered what Ariel would be like without the influence of her mother. It was the nature vs. nurture debate writ large in one powerful and determined young woman. The consequences of her character could well have consequences on a galactic scale.

Natasi couldn't help but view her as a wayward child, looking for her guidance and approval. She felt the same mixture of determination and grief as when she had to discipline George or Reima. Causing discomfort or shame or regret was both important for the development of the character, but painful for Natasi herself. She found it best to leave to Nanny in the case of her children, but she couldn't very well call Nanny in to dress down Ariel. She gazed at her cousin and smiled weakly.

"As I said," Natasi said after her moment of reflection had passed. "I cannot stop you if I wanted to, but I hope that in future you will be discreet." Evidently this portion of the conversation was over, and thought Natasi suspected the next would be easier for her, she wondered if it would be the same for Ariel. She returned to the table and poured some more tea into her cup but, instead of picking up the tea to drink, Natasi picked up the the program for the coronation ball from among the publications on the table. "Now. Did you write or approve the contents of this?" she asked directly, holding up the pamphlet for her cousin to see.


Ariel Yvarro

Ariel damn near howled in laughter she was sure it would startle the kriff out of Natasi. "Wha? Whoa, okay, first of all." She started after having another chug of tea, at this point she was done being delicate. "Yes you have been my influence, the good, the bad and the ugly, dearest cousin." She wanted to punch further but this wasn't the hill to die on. Ariel had been the experiment, it was why George and Reima had a nanny to start with. It may have been that Natasi entertained thoughts of a nanny for her at one point. But by the time she thought to act on it Ariel had grown older and was off to university.
"And I do not have feelings for him because I learned that love is a treacherous lie. It is merely a tool to be used to gain what one needs, it is what hurts more than a dagger between the third and fourth rib." In the years that Ariel had apart from Natasi's grace she had learn the painful, awful truths of the galaxy. "Again, you needn't worry about further indiscretions." Ariel could be just as cold, and as cruel as the women who made her who she was. It was evident enough in the words she spoke and the frozen venom that burned around her voice.
She would prove it here and now, any warmth she may have felt for Djorn, died in that moment.
That portion of the conversation was over and for that Ariel was glad, she chewed on the bottom of her lower lip and made a mental note to speak with Lady Creed once she was done speaking with Natasi.
Ariel's teeth moved against one another as she sank into deep thought, unaware that her cousin had returned to the table. It wasn't until the Coronation Ball's program was mentioned that she broke out of whatever trance she had been in. Ariel looked at the pamphlet and quite casually answered, "yes, I wrote it. What about it?"

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Natasi turned the booklet over again and flipped through the pages before finding the appropriate page. "Hubris," she said, quoting from the book, her voice brittle, "the folly of man, and it was the folly of the First Order... the First Order was rechartered, and as they looked to the future they recalled that hubris was their folly, they recalled the sins of the past, and this time they vow to do better."

Her head snapped up again, peering across the coffee table at her cousin. A glacial frost had covered her eyes, now cold like frozen mud in a Herevan winter. They darted around Ariel's face for a few moments, searching for some recognition there. "I am struggling to understand this kind of... we'll call it self-deprecation in order to avoid language that is too vitriolic for family." Her knuckles were still white, her wrists stiff with exertion as she loomed over Ariel.

"You've made your feelings about Sieger Ren perfectly clear," Natasi said, her voice under firm control now, though her anger would be palpable to the girl that Natasi had helped to raise. "And I thought that I had made it equally clear that you were to keep those feelings to yourself and not publicize them, for the good of the First Order." She paused a beat and then flung the coronation pamphlet down on the table between them. "In what galaxy is this doing that? I can feel the disdain dripping from every word. And much like your assignation with Mr. Bline, it is there for all the powers of the galaxy to see. Why? Why, Ariel?"

Though she posed a question, the Supreme Leader did not leave a moment for her cousin to answer. "If you think you are making us friends by sandbagging your own government -- your own family -- in front of the galactic powers, let me disabuse you of the notion. Anyone who wants to hate us will hate us whether we grovel or not. You are merely giving them ammunition for their guns by putting to paper -- on commemorative souvenirs, no less -- an admission that the First Order is worthy of their contempt. Which, by the way, it was not. Every government missteps and every government has plans that go awry. That's as true for any of the governments represented at the ball as it was for every government that has ever existed. And you'll have missteps, too," said Natasi.

She turned and paced away, this time to her desk, but did not stop. "We aren't better by talking about being better. By debasing ourselves publicly and asking forgiveness, especially from them. A jury of murderers and thieves. We're better by being better and just getting on with it. Not by delivering quotes with which they can condemn us." Natasi pressed her hands to the top of her red box to stop her fingers trembling. "I suppose I should take it to heart that you chose to indict the First Order that I spent my life to build -- my third parent, my third child -- and gave my life to save at the ball marking my coronation. Hmm?"

The Supreme Leader finally fell silent, leaving a fragile silence between cousin and cousin, between Sovereign and Minister. Within her, a dark spirit smiled in secret pleasure: Yes... yes... let the anger take you, child. Let it seduce you and strengthen you. Only then can you become the true heir to the power at your fingertips.


Ariel Yvarro

Ariel just smiled and licked her lips and took a deep breath, she drank her tea while her cousin fumed. In a cool manner, Ariel set her cup down on the saucer and rose to her feet. For now, it was her turn to give her beloved cousin, the mother-figure in her life a little bit more, a little more of her own mind. "Natasi." Ariel began and felt something in the back of her mind the careful words she wanted to speak, she walked behind the chair where she was had just been seated. "Let us not confuse this disabuse, and allow me to be well. I'll be frank whether you like it or not."
"Take a moment to yourself, gather yourself, it's unlike you to be this..." Ariel looked Natasi dead in the eyes, "angry."
"You see, I have learned that if they think we are small, insignificant, less astute then they won't pay us any mind." The woman continued, "and I have learned that if you smile more and talk less, you never let them know what you're against or for." Her features shifted, adjusted to reveal the cunning woman she was. "Then they'll never what's coming to them, they'll always underestimate us and that is exactly what I want."
"I didn't go through all that I did simply so they can believe we're back up and ready to knock them off their arses."
The smile wouldn't wane.
"You were still asleep shall we say, during the Occupation. You didn't fight the fights, you weren't there to see the way we crawled out of the shit and the blood, the mud that flowed all around - so we rose up." She continued. "We rose up against the Ssi-Ruuvi, and it was then I learned more of the atrocities we had committed in the past, our sins, your sins to be hung over my head? No thanks."
She had paced back and forth behind the sofa and stopped a few times to look at her cousin. "The men and women who bled and died around me deserved better than to be made to paid for sins their old, and dead government committed."
"So let them believe what they think, let them underplay me, I want them to believe that they can have me outgunned and out planned. I want them to show their bloody cards to me, but let me address you with what you're looking for. You see when I sat there with the durasteel in my hand." Ariel showed her cousin the scar on her left hand. "When I sat there with the ion burning across my neck." A turn to show the scar on the back of her neck. "When I laid there with my guts spilling out. "
Ariel pulled her shirt to show the gnarly scars that ran across her abdomen, she rolled her shirt back down and spoke directly to Natasi. Matter of factly she gave her cousin more of her mind and outlaid her plans. "When those who claimed to be of Dosuun and shat on your legacy. I knew that I needed help so I went to Lady Creed, and believe me, I was damn near dead and she said my dear what do you need?"
"I told her, I need to lead but I cannot lead them for I am not that kind of woman."
"She slapped me and reminded me, just who made me, just who made it so that I could stand on the precipice of damnation or divination."
"I thought of you."
"For who else but you, could lead, who else but you could be filled with elegance and grace, who else but Natasi Josephine Fortan can smile. A quiet dial out to her troops, they'll believe they're ready to take the Queen when. Our enemies will believe they've got the check, but we're already at checkmate because they'll still think. Oh, that's the First Order, we will say yes we are the First Order and watch as we make our moves."
Natasi was the woman to lead, Ariel knew just what kind of pull she had the kind of power the former Grand Moff and now Supreme Leader wielded. She can smile and wave, Ariel and the Military can move with the sounds of cannons, of turbolasers and mass drivers she can retake their old territory. Damn those who got in her way, "we make them dance to our song, unknowingly, you see you're thinking of this all wrong way the Galaxy has changed dear cousin."
"It's changed, look all around us."
"So you can get mad, but save it for someone else, hold it and remember how they play and smile. How the snakes came to feast on poison at the ball, they revealed to me all they'll ever need to! More than words their actions and inactions played out before me, but you were busy with old friends." Ariel smirked and shook her head. "When you've gotten past the smoke and read between the lines, I believe you'll see what I mean when I say hubris is the folly of man."

skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi had to admit that it was a fairly decent attempt. Deflection through condescension was a tale as old as time, and for Galidraani politics it was very nearly an art form. The Supreme Leader turned and leaned against her desk, folding her arms over her chest as she listened to her niece try to explain how Natasi had it all wrong. It didn't seem to click for her cousin that the explanations were both contradictory and inconsistent with the reality. Her jaw set and she studied Ariel as she made her case. Diplomacy by means of pantomime.

"Oh yes," Natasi said unflinchingly as she finally turned away from Ariel once more. She pressed her thumbs to the biolocks on the dispatch box and popped the locks open. "You have given me quite a lesson in hubris today." She opened the lid on the dispatch box and pulled out the contents, then began to sort through the documents that were within. As she did, she let Ariel marinate for a few moments.

"I don't quite understand how thrashing the old First Order which, as you rightly point out, is dead makes the current First Order look weak and unthreatening, nor how throwing a lavish and expensive coronation ball factors into that brilliant plan, but have it your own way," said Natasi as she examined the first report in her box. "Don't mistake this as an invitation for more rationalization, as clearly my views on the subject are surplus to requirements," she added, her head shaking slightly as she picked up a pen and began to annotate the document in front of her. "This is your policy."

Natasi's pen slashed through a paragraph and scribbled a note in the margin. "To that end, you will be moving over to the Foreign Office as soon as things can be wrapped up on Westaway's end. I'll find somewhere else that works better for her skillset." She finally half-turned, setting the pen down on the document.

"Will you stay for dinner?" she asked conversationally, apparently having forgotten any unpleasantness. "Mrs. Clarke is doing Salmon Mousseline and I think a Charlotte Russe."


Ariel Yvarro

Ariel wouldn't forget the conversation she would remember it for as long as possible. If this is what Natasi wanted then it would be what she would get. "No, you have your own views and I have mine, but I don't expect you to understand me I suppose." Not after all this time, it was clear the two women had changed drastically over the years, death notwithstanding. Ariel scoffed and bit her tongue as to not flip her cousin off any further and realized that arriving here was a mistake.
She took a deep breath and exhaled.
The young woman refused, "you make your government however you see fit, I'm done."
Maybe it was time for her to change sides. "Also, no to dinner."
"I think I'm gonna pack a few things and take a very long sabbatical."
Ariel wasn't entirely sure why she was being moved over to the Foreign Office, or why Renata was suddenly getting sacked. She could sense and feel her cousin's sarcasm so when the woman wanted. "When you want to talk to me like a person and not a subject, let me know." Ariel grabbed her bag Whoever Natasi was now, "because whoever you are now, is colder than the woman who died on that boat six years ago."
skin, bone, and arrogance
"Perhaps," said Natasi. "And you are different from the girl I knew, too." Natasi fell silent; the dark slithery voice within her goaded her to throw Ariel's own rumored misdeeds in her face, but Natasi overruled it. Ariel was clearly too upset to have her buttons pushed in this way, and what would it do, anyway? Offend Ariel. Satisfy Natasi's own feelings of vengeance. Nothing helpful. She lifted a placating hand. "My point is this: Leadership is difficult. It takes hard choices -- which you may think you understand now, but there is much to learn. It's extremely rare when the right thing to do is obvious, and days like that usually end with writing letters to the wives and parents of dead troopers."

The Supreme Leader folded her hands together in front of her. "Yes, you've changed," she told Ariel. "You've grown up. Perhaps I have, too. Or perhaps what I experienced in death has taught me that there are things more important than warmth. Some people need to look at the galaxy and what people want and what they need and make choices so that the rest of the galaxy can sleep easy and be warm. There aren't many people in the galaxy that can do what we have to do." Natasi inclined her head and regarded her cousin, her glacial gaze slowly thawing in the few moments of silence that hung between them.

"You are my cousin," said Natasi, her left wrist rotating compulsively. "I love you. I am sorry if I've been harsh." The rotating continued, her wristwatch bouncing along her wrist and forearm. "No, what I mean is that I am sorry that I was harsh. I have always had a tendency to avoid even the appearance of impropriety and nepotism by being as frank with Pierce and Fiolette as I was with anyone else -- probably more. The people in my family who are in high office must be seen to be there because they are the best choice -- the only choice -- and not because of strings I've pulled. But it is no excuse. I'm sorry."

She sighed and pressed her lips together, then rested her chin on her hand and looked at Ariel. "You don't have to stay for dinner," Natasi said, reaching up to push a strand of hair from her face. When she spoke, her voice was soft. "I wish you would. It's been too long since we had dinner, just the two of us. But if you don't want to, I understand. But Ariel, government isn't a country club. You don't jump in and out at your pleasure. You made a commitment to me when you dragged me back to this world, and whether or not you think this relieves you of that obligation, you have a responsibility to the people of the First Order. Take the weekend to think it over if you have to, but I'll hope to see you at our regular meeting the first of next week."


Ariel Yvarro

Ariel stopped in her tracks and turned to face her cousin. Natasi spoke about the hardships of being a leader, and her cousin was right. Quietly Ariel addressed the older woman. "I- I would," Ariel took a moment to steel her reserves. She would not condemn their efforts where the Great Galactic War was concerned. Ariel knew all too well what those nights looked like. " Whatever was going to come out stopped there and she let Natasi finish what she was saying.
She watched as her cousin folded her hands together in front of her. She spoke about how they had both changed and once more referred to the heavy duties that they had as leaders of the First Order. Then a moment or two of silence hung between them, one that Ariel took advantage of. "Sometimes, I think you can't remember our life before this," her voice had grown softer, and therein it tore the emotions she was failing on keeping check. "You think I don't remember those nights? Do you think I don't recall the evenings that you spent crying? You were ill on most days even if they couldn't see it."
"I remember all of it, and it is exactly what I want to avoid happening to this nation again, however; I am not so foolhardy as to believe that everyone has moved on. Nor as dense as you might think to have written up a quiet piece of literature that most would have thrown into the waste." Ariel took in another deep breath and exhaled. "You are perhaps the only family that I have."
Ariel turned her gaze away from Natasi only momentarily. A slow steady breath left her lips and she lifted her eyes and once more looked at her cousin. "I realize the commitment I made to you as a member of the cabinet, but-" No. This wasn't the time, so she lied, "you are absolutely correct." Whatever her feelings were or words that she wanted to say, it perished there on her lips. Natasi's glacial gaze had thawed over the moments since she last spoke.
A sad smile appeared on Ariel's features.
"I can understand that while we are in public, amid the cameras and the eyes of the people that we must be detached and even distant." As much as Natasi pulled at her wristwatch, Ariel's fingers fidgeted among themselves. "However, in private, you need not be as such," replied Ariel. "You and I, our familial relationship is not like most cousins." She searched for the words in which to continue this line of thought, "most are not raised the way I was, the way you raised me. As much as you might not acknowledge it, you did have a hand in my upbringing."
Ariel sighed at the moment that Natasi had.
"No, you're right, the government is not a country club, however; I'm going to need more than a few papers to sign to explain to me why in the Nether that I'm somehow more suitable for this position than Moff Westaway."
A hand to show she hadn't quite finished.
"As far as dinner, I agree that we should dine more often together, however; we need to dine like adults who actually eat and not sit at opposite ends of the table barely uttering a word." Then another moment as she sighed and rather than repeat what she had just said, Ariel sought to bring a bit of levity to the room. "Rather, perhaps, like two people who are not only related - but have had seen each other in more vulnerable positions in their life."
"Like the time I attempted to sneak into the house after being out all night with friends, attempting to lie about it only to end up in the loo." This was because Ariel had stupidly gone along with her friends to a pub and while she had won the drinking contest. It had been the first time drinking and her body was not used to the levels of alcohol she would be pouring into it. Natasi not only chewed Ariel out for it but also was there to rub her back, hold her hair, and get her to bed. "Also, apology accepted."

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