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Private Veiled in Perversity

Amaran rogue investigator, slicer and researcher
Saram Kote Saram Kote Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Our Target: The Bloodshot, the Military Intelligence and Surveillance vessel operated by our Person of Interest, Rear Admiral Gath Harnin, an exceptionally fat human of girth that is only as ample as his appetite for sadism and the younger recruits fresh out of the Galactic Alliance's Military Academies. Unconfirmed rumors spread among higher and lower-ranking officers alike in the Galactic Alliance Navy have revealed details too graphic and specific in their nature, combined with the Admiral's penchant for secrecy when off-duty, and actions that border on being worthy of dishonorable discharge, though he always seems to avoid such a fate. Either he knows how to lose a trail while keeping his worst inclinations in check - publicly, at least, or he's bribing the right higher-ups or he's just plain blessed by the Force's Dark Side.

Holonet rumors on official military channels built up and, at this point, the eccentric Amaran outcast and independent philosopher Zefgahld Qojex was contacted by a concerned Commodore in the GA Navy, on Coruscant. Harnin, his higher up, had attempted to frame him as having an affair with a Zeltron holovid star, and, to add insult to injury, a few of the Commodore's men had leveled accusations of harassment, emotional abuse and... Unwanted contact, of all things, back at Harnin. The Bloodshot's crew had vouched for the Rear Admiral, for the most part, in a shocking turn of events, over the course of two years worth of operations together, and, time and time again, the Navy Police had dismissed all attempts at a proper investigation, either due to lack of evidence or due to lackluster, poor handling of the cases that had been repeatedly leveled...

The Commodore had supplied two Heavy R-Wings for this clandestine operation as a last resort. Headstrong and defiant, Commodore Jalrin Relz had hired a small team of independents and shared a scheduled maintenance briefing with them - with only a skeleton crew in place and the Admiral's quarters at the least guarded as they were going to be, for the foreseeable future, the Commodore, perhaps stupidly and risking his reputation, as well as the lives of these three Spacers and one droid, had hired a strange, eclectic team to retrieve as much information from the corrupt Admiral as they could, doubtlessly ensconced away in his computer's files, according to one traumatized shipman who had been doing technical work for the man...

(Next time, I'll try to shorten my TERRIBLE opening crawls...)


Heavy R-Wings:

Denon, Inner Rim
In Orbit - planet's night side
0417 Local Time

"Y'know, it's kinda funny if you all think about it..."

The gentle thrum of the Heavy R-Wing's engines reverberated lightly around a pair of most unlikely companions: an Amaran and, of all things, a brown-haired, fair-skinned woman a few years older then the youthful she-fox, by about five years, at least.

Without waiting for a response, and, directing her gaze first to the ship's console before her, she spoke to the outboard ship's comm, to the pilot adrift in the Heavy R-Wing just to her port side - his name was Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker , as well as to the Mandalorian whom Commodore Jalrin Relz had hired, from Light-Knows-Where and lastly to the flickering, shadow-like holo-image of a stocky, crag-fleshed and (literally) stone-faced, stout Imroosian male, his exotic purple hair-spikes, crystal-like (and handsome, he'd been assured) and jutting at eccentric angles atop that boulder-like head. The Amaran affixed the older lithoid alien with a respectful, if crooked, left-sided smile.

"We're targeting a sadistic, fat military rapist on a Galactic Alliance Ship - G-A-S - who has a penchant for luxurious meals and being rather prodigal with his payments, so lavish and unnecessary, for a Naval man... Nothing more then a show of vanity and greed, as my Godfather would say."

The Imroosian rolled his gem-like eyes, their handsome gold easily obscured and lost in the dark blue that the holocomm portrayed them as. So strange and unnatural, even as it somewhat dulled his hair-spikes coloration.

His deep, thrumming voice echoed over the comm's line, "And you're foolish enough to say that on a comms channel within range of surveillance vessel, of all things." He rumbled, a protruding eyebrow lifting quizzically as he continued, "Don't you know how stealth works in the cold expanse?"

"Apparently not..." The Amaran grunted, even as she gave the older Stone a warm, affectionate smile, "I'll see you next week for your Shirrtav's Life Day, alright? Assuming this goes well... Also, the ship's getting it's fighter wing maintained, and most of the crew is asleep or on R&R, we should have an easy time of this. Easier then you think... It'll be over soon."

Without waiting for a response, the she-fox blew the Imroosian a kiss, ending the gesture in a light and fond wave, her gray-furred hand partially covered by a fingerless black glove, clawed fingers coming to rest on the ship's dual-pronged yoke. Rolling her head atop her thin, gray-furred neck, the Amaran used a free hand to brush along the oiled, navy blue Gundark leather that composed the duster she had donned for this... Really stupid idea.

"Alright, Graker and Kote - doesn't that sound like a cantina special? - Let's see if we can stun baton that guy where he really deserves it, and get into his quarters. The computer is our primary objective, but feel free to... Uh... Acquire anything in his quarters that might play into our under-the-table investigation, should you think it fit into the grand scheme of things."

A clawed finger flashed over the ship's control panel, sending a warm electronic signal up towards the astromech slotted into their borrowed R-Wing: purple-trimmed and otherwise solid, bone-white, his emerald photoreceptor scanned the empty space before them. The pilot's display read out - in binary - the astromech's droll response: it seemed the Amaran's droid, S19-C93 (OOC: I LOVE these damn things - classic astromech cool with an intricate boxlike design!), was in a rather grumpy and resigned mood today!

Ignoring the droid's crass attitude and engaging the thrusters, the Amaran shifted the yoke lightly with both hands, smiling left sidedly as she looked over towards where Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker 's ship was slowly receding.

"Colonel Cracker, lock S-foils in closed position and form up behind Armor-All (I'm a nicknamer) and I... Let's pin this lard-ass to the wall - and not in the way he might want - and get Commodore Relz's information."

"May the Light's Justice be served, and may the Force be with us..."

After a moment, the shipboard comms crackled, and Zef tried to be friendlier to her two partners-in-crime, "Say, Cracker and Armor... Why did you two take this job, might I wonder?"
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter

Tags: Zefgahld Qojex Zefgahld Qojex | Saram Kote Saram Kote
Outfit: Ranger Armor [Updated]
Equipment: Z240 Revolver | EL53-Max Knife |
AM-67 Lever-Action Rifle
Vehicle: R-wing Heavy Space Superiority Starfighter

Tod sat quietly in the craft, lost in thoughts about how much he preferred his own ship. The cramped cockpit he found himself in was a far cry from the spaciousness of his usual vessel, where he could move freely and stretch his legs. Normally, he harbored nothing but disdain for his ship, as it always seemed to malfunction at the worst times. But now, in this cramped space, he found himself missing it.

A sudden sound from his communications unit shattered his momentary misery, prompting him to glance to starboard at the ship next to him. Returning his gaze forward, he listened to Zefgahld Qojex Zefgahld Qojex and paused for a moment. Then, turning his head back, he clicked a button on his controls, the click echoing through the cockpit. "I think they call that gluttony," Tod responded over the comms. He decided not to mute his microphone, opting instead to humor his new companions.

His current companions for this mission were what appeared to be a tall rodent, some sort of hybrid between a human and a fox, and a Mandalorian. While the diversity of life in the galaxy was to be expected, Tod couldn't help but be continually surprised by what it produced.

The little Amaran in the ship to his right shot ahead of him. Confused by the instructions, he glanced around his cockpit, this is why Tod always preferred autopilot. Flying wasn't his forte; he was better with a scalpel and tweezers. With a resigned sigh, he punched the throttle, hoping the spacecraft would handle the maneuver automatically. He did his best to keep pace with the ship that had shot past him, determined not to be left behind.

Pausing to consider the question posed, Tod spoke after a moment. "Money, mostly. Maybe a chance at better jobs or more connections in the region. I steer clear of politics," he added with a shrug. Frankly, he couldn't care less about the alleged or convicted crimes of the man they were pursuing. It wasn't his role to judge or act as jury; he was simply the executioner. "And you, Zef-gah-ld," he paused, letting out an audible sigh, "Zef, why did you sign up for this job?" He couldn't quite get the pronunciation of her name right and had resorted to nicknames.

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Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde

Tag(s): Zefgahld Qojex Zefgahld Qojex | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


The company was trying its level best to make nice with the GA. Show them why they needed their services. Strill Securities had returned to its pre-invasion of Mandalore size. Company ships were wherever company interests needed them to be across the galaxy and special operations teams like hers moved wherever they shabla pleased. Credits were coming in, just not as well as they used to. So here she was, doing this job, hoping it'd have the intended effect of putting the company on the GA's radar in their time of need, even if not strictly officially.

The job was one she'd do for free. The shabuire in question was someone no one'd miss, scum beyond most scum. Sadly his type weren't exactly rare in this galaxy. Unfortunately, the job wasn't to kill him, it was to gather proof of his illicit activities for an Alliance commodore who had run afoul of him. The very same Commodore who'd apparently reached out after hearing about their work at Empress Teta. The hope, as far as she understood, was that he would be prosecuted for his crimes once evidence of the variety they found could finally be brought to bear against him. She'd have frankly preferred to just shoot him, but that was the reality of mercenary work.

The Amaran in lead who was flying the Republic Engineering R-Wing she was in the co-pilot seat of was not what she expected. She carried herself with a bearing that belied some manner of formalized combat training. Given her loadout, Saram would have guessed law enforcement of some kind. She hadn't pried, however. The other individual was an odd one. He had an odd, cobbled together set of gear, but carried himself in the manner of an experienced mercenary.

"Alright, Graker and Kote - doesn't that sound like a cantina special? - Let's see if we can stun baton that guy where he really deserves it, and get into his quarters. The computer is our primary objective, but feel free to... Uh... Acquire anything in his quarters that might play into our under-the-table investigation, should you think it fit into the grand scheme of things."

Saram chuckled at the first part of the statement, but her smile faded into a more focused expression as she heard the rest of the instructions. She was about to make a remark about how the galaxy had plenty of frankly idiotic media involving Mandalorians that she considered about as accurate as the thing she'd heard about Jedi only eating porridge when the Amaren, Zefgahld, instructed their colleague in the other fighter to form up behind their fighter.

"Let's hope he doesn't, dealing with him is already going to be trying my patience," Saram grumbled over the comms.

"Honestly, I'd do this job for free, but you know, a girl has to eat," she said with an amused look on her face over the comms, after hearing the question a moment later, following Todblaz's response. She then added quickly, "That and, my boss wants to make nice with the GA, and your commoodore liked our work on Empress Teta. So here I am."

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Amaran rogue investigator, slicer and researcher
The Amaran's ice blue eyes were working over the display screen in her cockpit, ears folding back along her frazzled and short-cut red hair, hair akin to any urchin on Coruscant's lower levels, while she was smirking at S19-C93's reluctance to undertake any scenario that would result in his dismantling in any way, shape or form. Just then, one of her triangular ears twitched towards the Heavy R-Wing's speaker, a clawed finger swiping the display of the droid's complaints out of sight and out of mind.

Raising her eyes to watch their heading, properly, Zefgahld clucked her alien, black vulpine tongue as she moved to even out her unkempt bangs with a free hand. "My reasons, Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker ? Oh, more a desire to simply stop the forces of corruption, wherever they might be..." She paused, shivering as the scar tissue along her lower back flared up even as she shifted in the pilot's chair, "I was honorably discharged from the Coruscant Security Force in the not-too-distant past, and I never lost the desire to stop righting wrongs at home, and it helped that I knew people in the CSF (Coruscant Security Force) who still - on occasion - might need some aid."

After a moment of silence and dedication to turning her R-Wing along to starboard rather sharply, to traverse towards the maintenance station, proper, the Amaran sighed, seemingly with forlornness. "The long and short of it is, boy and girl, that I never lost the desire to keep being a cop, as I've always hated bullies, growing up." She sighed, as though reliving some painful memory. Saram Kote Saram Kote would probably have noticed either of her black-tipped ears drooping down along either side of her scalp. "Coruscant is always full of such lowlifes, and I've been taking my resolve to other parts of the Galaxy, more recently, also. Why be limited to one world when they all need help? Plenty of learning opportunities, as I'm an autodidactic learner, as well."

She stroked a thumb and forefinger over her chin contemplatively, ice eyes narrowed in concentration, even as that long, bushy tail tipped in shadow twitched along her lap. "Oh, and getting paid helps, too... But that's secondary, in the end."

By now, the cloud-wreathed sight of Denon's dark side swirled slowly to starboard of their dual starfighters, the cityscape world's lights glimmering with radiant displays of azure, dull red, joyous violet and star-white, accentuated beautifully by dark gray clouds, patched with blue due to lightning as a storm ravaged over a large section of the world below. Before them, orbiting the world, the looming shadow of the Galactic Alliance's maintenance station/dry dock could be seen, as well as the harsh triangle of the Bloodshot itself. Right where it was supposed to be!

"Also, let's try to reason with anyone who's not as sadistic as Admiral Fukoop; (ha ha...) I was told his crew is fanatically loyal to him, and that some of them may even be involved in this... This..." Here, the Amaran paused, then shook her head as, before them, the sight of the oncoming Surveillance Frigate began to grown evermore distinct, the shadow that had been before them becoming accentuated and detailed even as they made their final approach, "These... Travesties of sadism, that the newest recruits all complained about before they asked for any sort of reassignment they could get ahold of before making their final reports and then leaving..."

Once they came within range, the demure Amaran's voice became sure and perhaps a bit cold, those silly ears folding backwards along her redheaded scalp, even as both hands pressed the ship's yoke forward. "Land normally, as they'll think we're just returning some ships from the repair yard on the surface and hope to the Light that the rumors about the crew - even if only some of them are onboard - aren't true. Shoot only in self defense, and watch my astromech like it's your life." She swallowed and briefly adjusted the collar of her odd, navy blue duster, "I'll bite ankles if I lose that thing..."

Zefgahld's hand flicked a switch next to the display, "Landing gear deployed, Colonel Cracker, follow my lead. Armor-All, I'll stay behind you and in front of my droid if I can, as I've got a small bit of a bad back." Here she sighed, even as a free hand ran over the butt of her SSK-7 heavy pistol. "Long story, I'll tell you later..."

"We land in fifteen, Colonel Cracker... Form up..." The Amaran's ice eyes shined with inner Light, her heart fluttering as she savored the idea of protecting the innocents among this crew and avenging dozens upon dozens of others... It would all be worth it, even if they'd never know her name!

(Feel free to craft your own details for minor characters encountered as well as ship details, as that's always fun, before we get to the Big Guy, and we'll go through a few rounds of combat before we reach part one of our goal. Hope you're both having fun thus far!)
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter

Tags: Zefgahld Qojex Zefgahld Qojex | Saram Kote Saram Kote
Outfit: Ranger Armor [Updated with new format, materials, and descriptions]
Equipment: Z240 Revolver | EL53-Max Knife |
AM-67 Lever-Action Rifle
Vehicle: R-wing Heavy Space Superiority Starfighter

Tod sat, listening to the Amaran speak and letting out a chuckle when he heard of her reason, "Much more righteous than me." Though most things were more righteous than him, if the glutton had hired him as security, he'd be fighting these two. Whether it was a good thing for him or them didn't matter, he was on their side this operation.

The sharp turn caught him off guard and he readjusted his flightpath to match, losing a little distance in the change in direction. Though he managed to return to his spot near her ship, following her flight path from the side. He sat quiet, hung on her statement about being discharged. Unlike him, she was honorably discharged. Though Tod's situation was more like, the military coup over threw the leader and got all of his side kicked off the planet.

Listening to instructions he just continued to follow her and with an ETA of fifteen minutes he started to prepare. "Hey Mando, you have any spare thermals? I left mine at home." This last part he said with a grin on his face, though it was not visible from behind his mask.

Pulling his rifle up from beside his leg he pulled bullets out of a dump pouch at his waist and started to load them, a satisfying click when the loading cover snapped back closed after each round. Returning the rifle, he opened up his revolver and did the same. Despite not having weapons that had large capacities, he managed well with them, one hundred and fifty shots meant nothing if you couldn't hit any of them.

(Minor character I'm adding so we can have a bit more challenge in combat and a bit of story building)
Staff Sergeant Drak:

The Staff Sergeant sat in his bed when the door opened behind him, "Staff Sergeant, sir, you're instructed to go to the hangar, some ships just entered nearby and the Rear Admiral wanted you to take a look at them."

Sighing with a groan, the Sergeant stood up. "Thank you, dismissed." The man from the door saluted and walked away, a clapping emanating from his boots as he walked.

Drak had fallen so far from his pedestal just a few years ago, trained and working for the Delta-88 Security Force to essentially being a glorified babysister. He hated his boss for putting him here, Irwin Vuull, the rat. The man had put him with this pathetic excuse for a rear admiral and his gang of fanatics. Though despite this, still worked his best as it was his job, deciding not to involve himself in the man's 'private affairs.'

Drak got to his feet, pulling his boots on, despite not technically being in a Delta-88 squad, he still had the uniform. And while this may be nothing more than some supply ships, he liked the imposing feeling it gave him. Grabbing his C2 Blaster Pistol he put it on his side, deciding to leave his P9-17 Assault Rifle propped up along his bed. This was probably nothing more than a routine drop-off or whatever happens normally around here.

Amaran rogue investigator, slicer and researcher
Saram Kote Saram Kote Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker
The lithe Vulpinoid gritted her short muzzle of canine incisors as her ears flattened along her redhaired scalp all-the-more, if that were even possible.

"Hang on, you two - we're coming into the final approach!"

Before them, finally, the looming visage of durasteel and transparisteel that glinted against the surrounding expanse of space, even despite the lack of Denon's star, at the present time. Some unknown trick of light, the Amaran surmised to herself. The faint, glimmering false mirror of the capitol ship's ray shields, a strange and rare variant shown dark pink before them as their twin heavy R-Wings shunted up and sharply left as they passed into the underside of the Invector-class Monitor Frigate, properly; the Amaran's gray fur raising upright along her exposed forearms, and across her face and muzzle as residual energy from the pink ray shield tickled over herself and the armored, unseen visage of Saram Kote Saram Kote in the copilot's chair behind her. Across the pilot's display screen, Binary flashed out the distinct whoop of annoyance as S19-C93 took a brief, proper moment to queen at his owner about how reluctantly he was along for this endeavor...

Ignoring her astromech, the lithe she-fox huffed as she pushed the yoke of her fighter forward was semi-expert calm, if a bit too much force, perhaps.

Well, too much force, certainly.

Around Zefgahld and Saram Kote Saram Kote , the gentle rumble that shook their ship lifted either of them up from their seats as the landing struts screeched, drawing sparks along the cold, strangely hospital-white durasteel that adorned the bizarrely-painted metal in the ship all around them; the Amaran winced and squinted as the R-Wing turned, still harshly sliding and now facing sideways, towards either a loading bay for cargo or else towards the crew's quarters directly - Zef wasn't sure which, at this point. Having lost sight of Colonel Cracker / Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker / whatever his name was, Zef could only hope his landing was far smoother. Unfortunately, this little "stunt", eve if it was accidental, was doubtless to attract attention, to say nothing of pissing off guards that, ideally, they might have been able to trick, instead.

This was far from ideal...

Also, DAMN, did this weird alternate color setup color hurt her eyes...

Above the she-fox and her armored guardian, the distinct POP! of the starfighter's droid socket released, dropping the distinct purple-and-white box that was S19-C93 to the ground on his cylindrical tread properly, his body swiveling to and fro expertly, surveying the area with practiced ease, as he had been taught to do with every landing.

The Amaran punched the hatch release button, the transparisteel sliding away above herself and her armored companion behind her.

Leaping out to the ghost-white floor below and squinting in discomfort, the lithe she-fox flicked her black-tipped tail, one hand reached beneath her still swaying navy blue duster to clasp at the butt of her SSK-7, her ears swiveling as she turned her head, keeping her eyes open despite the discomfort, as it wouldn't do to be caught off-guard, now...

"Alright now, let's get oriented." She grumbled, to no one in particular...

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Tag(s): Zefgahld Qojex Zefgahld Qojex | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Perhaps it was because she was a SuperCommando codex adherent Mandalorian, but Saram could not quite understand how someone could be honorably discharged when there was clearly so much fight left in them. She'd chosen those words very specifically, after all. Somehow Saram got the feeling that whatever had happened, it was still a healing wound for her Amaran companion. Now, however, was far from the time to ask.

"Most people tend to be pretty reasonable when properly persuaded, and I can be pretty convincing," she said, a grin plastered on her features. Truth was though, that they really had no way to know who was genuinely not involved and who was trying to save their skin. Some aruetii had told her once that rats leave a sinking ship. She'd never witnessed a geunine watercraft sink, but she got the gist.

"Acknowledged," she chimed back once Zef finished running through the plan for once they'd landed. Saram was used to moving fast and hitting hard, so the initial idea of the formation felt reflexively odd to her, but she understood that her Amaran colleague was not as well armored as either her or Todblaz. The other mercenary chimed in barely a moment later with a question about thermal detonators, "One spare. Hopefully we won't have to use them."

"Hang on, you two - we're coming into the final approach!"

Saram took a breath. She retrieved her sidearm from where it was magclamped to her thigh plate and checked the magazine. Jate, she'd remembered to load stun rounds. As she looked up, she came to the realization that they were coming in just a little too fast for anything but a hot landing. A hot landing that was sure to attract all kinds of attention that they were hoping not to attract. Well shab, so much for negotiation, time to do what she really did best.

Thankfully, Saram barely felt a thing as the R-Wing hit the deck entirely too fast for its own good. She glanced out the fighter's canopy at those present, trying to gauge what kind of resistance they could expect. Mostly hangar crew at the moment it seemed. She hoped no one was going to want to try to be a hero today, all they would be doing is causing themselves unnecessary pain for a shabuire who didn't deserve the recycled air he was breathing, let alone their loyalty.

The fighter finally skid to a halt. The moment the canopy slid open, a quick leap took her out of the cramped confines of the cockpit and out into the open hangar. Both arms snapped up as soon as her boots hit the deck, her right carrying her large frame verpine shatter pistol and the left being the vambrace that the MML-01V was attached to. Saram blink clicked her way through her armor's HUD interface with experienced ease, checking her armor's highly advanced detection suite for targets beyond the stunned crewmen in the hangar with them at the moment and setting her shields for additional frontal facing strength.

Without taking an eye off the potential targets ahead of her, she quickly checked for any signs of Todblaz, the 360 degree field of view afforded to her by her buy'ce enabling her to do just that.
"Be smart, weapons on the deck, now," she barked as she stepped in front of Zef, helmet speaker output turned all the way up. Usually, people didn't challenge heavily armed Mandalorians moving with a purpose, but the Enclave had made that a necessity that most GA personnel had been training to face. She wouldn't be surprised if that was the case on a vessel like this.


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