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Varl's Fury H.A.W

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Intent: Develop a Heavy Artillery Walker for Black Sun and sell under contract to other nations.​
Development Thread: TBC
Manufacturer: Sun Forged Industries
Model: 914.4 mm Varl's Fury H.A.W (Heavy Artillery Walker)​
Affiliation: Black Sun. Nations with contracts.​
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel (Hull / Legs). Turadium (Barrel)​
Role: Heavy Artillery / Siege Gun
Height: 12.2 m
Length: 35.4 m
Width: 20 m
Weight: 117.934 Metric Tonnes
Minimum Crew: 6
Optimal Crew: 10
Propulsion: Quadrupedal
Top Speed: 28 KM/H
Armaments: 914.4 mm Proton Cannon​
Squadron Count: Deployed in squadrons of 6.
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: N/A
Misc. Equipment:
- Basic Comms System
- Computerized Fire Control System
- Radar Package Suite
- Semi-Auto Loader System
- Ground Spike Stabilizers
- Air Filtration System
- Bio, Chemical, Nuclear Shielded
- Extra Large Cup Holders
-Compact Fusion Drive Engine​
Description: (Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Given the lack of a large artillery piece in Black Sun's Armory. The Varl was commissioned to fill the gap. Designed and build by Sun Forged Industries as its first Walker, this machine was made to deliver punishment to extreme ranges. The Hammer Walker was studied to gain an understanding of the basic concepts going in to a walker. Other such quadrupedal walkers exist, but none were able to be obtained for study. (The engineers were saddened). The Varl was constructed in two sections. The upper turret contains all the controls and functions of the vehicle, along with housing the vehicles only armament: a 914.4 mm Proton Cannon. The cannon itself has a Semi-Auto Loader System, which requires two crew to operate effectively. The reload time is over 47 seconds, then accounting for the loaders efficiency. For a gun this size is fairly average. Bang for buck though its a devastating weapon. You can expect anything this piece hits to be vaporized or a heaping rubble. And with a range of 56 KM, that's a lot of area to devastate. (Of course accuracy isn't on a dime though). The weapon can also be used in an anti-capital ship role. For any captain foolish enough to come down into the atmosphere they'll be having an extremely bad time. The walker can also use the terrain to enhance its elevation, bringing it up to a maximum 80 degree angle before the threat of tipping over becomes possible. So terrain permitting or with engineering works, its area of fire can be very close to itself. But mostly the walker just acts as conventional artillery.​
The lower half of the vehicle contains the Compact Fusion Drive Engine. Manned by two engineers who monitor and maintain the very heart of the machine. The belly of armor protecting this section is very thick, as the engine is a vital component. Damage could cause a radiation leak, killing the crew and spilling out from the machine to affect support troops. The armor is the thickest of the machine at this point. The four legs which support the turret and propel the machine are attached to this section. Made very durable to support the near 118 ton Walker, they are the most vulnerable point. Exposed hydraulic hoses were done so for ease of maintenance. As these beasts sit in the rear guard the chances of attack are low. The joints are the other great weak spot, with enough damage they may fail under the weight and stress. Stabilizer spikes for poor terrain can be punched into the ground or rock, giving the Varl unprecedented stability in all terrain types.​
An added engineering design was the ability to shield the war machine from biological, chemical, and nuclear radiation. Keeping the crew alive no matter what, and allowing the weapon to be used in atmosphereless places.​
Other weaknesses can include the ammo rack. Housed in the turret, the armor is fairly substantial. But should it be penetrated and a shell be struck and explode. Lets just say it would be catastrophic. The turret can traverse a full 360 degrees, but only at 17 degrees a second. Outmaneuvering would be very possible.​
The crew consists one 10 members at strength. 1 Commander, 1 Gunner, 1 Driver, 2 loaders, 1 comms and radar operator, 2 engine engineers, 1 auxilery gunner/driver trained who may assist where needed and preform repairs. 1 Trainee who assists where needed and can make repairs. The vehicle may operate at a substandard efficiency without 1 loader, 1 engine engineer, the Auxiliary and the Trainee.​
This submission is still under work. And will be updated with a completed Dev thread.
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