Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Various Force User Names

Over my years of roleplaying characters who have a particular disdain for force users, I've developed some names for them.
I felt the need to share.

Some personal favorites.

Bathrobe Brigade​
Abstinence Awareness Squad
Piety Pirates
Accidental Baby Makers​
Glowstick Rave Warriors​
Chastity Champions​
Pregnancy Awareness Board​
Saber Jockeys​
Space Wizards​
Beating Sticks​
Meat Shields​
Robed Meat​
Destroyers of Fun and all things Pleasent​
Teenage Angst Club​
Grunge Warriors​
Emotional Robes​
Poetic Justice​
Black is Bold Board​
Evil Space Wizards​
The Lost Children​
Slave Drivers​
My-glowstick-is-bigger-than-yours (It was my favorite.)​
Darth Lightning Hands​
Lord Murderface​
Angst Squad​
If you have any more, feel free to share!

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